基于单片机的红外遥控电子密码锁的外文及翻译 - 图文

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学生姓名: 朱德涛 学 号: 1402100129 所在学院: 电子与信息工程学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 指导教师: 毛钱萍

2014年 03 月 15 日

Proceedings of 2009 4th International Conference on Computer Science & Education

The Design of Electronic Locks Based on

Infrared Remote-Control with MCU

ZhangCheng Xue ShunXiang Wu

Department of Automation Department of Automation Xiamen University Xiamen University Xiamen, China Xiamen, China xuezhangcheng@126.com wsx1009@163.com

Abstract-At present, key-pad electronic lock with alarming funtion is to gradually replace the traditional mechanical locks,overcoming the shortcomings of the traditional mechanical locks which contain few password and lack of reliabiIty, but keypad electronic lock makes a great progress in terms of technology and performance.This paper represents a type of remote-controlled electronic lock developed with the chip of AT89S51. This type of lock have two input devices,one of them is a 4*3 matrix keyboard mounted on the lock,the other one is a remote controller which also have 4*3 matix keyboard.we can use either of them to open the lock or change the password we have set. In the design,we adopt the infrared ray as the medium,because of the strong anti-interference ability, reliable transmission of information.

Index Terms-MCU Electronic locks Infrared Remote-control LCD1602


The design is based on single chip,makes use of 4 * 3

keyboard and infrared remote controller as input,LCD1602 could display the information of the steps when you are operating.This designment could also realize modifying the password and alarming. When a requirement to reset the password,it is necessary to make sure the password is correct,otherwise it will make noise to warn you the password is wrong.In this designment,1 limit the length of the password

at six,Just like the ATM of bank.you must enter right password if you want to get through.



designment consists of six modules: the main

controller module, LCD1602 module, 4*3 keyboard module, infrared remote control module, the alarm module, the unlocking simulation module.

Main Controller Module: a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit single chip, the device used ATMEL's highdensity, non-volatile memory technology, compatible with standard command system of MCS-51.An 8-bit common central processing unit and ISP Flash memory cell are integrated in this chip.

LCD modules: LCD1602 is a character liquid crystal display modules, is a type of dot-matrix LCD dedicating to display letters, numbers, symbols and so on.Considering economy and practice in this regard,adopting LCDl602 is enough to meet the requirements of character displaying on the LCD.

4*3 keyboard module: Because of I/O port of MCU is limited, according to matrix keyboard to realize circuit.In this way,we can design enough buttons on the keyboard but not take up too many ports of the MCU.

Infrared remote control module: the design used a universal TV remote controller as input device,the device can provide a wide range of infrared encoding format, so we make use of the coding format of the pulse width modulation.

Alarm modules: In this design, select the buzzer to sound a warning. The single-chip through the port P3.2 outputs a square wave pulse-driven audio loudspeakers.

Unlocking instructions: In this design,1 choose to use LED lights to simulate the situation of the lock.when we enter password,LED lights will flash on behalf of the unlocking is successful.

4*3 keyboard AT89S51 Alarm circuit Infrared remote control module Single chip Unlocking simulation LCD 1602 Figure 1.The framework of the designment

A. The design of Matrix keyboard

Matrix keyboard working principle: vertical lines through the resistance connected +5V power.when no keys are pressed down,the vertical lines is in high level situation,otherwise ,the situation is the same with the horizontal line's which is crossed on the button.Originally ,the horizonal lines are in low-level, when we check the varying situation of the vertical Iines,that means button is pressed down,at this time we save the situation of port p2.4-p2.6,then we program to make the port p2.0-p2.3 in high level situation line by line,at the meantime checking the varying of the situation of the port p2.4-p2.6,when it changes,we save the situation of the port p2.0-p2.3.In this way,we have known which button had been press down,because we have recorded situation of the port p2.0~p2.6.Different keys have different coding format, the keyboard processing tasks are:Firstly, to determine whether or not press the button,then check which button have pressed,through the programming,get the formation of key coding.All of the key code shown in the following table: TABLE 1. THE VALUE OF KEY CODING



Figure 2. The 4 ? 3 keyboard circuit

B. The design of infrared remote – control

1) The introduction of the LC7461

At present,there are lots of chips dedicating to transmit the

infrared ray, in terms of the encoding format that can be divided into two major categories: PWM and PPM. Here we have adopted a relatively easy to modulate,the PWM's, LC7461 chip. When the infrared controller'button is pressed,it will send out some signal which contains the information about the coding format.The signal has the following characteristics: the PWM pulse width last for 0.56ms, interval 0.56ms as a period of 1.12ms representing the binary \the PWM pulse width last for 0.56ms,interval 1.68 ms as a period of 2.24ms representing the binary \above-mentioned \and \composed of 42 bits binary code, as contained in the 38kHz frequency modulation for the second launch in order to enhance efficiency and reduce lower power consumption, and

then through the infrared diode to send out. “0” “1”

0.56 ms 0.56ms

1.125ms 2.25ms

Figure 3. The formation of the signal.

2) The infrared receivers

Infrared receiver is an integrated circuit including a set of funtions of receiving,amplification and shaping, without any external components,takes all the work compatible with TTLlevel, it is suitable for a variety of infrared remote control and infrared signal transferring.Infrared receiver transmits the demodulated signal to the single-chip AT89S51 by the way of interruption. NOTE: When there is no infrared signal,the output port is in high-level,so the signal we received is contrary to the signal sent out before.

3) The decoding of the infrared signal

When we receive a signal containing a synchronized

beginning of 9ms low-level and 4.5ms high-Level,it makes us prepare to decode the data.The key of decoding is how to identify \and \According to the formation of the signal we can find that the definition of \and\1\starts with 0.56ms low-level, the only difference between them is the width of the high-level, \bit is 0.56 ms,\1\bit is 1.68 ms,so we delay 0.9ms to compare the current level for identifying the bit,the flow chart as follows:


initially Waiting interruption function Access the decoding procedure Delay 9ms to check the level is high or not? Y

N Is the anti-code data

contrary to the data code? Obtain the anti-code data Delay 4.5ms to prepare getting the data Obtain the data code Y

Turn to the relating procedure according to the data code Output the data code End Figure 4. The flow chart of decoding

4) The working process of the infrared remote-conroller

IR transmit / receive control circuits are achieved

by the AT89S51microcontroller with simple circuit, selectable output control method and very practical The specific work process is as follows:

Launch: First, sent back the data from the serial transmit port P3.1 to the P1.1 port for internal modem, sent out from the P1.2 port, and then fired out through the infrared emitting diodes, firing distance is about 10m.

Receipt: The infrared receiver head matched with the launch is used. , sent out the data launched to the serial port 3.0, and then the system will confirm whether the send data are consistent with the receive data, yes will unlock, no will give up. C. The design of main circuit

According to the design of the analysis, the hardware circuitry of single-chip electronic locks as shown in the Figure below. P0port connect LCDl602 8-bit data bus,at the same time, P0port is connected to the 8-bit ports of anode-sharing digital tube,the port of P0.1strobes LED. P2 port access 4 * 3 matrix keyboard circuit, while P2.5, P2.6 and P2.7 respectively connect the RS, RW, E-port of the LCD1602. Buzzer alarm prompted by the P3.2 output.

Figure 5. The design of main circuit


Accrding to the design ,the operation is shown as the figures below:

Figure 6. a unlocking interface

When we want to reset the password,firstly,the system checks out the password is correct or not,if the password is right,we could get in the next step,otherwise the system makes warning.

Figure 7. Interface of checking the password

Figure 8. Interface of reset password


In this paper, an infrared remote control electronic

locks was designed and implemented, the main technical indicators are: the lock opening, password storage, the effective protection of user's password, auto-alarm if the wrong password, unlock the keyboard of the machine, remote unlocking and other functions. Because of infrared remote control used in this lock system, there are many advantages: Infrared launching device use infrared light-emitting diodes miniature remote control transmitter is easy and inexpensive; use digital signal coded modulation to improve anti-interferencewhen signal are transmitted, less misoperation , low power consumpti-on, including other advantages, such as fast response infrared transmission, high transmission efficiency, stable and reliable operation .Based on these advantages, this lock can be widely used in civil doors and warehouse doors. In the information age,in my opinion,the design could play an important part in our daily life and will supplant the tranditon traditional mechanical lock later on.Though there is some points needed to improve, I also make further research on it to improve the funtion.


The authors of this paper would like to thank the anonymous reviewers of this paper for their carefully reading of the manuscript as well as their many helpfully suggestions and corrections. This project is supported by the Planning

Project of the National Eleventh-Five Science and Technology (2007BAK34- B04) and the Chinese National Natural Science Fund (60704042) and the Program of 985 Innovation Engineering on Information in Xiamen University (2004-2007).


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薛章成 中国厦门大学自动化院 xuezhangcheng@126.com 吴顺祥 中国厦门大学自动化院 wsx1009@163.com



关键词-单片机 电子锁 红外遥控 LCD1602

一 、简介





主控制器模块:一个低功耗,高性能CMOS的8位单片机。它使用的是ATMEL公司高密度,非易失性存储技术,与标准指令系统兼容的51单片机。一个8位通用中央处理单元和ISP Flash存储单元集成在这个芯片上。


4*3键盘模块:由于单片机的I/O口是有限的,所以用矩阵键盘实现电路。这样,我们可以在键盘上设计足够多的按钮而不用占用单片机过多的端口。 红外遥控模块:该设计采用一种通用电视机遥控设备作为输入设备,该设备可以提供一个 广泛的红外编码格式,所以我们使用 编码脉冲宽度调制的格式。 报警模块:该设计中,使用蜂鸣器报警。单片机通过P3.2口输出一个驱动的音频扬声器方波脉冲。

解锁指令:在本设计中,我选择使用LED 灯光来模拟开锁情况。当我们输入密码后,LED灯亮代表锁打开。

4*3键盘 AT89S51 报警电路 单片机 红外遥控模块 LCD1602 图1. 设计框架 A、 矩阵键盘设计

模拟解锁 矩阵键盘工作原理:竖直线通过电阻接+5V电源,当没有按下按键时,竖直



表 1 键码值



图2 4*3键盘电路 B、 红外遥控设计 1)LC7461简介



图3 信号组成 2) 红外接收器





这提示我们准备解码。解码关键是如确定“0”和“1”。根据信号的组成,“0”和“1”都定义为0.56ms低电平开始,唯一的区别是它们高电平的宽度不一样。“0”是0.56ms,“1”是1.68ms。所以我们延迟0.9ms比较当前电平,以识别该信号。流程图如下 :

开始 等待中断 访问解码程序 否 延迟9ms检

查是否高电平 是

获得数据编码 延迟4.5ms准备读数据 获得反码数据 否 否 反码数据是否和数据编码相反 是


关程序 结束 图4 解码流程图






C 、主电路设计


图5 主电路 三、结果


图6 解锁画面



图7 修改密码画面

图8 重设密码画面 四、小结





在此我们想感谢一些匿名的读者,感谢他们仔细的阅读以及他们提出的许多有益的建议和指正。该课题也得到了国家十一五科技项目(2007BAK34- B04),中国国家自然科学基金(60704042)和厦门大学985信息项目创新工程(2004-2007)的大力支持。


Xue zhangcheng,Wu shunxiang.The design of electronic locks based

on infrared remote-Control with MCU .[A]. Nanning:Computer Science & Education, 25-28 July 2009.592~594

