同等学力英语每日一练(2013-12-29) - 学苑教育

更新时间:2024-01-03 03:25:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





The current emergency in Mexico City that has taken over our lives is nothing. I could ever have imagined for me or my children. We are living in an environmental crisis,an air-pollution emergency of unprecedented severity. What it really means is that just to breathe here is to play a dangerous game with your health. As parents,what terrorizes us most are reports that children are at higher risk because they breathe more times per minute. What more can we do to protect them and ourselves?Our pediatrician’s(儿科医师的)medical recommendation was simple:abandon the city permanently. We are foreigners and we are among the small minority that can afford to leave. We are here because of my husband’s work. We are fascinated by Mexico—its history and rich culture. We know that for us,this is a temporary danger. However,we cannot stand for much longer the fear we feel for our boys. We cannot stop them from breathing.

But for millions,there is no choice. Their lives,their jobs,their futures depend on being here. Thousands of Mexicans arrive each day in this city,desperate for economic opportunities. Thousands more are born here each day. Entire families work in the streets and practically live there. It is a familiar sight:as parents hawk goods at stoplights,their children play in the grassy highway dividers,breathing exhaust fumes. I feel guilty complaining about my personal situation;we won’t be here long enough for our children to form the impression that skies are colored only gray.

And yet the government cannot do what it must to end this problem. For any country,especially a developing Third World economy like Mexico’s,the idea of barring from the capital city enough cars,closing enough factories and spending the necessary billions on public transportation is simply not an option. So when things get bad,as in the current emergency,Mexico takes half measures—prohibiting some more cars



from circulating,stopping some factories from producing—that even its own officials concede aren’t adequate.

The word “emergency” implies the unusual. But when daily life itself is an emergency,the concept loses its meaning. It is human nature to try to adapt to that which we cannot change. Or to mislead ourselves into believing we can adapt. 41. According to the passage,the current emergency in Mexico City refers to .

A. serious air pollution C. unemployment

B. economic crisis

D. natural disaster

42. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Kids are in greater danger than grown-ups in Mexico City. B. The author is not a native Mexican. C. The author’s husband is a pediatrician.

D. The Mexican history and culture appeal to the author. 43. The word“hawk”(Paragraph 3)most probably means . A. sell

B. transport

C. place

D. deliver

44. The Mexican government takes half measures to solve the pollution problem because .

A. Mexican economy depends very much on cars and factories B. it is not wise enough to come up with effective measures C. Mexicans are able to adapt themselves to the current emergency D. Mexicans enjoy playing dangerous games with their health 45. The purpose of the passage is to . A describe the harmful air pollution B. explain the way to prevent air pollution C. show the worries about the air pollution D. recommend a method to avoid air pollution








“紧急时刻”暗指“非同寻常”。但是,当日常生活本身就成为紧急时刻时,这个概念就失去了意义。是人性试图适应那些我们改变不了的东西,或是人性试图误导自己,使我们相信我们能够适应。 41. 【正确答案】A 【考点类型】主旨判断

【解析过程】根据文章,目前墨西哥城市的紧急情况指的是 。 A. 严重的空气污染 C. 失业

B. 经济危机 D. 自然灾难

线索:文章的第1段提到“We are living in an environmental crisis,an air-pollution



emergency of unprecedented severity. What it really means is that just to breathe here is to play a dangerous game with your health.”表明选项A是正确答案。其他选项为干扰项。

【考点提示】问题解决型文章的首段一般都会明确提出一个问题,社会问题或自然问题。关键词一般为:problem,matter,concern,issue danger,pollution,accident 等。大家看到这类词汇的时候,应该警觉这篇文章是问题解决型文章,考点在于该问题是什么和问题产生的原因(because,reason,for)和解决办法的评价。 42. 【正确答案】C 【考点类型】细节题

【解析过程】根据文章下面哪句话是错的? A. 在墨西哥小孩们要比成年人更加危险。 B. 作者并不是一个本地的墨西哥人。 C. 作者的丈夫是一个小儿科医生。 D. 墨西哥的历史和文化吸引作者。

线索1:文章的第2段提到“Our pediatrician’s(儿科医师的)medical recommendation was simple:abandon the city permanently.”

线索2:文章的第2段提到“We are here because of my husband’s work.”作者在原文提到儿科医师,也提到了她丈夫的工作,但并没有说她的丈夫是一名儿科医师,所以是对原文信息关系的错误联想。其他三个选项在原文的第2段都有明确的提到。

【考点提示】同学们在做同等学力考试阅读试题的时候,一定要注意:阅读文章的难度和题目设计的难度一般成反比,文章越难,题目就越简单,相反如此。解题的时候要注意题目中的混淆选项,最常用的一种出题技巧就是把原文中都明确提到的信息在选项中给你错误的联系,就像该题的C选项,迷惑性特别大。大家一定要警惕。 43. 【正确答案】A 【考点类型】词汇推理

【解析过程】单词“hawk”(第3段)的含义是 。 A. 销售

B. 运输

C. 放置

D. 传递

线索:文章的第3段提到“Entire families work in the streets and practically live there.It is a familiar sight:as parents hawk goods at stoplights,their children



play in the grassy highway dividers,”解释hawk的含义,要根据前后词的含义来判断,hawk 后面是商品,那么它的含义有可能是什么呢?在根据前文提到的整个家庭工作在街上并生活在那里,父母“hawk”商品在路灯下,孩子们在旁边玩耍??,综合判断A“销售”的含义可能性最大。B选项表示“运输”不太可能,一般该词指的是港口的货物运送。 【考点提示】词汇推理其实就是从文章的上下文的含义判断该词在本文的意思。方法主要是:①搜索法:把搜出的结果和选项对比一下。②代入法:当搜索不出来时把选项分别代入原文,看看哪一个通,那么就是哪个。 44. 【正确答案】A 【考点类型】因果细节

【解析过程】墨西哥政府采取一半的措施去解决环境污染的问题,因为 。 A. 墨西哥经济很大程度上依靠汽车和工厂 B. 提出全部的有效措施并不非常明智 C. 墨西哥人是可以适应目前的紧急情况 D. 墨西哥人喜欢用他们的健康开玩笑

线索1:文章的第4段提到“And yet the government cannot do what it must to end this problem.”

线索2:文章的第4段提到“For any country,especially a developing Third World economy like Mexico’s,...is simply not an option.”


【考点提示】选项D一眼看去不太可能是正确的答案。因为这和常识完全不符合,任何一个国家的人民也不可能拿他们的健康开玩笑。 45.



【解析过程】文章的目的是 。 A. 描写了严重的空气污染

B. 解释了阻止空气污染的方法 D. 推荐一个办法避免空气污染

C. 表示了作者对于空气污染的担心







