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初中英语近义词辨析 专项练习(必考点)

1. tell talk say speak

1 Can you _____ me the truth? 2 What language do you ____? 3 This is what they ____ yesterday. 4 Don’t ___ in class,please be quiet. 2..look look at see watch

1 The coat ____ nice, I want to buy one for my daughter. 2 Please _______ the blackboard, can you ___ anything? 3 She doesn’t like ____ TV,but she likes _____ football game. 3..sound listen to hear

1 ____ the radio, it says the flood is coming soon.

2 I can’t ____ you , because there’s something wrong with my ears.

3 What you said ____ interesting. 4..hear from hear of

1 After ____ her sister, she read and soon wrote back. 2 Have you _____ the place called Shenglong? .5.receive accept

He _____ a present yesterday, but he didn’t _____ it, because it was too much expensive and he sent it back.

6..look up look for find find out

1 He often takes a dictionary and ______ the new words in it?

2 The little girl _____ her pen everywhere but didn’t _____ it at last. 3 Look! Rita is crying over there. Let’s go and _____ why is she crying. 7..keep borrow lend

1 – My bike is broken, can I ___ yours ,Lily? -Oh, sorry, I’ve ____ it to Sandy. 2 –How long may I ____ this book? -For about two weeks.

8..reach arrive get

1 They will ____ in Chengdu next week. 2 How do you ___ to school every day?

3 Use a longer stick, then you can ____ the apples. 9..thanks to thanks for

1 ______ your help, I’ve understand it.

2 ______ the cats, mice dare not come and eat my food. 10..give in give up


1 We shouldn’t _____ learning English!

2 I would rather die than _____ before my enemies. 11..achieve come true

1 He works so hard that he is sure to___ his dream. 2 His prediction of human’s flying to the moon _____. 12.turn off close turn on open

1 _____ the windows please, it’s so cold outside. 2 ____ the lights before you leave the room. 3 The dog _____ the box and took the bone out!

4 _____ the TV, I want to watch the NBA basketball games. 13.break off break out break into break down

1 He was late for school yesterday, because his car ____ on the half way. 2 The World WarⅡ ____ when she was only five.

3 They ____ their friendship and didn’t talk to each other any more. 4 Last night a thief _____ my house and took away my TV. 14. solve reply answer

solve 解决(问题)及物动词 常与problem 连用 reply 回复,答复 不及物动词 常与to连用 answer 回答 及物动词 常与question 连用 1 What did Mr Smith ____ to what others said?

2 No one in our class can ______ this question.

3 It’s too difficult for everyone to ______ that problem. 15.hope wish

hope 希望 指较为现实的想法 常有hope to do 或hope + 从句,但没有hope sb to do

wish 希望 指不太现实的要求或想法 有wish to do 或 wish sb to do。也有wish+从句,但这时的从句多用虚拟语气,及从句中常有could 或 should等 1 – The weather may be fine tomorrow. - I ____ so.

2 Mum ____ me to be a doctor in the future.

3 How I ____ I could fly to the moon! 16.take cost spend pay

take 花费 尤指花费时间,主语为物 常有it takes sb some time to do sth cost 花费 指花金钱 ,主语为物 常有cost sb some money spend 花费 主语为人 常有spend… doing 或spend…on sth pay 花费 主语为人 常有pay…for

1 It often ___ about 3 hours to get to school from my home. 2 – Who will ____ for the bill?


- Maybe our boss.

3 The house ___ him 30,000 dollars.

4 His cousin _____ the whole day making the toy car yesterday. 17.take part in join

take part in 参加某项活动

join 参加某个组织、团体、俱乐部、军队、党团或个人 1 Mr Wang ___ the Party 5 years ago. 2 They invited Lily ______ that party. 18.do with deal with

do with 处理,应付 在问句中要与what 连用 deal with 处理,对付 在问句中要与how连用 1 How can you ___ that problem? 2 What do you ____ the event? 19.put on wear dress

1 _____ the warm clothes, it’s cold outside.

2 Mary is always ______ red clothes . Maybe red is her favorite color. 3 The little boy could ______ himself when he was three years old. 20.win lose beat

1 Our team has ___ the football match, we are all happy. But they are frustrated, because theirs ____ the match.

2 The Brazilian football team ___ us 5-0 in that match, all the Chinese fans were very sad.

21.be made in be made of be made from be made up of 1 The desk _______ wood.

2 This kind of watch ______ Shanghai. 3 Our class ______ 50 students. 4 Paper _______ bamboo.

22.have been to have been in have gone to

1 They ______ Italy for more than 7 years, so Italy is their second home. 2 This person can’t be Yao Ming, for Yao _______ America. 3 – How many times _______ Hainan? - Only 3 times.

23. too much / much too

1.The computer is ____ expensive. 2.Stop, Peter. You talked ____.

3.I’ve got ____ work to do.

4.Father, have a rest. You’ve ____ tired today. 5.Hurry up! You have wasted ___ time.


24. holiday/ vacation

1.Christmas is a ____ for everybody.

2.The children will take their summer __ in half a month. 3.My father is on _____. 25. close/ shut off/ turn off

1.You’d better ____the motor. It is making too much noise. 2.All the shops are ____ now.

3.She didn’t __ the door and entered the house. 4.He ____ the lights before he left the lab. 5._____ the television, please. 26. instead/ instead of/ without

1.I don’t like this one; please give me that____.

2.He stayed at home studying English ___ going to the cinema. 3.Tom passed by me ___ saying hello to me.

4.He went to school by bike ____ by car.

5.If Harry is not well enough to go with you, take me _____. 27. many/ much / lots of / a lot ( of ) 1.____ of the visitors are workers. 2.Has Jack ____ money?

3.During those three weeks, he ate ____ meat.

4.I did not understand why you had so _____ strange questions. 5.Although he is a boy, he reads _____. 28 above all / after all / first of all / at all

1.Never waste anything, but ___ never waste time. 2._____, let me introduce myself to you. 3.What are you doing here ___ at all?

4.He is still a child ____. Don’t blame him. 5.I don’t know him _____. 29. passed/ past

1.They hurried ____ the building.

2.Tom _____ by me without greeting just now.

3.The train for the small town leaves at ten __ eight. 4.Two weeks had ____ since Martin had seen him. 5.In the ____ I have had many jobs. 30. agree to / agree with / agree on

1.I ____ what he said.

2.All those who _____ the plan, raise your hands. 3.We _____ leaving there the next day.


4.Finally he _____ get someone to help me.

5.The food doesn’t _____ him. 31. build/ found/ set up/ put up

1.Last year a cinema was _____ near our school.

2.The rich man _____ the hospital and a school in the town where he was born. 3.The nursery was _____ in our school.

4.The newspaper reporter _____ his camera under a tree. 5.They must ____ good relations with the masses. 32. as / like

1.she is a fine girl, ____ her mother used to be. 2.It looks ____ a stone.

3.____ you know, he got into lots of bad habits. 4.You are just ____ what I expected. 5.He ought to do ____ I tell him.

33. a number of / the number of

1.There were _____ people out this afternoon. 2.Do you write down _____ my telephone?

3._____ of trees planted is never under 200 in our village every year. 4.We have lived here _____ years.

5._____ of jobless people grow in the country at present. 34. get( be ) ready / prepare / prepare for 1.Mother is busy _____ us lunch in the kitchen.

2.The doctor told the nurses to ____ the operation at once. 3.We all ____ to do anything for the people. 4.Will you help me ____ the party?

5.Please _____ by seven tomorrow morning. 35. information/ news/ message

1. I have a ____ for you from my teacher. 2.There is much new ____ in this book.

3.They were listening to the ____ over the radio 4.Will you take this ____ to your brother ?.

5.They have no _____ about where she has gone. 36. the same… as / the same… that

1.The girl has ___ hair ___ her mother had. 2.He was about ___ age ____ Tom.

3.China is not ____ the country ____ she was. 4.The computer costs ______ mine.

5.He teaches English in the ____ school _____ my brother does


