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always(总是), usually(通常), often(经常), sometimes(有时), hardly[ever](几乎不), never(从不)频率副词 ①助动词、be动词、情态动词后,行为动词前 ②hardly, never为否定副词,句中不需再加no或not Unit 1 How often do you exercise ③提问常用how often ④均可用现在时、过去时,且always, never还用于将来时 . The woman is very busy, so she seldom(难得,很少) watches TV hard ①困难的;硬的;勤奋的;严厉的;苛刻的(形容词) The ground is too hard to dig. ②努力地;猛烈地;剧烈地(副词) They tried hard to succeed. hardly =almost not 几乎不,几乎没有 There’s hardly any coffee left. =There’s almost no coffee left. sometimes 有时(现在、过去) He was sometimes late for school. sometime 某时(将来、过去) He came here sometime some time 一段时间(各种时态) He will stay there for some time. some times 几次,几倍 He came home some times. ever ①曾经(完成时态) Have you ever been there? ②习惯动作或重复动作(疑问或否定句) Do you ever eat meat?◇You are hardly ever at home. ③比以往任何时候,曾经(比较时加强语气) He ran faster than ever. ④用于why,when等词后,表惊讶”究竟,到底” When ever did you leave? for ever 永远◇hardly ever 几乎从来不,难得◇never ever 从不,永不 once a week 一周一次◇twice a week 一周两次◇three times a week一周三次[前面中间均不用介词] once upon a time 从前◇at once 立刻,马上 on/at weekends 周末◇on the/this/that weekends (在双方都知道的特定周末) go to the movies= see a moive =go to the cinema=watch a movie去看电影 go to the theater去看戏◇go to the concert去听音乐会 go to school/college上(大)学◇go to church做礼拜 look (有意识地看,强调动作)看(不及物,接宾语+at) Please look at my family photo. see (着重看的结果)看见 see the doctor, see a film watch (仔细、欣赏)观看,(仔细)查看 watch a play/match/show read 看书,读报,读(钟表) read a book/newspaper/watch exercise ①运动,锻炼(不及物动词) He exercises three times a week. ②运动,锻炼(不可数名词) You should take exercise(=do sports) if want to healthy. ③练习;操(可数名词) Students always have a lot of exercises to do. do eye exercises做眼保健操◇do morning exercises作早操 surf 在?冲浪(及物动词);冲浪(不及物动词) I like to surf the waves. ◇Look, the boy is surfing. surf the internet =go online 上网◇go surfing去冲浪

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how long多久/多长 (for/about +一段时间◇?meters long) how often多久一次 (often, twice a week) how soon 多快/过多久 (in+一段时间) how far 多远 (ten minutes’ walk) how many 多少 (数词+可数名词复数) how much 多少(钱) (数词+量词+不可数名词/数词+钱) go shopping去购物◇go skating去滑冰◇go fishing去钓鱼◇go boating去划船 go sightseeing去观光◇do some reading阅读◇do some washing洗涮◇do some cooking做饭 do some swimming游泳◇do some speaking说话◇do some listening多听 not 不 (副词,后接动词、形容词、副词) no 不,没有(形容词,作定语,后接可数名词、不可数名词) (=not a/an/any) I have no friends ◇No one can do it. 不许,不可(省略句中) No smoking!禁止吸烟◇No photos !禁止拍照 Here are?倒装句式 ①主语为代词,全句半倒装结构 Here you are给你◇Here he comes他来了 ②主语为名词,全句全倒装结构 Here are your books.◇Here comes the bus. result 结果,成绩(可数名词) get good results取得好成绩◇listen to the results听结果 the results of ?结果 as for 至于,就?而言 As for English, I like it very much. We all come, but as for him, he didn’t come. about ①大约 She is about twenty years old. ②在?周围 I lost my pen about the classroom. ③关于,对于 They are talking about a TV play. 注意on“关于”,用于表示严肃或学术性场合,供专门研究用 a speech on Africa history most ①多数的,大部分的 Most people think so. ②最大的,最多的 Who got the most help? ③大多数,大部分,大多数人(代词) most of the +复数名词 Most of the students like travelling. most of +物主代词+名词 He spends most of his time travelling. most of +宾格代词 Most of us like travelling. ④非常,很(副词)=very It’s a most interesting book. 一般现在时 ①经常发生频率副词always,usually,often,sometimes,every day, every week等 ②客观真理 ③心理状态和感觉动词无进行时be,love,like,hate,want,hope,need,prefer,wish,know,understand, remember,feel,believe,guess,think,look,see,hear,find,have,sound,taste等 drink 喝(tea,water,milk,cola,beer,wine液体类) eat 吃(fruit,vegetables,rice,fish,meet固体类) eat/have soup喝汤 take medicine喝药 have 吃,喝(三餐breakfast,lunch,supper,dinner)

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want sth 想要什么 want to do sth想要做什么=feel like doing=would like to do sth want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 注意want侧重主观,need侧重客观需要 sth want/need doing 主动表被动 The flowers want /need watering.=The flowers want/need to be watered. be good for 对?有益 be good to 对?好 be good at 擅自? It is a good habit to do sth 做什么是一个好习惯 fall/get into the habit of 沾染?习惯 form the habit of 养成?习惯 out of habit出于习惯 be good with 和?相处得好 health 健康(n) The old man is in good health. ◇keep in good health healthy 健康的(adj) My grandma is very healthy. ◇keep healthy ◇stay healthy pretty 很,相当(adv) The man is pretty old. ◇The book is pretty expensive. pretty 漂亮的,秀丽的(adj) What a pretty girl! eating habits饮食习惯◇sleeping pill安眠药◇drinking water饮用水 try (not) to do sth 努力(不)做某事 I try to answer the question. try doing sth 尝试做某事 He tried swimming across the river. try out 试验 Can I try out your new bicycle? try on 试穿 The dress is very nice. Can I try it on? try one’s best to do sth 尽最大努力去做某事 We should try our best to study English well. have a try 尝试一下 look after照看 look at =have a look at look over检查 look up (在字典中)查找 help sb to do sth help sb do sth help sb with sth with one’s help =with the help of help oneself to 请随便吃些 look forward to 期待,盼望 look around/about环顾 can’t help doing sth 禁不住,情不自禁 too 肯定句,句中前后用逗,句末前用逗号 He has a knife. I have a knife,too. also 肯定句,实义动词前,系助动词后 Sandy was also at the party. either 否定句,句末前用逗号 He won’t go, either. Saying a thing is very different from doing it. What’s the difference between the two words? kind of 稍微,有点儿 I’m kind of tired我有点累 a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样的 different/many kinds of 不同种/许多种类 It’s very kind of you to do that maybe 大概,或许(副词)=perhaps Maybe you are right. may be (情态动词+be) You may be right. 第 3 页 共 16 页

although虽然,尽管(从属连词)=though不能与but(并列连词)同时使用,但可与still,yet同时连用 Although he is old, he is still healthy.=He is old, but he is still healthy. 注意:because与so不能连用。Because A句,B句=A句,so B句 keep doing sth 持续做某事(不间断) keep on doing sth反复做某事(短暂间断) keep sb/sth +adj. 使某人保持某种状态 keep sb/sth from doing sth 阻止,保护?不受(from) keep up with赶上◇keep a shop开商店◇keep in touch with与某保持联系◇keep an eye on照看 must 必须,应当(否定needn’t 或don’t have to不必) Must I stay here?—No.You needn’t/don’t have to. mustn’t 禁止 You mustn’t drive so fast.不许开车开得这么快。 must 必定会,很可能 This dish must be delicious.这道菜肯定好吃 What’s wrong with you? Unit 2 What’s the matter? What’s the matter/trouble with you? What’s your trouble? What’s up? have a backache背痛=have a sore back My legs hurts. My eyes ache. I have a pain in the arm. get back=be back=come back=return lie 躺;位于—lay—lain—lying lie 说谎—lied—lied—lying give sb advice on sth给某人提有关某某建议 take one’s advice 听从某人的建议 advise sb (not) to do sth建议某人(不)做某事 see the doctor ==go to the doctor’s believe sb 相信某人(的话) believe in sb 信任某人 feel/be/get tired 感到疲劳 be/feel tired of对?感到厌倦 be/feel tired with 因?劳累 I think so.我认为是这样 I don’t think so.我认为不是这样 类似词:believe, suppose, hope, say等 hope so wish sb to do sth hope to do sth wish sb sth hope that从句(很可能实现的愿望) wish to do hope for sth wish that从句 (不太可能实现的愿望) problem难以解决难题或问题,与solve、settle搭配 question 要口头回答的问题,与ask、answer搭配 trouble 麻烦事,忧虑,与have、make搭配 for example 举例说明(只举一个) He bought a lot of school things, for example, notebooks. such as 列举同类中的几个例子=like He knows several languages, such as English, French and Russian. It is +adj+ for +sb +to do sth 形容词表事情性质、特征:improtant,easy,difficult,hard,necessary等 It is +adj+ of +sb +to do sth 形容词表人的品质、特质:kind,wise,clever,good,right,foolish等

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everybody/everyone 每个人 (谓语用单数,后不能接of) Everybody/everyone likes children. every one 每个人,每件物 (后能接of) Every one of us loves the children. get stressed out变得紧张,有压力的 under ? stress 在压力之下 at the moment=now 目前 for the moment暂时 at that moment 在那时 at the last moment在最后关头 a moment ago刚才 just a moment稍等一下 for a moment 一会儿 be sorry to do sth 对做?感到遗憾 keep balance 保持平衡 be sorry for sb 对某人感到遗憾 a blanced diet 饮食平衡 be sorry about sth 对某事感到遗憾 a balance of ?的平衡 be +V-ing 进行时表预计将来要做的事情,跟将来时间 He is leaving Beijing tomorrow. 他明天离开北京 summer vacation/holiday暑假 winter vacation/holiday 寒假 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? take a holiday/vacation 度假 for vacation 度假(表目的) on vacation 度假(表行为进行) holiday 休息日,假日=vacation festival (民俗、宗教或喜庆)日或(音乐、戏剧、电影等)会演节日,前常用冠词 a film festival the Spring Festival day 传统节日或法定节日 Teachers’ Day go camping 去野营◇go hiking去徒步远足◇go boating去划船 do some washing洗衣服◇do some cooking煮饭◇do some shopping买东西 do some cleaning大扫除◇do some listening/reading/writing/speaking多听/读/写/说 How/What about(prep) +sb/sth/doing sth?怎么样;对于?怎么样 How/What about you,Tony? How/What about your exam last week,Kate? How/What about sitting in the garden? How long 多长时间 持续性谓语动词live, stay, study,work,play,等;for +一段时间 How long 多长 How long is the river? live 长时间居住 stay 短暂停留 He lives in Wuhan but now he stays in Beijing. go away离开=be away=get away take away拿走 run away跑开 have a good/rice/great/wonderful time = have fun= enjoy oneself玩得高兴 have a good time/have fun (in) doing sth=enjoy doing sth 很高兴做某事 send,give,show,bring,teach,tell + sb + sth= V + sth to sb buy,sing,make,cook,get + sb for sb My father bought a computer for me. Please send it to him. 第 5 页 共 16 页

send sth 发送某物 send sb sth=send sth to sb把某物寄给某人 send sb to do sth 派某人做某事 send back送回,退回 send for sb派人去请某人 send up发射,使价格上升 make a plan 制订计划 work out a plan拟订计划 plan to do sth打算做某事 plan for为作计划 plan on (doing) sth指望,打算 年月周前要用in,星期几号则用on;泛指上午下午需用in,具体日子则用on;午夜黄昏黎明用at be famous for +著名的原因(特产) China is very famous for the Great Wall. Yao Ming is famous for playing basketball. be famous as 以(身份、职业、产地、地方)而著名 Yao Ming is famous as a basketball player. think about 从各方面思考 think of 想起,考虑 think over 仔细考虑 think out 想出 decide sth decide to do sth decide on doing sth 决定做某事 decide that从句 leave sth 地方 遗忘某物在某地 forget sth忘带东西 spend +时间/金钱+(in) doing sth 花费时间/金钱做某事 spend +时间/金钱+on sth forget to do sth忘记要做某事 Don’t forget to turn off the light when you leave. forget doing sth忘记做了某事 He forgot going to Shanghai with his parents when he was five. forget oneself忘我,奋不顾身 Forget it 别提它了,别在意 forgetful 健忘的 rent sth from sb 从某人处租用某物 rent sth to sb把某物租给某人 V + V-ing作宾语 finish doing sth 完成做某事 practise doing with 练习做某事 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 mind doing sth介意做某事 keep doing sth保持做某事 ask sb sth 问某人某事 ask sb (not) to do sth 问某人某事 Unit 4 How do you get to school? ask for sth请求某事;要某物 ask sb for sth向某人要某物 get to get arrive in Wuhan(名词) arrive home,here,there(地点副词) reach reach take the bus=by bus by sea=by ship乘船 take a taxi 乘出租车 by rail=by train乘火车 take the subway乘地铁 on foot步行 take the plane=by plane=by air乘飞机 go to school on a/the bus(大型交通工具) go to school in a/the car(小型交通工具) 第 6 页 共 16 页

sb spend + 时间/金钱 + on sth/(in) doing sth I spent 3 hours on my homework yesterday. It takes sb + 时间 + to do sth It took me four hours to go to Wuhan by bus. sb pay + 金钱 + for sth I paid five yuan for my English book. sth cost sb + 金钱 My English book cost me five yuan. stop (市区沿途停靠的)小站 from morning to evening从早到晚 from door to door挨家挨户 from beginning to end自始至终 from time to time 时不时 station (停、转车辆的)车站;局,所 stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth 停止正在做的某事 have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner have a quick/light/delicious breakfast 吃了一顿快速/简便/丰盛的早餐 quick 动作突然迅速、敏捷,强调动作、反应快 a quick worker◇a quick mind◇a quick answer fast 速度快 a fast sleep很快入睡 a fast train/plance快速火车/飞机 soon 不久,强调时间短,用于将来时 ride 乘车 ride a horse骑马 ride a bicycle骑自行车 ride a motorcycle drive 驾驶车辆 drive a car 开车 drive sheep赶羊 part of 部分 a large part of 大部分 depend on/upon 取决于;依靠?而定 It depends on the weather. be ill in hospital生病住院 be different from 与不同 Bananas are different from oranges. a small number of 少量的 a number of 许多的 find/know the difference 找到不同点 a large/geat number of 大量的 make a/the difference 有影响;起重要作用 make no difference 无关紧要 Not all/everyone/both =?all/everyone/both/always ? not (部分否定)并不是所有 Not all the answers are right=All the answers aren’t right. speak to/with sb 对/同某人说话(能力) speak Chinese讲中文 Unit 5 Can you come to my party? say to sb sth (强调说话内容) talk to/with sb (强调动作) talk about sb/sth 谈论某人/某事 tell sb sth (双宾) tell a story/lie 讲故事 tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事 tell A from B 区分 Would you like to?向别人发出邀请、征求意见 Y es,I’d love to./I’d like to. 接受邀请肯定回答 What/How about? Yes,It’s very nice/kind of you. Shall I(we) ? That sounds great. May I invite you to? That sounds like fun I ’m happy/glad to? I’d love/like to, but? 否定婉拒回答 Maybe some other/another time. I’m sorry I can’t. I have to? I’m afraid I can’t I’m afraid not. 第 7 页 共 16 页

sure当然可以=certainly=yes (口语肯定回答) May I use you pen?--Sure. be sure to do 务必,千万 (祈使句) Be sure to give it back in time. sb be sure to do 某人一定会做 He’s sure to come. sb be sure of/about 一定,肯定 He is sure of success=He is sure that he will succeed. sb be sure that从句 肯定,有把握 I’m sure who he is. expect,hope,wish,prefer,want,try等词后动词不定式省略时不能省略to I haven’t been to Hong Kong, but I wish to (go there). have to (客观上)不得不(否定don’t have to) It’s raining. I have to stay at home. must (主观意愿)不得不(否定don’t have to,needn’t) You must do your homework first. [must not禁止] have/take a piano class 上一节钢琴课 have history lessons上历史课 teach/give sb a lesson 给某人一个教训 learn one’s lesson吸取教训 thanks for 因而感谢 Thanks for helping me thanks to 多亏;由于(=because of ) Thanks to your help, we finished it. babysit his sister 临时照看他妹妹 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to somewhere 邀请某人去某地 call on sb拜访某人 Yesterday I called him. call at somewhere拜访某地 He called at his Chinese teacher’s house. call/ring sb (up) phone/telephone sb give sb a call/ring 给某人打电话 visit sb 拜访某人 visit sw 拜访某地 be on a visit to pay a visit to give sb a visit next week 下一周(以现在为起点) the day after tomorrow后天 the next week 第二周(以某一特定时间为起点) next,this,last,every,each,any,all等与时间词连用时前面不加介词 We met last week. keep quiet 保持安静 keep open开着 keep health保持健康 keep sth 保存某物;保管\\、借用某物 How long can I keep the book? keep 名词/代词 adj Keep the door open, please. keep (sb) doing sth 使(某人)持续做某事 Don’t keep someone waiting so long. a football match 一场足球比赛 a box of match 一盒火柴 Match words with the pictures 把词和图片搭配起来

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all my life=the whole life all the day=the whole day整天 all of the students=the whole of the students come over to 顺便拜访=call on=drop in;走过来 They will come over to my home for dinner. He came over to me and shook my hand. discuss sth/to do sth/宾语从句 Let’s discuss the matter. discuss sth with sb 与某人商讨某事 have a discussion about sth 对某事进行讨论 heavy胖的;笨重的—heavier—heaviest◇thin瘦的—thinner--thinest heavy rain/snow/smoke大雨/雪/浓烟 a serious/bad illness一场大病◇a strong wind一场大风 heavy smoker/drinker/eater烟瘾/酒瘾/食量大的人 light rain小雨 have a heavy cold重感冒 Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than any sister. heavy/busy traffic交通拥挤 calm (人)镇静的 still (物理上安静状态)静止的 quiet (没有吵闹、骚乱)静止的;(人娴静、文静)安静的 silent (人不发出声音或不说话)沉默的;无言的 be serious about 对?认真 be strict with sb 对某人严格 be strict in sth 对某事严格 in this/the way 用这种方法;挡道 by the way 顺便说一下 on the/one’s way to 在去?路上 in some ways 在某些方面 both ①代词 Both are students. ②Both of the/物主代词+复数名词 Both of her children are students. Both of 宾格代词 Both of us are teachers. ③形容词 Both these rooms are empty. ④Both A and B 两个都 注意:all指三者以上 more than one +单数名词 不止一个 (谓语单数) More than one boy knows how to play the game. more +复数名词 than one +谓语复数 More students than one were absent. more than 超过;多于(=over) His father is more than/over fifty. (not more than不多于) more than 不仅 She is more than a teacher. no more than 仅仅 There are no more than ten tickets left. more ? than 比?多 There are more boys than girls in our class. in common 共同之处 in common with 与?共有,共同 have something in common有共同之处 have nothing in common没有共同之处 common knowledge 常识 common sense 常识;常理 a common saying 俗话 a common wish 一个共同的愿望 第 9 页 共 16 页

as +adj./adv. + as 名词/代词/句子 He works as hard as before. not as/so +adj./adv. + as 名词/代词/句子 His English is not as/so good as mine. much,far,even,a little,a lot,a bit等修饰比较级,而very,too,so,rather,quite只能修饰原级 She’s a little more outgoing than me.她比我更开朗一些 She is far smarter than before. He is a little taller than you. more than more越来越 More and more countries begin to save the financial crisis. The +比较级,the +比较级 越?,就越? The harder you study, the better grades you will get. the +比较级 of + the two? Lucy is the taller of the twins. make/have/let/keep使役动词+宾语+省to不定式/形容词/名词(作宾语) The boss made them work for long time. What he said makes us happy. We made John our monitor. be/feel/get/become interested in 对?感兴趣 take/show/have an interest in 对?有兴趣 lose an interest in对?失去兴趣 find (no) interest in 发觉对(?没)有兴趣 a place of great interest 风景名胜 and 与or用法 care about sth 关心;在意 care for sb/sth 喜欢,想要 take care=look out当心,小心 take care of 照顾 with care小心,慎重 I can’t sing or dance 我不会唱歌跳舞 Lily and Lucy can’t speak Chinese.莉莉和露西都不会说汉语 Man will die without air or water.没有空气和水人就不能生存 There is no water and no air on the moon.月球上没有空气和水 be good with(to) sb 善待某人 be good at sth 擅长于 be good for 有益于 primary school 小学 by the way顺便说一下 be different from与?不同 it 替代上文提到同一个事物(复数用they) There is a book on the table, and it is mine. that 代替上文提到同一名称事物(复数用those) The weather in Wuhan is hotter than that in Yueyang. one 泛指上文提到同一类事物(复数用ones) This bike is cheaper than that one. begin to do sth =begin doing sth开始做某事 只能用begin to do sth情形 ①Sth begin to do sth The ice began to melt. ②be beginning to do sth He is just beginning to write the letter. ③begin to +想法、感情动词 She began to understand it. begin with=start with 以?开始

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can/could/be able to afford 承担得起;买得起(vt.) We can afford the new house. afford to 负担得起(vi.) We can’t afford to go abroad this summer. afford 提供,给予(vt.) Trees afford some shelter from the sun. turn on 打开 turn off 关闭 turn out 关,熄灭 turn up旋大 turn down旋小 turn in 上交 turn into使成为,翻译成 turn against反对 turn over翻转 cut up切碎 cut down砍倒 cut off中断,切掉 cut sth in halves/two将某物对半切开 have/get one’s hair cut某人剪头发 pour out 倒出 pour ?into/in 把?倒进?里 put ? into把?放进?里;把?变成 put away把?收起来;整理好 put on穿上 put off推迟,延期 put out 熄灭 put down放下;记下 put up挂起,举起 cup (玻璃以外原料制成)杯子;奖杯 a cup of tea一杯茶 the World Cup世界杯 win the cup优胜杯 glass(玻璃制成)杯子 a glass of milk一杯牛奶 mix up混合;混淆;弄乱 Don’t mix up those pieces of paper. mix?with 把?和?混合 Mix this oil with the paint and stir well. add?to? 把?加到?上 add some wood to the stove add to sth 增加某事物 add to our difficulties Unit 7 How do you make a bananas milk shake? add up加起来 Add up 3, 4 and 5 and you'll get 12. add up to sth总计,共达 The number add up to 100. at the top of 在?顶端,在?最上方(范围内,点上) His name is at the top of the list.高居榜首 on top of 在?顶上,在?上方(范围外) There is a TV tower on top of the hill. on the top of 在?上面(面上) There is a bird on the top of the house. a recipe for 一份?的食谱 a recipe for making salad制作沙拉的食谱 a slice of 一片 in the yard在院子里 take photos照相 in my opinion 就我看来;按我的观点 check sth 检查某物 Unit 8 How was your school check in 登记;签到 check up 核对 check list 核对清单 hang—hung—hung逗留;悬挂 hang—hanged—hanged 绞死;吊死 hang out 逗留;与某人在一起 hang about=hang about闲逛 hang up挂断电话 hang on不挂断 win sth 赢得比赛、战斗、奖品、名次等 win a prize/game/match/honor/battle/schoolship beat sb 战胜对方 beat a team/a nation/an opponent journey 长途陆路 trip 短途短期 tour观光游玩 travel时长路远 foreign travel buy sb sth =buy sth for sb buy sth from sb sell sb sth= sell sth to sb at the end of 在?最后;在?末端 by the end of 到?为止 in the end=finally最后 sleep late睡过头;起得晚 sleep well 睡得香 sleep badly 睡得不好 go to sleep 去睡觉 第 11 页 共 16 页

on next day off 下一个休息日 on last day off 上一个休息日 go for a walk去散步 go for a swim去游泳 go for a ride去骑马(车) go for a doctor去请医生 go for a picnic去野餐 sound(听起来)/feel(摸起来)/taste(尝起来)/look(看起来)/smell(闻起来) +adj. That sounds fun. sound(听起来)/feel(摸起来)/taste(尝起来)/look(看起来)/smell(闻起来) +like +n. That sounds like a good idea. “令人?,”“让人?”,物作主语或作定语修饰物 V-ing形容词:表事物性质、特质, exciting/interesting/moving/surprising/pleasing/frightening The story is boring. ,“使人?的”。主语为人 V-ed形容词:形容人,表示“感到?的” excited/interested/moved/surprised/pleased/frightened I’m bored with the book. have fun doing sth=enjoy doing sth= have a good time(in) doing sth有趣做? fun 玩笑,娱乐(不可数名词);有趣的(形容词) funny 滑稽的(形容词) Who is it? 是谁? (it用来指代双方心目中都明白但仍未弄明白的人或物) --It’s me. 是我。 lucky 幸运的 a lucky dog幸运儿 a lucky guess 侥幸猜中 a lucky day幸运日 Lucky you真幸运 luckily 幸运地 luck 幸运 Good luck to you! Unit 9 When was he born? be born in 出生于(地点、时间) He was born in England in 1995. be born on 出生于(具体某一天) He was born on May 4,1995. be born of 出身于(家庭) He was born of a poor family. begin=start 开始 以下几种情况只能用start ①创办,开设 He started a new shop last year. ②机器开动 Can you start the car? ③出发,动身 We must start early. too ? to 太?而不能 He is too young to go to school. so ? that 如此?以致于 He is so young that he can’t go to school. =He is not old enough to go to school. (主从句主语同一) The box is so light that the child can lift it. =The box is light enough for the child to lift it. (主从句主不同) become a doctor = turn doctor (接职业名词) become 身体、职位变化,作瞬间动词时指状态变化 become a computer engineer. get 多接比较级,指人的感情、身体状况、自然或社会变化 His health is getting better. turn 颜色或性质等变化 Trees turn yellow in autumn. grow 渐渐变成为,生长性变化 My father is growing old. go 进入不好的状态 go bad变坏 come 进入好的状态 come true实现

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called=named 被叫做 I have a friend called Jim. call sb name喊某人的名字 call sb names骂人 call on sb 拜访某人 call off叫走 call in召集,来访 call out出动 play?for 为效力 in one’s free/spare time 某人空余时间 loving 慈爱的(长辈);真挚的 She is a kind and loving mother. lovely 可爱的(儿童);迷人的 Do you know the lovely girl? see sb do sth 看见某人做某事(强调全过程或习惯性) I often see him walk in the park. see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事(表动作正在进行) I saw him walking in the park. 注意:一感(feel),二听(listen to , hear),三让(have, make, let),四看(see,observe,notice,watch) champion 冠军 (与get搭配) She became a skating champion at the age of 10. championship 冠军赛(即比赛) won the championship the World Women's Volleyball Championships世界女子排球锦标赛 be well-known for =be famous for 因?而著名(众所周知) He is famous/well-known for that novel. be well-known as (接身份)作为?知名,被称作是? Her mother is well-known as a model teacher. join +党派、团体、组织/us/them Would you like to join us? join sb in +活动 He joined us in the game. take part in +会议/群众性活动 I took part in the sports meeting yesterday. The only/last/next/序数词/最高级+名词to do He is the first boy to get to school every day. He is the only student to answer the question correctly in his class. alive 活着的,在世的(表语形容词,常作表语或补语,作表语=living) I’m afraid he is no longer alive. The kind decided to keep him alive. living 活着的(可作表语或定语) There are no living things on the room. Is your grandfather still living? live 活的,活生生的(主用于动物,一般只作定语);实况直播的 A live fish is swimming in the water. There is going to be a live program of NBA tonight. lively 活泼的,有生气的(可作定语、表语) She is a lively girl. 以a开头的表语形容词(awake,asleep,afraid等)作定语时要后置 He is awake. The boy awake is his son. people 人们(集体名词,表复数概念) major in 主攻(动词) My brother majors in English. a people 一个民族(普通名词) major 主修课程(名词) My major is management. peoples 多个民族 major 主要的(形容词) This is a major road. because +句子 (连词) Because he is ill, he isn’t here today. because of +名词/代词/动名词 (介词短语) Because of his illness, he isn’t here today.

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be going to do sth 打算、计划 I’m going to study in America (next month). will do sth 未预先思考、单纯将来事实(不与具体时间连用) I’ll tell her the news as soon as I see her. grow up 成长;长大;生长 Unit 10 I’m going to be a basketball grown-up 长成的;成熟的 practice 锻炼,练习(名词);练习(动词=practise) He practices speaking English every day. 后接动名词作宾语的动词 ①完成、实践、值得、忙(finish , practice , be worth , be busy) ②继续、习惯、别放弃(keep on , be used to , give up) ③考虑、建议、不禁、想(consider , suggest , can’t help , feel like) ④喜欢、思念、介意(enjoy , miss , mind) move house 搬家 move in 搬家,迁入新居 move to Beijing 搬到北京 move over 挪过去 move on 继续前进 look for 寻找 (强调动作) Tom is looking for his little dog. find 找到 (强调结果) I found the dog there. find out 弄清,查明 (强调仔细调查分析) I’ll go to find out the new ways to solve the problem. hold a meeting举行会议 hold a concert举行音乐会 hold a discussion举行讨论会 hold a exhibition举行展览 hold a sports meeting举行运动会 hold 握住;容纳;保持 rich 富饶的;富有的(反义poor) Bill Gates became very rich at the age of 25. be rich in在?方面含量高 Shanxi Province is rich in coal. keep fit =keep healthy 保持健康 buy sb sth =buy sth for sb leave his job 辞职 part-time job兼职工作 buy sth at 按单价买某物 exchange student 交换生 buy sth for 以总金额购买 take acting lessons上表演课 buy sth with 以什么方式购买 all over the world全世界 = around the world make the soccer team组建足球队 all over the country全国 make a resolution to do 下决心去做 yet ①至今,还,尚未,已经(否定、疑问) we haven’t heard from him yet. Has the ship left yet? ②仍然(肯定) He’s yet a child. (=still) already ①已经 (肯定) The train has already left. still 更加=even (修饰比较级) ②表惊奇(疑问) Has she already gone? play the +西洋乐器(piano/violin/guitar) play an instrument 演奏一种乐器 play +中国乐器(erhu/pipa) play pipa get sick 生病 get angry生气 get good grades取得好成绩 get a job获得好工作 get a letter from sb 收到某人来信=hear from sb Get it?明白吗? get a cold患感冒 communicate with 交流 They want to communicate better with their kids. communicate sth to sb 传达给某人 I communicated the news to them. Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? She works as a teacher. 作为(职业、身份) She works like a bee. 像(比喻) 第 14 页 共 16 页

do the dishes 洗盘子(=wash the dishes) sweep the floor扫地 take out the trash倒垃圾 make your bed整理你的床铺 fold your clothes叠衣服 clean the living room打扫起居室 put away the dishes放好餐具 clear away the dishes 收拾餐具 make a telephone打电话 make a face/faces做鬼脸 make a living谋生 make a mistake/mistakes弄错,犯错误 make a noise/noises制造噪音 make friends with sb 与某人交朋友 make sure查明;确信 make fun of 取笑 stay out 待在户外 stay in待在家里 stay at home stay up熬夜;挺住 work on从事;忙于(某项工作) My father is working on a novel.创作 work at 致力于 I’m going to work hard at English this term. work for 为工作 at work 在工作 play +球类运动名称 hate to do sth 表具体特定某个行为或动作 play with +具体东西 hate doing sth 表经常性习惯性动作 do chores 干家务事=do housework do the laundry洗衣服 do the cleaning打扫卫生 do the cooking做饭 do the reading阅读 do some writing写作 do some cleaning扫除 do some sweeping扫地 do some singing唱歌 do the flowers插花 do one’s hair梳头发 do one’s lessons做功课 make a meal做饭 make dumplings包饺子 make paper造纸 make tea沏茶 make a fire生火 make a war开战 borrow sth from sb/somewhere lend sth to sb =lend sb sth How long may I keep this book?---Two weeks. May I use/borrow your pen? feed 羊 on 草 = feed 草 to 羊 feed on 以为食(动物) Horses feed on grass. live on 以为生(多用人) He lives on teaching. He lives on his parents. take out 取出 take away拿走 take in 接受,吸收 take off 脱掉;起飞 feel comfortable感到舒适 Unit 12 What’s the best radio station? make yourself comfortable放松些,别客气 be seated 就座 take one’s seat 就座 seat oneself就座 sit down坐下 take a seat 坐下 close to home 靠近家=next to =near (to) close friends密友 a close game势均力敌的比赛 in town在镇上 out of town出城 go to town进城 (均不用加冠词) in the country在农村 He was born in a small town. do a survey of 做调查 = make a survey of cut one’s price 砍价 第 15 页 共 16 页

learn of/about 了解 learn by heart 记忆;背诵 learn from sb 向某人学习 learn to do sth 学着做某事 learn one’s lesson吸取教训 The +最高级+ of/in/among 比较级+than any other+单数名词 He is the tallest boy in our class. = He is taller than any other boy in our class. far, by far, much, almost, nearly等可修饰最高级 The building is nearly the highest. talk/speak/laugh loud (高声) He speaks loud and clear. read/call aloud (发声) Can you read aloud? loudly = loud 喧闹 Someone knocked loudly at the door. talent show 才艺表演 a talent for drawing 绘画天才 success 成功的事(可数) The experiment is a great success. success 成功(不可数,与make,have连用) He made great success in learning English. successful 成功的 Wish you successful!祝你成功 succeed 成功(动词) He succeeded in passing the exam. together 一起,共同(副词) They walked together on their way to school. get together 集合;聚会 all together 一起;总共 together with 和,连同 altogether 总计 Altogether there are six of us. 注意:together不能与collect, join, meet,gather等连用,这些动词本身已经含有一起之意 farther (距离)更远 Who can swim farthest? further (程度)更远 She can not go farther/further. We need go further into the matter. in the east of 在东部 Taiwan is in the east of China. on the east of 在东部(接壤) North Korea is on the east of China. to the east of 在东面(不接壤) Japan is to the east of China. enough 足够(名词) Enough has been said of this problem. enough 足够的(作形容词,放名前后均可) I have enough time/ time enough to watch TV. enough 足够地(作副词,放被饰词后) The young man is strong enough to carry the heavy bag. there be enough有足够的 There aren’t enough teachers. enough to do sth 有足够的做某事 I don’t have enough time to eat lunch. 注意比较对象的一致性 Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. Shanghai is larger than any of the other cities in China. Shanghai is larger than all (the) other cities in China. Shanghai is larger than anywhere else in China. 第 16 页 共 16 页

learn of/about 了解 learn by heart 记忆;背诵 learn from sb 向某人学习 learn to do sth 学着做某事 learn one’s lesson吸取教训 The +最高级+ of/in/among 比较级+than any other+单数名词 He is the tallest boy in our class. = He is taller than any other boy in our class. far, by far, much, almost, nearly等可修饰最高级 The building is nearly the highest. talk/speak/laugh loud (高声) He speaks loud and clear. read/call aloud (发声) Can you read aloud? loudly = loud 喧闹 Someone knocked loudly at the door. talent show 才艺表演 a talent for drawing 绘画天才 success 成功的事(可数) The experiment is a great success. success 成功(不可数,与make,have连用) He made great success in learning English. successful 成功的 Wish you successful!祝你成功 succeed 成功(动词) He succeeded in passing the exam. together 一起,共同(副词) They walked together on their way to school. get together 集合;聚会 all together 一起;总共 together with 和,连同 altogether 总计 Altogether there are six of us. 注意:together不能与collect, join, meet,gather等连用,这些动词本身已经含有一起之意 farther (距离)更远 Who can swim farthest? further (程度)更远 She can not go farther/further. We need go further into the matter. in the east of 在东部 Taiwan is in the east of China. on the east of 在东部(接壤) North Korea is on the east of China. to the east of 在东面(不接壤) Japan is to the east of China. enough 足够(名词) Enough has been said of this problem. enough 足够的(作形容词,放名前后均可) I have enough time/ time enough to watch TV. enough 足够地(作副词,放被饰词后) The young man is strong enough to carry the heavy bag. there be enough有足够的 There aren’t enough teachers. enough to do sth 有足够的做某事 I don’t have enough time to eat lunch. 注意比较对象的一致性 Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. Shanghai is larger than any of the other cities in China. Shanghai is larger than all (the) other cities in China. Shanghai is larger than anywhere else in China. 第 16 页 共 16 页

