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第二部分 专题㈦ 情态动词 考点揭密 典型例题解析 课时训练


1.掌握情态动词的定义:表示可能、怀疑、允诺、愿 望、义务、必要、猜测等的动词是情态动词。  2.掌握情态动词的特征:情态动词与其他动词是有区 别的,它本身有一定的词义,表示说话人对某一动 作的看法和态度,但不能单独作谓语,必须和另一 个动词原形一起构成谓语;情态动词没有人称和数 的变化,含有情态动词的句子改为问句和否定句时, 无需添加助动词,可直接构成问句和否定句。


3.掌握常用情态动词can,could,may,might,must,need, shall,will,should,would等的用法。 (1)can 可表示能力、允许、可能性、怀疑猜测,意为“能,会, 可以”;can't意为“不会,不能,不可以”,还有“不可能” 之意。could为can的过去式,用法与can类似,常用于过去时 中;could还可用于现在时中表示委婉客气,相当于can; could也可表示惊讶怀疑,不相信, 如:He couldn't be a thief. (2)may表示允许、也许,意为“可以,也许,可能”。对may 的一般问句的回答,肯定回答一般是:Yes,please./Certainly /Sure等,否定回答一般是:Please don't./No,you can't /mustn't.might是may的过去式,与may用法类似,常用于过 去时中;用在疑问句中,还可表示委婉客气。

考点揭密(3)must 表示必须要做的事,意为“必须,应该”。must一般 问句的否定回答用needn't或don't have to,而不用mustn't, mustn't意为“不可以,不能”,表禁止,不许可。另外, must还可表示有把握的推测,意为“一定、肯定”。must的过 去式还是must。

(4)need 作情态动词主要用于问句和否定句中,意为“必要”。 need一般问句的肯定回答用 must,否定回答用needn't,如: Need I do it right now?肯定回答:Yes,you must。否定回 答:No,you needn't. need作行为动词,有人称、数和时态 的变化,后接动词要加to do不定式。

考点揭密(5)shall,will用来征求对方意见,shall用于第一人称, will用于第二人称,用来表示意愿;shall用于第二、 第三人称,will用于第一人称。 (6)would,should为will,shall 的过去式,would用于 现在时,表示委婉提出请求、建议或看法,如 Would you please not do it again?should还有 “应该”的意思,但语气比must 弱。 

典型例题解析【例1】—Where's Mr Li?I have something unusual to tell him. C  —You ____ find him.He______Japan.[2003,黑龙江] A.may not,has gone to B.may not, has been to  C.can't,has gone to D.can't, has been to 【例2】 —Could I look at your pictures? —Yes,of course you _________.[2003,武汉] B A.could B.can C.will D.might 【例3】

—Where is Jack,please? D —He______be in the classroom.[2003,杭州] A.can B.need C.would D.must

典型例题解析【例4】 The boy said he had to speak English in class, but he B speak it after class.[2003,广州]  A.could B.didn't have to C.might D.shouldn't

D 【例5】These books_________out of the reading room.You have to read,them here.[2003,辽宁]  A.can't take B.must be taken C.can take D.mustn't be taken

课时训练1._________I open the window? It's hot here. B A. Must B. Shall C. Will D. Would 2.Go and ask Mr. Liu. He _________tell you. A A. may B. can C. would D. could 3._________you please tell me the time please? B A. Shall B. Will C. May D. Might 4.—_________I try out all the ideas? —No, you _________. C  B. Need, need A. Must, mustn't C. Must, don't have to D. Must, don't 5._________I speak to Mr. Green,please? B A. Will B. Could C. Must D. Would 

课时训练(B) 6.He said Kate _____come to the party.But I don't think so. A. could B. might C. need D. must 7.—Need I do my lessons right now? —Yes, you_________. (D) C. should A. need B. can D. must 8.—Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon? —I'd love to. But I'm afraid I___.I have too much work to do. (A) A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. may not (B) 9.To make our city more beautiful,rubbish_________ into the river. B. mustn't be thrown A. needn't be thrown C. can't throw D. may not throw 10.Don't worry! We can get to the bus station in time and (D) _________the early bus. A. don't miss B. can miss C. will miss D. won't miss 


11.—Please don't make any noise in the reading room. —_________ A A. Sorry, I won't. B. Sorry, I can't. C. Yes, I won't. D.OK,I didn't. 12.—Must I return your digital camera tomorrow. Tina? —No, you_________. C A. mustn't B. may not C. needn't D. won't 13.—Would you like some more? —_________I'm full. D A. Yes, please. B. I'd love to. C. No, I wouldn't. D. No, thanks. 14.You_________swim in this part of the lake. A It's dangerous. A. mustn't B. may not C. needn't D. won't 15.—Your email address again? I ______quite catch it. D —Hr Zhou @ . A. don't B. can't C. won't D. didn't

