电影活着 汉语言知识点

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电影《活着》汉语知识点教外国人国产电影language point


To live

电影《活着》汉语知识点教外国人国产电影language point

第一部分 part 1

四十年代In the 1940s

电影《活着》汉语知识点教外国人国产电影language point

皮影Shadow Play Puppet

It is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment using opaque figures in front of an illuminated backdrop to create the illusion of moving images.

电影《活着》汉语知识点教外国人国产电影language point


“I have to leave if the account is correct.”farewell; take one’s leave

A polite saying of goodbyeE.g.他8点钟告辞离去。 He took his leave at eight.

E.g.我先告辞了。 I suppose I’ll have to go now.

电影《活着》汉语知识点教外国人国产电影language point

规矩“再说,咱赌场也没这规矩啊。” “Moreover, our casino doesn’t have such rules.” 1. rule; established practice; custom E.g.如果你守规矩,你就不大会遇到麻烦。 If you keep the rules, you are not likely to get into trouble.

2. well-behaved; well-disciplined E.g.规矩点! Behave yourself!

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“Excuse me for my leaving,”A polite saying when a person need to leave. E.g. 对不起我先失陪一下。 Excuse me, but I must be leaving now.; Excuse my absence.; Excuse me for my absence.

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“You have been waiting to fail me deliberately!”1. cherish certain intentions E.g.他说这番话,不知存的什么心。 It's hard to say what his intentions were in saying that. 2. intentionally; deliberately; on purpose E.g.对不起,我不是存心这么做的。 I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose.

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救急不救穷One may give financial aid to others in an emergency but should not do so if they are perennially in need of money. A Chinese old vulgarism E.g. 朋友之间的帮助,只是救急不救穷,总不能老是依 靠别人。 Assistance from friends is always for saving emergency, we can’t always rely on others.

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第二部分 part 2

国共内战In the civil war

电影《活着》汉语知识点教外国人国产电影language point

兵败如山倒A rout is like a landslide.

The proverb shows the big influence a rout of an army may give.E.g.兵败如山倒,你已经没有挽回的余地了。 A rout is like a landslide, you are totally failed that you have no possible to restore.

电影《活着》汉语知识点教外国人国产电影language point


“But for searching my brother, I had already taken off the army uniform.”The direct translation is “yellow cloth”. In the movie, the word means the army uniform. A special using in this movie.

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Thanks to the government’s help to bury our mother.Thanks to ;luckily E.g.多亏您们的帮助,我们才成功完成了工作。Thanks to your help, we have just successfully completed the work.

E.g.多亏许多科学家的工作,我们能预先知道要发生地震 的时间和地点了。Thanks to the work of many scientists, we are able to learn in advance when and where an earthquake will happen.

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教育“过两天政府要开大会,你可得参加,受受教育。”“The government wil

l hold a meeting for us. You must attend and learn something.”

1. n. educationE.g. 高等教育 Higher education

2. v. teach;educate E.g.教育孩子是家长和老师共同的责任It's the responsibility of parents and teachers to educate the children.

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“The government see him as a landlord.”landlord; landowner Someone who owns lots of land and all the farmers nearby work for him. E.g.农民过去受地主的压迫.Peasants used to be subject to the local landowners.

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政策“按政策,政府要分那院房。”“according to the policy, the government have to give the houses to the public.”

Policy E.g.计划生育政策Family-planning policy (A policy which demand each family has only one child to control the population in China.)

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第三部分 part 3

五十年代In the 1950s

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集体食堂“咱们镇上成立集体大食堂了!” “Our town has a mess hall now!”

Collective's dining room; public eateries; mess hallA special thing exists in the 1950s in China. No one cook at home but eat at the collective’s dining hall where food are provided by the government. No one need to pay however much they eat.

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破坏“这事就是搞破坏,就是破坏大食堂!” “It is making destroy! It destroys our dining hall’s rules!”

1. n. destroy; ruin;E.g.搞破坏 make destroy

2. v. do damage to ,destroyE.g.破坏旧世界,建设新世界。 Destroy the old world and build a new one.

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惯“你再这么惯他,这家早晚得毁了!”“Our home will be destroyed if you spoil him like this all the time!”

spoil; indulge E.g.别把孩子惯坏了。 Don't spoil the child.

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“You didn’t have time to eat the dumplings took with you.”Care about; have time to do sth. E.g.我已精疲力尽,哪还顾得上衣服。I am too tired to care about clothes.

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“Let’s go to report our success! Everyone made contributions!”do a deed of merit; win honors; make contributions E.g.立功的人将受到奖励。Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded.

