人教版高中英语必修三教案:Unit5 Period1 Warming up and Pre-reading

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单元(章节)课题 Unit5 Canada—“The True North” 本节课题 课标要求 Warming up and Pre-reading Students can know some background information about Canada and they can talk about it. 1.Learn some cultural background information about Canada and learn some vocabularies. 三维目标 2.Students can express their ideas about Canada by discussion and talking. 3.Arose students’ interests in learning Canada. In this part, we will have short quiz and discussion about Canada. On the one hand, it can 教材分析 review the previous knowledge of students and make them get prepared for the next part learning; on the other hand, it can arose the students’ interests in learning this units. Students have known some knowledge about Canada but not a lot. So in this part we will 学情分析 introduce more about Canada and help them to express their views about Canada in order to practice their oral English. 教学重难点 提炼的课题 教学手段运用 textbook a short video about Canada ppt 教学资源选择 教 学 过 程 学生要解决的问题或任环节 务 教师教与学生学 教师个性化修改 Teach the students how to talk about Canada in their own words correctly. What do you know about Canada? 中小学精品资料

Step1 Lead-in 1. Ask the students a question “Where have Step2 you traveled before?” Discussion 2. Have a discussion about Canada. Step3 Read and 3. Lead students to talk learn about Canadian Step4 background information. Practice 课堂检测内容 Do the multiple choice in page 33 and questions in ppt. 课后作业布置 预习内容布置

Remember words and phrases on page97. Preview the reading passage on page34. discuss content. leader to summarize the Work in groups and elect a questions to discuss. 3. Give students some and a video about Canada. 2. Show the students pictures 1. Ask the lead-in question.

