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Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines



1.A headline (标题)on the front page draws attention to the story inside.

2.All the celebrities (名人)of the city came to celebrate the great event.

3.People used to believe that the earth is the centre of the universe (宇宙).4.The man-made satellite is orbiting (绕轨道飞行)the earth,collecting more information.

5.He checked their names off as they went aboard (上飞机) the plane.

6.The economy (经济)of the country is growing very rapidly.

7.We sent our congratulations (祝贺)to him on his passing the English test.

8.The woman scientist has made great achievements (成就)in this field.

9.The Queen welcomed (欢迎)the President as he got off the plane.

10.The Beijing Space Control Centre said the flight (飞行)was a “complete success”.


1.It was for this reason that her parents moved out of London and settled down in a mountain village.

解析:It was...that...强调句型,将其去掉,句子仍成立。

2.He has been in school for three months in total.

解析:in total总共。

3.Hearing the boring news,I was too upset to concentrate my attention on my homework.

解析:concentrate on 集中于。

4.There were more than 200 events (event) in the 16th Asian Games held in Guangzhou in 2010.


5.Jiang Wen has taken off again because of his successful movie Let the bullets fly.

解析:句意:姜文由于他成功的电影《让子弹飞》再一次声名鹊起。take off开始成功,腾飞。

6.Tom has been learning Chinese since he came to China five years ago.


7.Now that you have known that,why didn't you tell me earlier?

解析:句意:既然你已经知道了,为什么不早点告诉我呢?now that既然。

8.She says that she'll have to close the shop unless business improves.

解析:句意:她说她将关闭商店,如果生意没有改善。unless=if...not “如果不,除非”之意。

9.When walking (walk) to school this morning,I met my former classmate.

解析:“When walking”相当于“When I was walking”。

10.John will call me as soon as he arrives (arrive) in Beijing.

解析:as soon as引导时间状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则。

11.This book contains 12 units, including (include) the unit of Music.

解析:句意:这本书有12个单元,包括音乐这一单元。including prep.包括……在内。

12.Brad spent three months (in)_touring (tour) Europe,where he spent $10 on a new English dictionary.

解析:其基本用法为spend...(in)doing sth.。

13.The first one to_leave (leave) carries all the luggage.


14.—It is reported that the house price will be doubled next year.

—Oh, come on .I hardly believe.

解析:句意:——据报道明年房价还要增长一倍。——哦,得了吧。我才不信呢。come on得了吧。

15.It was at the school which/that was named after a hero that he spent his childhood.

解析:第一空 which/that引导定语从句,作从句中的主语;第二空 that 引导强调句。



This is the first time that I have visited Shanghai.


The factory, founded in 1983,_closed recently.


Could I possibly ask you a question, Mr White?


Liu Fang works harder than any other student in her class.


To be honest,_I don't remember what he said.


The climate has a bad influence on crops this year.


I can't stand people interrupting all the time.


They did not consider whether they could afford the time.



We all know the importance of curiosity, and here are some tips on how to develop it.

Keep an open mind. This is essential if you are to have a curious mind. Be open to learning, unlearning, and relearning things.__1__Therefore, you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind.

___2__Most people just accept the world as it is. This way, they will certainly lose the “holy curiosity”. Try to dig dee per beneath the surface of what is around you. A sure way to dig deeper beneath the surface is asking questions. What, why, when, who, where, and how are the questions curious people always ask.

Don't label anything as boring. Whenever you label something as boring, you close one more door of possibilities. Curious people are unlikely to consider things boring.__3__Even if they don't yet have time to explore them, they will leave the door open to be visited another time.

Take learning as something fun. If you see learning as a burden, there's no way you will want to dig deeper into anything. That will just make the burden heavier. However, if you think of learning as something fun, you will naturally want to dig deeper.__4__

Read diverse materials. It will introduce you to the possibilities and excitement of other worlds which may attract your interest in exploring further. One easy way to do this is through reading diverse materials.__5___It'll feed your mind with the excitement of a new world.

A.Never take things as granted.

B.Don't spend too much time on just one world.

C.Try to pick a book or magazine on a new subject.

D.Some things you know and believe might be wrong.

E.It doesn't matter that you don't agree to others' opinions.

F.Instead, they always see these things as a door to an exciting new world.

G.So look at life through the glasses of fun and enjoy the learning process.


1.D 解析:根据上文的relearning things和下文的Therefore,you should be prepared to accept this possibility and change your mind.可知,D项“你了解和相信的一些事情有可能是错的”符合语境。

2.A 解析:根据下文的Most people just accept the world as it is.This way,they will certainly lose the“holy curiosity”.可知,A项“不要把一切都想当然”符合语境。

3.F 解析:根据上文的Curious people are unlikely to consider things boring.可知,接下来会讲他们实际是怎么想的,故F项“相反,他们总是把这些事情看作通往一个令人兴奋的新世界的一扇门”符合语境。

4.G 解析:由本段的主题句Take learning as something fun.以及接下来对将学习

