江苏省无锡市2015-2016学年高二下学期期末考试 英语

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高二英语 2016.06

命题单位:宜兴市中小学教研室 制卷单位:宜兴市中小学教研室 注意事项及说明:


2.试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分.考试时间120分钟。 3.答案一律写在答题卡(纸)上。考试结束时.只需交答题卡(纸)。 第一卷(共


一、听力(共两节.满分20分) 做题时.先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后.你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡(纸)上·



1. What time is it now?

A. 7:00. B. 7:30. C. 8:00. 2. what is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Mother and son. B. Boss and employee. C. Teacher and student. 3. How much does the man need to add for the blue T-shirt? A. $6.20. B. $15.20. C. $24.20. 4. How will the woman travel to Shanghai?

A. By train. B. By bus. C. By car. 5. What is the man going to do? A. Study for the final exam. B. Prepare for the final. C. Celebrate their success.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A、B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项。并标在试卷的相应位置!听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题.每小题5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍. 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6 What is the woman?

A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A tourist. 7. Which will the woman focus on in her teaching?

A. Reading. B. Speaking. C. Writing 8. What are they talking about?

A. An English exam. B. Community service. C. Language teaching 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。

9. Who does the man ask the woman to do?

A. To learn SOHO. B. To work for SOHO. C. To explain SOHO 10. Which is the bad result of using computers? A. Many people will lose their jobs.

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B. People will be much lazier than before. C. People will be more foolish than before.

11. What does the man think we should do in order not to fall behind? A. We should make more money. B. We should learn more. C. We should work faster. 听第8段材料.回答第12至14题。

12. What trouble does Ashley have about her neighbor's son? A. His friends are too noisy at midnight. B. His radios wakes her children up. C. He plays his guitar too loudly.

13. When does the young man come back home?

A. At midnight. B. In the morning. C. At about eleven 14. What do we know about Ashley.

A. Ashley stays at home as a housewife B. Ashley knows her neighbors very well. C. Ashley has two children - Henry and Anne. 听第9段材料.回答第15至17题。 15. What’s the woman doing?

A. Interviewing. B. Reporting. C. Telling. 16. What do we know about the man?

A. He started collecting stamps 13 years ago. B. He had got 16.000 stamps altogether.

C. He had got one of the world's first stamps. 17. What kind of stamps did the man specialize in? A. The stamps from China and Canada. B. The stamps from Great Britain.

C. The stamps from all over the world. 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。

18, What was the old man pretending to look for? A. The house to put the parcel in. B. A stranger to talk with. C. The streets of a large city. 19. Who was the parcel actually from?

A. Bob. B. The young man C.The old man. 20. What happened to the young man in the end? A. He got what he wanted. B. He was cheated

C. He got a lot of money.


21. more and more people may refer to the Internet fore up-to-minute news. it is unlikely that the newspaper will disappear.

A. When B. As C. While D. Since

22. After the earthquake. many people had to be in the tents because most of their houses were badly damaged.

A. pot away B, put out C. put up D. put Off

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23. It was commonly believed that there was going to be a in the economy, of Malaysia after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared.

A. demand B. trend C. restriction D. decline

24. Steven was very about what he thought of Cherry's performance. though it might annoy her.

A. sceptical B. sensitive C. anxious D. explicit 25. It is said that China will about 1.8 million workers in the coal and steel industries. A. lay out B. lay off C. lay down D. lay aside 26. - Where is the new dictionary I bought last week?

- You it to somebody. Calm down and think who It could be.

A. must land B. might lend C. must have lent D. should have lent

27. vaccines (疫苗) are complex biologic products. strong management and if not correctly, vaccines can lose same of their effectiveness. A. A requiring; handled B. requiring; handling C. required; handling D. required; handled 28. When was it the Shanghai Disneyland you dream of visiting was open to the public? A. which; which B. that; which C. that; where D. which; where 29. Nowadays, many people walk or cycle to work the government calling for living a low-carbon lifestyle to deal with global warming.

A. In charge of B. in relation to C. in addition to D. in response to 30. What terrible weather it is! the heavy snow, I would be with my family now, celebrating the New Year.

A Hadn't it been for B. If it would not be for C. Should it not be for D. Were it not for

31. The headmaster will a speech to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon. A. declare B. accelerate C. address D. applaud

32. Such is the kindness of the nurse that the patient can never be to her. A. too thankful B. very thankful C. that thankful D. enough thankful

33. - I'm flying to London this weekend to attend the wedding ceremony of my best friend. Would you mind looking after my dog7 - Not at all.

A. 1'd rather not B. I'd like it C. I've no time D. I'd be happy to

34. Mr Wang _ the meeting yesterday, but he suddenly fell ill. A. would attend B. was to have attended C. had attended D. will have attended

35. - The sound of the guitar wasn't beautiful. or my performance could have been better in the competition!

A. Great minds think alike

B. A bad workman blames his tools C. Never judge a book by its cover

D. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched 三、完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分.满分20分)

As I was reading a recent story in State on 20-somethings complaining about how the economy

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was ruining their life plans, I couldn't help but think the 20-somethings sounded like a bunch of spoiled children who grew up expecting everything to be easy for them. As a 20-something myself. I certainly 36 their disappointment: my husband and I probably won't be able to buy a house until we're in our 40s, and we too are 37 by student loans(贷款).But why should it be any 38 ? Being young persons in America, shouldn't they 39 all of the challenges and opportunities that this country offers?

Consider some of these views shared in the State story: Jennifer, 29, owner of a two-bedroom, apartment with her husband, 40 that she won't be able to have a 41 for at least a decade because they can't afford to buy a house yet.

I read that, and I thought, what planet is she living on where you need to own a(n) 42 in order to have kids? Has she ever visited a 43 country. or even downtown areas in this one? Home ownership is a luxury (奢华), not a(n) 44 .

A 26-year-old in the story despairs that he can't afford to get a Ph.D. in literature. Well. that sounds a bit like expressing disappointment that no one will 45 you to write poetry on the beach in Thailand for five years.

Yes, it's sad that these young people feel so 46 . But I think the problem is their 47 high expectations, not economic 48 . Beth Kobliner, author of Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties, says that she thinks people's expectations are slowly 49 .but today's 20-somethings grew up at a time when everyone's wealth appeared to be 50 . Their parents probably saw their home values rise 51 , their investments. \you have people who have grown up in an environment where people had great expectations of what living well 52 .\

This recession (衰退) will 53 play a role in forcing those expectations into more realistic group. In the meantime, it seems a lot better for our 54 health to focus on being 55 for our one-bedroom apartments, for living in modern cities, or perhaps just for being able to eat three meals a day-than on longing for some kind of luxury life. 36. A. believe B. blame C.share D. praise 37. A. burdened B. bothered C. surrounded D. covered 39. A. important B. convenient C. difficult D. different 39. A. take in B. take over C. take up D. take off 40. A. worries B. announces C. disagrees D. annoys 41. A. pet B. child C. job D. car 42. A. apartment B. house C. office D. company 43. A. developing B. developed C. wealthy D. modern

44. A. argument B. agreement C. achievement D. requirement 45. A. offer B. hire C. pay D. praise 46. A. surprised B. lost C. absorbed D. satisfied 47. A. extremely B. heavily C. totally D. clearly 48. A. reality B. truth C. secret D. growth 49. A. adjusting B. fighting C. adapting D. reflecting 50. A. extending B. expanding C. appearing D. raising St. A. but for B. except for C. instead of D. along with 52. A. works B. matters C. means D. proves 53. A. frequently B. hardly C. recently D. certainly 54. A. physical B. mental C. global D. natural 55. A. helpful B. grateful C. peaceful D. Regretful

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四、阅读理解(共10小题:每小题2分,满分20分) A

Searching for a job does not happen overnight. It takes a while to find out what you would like to pursue(追求), matching your qualifications to a job and finding the right location. But even with a specific list. very few job applicants will find a job that suits all of their requirements. What are some ways to go about finding a job that will be right for you? Networking

Many people are able to find a job that they like through networking. The advantage of networking is that family or friends will be able to provide an inside knowledge of the job, the pay. an honest opinion of what it is like to work there. They will tell you things that employers may withhold(保留) from a job interview, because they want to create the best possible impression rather than highlight any of the flaws that the company has. An added benefit of networking is that friends and family members can inform you of a job opening soon after it becomes available and then put in a good word for you to their employers. Employers are often favourably disposed to potential employees even before they have arrived for a job interview because their friends or relatives have taken the time to recommend them. Job fairs

Job fairs are a great place to start looking for a job when you know what you would like to do. Employers will be on the lookout for capable people who can help to fill position. If you keep up to date with when the next local job fair will be held, you may walk away with a job. Newspaper ads

Local newspapers will advertise for jobs in their classified section. Many jobs can now be applied for online, which saves the time and effort of filling in a paper application and putting your resume in the post. Make sure you still follow through with the job application. Do not just apply for the job and then wait for a reply. Fill it in by the date that is listed and then wait a few days and call the company. It is important to be proactive (先发制人的) and show that you are interested in the job. The job will not come to you. Yellow pages

It Is possible to find a job by simply reading through the yellow pages, calling companies directly and asking for a job. Some companies do not put out their listings straightaway, which mean you may learn of a job before it has even been advertised. That shows initiation and drive for the job.

Finding a job is daunting (使人畏缩的)but with a little forethought and preparation. you need not take too long to find a suitable job.

56 . The purpose of this article is to . A. show how to apply for a job

B. show how to succeed in finding a job

C. share some information about different jobs that suit us

D. show some requirements we should meet when applying for a job 57. According to this article. the author probably agrees that . A. lots of work needs to be done if we want to get the right jab

B. it's not appropriate to call a company if they haven't put out their livings straightaway

C. when we've applied for a job. what we can do is just wait

D. if we have no idea what we'd like to do. it's better to go to the job fairs

58. It's more likely for us to get some hidden information about the job we want to apply for

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through .

A. Networking B. Job fairs C. Newspaper ads D. Yellow pages

59. What does the underlined part \often favourably disposed to\(Paragraph2)most probably mean?

A. have a good knowledge of B. have a built-in prejudice against C. have a potential interest in D. have a close study of

60. By saying\ .

A. You will not get the job

B. It requires some efforts to get the job C. The job doesn't suit you D. You aren't qualified for the job B

Xia Peng's dream is to use the best materials and simples methods to help the Chinese people improve their English and the former world English-speaking champion is realizing

his dream thanks to the Chinese social media platform WeChat (微信).

Over 16,000 student are learning English on Youlinyouke, an official account on WeChat, founded by Xia. The 32-year-old says he has more than 10 top teachers in the venture.

Xia won the International Public Speaking Competition hosted by the English Speaking Union in the United Kingdom in 2005. In addition to

winning many other awards, Xia was much sought after at China's biggest English-training school. New Oriental Education and Technology Group.

He says WeChat users account for a large chunk of mobile Internet spending. so it was easier to start his program on WeChat rather than on his own app.

\terrain is are more and more important. Also, on WeChat we have to invest only a little.\he says. Moreover, with WeChat students can study anywhere at any time they want. He says that on WeChat. teachers can. in addition to text, send pictures and videos to students, and also interact with them on WaChat groups.

\about 700 pages, about 6,000 students, are studying at the same time. It is also cheap. as the 700-pape materials and the whole teaching course that takes about 300 hours costs the learners only 500 yuan($77.69 curos) each. It is impossible to have a course like this offline.

He says that he has seen many examination-oriented education programs that he dislikes and so teachers in his program have combined different ways of teaching English and then deliver the information in a humorous and interesting way.

\offer the best teachers. Moreover, we have so many students in the online community they won't feel alone while learning.\

He says he needs to pay only about 0.5 percent of his income to WeChat and, of course, does not have to spend on rent for physical classrooms,

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\need to pay to support a platform so that the platform will be able to continuously serve you and innovate.\

However. he says that there are some special functions, such as live broadcasting, and IPR protection that WeChat cannot offer at the moment. so he is considering starting his own app. \

Ken Chin. a researcher with big data analysis and ratings firm Analysys International. says that starting a business such as e-commerce, services, marketing or media on WeChat has increasingly become a common phenomenon, and WeChat is encouraging more people to do that. He says that the functions that WeChat offers still cannot match what a specific app could offer to startups (创业公司),but in the future, the gap will definitely decrease. 61. Why did Xia Peng start his program on WeChat? A. Because WeChat was founded by him.

B. Because it is impossible for him to create an app himself.

C. Because there're a large group of potential consumers on WeChat. D. Because it was his dream to start it on WeChat.

62. According to Xia, his program on WeChat have all the following adsantages except that A. Teachers can text. send pictures and videos to students and interact with them B. There s live broadcasting for the students to learn better

C. There are so many students studying at the same time that students won't feel alone D. Students can learn anywhere at any time they want

63. Which factor may not account for the season why Xia started his program on WeChat rather than on his own app at the very beginning?

A. The convenience of WeChat. B. The low charge of WeChat. C. The special function of WeChat. D. The popularity of WeChat. 64. What Is Ren Chao's attitude towards WeChat?

A. Worrying B. Disappointing C. Optimistic D. Pessimistic 65. From which section of the newspaper is this passage probably taken? A. Economy B. Culture C. Entertainment D. Education 第二卷(共



66. It's worrying that school (暴力) has become a serious problem in recent years in many countries.

67. The introduction of the new technology will (加快) the production in this factory. 68. The show is eye-catching in that it requires celebrities (明星) to eat some (令人恶心的)raw creatures.

69. We were proud that five students from our class were awarded (奖学金). 70.I firmly believe that the house was (故意) set fire to by someone.

71. We're all greatly touched by the mother, who s everything she had. even her life, for her children.

72. Nowadays many of the successful movies, like Pride and Prejudice. are a of classic literary works.

73. With the development of technology, scientists now have no difficulty c the time when the spaceship will reach the moon.

74. The weather recently is so c that you have to take an umbrella though it is sunny at the moment.

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75. By buying ten books every month, he soon a a roomful of documents and novels. 六、句子转换(共20个空格:每个0.5分.满分10分)

76. Recently, they have tested the effect of the drug with rats dozens of times. Recently, they have the drug on rats dozens of times.

77. People made the assumption that the explosion of the house was caused by natural gas. It that the explosion of the house was caused by natural gas.

78.The film The Mermaid directed by Stephen Chow attracted a large group of audience because of its comedy style and social awareness.

The film The Mermaid directed by Stephen Chow had great a large group of audience because of its comedy style and social awareness.

79.1 handed out candies to all the people who attended my brother's wedding ceremony. I candies to all the people my brother's wedding ceremony.

80. It is reported that iPhone SE, described as an iphone 5s with a heart of iphone 6 . will go on sale soon. It is reported that iPhone SE, described as on iPhone 5s with a heart of iPhone 6, will the market soon.

81. The drug is effective but it Is likely to cause stomachaches.

Effective the drug is. it has a to cause stomachaches.

82. Burn's album of poems didn't bring him any profit, so he remained as poor as before. Burn's album of poems didn't bring him my profit, so he was than before. 83. On the basis of our sales this year. we are confident to earn more money next year. our sales this year, we are confident to earn more money next year. 84. Nowadays. some farmers often rise special chemicals to make fruits grow faster.

Nowadays. some farmers often use special chemicals to the growth of fruits. 85. The singer sang a song to show respect for those donating money to the disaster area.

The singer sang a song of those donating money to the disaster area. 七、动词填空(共10个小题:每小题1分.满分10分)

86. North Korea is believed (conduct) an underground nuclear test on January 6.2016. 87. Robert's bad performance in the football game led to his team (defeat) by their opponent.

88. Nov. 7, 2015 saw the time when the leaders from across the Taiwan Straits (meet) with each other.

89. What's the way you thought of (persuade) him to give up smoking?

90. It's good to take the children for an outing on weekends to leave them (expose) to nature. 91. (locate) in North China's Shanxi Province. Mount Wutai is one of the county's four famous Buddhist mountains.

92. When (compare)similar goods in the supermarket, many people often pay attention only to the price rather than the quality.

93. The whole city (comb) thoroughly, the police had no luck to find the murderer. 94. The bridge isn't open temporarily because it (repair) now.

95. _ (keep) your attention focused on practising, and you can achieve your goal of becoming an excellent dancer.

八、完成句子(共20个空格:每格0.5分.满分10分) 96.这种甜食是南部地区很典型的食物。

This sort of sweets the food in the south.


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While Sun Nan the final of I am a singer 3, the live broadcast that night was a great success.


Mom has been the all week preparing for Tom's wedding. 99.我不想反驳你,但是你那些建议实在太不实际了.

I to you, but your suggestions are really impractical.


When imitating Jin Xing in Your Face Sounds,Wong Cholam her too much the facial expressions.


Aspirin and penicillin are now still being produced large and used widely in medial treatment.


Bruce took up arms and led his people to fight bravely of their country. 103.许多公司偏爱年轻员工.因为他们更加积吸进取.奋发向上。 Many companies have a young employees because they are more aggressive and hardworking. 104.当地政府说将开放更多航线.以便于游客前住各个旅游城市。

Local authorities said they would open more flight routes to make the tourist cities more visitors.


Lots of moving stories have in recent years in Wuxi. 九、任务型阅读(共10小题:每小题1分.满分10分)

请认真阅读下面短文.并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。

If you haven't heard or seen anything about road rage(路怒症) in the last few months. you've probably been avoiding the media. There have been countless stories about this new and scary phenomenon. and you have most likely run into aggressive driving or road rage recently if you drive at all. According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Association. 41.907 people died on the highways last year. Of those deaths. the agency estimates that about two-thirds, were caused at

least in part by aggressive driving behavior.

Why is this phenomenon occurring more than ever now and why is it something that seemed almost nonexistent a few short years ago? Experts have several theories. One suggestion is overcrowding. In the last decade. the number of cars on the roads has increased by more than 11%. and the number of miles driven has increased by 35%. However. the number of new road miles has only increased by 1%. That means more cars in the same amount of space. Also, people have less time, but more things to do. With people working and trying to fit extra chores and activities into the day, stress levels have never been higher. Stress creates anxiety, which leads to short tempers. These factors, when combined in certain situations, can spell Road Rage.

Whether you are getting angry at other drivers. or another driver is upset with you, there are things you can do to avoid any major conflict. If you are susceptible (easily influenced) to road rage. the key is to discharge your emotion in a healthy way.

1. Keep your driving environment calm. Creating a positive driving environment will help keep you calm and you are mom likely to pay no attention to the road rage of other For example you can listen to music that makes you happy.

2. Allow yourself plenty of time. Being late will make you anxious and impatient, so you'll

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be more likely to get angry at other drivers make irresponsible driving decisions that will make them angry at you. Leaving yourself plenty of drive time will help you stay relaxed.

3. Be a polite driver. Allow other drivers m pus you or gel over into your lane if needed. Helping other drivers will pot you and them in a more peaceful state of mi d and following the rules of the toad will keep you safe.

4. Avoid confrontation(对抗) If an angry driver yells at you or shares a rude gesture out of his or her window, don't make eye contact or yell back. Keep your eyes on the road and ignore the angry driver. Fighting and driving angrily is dangerous to both of you as well as the other drivers and will only make things worse.

Road Rage It's estimated that in the last year, about two-thirds of the Present (106) deaths on the high way (107) from aggressive driving behavior at least in part. The (109) of the following factors in certain situations can spell Road Rage. (108) for road ·The roads have been (110) with cars in the last decade. rage ·People have less time and more things to do. so their stress levels have been high enough to create anxiety, (111) to short tempers. The key to avoiding it is to discharge your emotion (113) ·Keep your driving environment calm, then you are more likely to(114) the road rage of others. (112) on ·Allow yourself plenty of time. Your (115) and impatience how to avoid the will make you mote likely to get angry or make irresponsible conflict driving decisions. ·Be a polite driver. ·Avoid confrontation. 十、书面表达(满分25分)

Showing off an \become the new trend on China's social media. It comes hot on the heels of the belly button challenge, which involves attempting to touch your belly button by reaching behind your back. Only the skinniest can achieve it.

Photos of entertainment stars and netizens showing their thin waists covered by pieces of A4 paper, which is less than 21 centimeters in width, have garnered (获得) many hits and sparked heated debate.

Celebrities (名人) including Yuan Shanshan. the 29-year-old actress who shocked the Internet with her athletic body several months ago are following the trend.

According to same netizens. they will motivate themselves to exercise with the standard of A4 waist. A netizen called \

waist is the short-term target for losing weight!\while another citizen called \2772425121 fenglongxia\also expressed \my mouth first! For a rebirth. I must lose weight! \

However. Yahoo Style warned that this challenge is unhealthy. since it promotes an unrealistic

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beauty ,standard for many completely healthy people. Some parents and teachers are worried because teenagers, especially girls, might make unhealthy and unnecessary attempts to lose weight in order to have an \[写作内容]

1. 用约30个词概括上文的主要内容。 2.以约120个词谈谈你的感想.内容包括:

(1)你是否赞成这一现象.并说明理由(不少于两点). (2)作为青少年.你怎样看待瘦身这一话题: (3)请对瘦身者提出你的建议(不少于两点). [写作要求]

1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 [参考词汇] obesity 肥胖


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