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Household Register
Under Supervision of the Ministry of Public Security of P.R.C Matters that need attention
I. Household Register has the legal force to prove the citizenship status and the relationship between family members and it is the main basis for the household registration institution to investigate and check the household registration. The head of household or the member of the household shall initiatively submit the household register for checking at the time that the staff in the household registration authority conducts investigation and check of the Household Register. II. The head of the household shall keep the Household Register properly and is prohibited to alter, assign and lend the Household Register privately. If the Household Register is lost, the head of the household shall immediately report to the household registration authority.
III. The registration rights of the Household Register shall belong to the registration authority. Any other unit and individual shall not make any records on the Household Register.
IV. If the household has personnel increase or decrease or change of registered items, they shall apply to the registration authority for declaration with the Household Register.
V. Upon migrating of the whole household from the precinct, the household shall submit the Household Register to the household registration authority for revocation.
No. 00xxxxxxx Type of Household Number: 户号 Authorizing Institution: 省级公安机关 Non-agricultural family Head of Household: 户主姓名 Current residential address: 住址 Recording Office: 户口登记机关 Household: 户别 非农家庭户口 Public Security Bureau of Shanghai (seal) 上海市公安局 Shanghai, Xuhui, xxx Road xxxx 上海市xx区xxx路xxxx弄xxxx室 xx Street Police Station (seal) xx街道派出所 Issuing Date: xx/xx/20xx Page 1
Register of Residence Change 住址变动登记
Address after move 变动后的住址 Date of move 变动日期 Register personnel 承办人签章
Page 2
Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡1)
Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口 Name姓名 Other Names 曾用名 Place of Birth 出生地 Ancestral native place 籍贯 Other Local Addresses 本市其他住址 Residence ID Number 身份证号 Education 文化程度 Employer 服务处所 When and from where moved to this city何时由何地迁来本市 When and from where moved to current address何时由何地迁来本址 Height 身高 Marriage 婚姻状况
Registration date : 20xx-xx-xx
Head of Household 户主 M 男 Han 汉族 Religion 宗教信仰 Blood type 血型 Military service status 服兵役状况 Occupation 职业 None 无 N/A 不明 Relationship with Householder: 户主或与户主关系 Sex 性别 Ethnicity 民族 Date of Birth 出生日期 Page 3
Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载
Item 项目 Change/ post change 变更 变更后 Date of change 变更日期 Register personnel 承办人签章 Page 4
Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡2)
Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口
Name姓名 Other Names 曾用名 Place of Birth 出生地 Ancestral native place 籍贯 Other Local Addresses 本市其他住址 Residence ID Number 身份证号 Education 文化程度 Employer 服务处所 When and from where moved to this city何时由何地迁来本市 When and from where moved to current address何时由何地迁来本址 Height 身高 Marriage 婚姻状况 Single 未婚
Registration date : 20xx-xx-xx
Son 子 M 男 Han 汉 Religion 宗教信仰 Blood type 血型 Military service status 服兵役状况 Occupation 职业 None 无 Relationship with Householder: 户主或与户主关系 Sex 性别 Ethnicity 民族 Date of Birth 出生日期 Page 5
Registration Change and Records 登记事项变更和更正记载
Item 项目 Change/ post change 变更 变更后 Date of change 变更日期 Register personnel 承办人签章 Page 6
Registration card for permanent residence(常住人口登记卡3)
Non-agricultural family非农家庭户口 Name姓名 Other Names 曾用名 Place of Birth 出生地 Ancestral native place 籍贯 Other Local Addresses 本市其他住址 Residence ID Number 身份证号 Education 文化程度 Employer 服务处所 When and from where moved to this city何时由何地迁来本市 When and from where moved to current address何时由何地迁来本址 Height 身高 Marriage 婚姻状况
Registration date : 20xx-xx-xx
Wife 妻 F 女 Han 汉 Religion 宗教信仰 Blood type 血型 Military service status 服兵役状况 Occupation 职业 None 无 Relationship with Householder: 户主或与户主关系 Sex 性别 Ethnicity 民族 Date of Birth 出生日期 Page 7
---------------------------------------------- End of Records --------------------------------------------------
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