高一英语牛津版必修四 Module4 Unit3 M4U3完整学案

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高一英语牛津版必修四 Module4 Unit3

M4U3 单词讲解

1. come true ________________________e.g.你的理想总有一天会实现。_____________________________

比较:come true/realize




come about _______________ come across _______________

come into being/existence _______________ come into power _______________

come near _______________ come off _______________ come to _______________ come to light ______________come to oneself _______________ come up _______________





2. set vt. 为(故事等)构设背景,布置(舞台等)

set a stage为舞台布景 / be set in 以 为背景


__________________记下,写下 __________________出发,启程 __________________出发,使爆炸 __________________ 踏进/踏上 __________________ 留出,不顾,取消,驳回 ______________摆桌子

_________________把 点燃 __________________为 树立好榜样


3. upon prep.在 后立即,一 就 ,on以代替upon

Upon reaching the hotel, she e—mailed her father .________________________



Upon his arrival at the airport,he was arrested by the police.



4. pass on … 把 传给

Good traditional habits should be passed on to younger generations.____________

pass on 1)=pass away (委婉)死去,逝世 She passed on/away in her sleep.____________________________

2)=hand on把 传(递)下去Read this notice and pass it on. ___________________________



5. be connected to与 相连接

connect A with (to) B=join A to B指两物有形的连接

A be connected with B A与B有联系


能用with。 e.g. 警方认为他与那起谋杀案有关。_______________________________

6. give out___________________________________________


①My legs gave out and l couldn't walk any further. _________________________

②The results of the examination won't be given out._______________________

③The flowers give out a sweet smell. _______________________________


give up/give in/give off/give away

(1)give up 放弃 永远不要放弃英语学习。 _________________________________

高一英语牛津版必修四 Module4 Unit3

(2)give in屈服;让步;投降 _________________________________________最终他对我的观点妥协了。

(3)give off送出;发出 ______________________________太阳发出光和热。

(4)give away赠送;放弃;泄露;出卖

It was the mayor who gave away the prizes to the winners._________________

7. deliver vt. 释放,交付,移交,投递,传送,发表,表达,给予

n. _________________


I delivered the message and parcel to her. __________________________

What were left were to be delivered later in the day.

We deliver your order to your door.

She betrayed him and delivered him to the enemy.

She was delivered of a healthy boy. _____________________________

We delivered her from death. _________________________________

8. impress vt.

(1)“给 深刻印象;铭刻”。

His acting impressed me as being somewhat artificial._____________________


They impress the words“Made in China'’on a metal plate .

They impress a metal plate with the words ‘‘Made in China".


(3)“使 记住(某事的)重要性”,常与介词on连用。例如:

She impressed (it) on me that l must come home early ._________________

impression n.印象;印刷次数。例如:

⑧I shall never forget the impressions l had during my trip.

⑨This is the third impression of that book in one year.

impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的,难忘的。 (more~ , most~)

9. accuse sb. of (doing ) sth. 控告某人犯有 罪, 谴责某人做某事

accusing adj. 指责的

the accused 被告


②Ma Jiajue __________________________马加爵被指控犯了谋杀罪。

③We should take their accusation seriously.__________________________

比较accuse / charge:


1. 这部小说是以战前的伦敦为背景吗?_____ the novel _______ ________ pre-war London?

2. 中国的汉字经历了巨大的变革。Chinese ________ have undergone great changes

3. 粉丝对于他们球队的胜利欣喜若狂。The fans ______ _______ ______ their team’s victory.

4. 现在人们可以畅所欲言。Nowadays people can ________ their ________ as they will.

5. 陈水扁被控贪污受贿。Chen Shuibian ______ _______ _______ bribery.

6. 你能传真一份重要文件给我吗?Can you fax a very important ______ to me?

7. 依我看来,她还是很有前途的。______ ____ _______, she is a promising girl.

8. 我昨天在街上遇见的朋友是从事IT行业的。

The man I_____ ______ in the street yesterday works in IT.

9. 西湖的美给我留下了深刻的印象。The beauty of the west lake ______ me a _____ _______.

M4U3 Reading , tiredness, the food, the smells, the sights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experienced.


高一英语牛津版必修四 Module4 Unit3


Not only 放在句首,所在分句用部分倒装

Not only A but also B= B as well as A

Not only … but also连接并列主语时,谓语动词的 “就近原则”

but also中的also 可省略,but also也可换成but … as well

他不但喜欢英语,也喜欢汉语。______ ______ ______ ______like English, but also Chinese.

否定词放在句首,主句用部分倒装,常见的否定词有: never、 hardly、 seldom、 scarcely、 barely、 little、 nowhere、 in no way、 at no time、 not only、 in no case、 not until等等。例如: this again. Practice

(1)Not until the early years of the 19th century ________what heat is.

A. man did know

B. man knew D. did man know B. this city has been D. this city was C. didn’t man know A. has this city been C. was this city



Upon/On +n./doing相当于as soon as sb. does sth.,/ the moment sb. does sth.意为 ___________


As soon as I arrived, I went to see my former teacher. As soon as they heard the scream, all rushed out to see what was happening. 3. 戴上特殊的手套,这样电影里的人和物都能被触摸到。

so that: 为了,以至于

(1)She arranged everything carefully so that the meeting goes smoothly.

needed to prepare for us.

(2)We informed the organizer of the trip how many of us would come so that he knew how many rooms he (3)We are going shopping this weekend so that I will have new clothes for the New Year. (4)The teacher raised his voice so that everybody could hear him clearly.


(1)传给,递给 pass sth. on to sb.

(2)去世 sb. pass on

(3)换下一个话题 pass on to (another topic)

Practice: (1)如果你干不了的话,把工作给别人做。

If you can’t do the job yourself, (2)消息通过嘴巴传开了。The news was _____ ______by mouth.

(3)让我们谈个新话题吧。 ______ _______a new subject.

(4)史密斯先生昨晚去世,享年89岁。 ___ last night at the age of 89.

(2)Never before ________ in greater need of modern public transport than it is today. 2. Upon/On reaching the top of the mountain, a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement will be

高一英语牛津版必修四 Module4 Unit3


be connected to … 与 相连接

be connected with … 与 有牵连,有关系,有联系

connect A with/to B=join A to B A与B连接起来

Practice: 请接邮政局。___________________________________

警察认为他与那起谋杀案有关。The police thought he __ ______ _______ the murder. 气味通过耳机的小孔散发出来,以增添到“RealCine”的虚拟世界。

(1) add to : (increase )增加,扩建

The bad weather added to our difficulties.

(2) add sth. (to sth.) (put one thing to another )添加

e.g. If the tea is too strong, add some water (to it).

(3) add A to B/add A and B (put … together to get a total )把A和B加起来

e.g. Add 4 and 5 together, you’ll get 9.

(4) add sth. up (find the sum of) 加起来

e.g. Please add all the figures up.

(5) add up to: (give as a result when joined )总计,合计

e.g. The cost for the holiday added up to 3000 yuan.

(mean, equal )等于/意味着某事物

e.g.What you said added up to that you wouldn’t give help.


Practice: Complete the following sentences with add up, add to, add up to

(2) Thousands of new books from abroad have been ______________ the school library.

(3) Setting off fireworks can ________________the atmosphere of the festival. 1000 yuan.

give out: ① send out 散发(光、热、气味等)

②be used up 用光,耗尽

③be tired out 精疲力尽

④hand out 分发






D: 巩固:

不仅 而且 一 就

如此 以至于 为了,以便;因此,所以

传递,去世,变换话题 与 连接,与 有关系

把 加起来,有道理 增加,添加,加

总计达 散发,用光,筋疲力尽,分发

提供某人某物 除此之外

提出,提议 表演 的角色

对 感到失望

