英语1(基础模块)期中考试试题 - 图文

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一 听力(30%)

听录音,回答问题,Part A和Part B两部分的答案填涂在答题卡上,Part C部分的答案写在答卷纸上。Part A.根据所听对话回答问题,每个对话只听一遍(6 points)。

1. 听对话,判断Jack来自什么地方,并选择相应的图片。


B. C.

2. 听对话, 判断Sara是做什么工作的。

A. B. C.

3. 听对话, 判断男士能够做什么。

A. B. C.

4. 听对话,判断Mary想买什么。

A. B. C.

5. 听对话, 判断天气




6. 听对话,判断Tang Hua的爱好

A. B. C.

Part B. 听对话,将左右栏匹配,判断他们在做什么。 (4 points)

7. shopping Dialogue A

8. having a party Dialogue B

9. inviting friends Dialogue C

10.having a job interview(面试)

Dialogue D

Part C. 此部分请在卷二上做



根据要求完成所给阅读任务,将Part A-C各题答案填涂在答题卡上。Part D 在卷二,答案做在答题纸上。

Part A.

? 阅读个人介绍,帮助招聘方做判断(4 points)。

Hi, I am Jack. I come from London. I like playing basketball. I can drive cars and use the computer.

Hi, I am Sara. I come from Japan. I enjoy seeing English movies. I can speak good English. I can’t drive

cars. I can only ride bikes.

Hello, I am Daming. I am from Beijing, China. I like sports. Table tennis is my favorite. I can serve the customers. They all like me.

11. Who can be the driver of the company?

A. Jack B. Sara C. Daming 12. Who can be a waiter?

A. Jack B. Sara C. Daming

? 再读上面的介绍,判断他们都可能属于那个俱乐部,将姓名与其俱乐部匹配(6 points)。 13. Jack

A. Basketball club 14. Sara

B. Table tennis club 15. Daming

Part B.

C. Bike club


Sally完成求职表。(8 points) A. Address B. Abilities C. Position applied D. phone number

Application form Name: Sally Smith Gender: Female Age: 23 ___ 16_____ (010) -59591818 _______17________: No. 4 Huixin Email Address: Sallysmith@yahoo.com Street _______18________: Sales manager _______19________: Can use the computer Can drive cars Can speak English Part C. 阅读海报,判断什么时间购物最便宜,将所给日期填到备忘录相应的位置,把答案涂到答题卡

上(8 points)。

Superstar Department Store On sale 1st, Oct – 10th, Oct Best choice for everyone. From December 21 st, – 27thsupermarket at very attractive prices. , Many items on sale in our Original:¥76 Original: ¥3.4 Original: ¥2.5 Original: ¥9.4 Original:¥218 Monday:¥66 Tuesday:¥3.1 Wednesday:¥2 Thursday:¥8.6 Monday:¥188

Memo for shopping Items Time Cell phone 20.__________ Flowers 21. _________ Shoes 22. _________ Coke 23. _________ A. Monday B. Thursday C. Saturday D. Sunday

? 再读海报,帮助购物者判断商品打折日期是否正确(6 points)。

A.正确 B.不正确 C. 海报没有提供信息 24.____ CDs are on sale on Tuesday. 25. ____ Jeans are on sale on Saturday. 26.____ Orange juice are on sale on Friday. 27.____ Potatoes are on sale on Monday. 28. ____Basketballs are on sale on Sunday. 29. ____Coke is on sale on Thursday.

Part D. 本部分在卷二


Part A – C的答案填涂在答题卡上,Part D – F 部分见卷二。

Part A. 阅读所给句子,从所给选项中选择正确答案(5 points)。

30. — May I have your name, please? —___________________

A. Welcome. What’s your name? B. US, and you?

C. Sara, Sara Smith. What about you? 31. —____________________? —Paris. What about you?

A. Where are you from B. What’s your phone number

C. Are you a doctor

32. —_________ send emails?

—Yes, and I can repair the computer.

A. Do you B. Can you C. Would you like to

33. — ________ are these oranges?

—Two yuan one kilo, but they are on sale tomorrow.

A. What color B. How much C. What time 34. —_____________________? —I enjoy playing basketball.

A. What’s your job B. What’s your address C. What’s your hobby

Part B. 阅读在宴会上的对话,选择适当的词语补全对话(3 points)。 A. Welcome to B. Help yourself to C. Here is your Sara: ______35________my party, Jane. Jane: Thank you Sara.

Sara: Take a seat please. Would you like something to drink? Jane: Yes, tea please. Without milk. Sara: ____36_______tea. Jane: Thank you.

Sara: ____37_____ some food please.

Jane: Thank you. I like the cakes. Really delicious.

Part C. 阅读关于购物的对话,选择适当的词语补全对话(3points)。

A. What about B. any discount C. I’ll take Salesperson: Can I help you madam? Sara: I want some fruit.

Salesperson: ___38___ these bananas? Sara: Is there _______39__________? Salesperson: Yes, only 4 yuan one kilo today. Sara: OK, _____40_______ two kilos.

Part D– F. 本部分在卷二





Part C. 此部分对话每个对话读两遍。

1. 听关于面试的对话,帮助Jack完成求职表 (6 points) Application form Name Jack Age Position to apply for ______1)________ Abilities Can __2)____ Can serve the customers Can use the ______3)_______

2. 听关于购物的对话,帮助妈妈完成购物小票。(4 points)

Date: Sept.20

From High Press Supermarket

Item quantity Unit price Total

Fish 1 ¥20 ¥20

meat ___4)_____ ¥38 Chicken ___5)____ ¥15

3. 听关于聚会的对话,完成聚会的安排信息。(10 points) Schedule of the party Host ______6)______ Guests Mike, and ____7)________ Food _______8)_________ and biscuit Activities ________9)_________; Tell jokes _______10)_________ 二.阅读理解 Part D. 阅读下面的邀请涵,完成备忘录(8 points)。

Dear Mary,

It’s my birthday tomorrow. Would you like to come to my party at 8 p.m. tomorrow evening? Jack, Jane,

Mike, David, all our classmates are coming. There are very nice food for everyone. We can listen to music, dance, sing songs, play games and see movies on TV. Do come please.

Yours Sara

Memo for the party Time _____11) _____ Host _____12) _____ Guests _____13) _____: Jack, Jane, Mike, David Activities Listen to music Dance ______14______ Play games See movies on TV


Part D. 阅读关于面试的对话,用适当的词语补全对话(7 points)。

M: Sit down please. W: Thank you.

M:.___15)___ you say something about yourself?

W: Yes, I’m Sara. I want to apply for the secretary in your company. M: ___16)____ you use the computer? W: Yes, I ___17)____.

M: What about your spoken English?

W: I ___18)____ speak very good English. M: __19)___ you like computer games? W: Yes, I __20)____ crazy about computer games. And I like singing and dancing. They __21)____ all my


M: By the way, how old are you? W: 26.

Part E. 再读上面的对话,帮助女士完成求职表(6 points)。

Application form Name Sara Smith Sex Female Age 26 Position to apply for _____22) _____ Abilities Can use the computer _____23) _____ Hobbies _____24) _____ Like singing and dancing

Part F. 下面是面试人员呈给领导的面试介绍,请根据D中的对话帮助其完成求职者的介绍(6 points)。

Sara Smith, 26, female, ______25)_______ to apply for the secretary of our company. She ___26)____use the computer and speak good English. She ____27)______ computer games very much.


1)________________ 2)________________ 3)________________ 4)________________ 5)________________ 二.阅读

11) _______________ 12) _______________ 13) _______________ 14) ______________ 三.语言应用

15) _________________ 16) ________________ 17) ________________ 18) ________________ 19) ________________ 20) ________________ 21) ________________ 22) ________________ 23) ________________ 24) ________________ 25) ________________ 26) ________________ 27) ________________


6) ___________________ 7) ___________________ 8) ___________________ 9) ___________________ 10) __________________

录音文本 Part A

1. 听对话, 判断Jack来自什么地方,并选择相应的图片。

W: Hi, I am Alice, from Pair. What about you? M: My name is Jack. Jack Smith, from New York. 2. 听对话,判断Sara是做什么工作的。

M: Hi, Sara. Nice to meet you.

W: Nice to meet you too. What do you do? M: I am a doctor. What about you? W: I am a teacher.

3. 听对话,判断男士能够做什么。

W: Can you say something about yourself? M: Yes. I can repair computers. W: Can you driver cars? M: Sorry. I can’t.

4. 听对话,判断Mary想买什么。

M: Can I help you madam?

W: I’d like to buy some bananas and oranges. M: OK. How many bananas do you want? 5. 听对话, 判断天气

M: Hi, Mary. Let’s go and play basketball. W: Look. It is windy.

W: It doesn’t matter. We can play indoors. 6. 听对话,判断Tang Hua的爱好

W: Hi, Tang Hua. Do you like football?

M: No, I enjoy playing basketball? What’s your hobby? W: I like riding bikes.

Part B 听对话,将对话左右栏匹配,判断他们在做什么。

Dialogue A

M: Hi, sit down please. Can you say something about yourself? W: Yes, I want to be a secretary. I can use the computer. Dialogue B

W: Can I help you sir?

M: I’d like some fish and meat. Dialogue C

W: Would you like to come to my party? M: Yes, I’d love to. When is it?

Dialogue D

M: Welcome to my party. Help yourself, please. W: Thank you. The food is really delicious.

Part C 完成表格信息,每个对话听两遍。 1 听关于面试的对话,帮助Jack完成求职表 M: Sit down please. W: Thank you.

M: You want to be a salesperson? W: Yes

M: Can you serve the customers?

W: Yes. And I can drive cars. I can also use the computer. 2. 听关于购物的对话,帮助妈妈完成购物小票。

W: Good morning. What can I do for you?

M: I want some fish, some meat and some chicken. How much are they?

W: 20 yuan a kilo for fish, 19 yuan a kilo for meat and 15 yuan a kilo for chicken. M: OK, one kilo of fish, two kilos of meat and two kilos of chicken for me please. W: OK.

3. 听关于聚会的对话,完成聚会的安排信息。

W: Hi, dear friends. Welcome to my party, Mike and Jack.

M1: Thank you, Alice. It’s really great. I like the pizza and biscuit very much. M2: I like the music very much. It is beautiful. W: Do you like the songs, and the jokes. M1: Perfect!

W: Thank you. Would you like to play games now? M1/2: Let’s.



1-10 每题1分,答错不给分。 1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A

11 – 23 每题2分,答错不给分。 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. D 17. A 18. C 19. B 20. C 21. A 22. D 23. B

24 -29 每题1分,答错不给分。 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. B 29. B

30- 40 每题1分,答错不给分。 30. C 31. A

32. B 33. B 34. C 35. A 36. C 37. B 38. A 39. B 40. C


1) – 3)每题2分

1) salesperson,写错不给分,写成复数形式给1分

2) drive cars,car写成单数形式给1.5分,drive写错不给分,写成drives或者是drive的其他形式给1分3) use the computer,use形式写错给1分,没写the扣0.5分,computer形式写错扣1分

4)–5)每题2分,答错不给分 4) 2 5) 2

6) – 10)每题2分 6) Alice,写错不给分 7) Jack,写错不给分

8) pizza,形式错误,比如写成复数形式,大写等扣1分

9) listen to music/songs,listen形式写错扣1分,music/songs形式写错扣1分,没写to扣0.5分 10) play games,play形式错误扣1分,games形式错误扣1分

11) – 14)每题2分

11) 8 p.m. 时间错误不给分,p.m.没有不给分,写错扣1分 12) Sara 错误不给分


14)sing songs,sing形式错误扣1分,songs形式错误扣1分

15) – 21)每题1分,错误不给分,大小写不扣分 15) Can 16) Can 17) can

18) can 19) Do 20) am 21) are

22) – 27)每题2分

22) secretary 形式错误扣1分

23) speak English,speak形式错误扣1分

24) Like playing computer games, like 形式错误不扣分, playing形式错误扣1分, computer games形式错误扣0.5分

25) wants 形式错误扣1分 26) can 形式错误扣1分 27) likes 形式错误扣1分

