创新大学英语预备级Unit 2教案
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Unit 2 Dreams
Text C: Flying with the Dream
Teaching Objectives(教学目的)
Students will be able to
1. Grasp the main idea and structure of the text
2. Master the key language points and grammatical structures
3. Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.
Teaching procedures(教学步骤)
(1) Pre-reading activity (Period1)
a. Information related to the text
b. Introduction to the Text
c. Pre-reading questions
(2)While-reading activity(Periods2-4)
a. The organization of the text
b. Detailed reading---study of the language points
(3) Post-reading activity (Period 5-6)
a. Speaking Activity
b. Writing Practice
c. Have students finish the exercises
Period 1
Pre-reading activity
a. Background Information
1. Crop Duster Pilot
One of the most dangerous (and least glamorous迷人的,有魅力的) professions in aviation航空,飞行, crop dusters face the hazards of low-level flying (with potentially deadly obstacles such as power lines, fence posts, and water standpipes(储水管), as well as long-term exposure to toxic(有毒的)chemicals.
2. Boeing 737
The Boeing 737 is a short to medium range, single aisle(通道,走道), narrow body jet airliner(喷气客机). Originally developed as a shorter, lower-cost twin-engine (双引擎,双发动机)airliner derived from Boeing's 707 and 727, the 737 has nine variants,from the early -100 to the most recent and largest, the -900. Currently series -600 through -900 are being produced.
Firstly envisioned(设想)in 1964, the 737 entered airline service in February 1968. Forty years later it has become the most ordered and produced commercial passenger jet in the world. It is Boeing’s last surviving narrow-body airliner, sometimes serving markets previously filled by 707, 727, 757, DC-9 and MD-80/90 airlines. Continuously
manufactured by Boeing since 1967 with over 7,800 ordered and over 5,600 delivered (as of 2008), there are over 1,250 of the type airborne(空运,机载) at any given time. On average, a 737 departs or lands somewhere every five seconds.
b. Warm-up Activities
·To start students talking about dreams;
·To start students thinking about the problems they may (have already) encounter(ed); ·To familiarize students with the topics in the text.
Activity one
Directions: Ask Ss the following questions.
1) What do you think you will be doing ten years from now?
2) While pursuing our dream, we might encounter obstacles. How can we stick to the
1) CEO, manager, teacher, engineer, pop singer, actress, computer programmer…
2) willpower, determination, faith, action, encouragement…
Activity Two
Directions: Ask Ss to read the following poem and have a group discussion.
Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die,
Life is a broken-winged bird,
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die,
Life is a barren field,
Frozen with snow.
Questions: Why do people need a dream? What is the power of a dream?
· We need dreams. Dreams give us a vision of a better future. Dreams nourish our spirit. Dreams represent possibility even when we are depressed. Dreams keep us going. Most successful people are dreamers. Ordinary people who are not afraid to think big dare not go on to be great.
Activity Three
Directions: Ask Ss the following question.
When a friend tells you his or her dream, what’s your reaction?
· Encourage them to do what they want to.
· Persuade them not to give up.
· Offer them help as much as possible.
· Make them aware of the difficulties they might encounter.
Period 2-4
While-reading activity
a. Text Organization
Part one (Para 1-3): Jean Harper dreamed to be a pilot, but after encountering discouragement and negativity, she gave up her dreams.
Part two (Para 4-8): Mrs. Slaton encouraged her students to realize their dreams, which changed Jean Harper’s whole life.
Part three (Para 9-11): After 10 years of hard work, Jean Harper made her dream come true.
b. Detailed Study of the Text
assignment: n. a task or a piece of work that sb. is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies 作业,工作,任务
e.g. The English assignment is a book report.
assign: v. to give sb. a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing 分配,指派,布置任务等
e.g. I’ve been assigned the task of looking after the new students.
community: n. the district or locality in which a group of people live 社区,居住区 e.g. The school has established a successful relationship with the local community.
raise: vt.
1) to bring up, to rear 抚养,养育
e.g. Stan’s dad died, leaving his mother to raise three sons alone.
2) to collect money that you can use to do a particular job or help people 筹集 e.g. The company hopes to raise 1 million dollars to buy land.
pour one’s heart into: 全身心投入
e.g. The teacher, who poured her heart into teaching, gained respect from her students.
occupation: n.
1) one’s employment, a job, or profession 职业
e.g. He is a merchant by occupation.
2) when a large group of people enter a place and take control of it, especially by
military force 占据
e.g. The area is under occupation.
crush: v.
1) to defeat or subdue sb. completely 压垮,打垮
e.g. The revolution was crushed within days.
Sara’s spirits had been crushed by rejection and failure.
2) to press sth. so hard that it breaks or is damaged 压碎
e.g. Several people were crushed to death by the falling rocks.
humiliate: v. to make sb. feel ashamed or stupid and lose the respect of other people 使丢脸(蒙羞)
e.g. I’ve never feel so humiliated in all my life.
Her boss humiliated her in front of all her colleagues.
go by: if time goes by, it passes (时间)过去,流逝
discouragement: n. actions or words that deprive sb. of confidence, often by showing an active disapproval 劝阻;气馁
e.g. Despite early discouragement, she eventually became a successful songwriter.
encounter: v. to meet sb., or discover or experience sth., especially sb./sth. new, unusual or unexpected 碰到,面临
e.g. She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered.
behave: vt. to act, or react, in a specified manner 行为,举止
e.g. She behaved in a very responsible way.
responsible: adj. morally accountable for one’s actions; capable of rational conduct 有责任感的,负责任的
e.g. I was responsible for the crushing defeat.
responsibility: n.
scared: adj. (be ~ of; be ~ to do sth.) frightened of sth. or nervous about something 害怕的,恐惧的
e.g. She is scared of going out alone.
I’m scared that I’m going to fall.
The boys were scared to across the street.
firmness: n. 坚定
e.g. He was a man of intelligence and firmness of will.
fairness: n. sb.’s manner when they treat others equally and properly 公平
unlimited: adj. not limited in any way 无限的
access: n. (~ to sb./sth) the right or opportunity to enter or to use sth (使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利
e.g. She had access to some very prominent people.
Citizens may have free access to the library.
talent: n. a natural ability to do sth. well 才能,才干
crumble: v. to break, or break sth., into very small pieces 弄(粉)碎,瓦解 e.g. Many houses crumbled into cinders.
The earthquake made the wall sink and start to crumble.
opposition: n. the act of strongly disagreeing with sb./sth., esp. with the aim of preventing sth. from happening 对抗,反抗
e.g. There was a great deal of opposition to the war.
oppose: v. 反对,反抗
e.g. I am opposed to driving while drunk.
Nolan cannot oppose that suggestion more.
range from…to… : vary or extend between specified limits 从……到…… 不等,在….. 范围内变动
e.g. Prices range from around 5 to 10.
encourage: v. give support, confidence or hope to sb. 鼓励或支持某人
encouragement: n.
Period 5-6
Post-reading activity
a. Speaking Activity
P43 Activity two, three and four.
b. Have students finish the exercises.
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