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Oracle® Receivables
Reference Guide
Release 12.1
Part No. E13512-02
April 2009
Oracle Receivables Reference Guide, Release 12.1
Part No. E13512-02
Copyright © 1988, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Primary Author: Mathew Daniel
Contributing Author: Charles Ahern, Stephen R. Damiani, Melanie Heisler, Essan Ni Jirman, Shivranjini
Krishnamurthy, Robert MacIsaac, Kristin Penaskovic, Vijay Tiwary
Contributor: Rohit Kathuria, Mitesh Kumbhat, Amarnath Molugu, Prabhat Patel
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Send Us Your Comments
1Using Oracle Receivables APIs
MajorFeatures...........................................................................................................................1-1SolutionOutline........................................................................................................................1-22Adjustment API User Notes
Messages..................................................................................................................................2-283Credit Memo Approval and Creation API User Notes
4Credit Memo Application API User Notes
Overview...................................................................................................................................4-1APIUsage..................................................................................................................................4-1ar_cm_application_pub.activity_application.......................................................................4-1ar_cm_application_pub.activity_unapplication.................................................................4-11Messages..................................................................................................................................4-155Deposit API User Notes
Overview...................................................................................................................................5-1APIUsage..................................................................................................................................5-1AR_DEPOSIT_API_PUB.Create_deposit.............................................................................5-2AR_DEPOSIT_API_PUB.insert_non_rev_salescredit........................................................5-27Messages..................................................................................................................................5-326Invoice Creation API User Notes
Overview...................................................................................................................................6-1APIUsage..................................................................................................................................6-2AR_INVOICE_API_PUB......................................................................................................6-27Prepayments API User Notes
Overview...................................................................................................................................7-1APIUsage..................................................................................................................................7-2AR_PREPAYMENTS_PUB.Create_Prepayment..................................................................7-2AR_PREPAYMENTS_PUB.Get_Installment........................................................................7-9Messages..................................................................................................................................7-118Receipt API User Notes
Messages................................................................................................................................8-1379Revenue Adjustment API User Notes
Messages..................................................................................................................................9-31APredefined Setup for Oracle Subledger Accounting
DatathatOracleReceivablesPredefinesforOracleSubledgerAccounting..........................A-1BOracle Receivables Table and Column Descriptions
CSeeded Match Rules
DXML Transactions
Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Receivables Reference Guide, Release 12.1
Part No. E13512-02
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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.1 of the Oracle Receivables Reference Guide.
This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:
The principles and customary practices of your business area. Computer desktop application usage and terminology
If you have never used Oracle Applications, we suggest you attend one or more of the
Oracle Applications training classes available through Oracle University.
See Related Information Sources on page x for more Oracle Applications product
TTY Relay Access to Oracle Support Services
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/relay/tty/standard2.html. After the AT&T Customer
Assistant contacts Oracle Support Services, an Oracle Support Services engineer will
handle technical issues and provide customer support according to the Oracle service
request process.
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible
to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes
features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This
documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by
the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and
Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address
technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers.
For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at
Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation
Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise
empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that
consists solely of a bracket or brace.
Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation
This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations
that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any
representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.
1 Using Oracle Receivables APIs
2 Adjustment API User Notes
3 Credit Memo Approval and Creation API User Notes
4 Credit Memo Application API User Notes
5 Deposit API User Notes
6 Invoice Creation API User Notes
7 Prepayments API User Notes
8 Receipt API User Notes
9 Revenue Adjustment API User Notes
A Predefined Setup for Oracle Subledger Accounting
B Oracle Receivables Table and Column Descriptions
C Seeded Match Rules
D XML Transactions
Related Information Sources
This document is included on the Oracle Applications Document Library, which is
supplied in the Release 12 DVD Pack. You can download soft-copy documentation as
PDF files from the Oracle Technology Network at /documentation,
or you can purchase hard-copy documentation from the Oracle Store at
. The Oracle E-Business Suite Documentation Library
Release 12 contains the latest information, including any documents that have changed
significantly between releases. If substantial changes to this book are necessary, a
revised version will be made available on the online documentation CD on My Oracle
If this guide refers you to other Oracle Applications documentation, use only the
Release 12 versions of those guides.
For a full list of documentation resources for Oracle Applications Release 12, see Oracle
Applications Documentation Resources, Release 12, Document 394692.1 on My Oracle
Online Documentation
All Oracle Applications documentation is available online (HTML or PDF).
PDF - PDF documentation is available for download from the Oracle Technology
Network at /documentation.
Online Help - Online help patches (HTML) are available on My Oracle Support.
My Oracle Support - My Oracle Support lets you browse the knowledge base, from
a single product page, to find all documents for that product area. Use My Oracle
Support to search for release-specific information, such as FAQs, recent patches,
alerts, white papers, troubleshooting tips, and other archived documents.
Oracle eBusiness Suite Electronic Technical Reference Manuals - Each Electronic
Technical Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed
description of database tables, forms, reports, and programs for a specific Oracle
Applications product. This information helps you convert data from your existing
applications and integrate Oracle Applications data with non-Oracle applications,
and write custom reports for Oracle Applications products. Oracle eTRM is
available on My Oracle Support.
Related Guides
You should have the following related books on hand. Depending on the requirements
of your particular installation, you may also need additional manuals or guides.
Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install:
This book is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing or upgrading
Oracle Applications. It provides instructions for running Rapid Install either to carry
out a fresh installation of Oracle Applications Release 12, or as part of an upgrade from
Release 11i to Release 12. The book also describes the steps needed to install the
technology stack components only, for the special situations where this is applicable.
Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12:
This guide provides information for DBAs and Applications Specialists who are
responsible for upgrading a Release 11i Oracle Applications system (techstack and
products) to Release 12. In addition to information about applying the upgrade driver,
it outlines pre-upgrade steps and post-upgrade steps, and provides descriptions of
product-specific functional changes and suggestions for verifying the upgrade and
reducing downtime.
Oracle Applications Patching Procedures:
xiiThis guide describes how to patch the Oracle Applications file system and database using AutoPatch, and how to use other patching-related tools like AD Merge Patch, OAM Patch Wizard, and OAM Registered Flagged Files. Describes patch types and structure, and outlines some of the most commonly used patching procedures. Part of Maintaining Oracle Applications, a 3-book set that also includes Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities and Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures. Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities:This guide describes how to run utilities, such as AD Administration and AD Controller, used to maintain the Oracle Applications file system and database. Outlines the actions performed by these utilities, such as monitoring parallel processes, generating Applications files, and maintaining Applications database entities. Part of Maintaining Oracle Applications, a 3-book set that also includes Oracle Applications Patching Procedures and Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures. Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures:This guide describes how to use AD maintenance utilities to complete tasks such as compiling invalid objects, managing parallel processing jobs, and maintaining snapshot information. Part of Maintaining Oracle Applications, a 3-book set that also includes Oracle Applications Patching Procedures and Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities.Oracle Alert User's Guide:This guide explains how to define periodic and event alerts to monitor the status of your Oracle Applications data.Oracle Application Framework Developer's Guide:This guide contains the coding standards followed by the Oracle Applications development staff to produce applications built with Oracle Application Framework. This guide is available in PDF format on My Oracle Support and as online documentation in JDeveloper 10g with Oracle Application Extension.Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide:This guide covers the design-time and run-time aspects of personalizing applications built with Oracle Application Framework.Oracle Applications Concepts:This book is intended for all those planning to deploy Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12, or contemplating significant changes to a configuration. After describing the Oracle Applications architecture and technology stack, it focuses on strategic topics, giving a broad outline of the actions needed to achieve a particular goal, plus the installation andconfiguration choices that may be available.Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide:This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle Applications implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Oracle Applications product data. This guide also provides information
on creating custom reports on flexfields data.
Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide:
This guide describes the multiple organizations concepts in Oracle Applications. It
describes in detail on setting up and working effectively with multiple organizations in
Oracle Applications.
Oracle Application Server Adapter for Oracle Applications User's Guide:
This guide covers the use of OracleAS Adapter in developing integrations between
Oracle applications and trading partners.
Please note that this guide is in the Oracle Application Server 10g Documentation
Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set:
This documentation set provides planning and reference information for the Oracle
Applications System Administrator. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide -
Configuration contains information on system configuration steps, including defining
concurrent programs and managers, enabling Oracle Applications Manager features,
and setting up printers and online help. Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide
- Maintenance provides information for frequent tasks such as monitoring your system
with Oracle Applications Manager, administering Oracle E-Business Suite Secure
Enterprise Search, managing concurrent managers and reports, using diagnostic
utilities including logging, managing profile options, and using alerts. Oracle
Applications System Administrator's Guide - Security describes User Management, data
security, function security, auditing, and security configurations.
Oracle Applications User's Guide:
This guide explains how to navigate, enter data, query, and run reports using the user
interface (UI) of Oracle Applications. This guide also includes information on setting
user profiles, as well as running and reviewing concurrent requests.
Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics User's Guide:
This manual contains information on implementing, administering, and developing
diagnostics tests in the Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics framework.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide:
This guide describes the high level service enablement process, explaining how users
can browse and view the integration interface definitions and services residing in
Oracle Integration Repository.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developer's Guide:
This guide describes how system integration developers can perform end-to-end service
integration activities. These include orchestrating discrete Web services into meaningful
end-to-end business processes using business process execution language (BPEL), and
deploying BPEL processes at run time.
It also explains in detail how to invoke Web services using the Service Invocation
Framework. This includes defining Web service invocation metadata, invoking Web
services, managing errors, and testing the Web service invocation.
Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Implementation Guide:
This guide explains how integration repository administrators can manage and
administer the service enablement process (based on the service-oriented architecture)
for both native packaged public integration interfaces and composite services (BPEL
type). It also describes how to invoke Web services from Oracle E-Business Suite by
employing the Oracle Workflow Business Event System; how to manage Web service
security; and how to monitor SOAP messages.
Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide:
This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any product that
includes workflow-enabled processes. It also describes how to manage workflow
processes and business events using Oracle Applications Manager, how to monitor the
progress of runtime workflow processes, and how to administer notifications sent to
workflow users.
Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide:
This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize
existing Oracle Applications-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how to
define and customize business events and event subscriptions.
Oracle Workflow User's Guide:
This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and
monitor the progress of their workflow processes.
Oracle Workflow API Reference:
This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access
Oracle Workflow.
Oracle Workflow Client Installation Guide:
This guide describes how to install the Oracle Workflow Builder and Oracle XML
Gateway Message Designer client components for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement Functional Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to
Release 12:
This guides provides detailed information about the functional impacts of upgrading
Oracle Financials and Oracle Procurement products from Release 11i to Release 12. This
guide supplements the Oracle Applications Upgrade Guide: Release 11i to Release 12.
Oracle Financials Concepts Guide:
This guide describes the fundamental concepts of Oracle Financials. The guide is
intended to introduce readers to the concepts used in the applications, and help them
compare their real world business, organization, and processes to those used in the
Oracle Financials Glossary:
The glossary includes definitions of common terms that are shared by all Oracle
Financials products. In some cases, there may be different definitions of the same term
for different Financials products. If you are unsure of the meaning of a term you see in
an Oracle Financials guide, please refer to the glossary for clarification. You can find the
glossary in the online help or in the Oracle Financials Implementation Guide.
Oracle Financials Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement the Oracle Financials E-Business
Suite. It guides you through setting up your organizations, including legal entities, and
their accounting, using the Accounting Setup Manager. It covers intercompany
accounting and sequencing of accounting entries, and it provides examples.
Oracle E-Business Tax User Guide:
This guide describes the entire process of setting up and maintaining tax configuration
data, as well as applying tax data to the transaction line. It describes the entire
regime-to-rate setup flow of tax regimes, taxes, statuses, rates, recovery rates, tax
jurisdictions, and tax rules. It also describes setting up and maintaining tax reporting
codes, fiscal classifications, tax profiles, tax registrations, configuration options, and
third party service provider subscriptions. You also use this manual to maintain
migrated tax data for use with E-Business Tax.
Oracle E-Business Tax Implementation Guide:
This guide provides a conceptual overview of the E-Business Tax tax engine, and
describes the prerequisite implementation steps to complete in other applications in
order to set up and use E-Business Tax. The guide also includes extensive examples of
setting up country-specific tax requirements.
Oracle E-Business Tax Reporting Guide:
This guide explains how to run all tax reports that make use of the E-Business Tax data
extract. This includes the Tax Reporting Ledger and other core tax reports,
country-specific VAT reports, and Latin Tax Engine reports.
Oracle E-Business Tax: Vertex Q-Series and Taxware Sales/Use Tax System
Implementation Guide:
This guide explains how to setup and use the services of third party tax service
providers for US Sales and Use tax. The tax service providers are Vertex Q-Series and
Taxware Sales/Use Tax System. When implemented, the Oracle E-Business Tax service
subscription calls one of these tax service providers to return a tax rate or amount
whenever US Sales and Use tax is calculated by the Oracle E-Business Tax tax engine.
This guide provides setup steps, information about day-to-day business processes, and
a technical reference section.
Oracle General Ledger Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement Oracle General Ledger. Use this
guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use, including
how to set up Accounting Flexfields, Accounts, and Calendars.
Oracle General Ledger Reference Guide:
This guide provides detailed information about setting up General Ledger Profile
Options and Applications Desktop Integrator (ADI) Profile Options.
Oracle General Ledger User's Guide:
This guide provides information on how to use Oracle General Ledger. Use this guide
to learn how to create and maintain ledgers, ledger currencies, budgets, and journal
entries. This guide also includes information about running financial reports.
Oracle iReceivables Implementation Guide:
This guide provides information on how to implement Oracle iReceivables. Use this
guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use, including
how to set up and configure iReceivables, and how to set up the Credit Memo Request
workflow. There is also a chapter that provides an overview of major features available
in iReceivables.
Oracle Order Management Documentation Set:
Use the Oracle Order Management User's Guide and Oracle Order Management
Implementation Manual to learn about credit checking and credit usage rule sets.
Oracle Public Sector Financials User Guide:
This guide describes how to set up and administer Oracle Public Sector Advanced
Features. It describes Encumbrance Reconciliation Reports, GASB 34/35 Asset
Accounting, and Funds Available Enhancements.
Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to implement Oracle Receivables.
Use this guide to understand the implementation steps required for application use,
including how to set up customers, transactions, receipts, accounting, tax, and
collections. This guide also includes a comprehensive list of profile options that you can
set to customize application behavior.
Oracle Receivables User Guide:
This guide provides you with information on how to use Oracle Receivables. Use this
guide to learn how to create and maintain transactions and bills receivable, enter and
apply receipts, enter customer information, and manage revenue. This guide also
includes information about accounting in Receivables. Use the Standard Navigation
Paths appendix to find out how to access each Receivables window.
Oracle Subledger Accounting Implementation Guide:
This guide provides setup information for Oracle Subledger Accounting features,
including the Accounting Methods Builder. You can use the Accounting Methods
Builder to create and modify the setup for subledger journal lines and application
accounting definitions for Oracle subledger applications. This guide also discusses the
reports available in Oracle Subledger Accounting and describes how to inquire on
subledger journal entries.
Oracle Trading Community Architecture User Guide:
This guide describes the Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA) and how to
use features from the Trading Community Manager responsibility to create, update,
enrich, and cleanse the data in the TCA Registry. It also describes how to use Resource
Manager to define and manage resources.
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Administration Guide:
This guide describes how to administer and implement Oracle Trading Community
Architecture (TCA). You set up, control, and manage functionality that affects data in
the TCA Registry. It also describes how to set up and use Resource Manager to manage
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Reference Guide:
This guide contains seeded relationship types, seeded Data Quality Management data,
D and B data elements, Bulk Import interface table fields and validations, and a
comprehensive glossary. This guide supplements the documentation for Oracle Trading
Community Architecture and all products in the Oracle Customer Data Management
Oracle Trading Community Architecture Technical Implementation Guide:
This guide explains how to use the public Oracle Trading Community Architecture
application programming interfaces (APIs) and develop callouts based on Oracle
Workflow Business Events System (BES). For each API, this guide provides a
description of the API, the PL/SQL procedure, and the Java method, as well as a table of
the parameter descriptions and validations. For each BES callout, this guide provides
the name of the logical entity, its description, and the ID parameter name. Also
included are setup instructions and sample code.
Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service
endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a
complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets
users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for
integration with any system, application, or business partner.
The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your
instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate
for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.
Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle Applications Data
Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data
Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle Applications data unless
otherwise instructed.
Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and
maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as
SQL*Plus to modify Oracle Applications data, you risk destroying the integrity of your
data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data.
Because Oracle Applications tables are interrelated, any change you make using an
Oracle Applications form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle
Applications data using anything other than Oracle Applications, you may change a
row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables
get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information
and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle Applications.
When you use Oracle Applications to modify your data, Oracle Applications
automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle Applications also keeps track
of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using
database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who
has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a
record of changes.
Using Oracle Receivables APIs
Major Features
Before you begin....
Initialization of ARP_STANDARD and ARP_GLOBAL
Custom code that uses AR or HZ APIs will set the ORG_ID via
dbms_application_info.set_client_info() and then call the APIs. The APIs in turn might
access either ARP_STANDARD and ARP_GLOBAL, which initialize the global
variables that are used across Oracle Receivables when the package is first called. Most
of these global variable values are organization dependent, and the first such call sets
the global variables based on the current ORG_ID.
If additional custom code then changes the ORG_ID via another call to
dbms_application_info.set_client_info(), then the ORG context changes, but the
ARP_STANDARD and ARP_GLOBAL context does not.
In such cases, you should explicitly re-initialize the global variables by a call to these
two public procedures:
2. ARP_GLOBAL.INIT_GLOBAL: For setting public variables in ARP_GLOBAL.ARP_STANDARD.INIT_STANDARD: For setting public variables in
Per Oracle API coding standards, the various Oracle Receivables APIs let you specify an
ID or its associated value for any attribute that is an INPUT parameter of the API.
If both an ID and value have been specified, then the ID takes precedence over the
value. This provides a wide degree of flexibility when using the API, both as a base
table of the form and as a server-side routine call from the PL/SQL code.
Using Oracle Receivables APIs 1-1
The extensive defaulting mechanism for the input parameters ensures that you will be
able to achieve your basic business needs by calling the relevant APIs with a minimum
number of parameters. This gives you many options to achieve your requirements
when you call the relevant API.
Modular Approach
The API has been designed in a highly modular fashion, resulting in code that is:
Easy to understandEasy to maintainEasy to expand
Error Handling
Oracle Receivables APIs provide an extensive error-handling and error-reporting
mechanism whereby all errors encountered in the Defaulting and Validation phases are
reported and put on the message stack. The calling program can look up all error
messages, or the first error message on the stack.
If only one error exists on the message stack, then you do not need to fetch the message
from the stack because the message will return as one of the output parameters of the
API routine.
Robust Validation
The validations that Oracle Receivables APIs perform are robust in nature. The APIs
collect all encountered validation errors and put them on the message stack. The
relevant entity handler is called only if no errors are reported during the Defaulting and
Validation phases.
Debug Messages
Extensive debug messages have been incorporated to simplify the troubleshooting
process when problems are encountered with any API.
Debug messages can be written to the log file by calling the appropriate routines
described in Exception Handling and Result Messages, page 1-3.
Solution Outline
Modular Approach
To modularize an API, the basic structure of the API is divided into four parts:
1-2 Oracle Receivables Reference Guide
1. Defaulting the IDs from the values and cross validating, if you provide both the
values and the IDs.
Defaulting all the entity level information, which you have not entered or which the
API needs internally.
Validating the entity level information that you entered.
Calling to the entity handlers to perform the relevant task.2. 3. 4.
This results in code that is easy to understand and easy to maintain. Any new
functionality can be added by a simple code plug-in at each of the four parts.
In general, the various parameters in each API call get defaulted, if not entered, based
on the following:
Values of the other parameters in the API callValues set in the AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS table entered through the System
Options form
Relevant profile option values
Depending on the above three factors and the exact business requirement, the minimum
number of parameters required to perform certain business tasks may vary.
Null values are defaulted for the parameters that could not be defaulted by the API
defaulting routines.
For various attributes of the business objects, you can pass either the ID or the value of
the attribute.
If you specify only the value, then the value is used to derive the ID; otherwise, the ID
(if specified) is taken directly. If you specify both the ID and the value, then the ID takes
precedence over the value and a warning message informs you of this.
Exception Handling and Result Messages
Each Oracle Receivables API returns three types of information to its calling programs:
Overall statusMessages describing the operations performed or errors encountered by the APIsSome output values that the API caller might want to use (this is different for
different API routines and is described in each API's relevant chapter, in the API
Usage section).
Using Oracle Receivables APIs 1-3
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- (通用)2019年中考数学总复习 第一章 第四节 数的开方与二次根式课件
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- 小学四年级上册英语期末考试试卷质量分析 2
- 14.建筑面积试题和答案 作业
- 煤矿通防科管理制度
- 概率论与数理统计第一章5
- 四年级国防教育备课全
- 全国2009年10月自学考试高级英语试题及答案
- 关于帮助解决培植核桃产业发展
- 省外学校-实验室与设备处主要职能
- 2019精选教育最新电力供电企业职工科学发展观演讲稿范文精品.doc
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- 正常胸部X线表现
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- XX幼儿园大班下学期班务计划
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