
更新时间:2024-03-09 06:48:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





A) 请听下面10段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B 、C三个选项。听完每


( )1 .What does the boy want to send to his friend ?

A. some flowers B. some stamps C.some gum

( ) 2 .What does the man do?

A. a doctor B. a teacher C. a worker ( ) 3 .What does Lucy like to wear?

A. a suit B. a skirt C. a dress ( ) 4 . What does Mr Wu tell Lily to do?

A .To listen to tapes. B . To join an English club. C .To practice with her classmates. ( )5 . What color is Miss Wang’s favorite? A . Green. B . Blue. C.Yellow. ( )6 .Where does the conversation happen?

A . In a bookstore. B . In a supermarket. C . In a restaurant. ( )7 . What did the girl’s brother use to look like?

A . He used to wear glasses. B . He used to be very short. C . He used to have long hair.

( )8 . How often does the boy watch English movies now?

A . Every day . B . Twice a week. C . Three times a week. ( )9 . Where does Alice often help people?

A . In a school. B . In a hospital. C . In an old people’s home. ( )10 .Where are they going?

A . To Jim’s home. B . To the school. C. To the hospital.

B) 请听下面两段对话和一段独白。 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前你都将有40秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1分)

Conversation 1

( )11. Why does the girl want to give up the English contest? A . Because she can’t speak English well. B . Because she is afraid of speaking in public. C . Because she is too busy to practice. ( )12 . What did the boy use to be like?

A . He used to be shy. B . He used to be brave. C. He used to be outgoing.

( )13. When did the boy take part in an English contest?

A . Two weeks ago. B . Two months ago. C . Two years ago. Conversation 2

( )14. Where is the girl from?

A . Canada. B. Australia. C. America. ( )15. How long has the girl been in China?

A. For two weeks. B. For two months. C. For two years. ( )16. What’s the boy’s advice for the girl?

A. Reading more books. B. Asking the teacher for help. C. Speaking more. Monologue

( )17. What is Li Yue like?

A. Outgoing. B. Strong. C. Patient. ( )18. What’s Li Yue’s favorite?

A. Shopping. B. Sport. C. Music. ( )19. How often does Li Yue watch the sports news?

A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Once a week. ( )20. What does Li Yue want to be when she grows up?

A weather reporter. B. A news reporter. C. A sports reporter.


Name Li Ying Wang Bing Liu Mei Ways of learning English The best way to learn new words is by __21___Memorizing the Words of __22___also helps a little. ____23___is a good way to improve his listining. Studying ____24_____is a great way to learn English. Joining the __25____is the best way to improve her English. 21__________________ 22. _____________ 23. __________________

24. _____________________ 25._________________

笔试部分(95分) 一、单项选择(15分)

( ) 26. —Why are you so __________, Mei Mei?

—Because of the ________news! I failed the test again!

A. frustrated, frustrated B. frustrating, frustrating

C. frustrating, frustrated D. frustrated, frustrating,

( ) 27. ―How do you improve your listening?‖ ― I improve it by ____ on Tv.‖

A. watch English programmes B. to watch English programmes C. watching English programmes D. watches English programmes

( )28. The teacher asked me _____________ .

A. how I could deal with the problems B. how I can deal with the problems

C. how can I deal with the problems D. how could I deal with the problems ( )29. It’s very important _______ us ______ a good study habit .

A. for ; having B. of ; to have C. to ; have D. for ; to have ( )30 . — Would you show me _______ an e–mail please ?

— Of course , I will tell you what to do .

A. how to make B. how to send C. which to make D. when to send

( ) 31. I enjoy watching TV ,but I can’t _______ much time _____ it .

A. spend ; on B. pay ; for C. take ; to D. cost ; on ( )32. I had little trouble _______ English grammar .

A. learn B. learned C. learning D. to learn ( )33. — Can you give a speech at the meeting , Ann ?

— Sorry , Ms White . I’m _______ speaking in public .

A. interested in B. terrifed of C. famous for D. sure of

( ) 34 . ________ you work harder , you will not pass the physical exam.

A. If B. Because C. Unless D. Until ( )35. —Look, there_____ many birds around here, but now we seldom see them.

What a pity!

—Yeah! The air pollution has caused the problem!

A. are B. used to have C. used to be D. use to have

( ) 36. — Jim .Can I borrow your bike ? — Sorry, I _________ it to Maria.

A. lent B. have lent C. lend D. had lent

( )37. I used to play ______ piano . My brother used to play _____ soccer .

A. / ; the B. / ; / C. a ; a D. the ; /

( )38. My friends want to go ______ on vacation. They don’t want to see so

many people.

A. somewhere fascinating and crowded B. somewhere peaceful and quiet C. somewhere touristy and popular D. somewhere dangerous

( )39. —Judy,I’m coming to say good-bye. I’m leaving tomorrow.

—Why so _______ ? Can’t you stay a few days longer? A . quickly B soon C . hurry D. fast

( )40. — How do you like your school uniform?

— I like it very much because I take ________ in my school. A . pride B. proud C. part D. interest



Last year I went to an old-fashioned bar with Lisa and her mother.When it was my turn to 41 , I had a 42__ I was dyslexic(朗读困难的). I had difficulty __43_words. I felt embarrassed(尴尬的)about it and didn’t want others to ___44__it . Every time in restaurants I pretended (假装)that I could understand menus and ordered something that almost every _45____could have . __46___, I succeeded every time.

This time I did ___47__. I had a look at the menu and __48____ a dish of vanilla (香草)ice cream. I thought it was ____49_. A place like this bar should have this kind of ice cream .But as soon as Lisa ___50___me ,she said ,‖ Didn’t you read the ___51___? There isn’t any vanilla ice cream at all.‖ After I heard this , my face turned ____52___. And I had to tell them the truth . ―Dyslexia is quite __53___. Betty , My friend’s daughter had this problem four years ago, but she is __54____now ,‖ Lisa’s mother said to me . Then she passed me a business card and said , ―Go to see this doctor! Believe me ! He can help you.‖

I am better now . I understand that sometimes it isn’t the thing itself but what we have done that __55___us embarrassed . I have learned to face my problems and I won’t escape (逃避) from them any more.

( )41. A. do B. order C. make D. cook ( ) 42. A. question B. task C. problem D.solution ( ) 43. A. reading B. spelling C. memorizing D. listening to ( ) 44. A. know B. read C. see D. understand ( ) 45. A. store B. hotel C. supermarket D. restaurant ( ) 46. A. Unluckily B. Happily C Luckily D. Carefully ( ) 47. A. this B. as usual C. right D. wrong

( ) 48. A. looked for B. bought C. saw D. asked for ( ) 49. A. safe B. cheap C. expensive D. good

( ) 50. A. saw B. heard C. knew D. understood ( ) 51. A. read B. magazine C.newspaper D. menu ( ) 52. A. white B. blue C. red D. black ( ) 53. A. dangerous B. common C. difficult D. serious ( ) 54. A. better B. worse C. friendly D. helpful ( ) 55. A. takes B. lets C. gets D. makes

B)阅读下列短文,从方框选词,并用正确的形式填空 (10分) from, fast, die , lazy, sorry, until , pass, child, say , used, be, do Mrs. Thompson was a teacher . Teddy was her pupil. In her eyes, Teddy was 56 and boring and always slept in class. She would never like Teddy 57 one day she read about Teddy’s file(档案).

From the file , she came to know what had happened to Teddy and how he had changed from a bright well-liked boy to a lazy and boring one.

It was all because of his mother’s ___58___in Grade three and of his father’s not caring about him . Mrs. Thompson was very 59 for what she had done to Teddy . She felt even worse when she received an old rhinestone bracelet (人造钻石手镯) and a half bottle of perfume(香水)from Teddy on Christmas Day. Seeing such presents , all the 60 laughed. But when she put the bracelet and some perfume on her hands, they stopped laughing. After school Teddy stayed just long enough 61 , ―Mrs. Thompson, you smell just like my mother 62 to.‖ On hearing

this, she was moved to tears.

From then on , Mrs. Thompson paid special attention to Teddy. The more she encouraged him, 63 he learned. As time went on , he became one of the cleverest students in her class and one of her ―teacher’s pets‖. A year later she found a note under the door 64 Teddy, saying she was the best teacher he had ever met.

Time 65 quickly. Teddy graduated from high school , then from university and finally became Doctor of Medicine.





Sunny English club For students 16:00 —18:00 Every Saturday 200yuan a month 9 Zhou Yu Street Tel : 378290 Foreign teachers, English songs and filmdand more! Ocean Museum 9:00—17:00 from Thursday to Sunday Ticket :50yuan 132 Xue Yuan Street Tel : 5439871 Show you a full picture of sealives! Health Center 9:00—17:30 16 Yong Le Street Tel :3801451 Free examinations for those over 70 Give you good advice to keep healthy! ( ) 66 . You will pay ________ if you want to stay in the English club for half a year.

A. 200yuan B. 600yuan C. 1200yuan D. 2400yuan

( ) 67. You can visit Ocean Museum _________ .

A. On Saturday B .On Wednesday C. On Monday D in the


( )68. One can get free health check in Health Center if he is __________ . A. 9 B.17 C. 67 D. 73


Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you knew was in trouble---and he was? Have you ever dreamed something that came true later? Maybe you have ESP.

ESP stands for Extrasensory Perception. It may be called a sixth sense. It seems to let people know about events before they happen, or events that are happening

some distance away.

Here’s an example: A woman called Grace was ironing clothes. Suddenly she screamed(尖叫), ―My father is dead! I saw him sitting in the chair!‖ Just then, a telegram came. Her father died of a heart attack. He died sitting in a chair.

There are thousands of stories like this on record. Scientists are studying them to find out what’s behind these strange mental messages. Here’s another example---one of hundreds of dreams that have come true.

Mr. Green dreamed he was walking along a road when a horse and carriage came by. The driver said, ―There’s room for one more.‖ Mr. Green felt the driver seemed dead, so he ran away. The next day, Mr. Green was getting on a crowded bus. The bus driver said, ―There is room for one more.‖ Then he saw that the driver’s face was the same face he had seen in the dream. Mr. Green wouldn’t get on the bus. As the bus drove off, it crashed and burst into flames. Everyone was killed.

Some people say stories like these are lies or coincidences. Others, including some scientists,

say ESP is real. From studies of ESP, we may someday learn about the human mind. ( )69.ESPmay tell people about events ______.

A. before they happen B. that are happening before your eyes

C. that happened before D. that will never come true in the future

( )70.Why didn’t Mr. Green get on the bus the next day?

A. Because he knew he would die soon. B. Because he wanted to take a taxi.

C. Because he had dreamed the dead driver. D. Because there was no seat for him to take.

( )71.What does ―coincidence‖ mean?

A. 事实 B. 巧合 C. 必然 D起因 ( )72.What is the title for this passage?

A. Terrible dreams B. Human mind C. In trouble D. ESP


Everyone dreams of being a top student ,but achieving(实现) this dream is not easy. Here are some tips that can help you become a great student.

First, you should realize the importance of study .Only when you completely understand how useful it is, will you be more interested in studying,and will you develop better study habits .

Almost every top student has good study habits. Before class they will look through the text for important or difficult points. They will take notes of anything they don't understand . During class they concentrate on what the teacher is saying to get a good understanding of the lesson. They not only listen carefully but also take lots of notes in class. Taking detailed notes in class is very important.Besides, being active in class is another key to getting the most out of each lesson . After class ,they go over the language points and do exercises to review.

Also, top student have lots of different interests. Besides the subjects that they

study at school , they read many other books.

Finally, top students seem to study all the time . Study plans are also very important , so they always carefully make a study plan and follow it .

With planning ,hard work and dedication (奉献 ),you can make your dreams come true .

( )73. The first paragraph tells us being a top student is _________. A. easy B. difficult C. important D. possible

( )74. The main idea of the third paragraph is that almost every top student

___________ .

A. looks through the text before class B. takes lots of notes in class

C. goes over the language points after class D. has good study habits

( )75. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?

A. If you realize the importance of study, you will study better. B. Top students hardly show interest in other books

C. The passage gives us five pieces of advice on how to study well. D. Top students study as they have planned.

( )76. The best title of the passage is ― __________‖.

A. How to make plans for study . B. What to do in class.

C. How to be a top student. D. How to achieve our dreams .


Killer bees started in Brazil in 1957. A scientist in Sao Paulo wanted bees to make more honey (蜂蜜). Sohe put forty-six African bees with some Brazilian bees. The bees bred(繁殖) and made a new kind of bees. But the new bees were a mistake. They didn’t want to make more honey . They wanted to attack. Then , by accident, twenty-six African bees escaped and bred with the Brazilian bees outside.

Scientists could not control (控制) the problem. The bees increased fast . They went from Brazil to Venezuela. Then they went to Central America. Now they are in North America . They travel about 390 miles a year. Each group of bees grows four times a year . This means one million new groups every five years.

Why are people afraid of killer bees ? People are afraid for two reasons. First, the bees sting(叮) many more times than usual bees. Killer bees can sting sixty times a minute non-stop for two hours . Second , killer bees attack in groups . Four hundred bee stings can kill a person.

Already several hundred people are dead . Now killer bees are in Texas. In a few years they will reach all over the United States. People can do nothing but wait. ( ) 77. After the African bees lived together with the Brazilian bees, they


A made more honey B made a new kind of bees C made a mistake D wanted to attack

( ) 78. Why are people afraid of killer bees ? A They increase fast

B. Several hundred people are dead

C . They sting more and attack in groups

D. They’re big and strong

( ) 79. Where have killer bees reached now ?

A North America B. Venezuela C. Brazil D All over the US ( ) 80. The best title of the passage is __________.

A How to make more honey B Killer bees

C A foolish scientist D How to feed killer bees

B) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选


In the teen years, people change in many ways. ___81____ These changes become an important part of teenage life .

Teens may often harm their health by developing bad lifestyles. ___82__Teens may often feel tired and have no interest in anything. ___83__They may get angry more easily. Other changes include becoming upset more easily and feeling nervous.

During the teen years , people will usually have some problems which can cause other problems. __84___Since they do not know that they are changing, they do not know how to deal with the problems that they have. Most of the time the changes are a normal part of growing up, but it is good to know about them. __85___ A. Teen’s feelings usually change, too. B. The body changes and so do thoughts and feelings. C. Teens usually cause lot of troubles. D. Teachers and parents should spend time with young teens and teach them about the changes that are taking place. E. Bad eating habits and a lack of sleep may cause lots of problems. F. Teenagers change a lot. G. One reason for this may be that teens are never taught about the changes that will take place. 81.________ 82. _______ 83.______ 84.______ 85._______ 书面表达(15分)

假设你是玛丽,你现在的成绩比过去有了很大提高,原因是你有了适合你的学习方法。你的好友迈克给你写邮件向你请教。现在请你给他回邮件,说说你现在和过去的学习方法相比有哪些改进,鼓励他不要放弃,找到最好的学习方法,并祝愿他学习进步。不少于80词。(邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。) Dear Mike,

Sorry to hear that










Yours Mary



1._______ 2._______ 3.________ 4._______5.________ 6._______ 7._______ 8._______9. _______ 10._______11._______ 12. _______

13.______14._______15.________16._______17._______18._______ 19.______20.______.21._______22.______23.________.24.________ 25.________



26.________27._______28._______ 29._______ 30._______ 31._______32._______33._______ 34.________ 35._______ 36._______ 37.______ 38._______ 39._______ 40.________ 完形填空(25分)

41._______42. ________ 43.________44.________ 45.________ 46.________ 47.________ 48._______ 49.________ 50._________ 51.________ 52.________53.________54._________55.__________ 56.________ 57. ________58 ________59.________60.__________ 61.________ 62._________ 63.________64.________65.__________ 阅读理解(40分)

66.________67._________68._______69.________ 70.________ 71.________72.________73.________74.________75._________ 76._______77._________78.________79.________80.________ 81._________82.__________83.________ 84. ________85 ________



最好的学习方法,并祝愿他学习进步。不少于80词。(邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。) Dear Mike,

Sorry to hear that
















Yours Mary

答案:41—45 BCAAD 46—50CBDAB 51—55DCBAD 56 lazy 57 until

58 death 59 sorry 60 children 61 to say 62 used 63 the faster 64 from 65 passed 66- 68 CAD 69-72 ACBD 73-76 BDDC 77-80 BCAB 81-85 BEAGD

