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Unit Two


1 search 2 offer 3 identify 4 confidence 5 employer

6 qualifications 7 certainly 8 minimum 9 learning style 10 importance

Passage A

Think About It

1 Many students log on the Internet frequently. They may use the Internet to search for useful information they need, visit social network sites, e-mail their friends, or play video games.

2 Job application online means doing all the application on the Internet. One can fill in the application form and send it in an e-mail form to potential employer’s mailbox, together with all necessary materials about oneself.

3 Yes, it will continuously play more important role in the future.

Read About It

Content Awareness Read And Think

2 Work with your partner and answer the following questions. 1 It is an Internet website that lists as many as 45 000 job opportunities. 2 Not necessarily so. According to Smith, the Internet was very easy to use. She found her job online with no training. 3 Because she wanted a change in her life.

4 She searched the Internet for information about the financial performance of the company she was interested in, the salary she should ask for, and the possible living accommodations available to her there. 5 Open.

3 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 T

4 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

1 version 2 publications 3 click 4 spotted 5 refugees 5 entries 7 financial 8 full-time 9 detailed 10 annual

5 Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.

1 set up 2 come across 3 referred, to 4 check out 5 learnt of/learned of 6 Choose an appropriate noun given in the following box to complete each of the sentences.

1 career 2 interview 3 procedure 4 exhibit 5 profile 7 Translate the following sentences into English.

1The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident. 2 I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car.

3 If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure.

4 We couldn’t have finished the experiment so soon without John’s help. 5 After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat.

8 Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts, and then translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

1 He had just been promoted to vice president of the company and wasn’t expecting another promotion in six months.

2 Shortly after he graduated from school, he jumped to a satisfactory job. 3 Most colleges and universities have their own homepages, enabling applicants to scan for the information available about the universities they want to apply for.

4 With a click of her mouse, she submitted her assignment to the tutor and soon got the reply.

5 By accessing the website of the university she was going to study in, she saw color photos of the university, including a detailed map of the university campus.

9 More and more people have found the right jobs through the Internet just as the passage shows. Now work in pairs and take turns to give a short speech on the topic “You can find your dream job via the Internet.” Cite some of the stories of the job seekers that you have just read in Passage A.

Have you ever considered finding a job on the Internet? Today, with

computers in common use, the Internet has become an important tool for people to find various kinds of information. Many people log on to the Internet to seek job opportunities and some of them have found very desirable jobs. Take Theresa Smith’s story for example. Less than a month from her graduation day, she visited an Internet site and typed some key words. Immediately she found 45 jobs meeting her criteria. Four weeks later she was hired at a starting salary of $32 000. Look at another story, that of Madeline Gragg, a 28 year-old high school teacher from America. She wanted a change. So when a friend mentioned teaching English in Japan, the American teacher felt interested. She visited the popular Yahoo! website. A week later she received a call and set up an interview with a recruiter in Chicago and got the job. You see, to find the right job, you can just visit some Internet sites, type a few key words, and follow the procedure for the online application. With a click of the mouse, you are very likely to find your dream job. So why not give it a try?

10 Write a paragraph of around 80 words about what you should do to track down information on job openings. Include the following key words and phrases in your writing. You may begin your paragraph with “There are several things you cannot ignore when tracking down information on job openings.”

There are several things you cannot ignore when tracking down

information on job openings. First, you should consult your friends, relatives, or neighbors, who may offer information unavailable elsewhere. Second, you should read the classified section in the newspapers often. Next, remember to register with two or three recruitment agencies. Finally, don’t forget to make use of the Internet. In today’s society the Internet is a quick and cost-effective method for employers to announce their employment needs. Therefore, if you log on to the Internet, you just might find your dream job.

Passage B

Think About It

1 Open 2 Open 3 Open

Read About It

Content Awareness Read And Think

11 Work with your partner and answer the following questions. 1 The author compares college graduates’ job hunting to finding a match when dating.

2 They are careerists, entrepreneurs, explorers, harmonizers, hunters, idealists and leaders.

