新译林 5B Project1 Around the city 2课时教案

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小学《英语》(五年级下册) Project 1 Around our city (Period 1)

Teaching contents教学内容: Project 1 Part AB

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 Review the words and drills we have learned before. 会用where…? 句型询问并回答

2 Review the grammar point Where guides the special questions and Try to use it smoothly.

3 Be able to communicate with each other easily.

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:

1 Review the words and drills we have learned before. 2 Be able to communicate with each other and feel happy for communicating.

3 Be able to master the grammar point Where guide the special questions.

Preparation教学准备: 1. 单词图片 2. 多媒体课件

