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考研基础五套测试题(一) ...................................................................................................... 2 2018年南昌航空大学外国语学院833综合英语(语言学、翻译理论、英汉互译)之语言学教程
考研基础五套测试题(二) .................................................................................................... 10 2018年南昌航空大学外国语学院833综合英语(语言学、翻译理论、英汉互译)之语言学教程
考研基础五套测试题(三) .................................................................................................... 19 2018年南昌航空大学外国语学院833综合英语(语言学、翻译理论、英汉互译)之语言学教程
考研基础五套测试题(四) .................................................................................................... 30 2018年南昌航空大学外国语学院833综合英语(语言学、翻译理论、英汉互译)之语言学教程
考研基础五套测试题(五) (38)
专注考研专业课13年,提供海量考研优质文档! 第 2 页,共 45 页 2018年南昌航空大学外国语学院833综合英语(语言学、翻译理论、英汉互译)之语
说明:根据本校该考试科目历年考研命题规律,结合出题侧重点和难度,精心整理编写。基础检测使用。共五套试题,均含有详细答案解析,也是众多专业课辅导机构参考借鉴资料,考研必备。 ——————————————————————————————————————————
1. inflectional morpheme
【答案】 Inflectional morpheme : It is also called inflectional affixes , which attaches to the end of words. Inflectional affixes only add a minute or delicate grammatical meaning to the stem. The plural suffix is a typical example of this kind.
2. Diglossia
【答案】 When two languages or language varieties exist together in a community and each one is used for different purposes , this is called diglossia. Usually , the more standard variety can be called the high variety or H-variety , which is used in government , the media , education , and for religious services. The other one is usually a non-prestige variety , the low variety or L-variety used in the family , with friends , when shopping , etc.
3. The Innateness Hypothesis
【答案】 The innateness hypothesis was proposed by Chomsky. It says that the ability to acquire a human language is part of the biologically innate equipment of the human being , and that an infant is bom with this knowledge of basic grammatical relations and categories , and this knowledge is universal.
4. CMC
【答案】 It is computer-mediated communication , distinguished by its focus on language and language use in computer networked environments , and by its use of methods of discourse analysis to address that focus.
5. Linguistic determinism
【答案】 Linguistic determinism , is one of the two points of Sapir-Whorf hypothesis , and has developed into the strong version of this hypothesis. It could be summarized as follows : (1) One?s thinking is completely determined by his native language because one cannot but perceive the world in terms of the categories and distinctions encoded in the language. (2) The categories and distinctions encoded in one language system are unique to that system and incommensurable with those of other systems. Therefore , the following statement could represent this hypothesis 4tIf Aristotle had spoken Chinese , his logic would have been different”.
6. Categorization
Categorization is the process of classifying our experiences into different categories based on commonalities and differences. There are three levels in categories : the basic level ,the superordinate
专注考研专业课13年,提供海量考研优质文档! 第 3 页,共 45 页 level ,and the subordinate level.
7. Concord (or : Agreement )
【答案】 It may be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words of specific word classes that stand in specific syntactic relationship with one another shall also be characterized by the same paradigmatically marked category (or categories ) . For example , the syntactic relationship between that girl and she in the following dialogue : A : Who is that girl? B : Oh , she is my sister.
8. Design features
【答案】 Design features : It refer to the defining properties of human language that tell the difference between human language and any system of animal communication.
9. Subordinate construction
【答案】 Subordinate constructions are one of the two subtypes of endocentric constructions. Those in which there is only one head , with the head being dominant and the other constituents dependent , are subordinate constructions.
【答案】 Syllable : It refers to a unit of spoken language that is bigger than a speech sound. It consists of one or more vowel sounds alone or of a syllabic consonant alone or of either with one or more consonant sounds preceding or following.
11.Conversational implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning , or 言外之意 in Chinese.
【答案】 We may summarize conversational implicature as a type of implied meaning. It could be inferred only by the dependence on the context of the utterance and shared knowledge between the speaker and listener. Illocutionary force , on the other hand , refers to speaker^ meaning , contextual meaning , or extra meaning , that is , the meaning the speaker wants to convey in a specific context. By an illocutionary force , we can say “What does he mean by saying that?” In this sense , implicature is comparable to illocutionary force in speech act theory in that they are both concerned with the contextual side of meaning , or 言外之意 in Chinese.
12.How to understand a sentence?
【答案】 Besides decoding sounds and lexical meanings , comprehension also includes untangling the meaning of sentences. There are a few elements influencing the comprehension of sentences. The first is that the ambiguity of word meaning leads to difficulties in sentence understanding. The more complex information the word has , the more difficult the sentence is to be understood. The second factor is that the linguistic structure of the sentence affects the processing time. Psycholinguists have addressed th phenomena of sentence comprehension in different ways. Firstly , serial models propose that the sentence comprehension system continually and sequentially follows the constraints of a language? s grammar with remarkable speed. Secondly , parallel models emphasize the comprehension system is sensitive to a vast range
专注考研专业课13年,提供海量考研优质文档! 第 4 页,共 45 页
13.What are closed-class words and open-class words?
A word that belongs to the closed-class is one whose membership is fixed or limited. New members are not regularly added. Therefore , pronouns , prepositions , conjunctions , articles , etc., are all closed items.
The open-class is one whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited. With the emergence of new ideas , inventions , etc., new expressions are continually and constantly being added to the lexicon. Nouns , verbs , adjectives and many adverbs are all open-class items.
However , the distinction between closed-class words and open-class words is not quiet as clear-cut as it seems. Preposition ,though a closed-class ,is relatively open one in English. Expressions such as “regarding”,“throughout”, “out of” are now recognized as prepositions or complex prepositions. In respect of open-class items ,auxiliary verbs ,which used to be ranked as open-class words , are relatively closed in number.
14.Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modem linguistics?
【答案】 Saussure was the first to notice the complexities of language. He believed that language is a system of signs. To communicate ideas , signs must be part of a system of signs , called conventions. He held that the sign is the union of a form (signifier ) and an idea (signified ) , and it is the central fact of language.
By providing answers to questions concerning many aspects of language , Saussure made clear the object of study for linguistics as a science. His ideas on the arbitrary nature of sign , on the relational nature of linguistic units , on the distinction of langue and parole and of synchronic and diachronic linguistics , etc. pushed linguistics into a brand new stage.
15.How do the three branches of phonetics contribute to the study of speech sounds?
【答案】 Phonetics looks at speech sounds from three distinct but related points of view. First , it studies the sounds from the speaker?s point of view , i.e.,how a speaker uses his speech organs to articulate the sounds. Then , it looks at the sounds from the hearer s point of view , i.e., how the sounds are perceived by the hearer. Lastly , it studies the way sounds travel by looking at the sound waves , the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another. These three branches of phonetics are labeled articulatory phonetics , auditory phonetics , and acoustic phonetics respectively.
16.thrived 10. breathed 11. turned 12. hissed
17.Why is it important to know the relations a sign has with others , such as syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations?
【答案】 In Saussure?s view , language is a system of signs , each of which consists of two parts : “signified” (concept ) and “signifier”(sound image ) . And the relationship between these two parts is arbitrary. Therefore the linguist cannot attempt to explain inpidual signs in a piecemeal fashion. Instead he must try to find the value of a sign from its relations to others , or rather , its position in the system.
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