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合同编号:[ ]


Party A:


Party B: 【】GLOBAL (XX) CO., LTD.




Whereas, Party B is designated as Party A’s integrated logistics service supplier and Party B will provide logistics service in accordance with Party A or Party A’s designated customer’s instructions and subject to the terms and conditions set out in this contract. Both parties hereby conclude this contract by amicable negotiation as set forth below.

1. 服务范围:


1.1 甲方委托乙方办理供应链设计与优化、国际货运、代理报关、仓储和内陆运输等业务。乙方需按本合同之约定提供服务,并根据甲方之指令,随时调整服务内容。

Party B hereby provides supply chain design and optimization, international shipment, customs clearance, warehouse storage and inland transportation business etc. Party B agrees to offer the above service in flexible way.

1.1.1 甲乙双方必须严格遵守由双方共同制定以及在执行过程中随时经双方共同修改的服务流程、质量考核指标。双方每月对服务流程和质量考核指标进行评估和修改,经双方确认后,由乙方执行。

Party A and Party B must follow the service process and quality performance index. Evaluation base on monthly performance needed. Party B should follow the changes.

1.1.2 甲乙双方至少每月对业务进行回顾,双方有义务互相交流行业信息,诸如政策、法规的变化等等。乙方有义务不定期向甲方提出可行性建议和业务流程改进方案等。

Party A and Party B will review the business each month, in order the sharing the information such as policy, regulation and so on. Party B should carry out the new processes and improvement advice.

2. 价格


2.1 甲方在货物出运前可向乙方进行询价,乙方收到询价后应及时以书面形式报价给甲方,甲方一旦接受,应对该报价书面确认(包括但不限于以传真、邮寄、电子邮件等书面方式确认)。如甲方与乙方已在本合同或者合同附件中约定一个固定费率/价格,则按该规定费率/价格来计算相关费用。

Party A may inquire about price and information before confirming the transportation, and Party B shall provide the corresponding offer to Party A in written form. Party A shall confirm acceptance of such offer in written form (including but not limited to fax, post and email) unless both parties agree to pay the freight charge and other charges relating to transportation on a fixed rate and/or price.

3. 支付


3.1 乙方于每月25日之前根据上个月21日至当月20日为甲方提供的服务向甲方开具账单。甲方在收到该帐单后五个工作日内应对发票上的应付款项金额进行核实确认。在确认无误后,甲方保证在乙方开票之日起一个月内付清发票上的应付款项金额。

On or before the 25th of each month, Party B shall issue an invoice attached with the service bill for logistics service rendered to party A based on the volume of cargo transported in the previous month. Party A shall check the invoice and confirm the amount payable within five (5) working days. After confirmation,Party A undertakes it will pay off all amounts due and payable as stipulated in the commercial invoice within one (1) month from the issued date of the commercial invoice.

3.2 除非双方另有书面约定外,甲方应以人民币方式付清发票上的应付款项,如需美元、欧元或者其他货币支付人民币费用的,应根据甲乙双方约定的人民币汇率支付,如无事先约定的,则按照发票开具之日中国人民银行公布的有关人民币汇率中间价进行结算。

Unless otherwise as stipulated in written form, Party A shall pay off all amounts due and payable as specified on commercial invoice in RMB(currency).In the event the above payment has to be remitted rate announced by People’s Bank of China on the date of Commercial invoice issuance.

3.3 如遇市场成本、人民币费率及人民币增值等因素的波动和变化,需要对运费和其他费用进行调整的,乙方应书面通知甲方并获得甲方确认。

费用等因素的波动和变化需要对运费和其他费用进行调整的,甲方同意Provided that the fluctuation or variety of cost, exchanges rate, currency adjustment factor(CAF)and other key elements lead to the adjustment of transportation service expenses and other expenses, Party B should provide written notice and get Party A’s confirmation.

4. 保险


4.1 甲方应当就其委托乙方提供仓储和运输的货物购买相关保险,或者甲方也可以选择乙方的保价服务,对于使用保价条款,并按照费率支付仓储保价服务费和运输保价服务费时,如果货物在仓储和运输期间发生灭失或损坏,将由乙方负责向甲方理赔。

Party B should provide related insurance for the cargos which are in storage and transported by party A. Party A may choose the full-value insurance service Party B provides, under which Party A should cover all insurance expense for any loss or damage during delivering and in storage.

5. 权利


5.1 甲方对存放于乙方仓库的货物享有所有权,未经甲方书面授权同意,乙方无权在仓储期间对货物作任何本合同外的处置。

Party A has the ownership of the goods stored in Party B warehouse. During the storage period of time, Party B has no right to make any disposition of the goods out of this Contract without authorization party agreed.

6. 责任


6.1 甲方

Party A:

6.1.1 甲方应保证甲方或者甲方指定客户或关联公司运输的货物是遵守中华人民共和国及其进出口国的所有与运输、税收、货物进出口等相关的法律、法规、政策和要求。如甲方违反上述规定而遭到相关政府部门的调查、查处、扣留、扣押等措施的,乙方不承担任何责任。

Party A or Party A’s designated customer guarantees and undertakes to ensure that the cargo and its transportation shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policy and/or requirements of People’s Republic of China and relevant importing and exporting country in respect of transportation, taxation of the cargo and cargo import and export. Party B shall not assume any liability arising from the investigation, punishment, custody, seizure and other

