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1. Some came to do their first degree and we had a lot of graduate students, too. 有些人读本科学位的,但我们也有很多研究生
2. During Carolin’s last year at school, the teachers went on strike for two months to protest against the size of their classes (30 – 35 was typical).
在卡罗琳在学校的最后一年,老师们罢工了两个月,为了抗议他们班级的规模太大(30-35是典型的) 3. What did you major in? Which was your favorite subject? What kinds of exams were given? 你的专业是什么?什么科目是你喜欢的?要参加一些什么考试?
4. Could I ask you a few questions about the education you received?我能问你一些关于你接受以教育方面的问题吗
5. Lizy goes to talk to Professor Kunts, a foreign teacher in her university, about how to write a resume in English to apply for a job in a foreign company in China.
6. You may also put in your hobbies and any other personal factors. 你可以写一些你的业余爱好或者其他的个人情况
7. Could you go over it and see if I need to make any changes? 你可否帮忙看一下,看我是否需要做一些更改?
8. I did a part – time job as a managing assistant in my vacation. 在假期我兼职干过一份经理助理的工作。
9. Besides, you should also include the major job objective you have in mind. 另外,你还需要把主要的求职目标加上去。
10. — Any special reasons for wanting to leave? 11. -有什么特别的理由需要离开吗?
— Well, the company is based in the city center, and to commute every day is too much for me. -是的,公司的总部市在市中心,每天上下班对我来说太累了
11. We are looking for someone who is good at dealing with people and who is able to make contracts faster than our competitors.
12. If you haven’t thought about that ahead of time, you are asking for trouble. 如果你没有提前考虑好这些问题的话,你就会遇到麻烦
13. Fourth, give no simple yes—no answers. Always give examples. 第四,不是简单的回答是或者不是,要给出一个例子。
14. Students’ parents do not need to be rich. We also have scholarship to help the students. 学生的父母不是都很有钱,我们仍然需要用奖学金来帮助学生们。 15. Marie will work as an au pair girl to support herself. 玛利亚将做一名寄宿帮工女来资助自己上学。
16. The Eastern Hotel intends to enlarge its business and it will have more customers next year. 东方宾馆打算扩展生意,明年会有更多的顾客。
17. We have three other applicants. It’s going to be very competitive to get the job. 我们还有三个人申请(这个职位)。竞争会很激烈
18. The manager thinks she has the skills they need. He is going to put her on the short list. 经理认为她具备他们所需的技能,他准备优先考虑她
19. We want to employ someone to work as a receptionist.我们打算招聘一个接待员。
20. The manager of the hotel is quite friendly and provides her with necessary information. 这个酒店的经理非常好友,并且能为她提供一些必要的信息。
21. That restaurant can provide customers with delicious dishes.这个餐厅能为客户提供美味佳肴。
22. Nowadays it is convenient to go abroad, because the travel agency arranges everything for you. 现在出国是很方便的事了,因为旅行社会帮你安排好所有的事情
23. Please fill in the application form with your personal particulars.请在申请表格上填好您的个人资料
24. Although Mary and I are of different nationalities, we have the same interest in music. 虽然我的玛丽的民族不同,但在音乐方便我们有很多相同的爱好。 25. It seems like he knows everything about what is going on worldwide. 他好像对世界各地发生的事情都知道
26. That was my first time away from my parents and I wanted to find something of Binhai’s famous beach.
27. Otherwise, it is likely(容易) that he will spend all his time on this useless game. 不然的话,他会把所有的时间都花在这种没用的游戏中。
28. So before planning specific travel-related details, you might want to establish your general travel aim.
29. We haven’t had a chance to talk with the Taylors since they got back from China, so this will be a real treat.
自从泰勒夫妇从中国回来后,我们一直没有机会和他们交谈,所以这真是个难得的机会 30. This situation often happens to people who are travelling by car. 这种情况经常出现在开车旅行的人身上。
1. 一些是来读本科学位的,还有许多研究生。
2. 卡罗琳上学的最后一年,老师们因班级太大(一般是30到35人)而举行了罢课。 3. 你的专业是什么?哪个科目是你最喜爱的?要参加什么考试? 4. 我可以问几个关于你所受的教育的问题吗?
5. 莉兹去向校内的一位外籍教师昆兹教授请教如何用英语写个人简历,以便到国内的一家外国公
6. 你还可以写上你的爱好和其他的个人情况。 7. 您能帮我看一下需要作些什么改动呢? 8. 假期我还兼职干过经理助理的工作。
9. 此外,你还应该把所希望的主要求职目标加上去。 10. 你离开这家公司有什么特殊理由吗?
11. 哦,公司设在市中心,我每天得来回坐车,太累了。
12. 我们要找的人应该善于交际,能抢在对手之前争取到新合同。 13. 如果你没有提前考虑好这些问题的话,你就会遇到麻烦。 14. 第四点,别只回答“是”或“不是”,要给出例证。 15. 玛利亚将做一名寄宿帮工女来资助自己上学。 16. 东方宾馆打算扩展生意,明年会有更多的顾客。 17. 我们还有三个人申请(这个职位)。竞争会很激烈。 18. 经理认为她具备他们所需的技能,他准备优先考虑她。 19. 我们想聘用一名接待员。
20. 宾馆经理很友好,给她提供了必要的情况。 21. 那个酒店可以给顾客提供美味佳肴。
22. 现在出国很方便, 因为旅行社为你安排好了所有事物。 23. 请在申请表中地下填写你的个人详尽资料。
24. 尽管我与玛丽具有不同的国籍,我们对音乐却有着共同的爱好。 25. 他好像对世界各地发生的事情都知道。
26. 那是我第一次离开父母,我很想见识一下滨海城的著名海滨。 27. 不然的话,他会把所有的时间都花在这种没用的游戏中。
28. 因此在计划与旅游有关的细节之前,你可能要有一个总的旅游目标。
29. 自从泰勒夫妇从中国回来之后,我们还没有机会同他们交谈过,所以这次真是个难得的机会。 30. 这种情况经常发生在开车旅行的人身上。
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