Netapp VFILER 安装配置指导书
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(------Netapp VFILER 的安装和配置使用方法------)
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Netapp VFILER 的安装和配置使用方法
一:首先要安装Multistore 的license fas270a>license add ******** 二:使用命令方式配置vfiler
1: fas270a> vfiler create vfiler1 -i /vol/vol0/test
Mon Sep 19 11:58:37 CST []: ISCSI: iswta, Ada pter brought online.
Mon Sep 19 11:58:37 CST [vfiler1@iscsi.service.startup:info]: iSCSI service star tup
exportfs: Could not open for reading /etc/exports
The etc configuration directory for vfiler \Setting up vfiler vfiler1
Mon Sep 19 11:58:37 CST [vfiler1@rc:notice]: Vfiler vfiler1 initialized. Configure vfiler IP address ******** [y]: Interface to assign this address to {e0}:
Interface to assign this address to {e0}: ******** Netmask to use: []:
The administration host is given root access to the filer's
/etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root access to all NFS clients enter RETURN below.
Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host: Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]: Do you want to run NIS client? [n]: ifconfig: no such interface
Changing password for user root on vfiler vfiler1 New password:
Retype new password: User
Mon Sep 19 12:02:05 CST [vfiler1@rc:info]: User
Enable CIFS access to the filer by a Windows(tm) PC
Your filer is currently only visible to PCs on the same net. Do you wish to make the system visible via WINS? [no]: etype new password: User
Mon Sep 19 12:02:05 CST [vfiler1@rc:info]: User
Enable CIFS access to the filer by a Windows(tm) PC
Your filer is currently only visible to PCs on the same net. Do you wish to make the system visible via WINS? [no]:
CIFS requires local /etc/passwd and /etc/group files for multiprotocol. Default passwd file will be created containing 'root', 'pcuser', and 'nobody'.
Enter the password for root []:
Retype the password:
This filer is currently licensed for both CIFS and NFS.
The filer will be configured as a Multiprotocol filer. It can
be changed to a NTFS-only filer by reissuing the CIFS setup command. The default name of this filer will be 'VFILER1'. Do you want to modify this name? [no]:
CIFS supports three types of user authentication: 1. Windows Domain authentication.
2. Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's user accounts. 3. /etc/passwd and/or NIS/LDAP based authentication.
What type of authentication will this filer use? [1]: Mon Sep 19 12:02:54 CST [N BNS02:info]: All CIFS name registrations complete for local server CIFS supports three types of user authentication: 1. Windows Domain authentication.
2. Windows Workgroup authentication using the filer's user accounts. 3. /etc/passwd and/or NIS/LDAP based authentication.
What type of authentication will this filer use? [1]: Mon Sep 19 12:02:54 CST [N BNS02:info]: All CIFS name registrations complete for local server The filer will use Windows Domain authentication. Enter the Windows Domain for the filer []:2
It is highly recommended that you create the local administrator
account (VFILER1\\administrator) for this filer. This account enables access to the filer from Windows when domain controllers are not accessible.
Create the VFILER1\\administrator account? [yes]: Set the password for VFILER1\\administrator: Retype the password:
Mon Sep 19 12:04:42 CST [vfiler1@rc:info]: User added DNS is not enabled for this filer, and so CIFS cannot determine if 2 is a Windows 2000 domain. If you continue with setup, this filer will attempt to join 2 as an NT4 server.
Do you wish to continue and join 2 in NT4 mode? [yes]: CIFS - Connecting filer to the NT4 domain.
Mon Sep 19 12:04:45 CST [vfiler1@rc:info]: Starting DC address discovery for 2. Mon Sep 19 12:04:45 CST [vfiler1@rc:info]: Found no DC addresses using generic D NS query.
Mon Sep 19 12:04:45 CST [vfiler1@rc:info]: Starting WINS queries.
Mon Sep 19 12:04:48 CST [vfiler1@rc:info]: Found no BDC addresses through WINS. Mon Sep 19 12:04:51 CST [vfiler1@rc:info]: Found no PDC addresses through WINS. CIFS - Primary Domain Controller must be active for installation. 2:fas270a> vfiler status 看vfiler 的运行状态
3:fas270a> ifconfig -a
e0: flags=848043
lo: flags=1948049
用红色标注的是:vfiler 通讯的ip ,只要输入该ip就会进入ip所对应的nas目录 4
在os的运行中输入vfiler的ip 就会 调出如上的目录 既可存读写数据!vfiler操作成功 三:使用filerview配置vfiler
1:在filerview 的filer-->manage licenses 中输入multistore的license
2:在filerview 中的multistore---->vfiler wizard出现如下界面:
3:按next 输入vfiler的name 和vfiler的路径
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