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启航教育~~~ 带着梦想 启航的地方



一、特点: !、选项没有太难的单词,这些单词都是同学们在平时忽略的单词。

2、前两空主要是考察学生的心理素质,特别是畏惧和胆怯心理,如果学生心情浮躁的话很容易被这种畏惧心理打败,反而前两段的选项有时比较简单的。一般3-4空(送分题) 3、完型填空的感情基调特别浓。这种感情基调又是文章的脉络。多用形容词和动词体现出来。一般有4-5空。(基础题)

4、胜利的曙光在第三段,只要挺到第三段就可以了。 5、拔高题一般是固定搭配和汉言语影响英语思维。 二、方法:

1、 花1-2分钟读一遍了解大意。(前提要读懂) 2、 第一遍是不要把前两空填出来的。

3、 把送分题和感情基调题分数拿到(上面提到的) 4、 一定要耐心地坚持到第二段,胜利的曙光在第三段。 5、 不会的单词尽力猜,猜不出的直接把它Pass掉。 6、 借助选项而不依赖选项。

7、 填完选项花1分钟回去复读一遍。

8、 要知足,完型有不会的题是正常的,没有不会的题是不正常的。 三、完形填空的单词有如下特点: 1、 单词短; 2、 常用; 3、 易忽略;

4、 具有一定的系统性。 四、常见的单词。

2014高考英语复习精典素材 历年高考完形填空常用词汇总结

一、 眼睛的功能: “看”10个

1. look at 6. catch/lose sight of 2. see 7. stare at 3. watch 8. glare 4. observe 9. glance 5. notice 10. glimpse


“说” “吃/喝” “叫” “问” “答” “哭” (53个)“哭” 27. talk with sb about sth 11. cry 28. say sth诉说的内容 12. shed tears 留泪 29. speak in English说的语言 13. weep呜咽地哭 30. whisper sth to sb 耳语 14. sob抽泣 31. inform sb of sth 通知某人某事 15. burst into tears 32. reason/talk/persuade sb into doing sth 说16. burst out crying 服某人做某事 “吃/喝” 33. bargain讨价还价 17. eat 34. chat 18. drink 35. repeat 19. sip吮吸 36. explain 20. have a meal 37. warn 21. have supper 38. remind提醒 22. toast 39. discuss 23. Taste 40. debate辩论 24. treat sb to请某人吃 41. figure 指出 25. help oneself to 随便吃 42. declare宣布 “说” 43. claim自称 26. tell sth to sb.=tell sb sth告诉的内容 44. mention 提起

启航教育~~~ 带着梦想 启航的地方

45. admit 承认 46. deny 否绝 47. describe描述 48. announce 公布 49. introduce介绍 50. complain抱怨 “叫”

51. cry哭叫 52. call叫 53. shout大喊 54. scream尖叫 55. moan呻吟

56. sigh叹气 57. quarrel大吵 “问”

58. ask 询问 59. interview 采访 60. express表达 61. question审问 “答”

62. answer回答

63. respond回应(用其他方式回应) 64. reply回复

三、鼻子的功能:smell breathe(2个)


67. pick up收听 68. sound 五、手的功能:63个


69. dictate听写 70. write sth 写 71. describe描写 72. drop a line 写信 73. draw画 74. take down

write down

put down写下,记下 “拿/放”

1. take拿走 2. bring拿来 3. hold举着

4. carry扛,挑 (无方向性) 5. fetch拿来拿去 6. lift举 7. put放

8. lay 铺/放置 9. pull拉 10. push推 11. hand 12. pass “抓”

13. take hold of 抓着 14. seize紧抓 15. grasp 握住 16. scratch 抠 “打”

17. hit一次性的打击 18. beat不间断的打击

19. strike突然的击打/突然想到 20. blow吹刮 21. attack攻击 “扔”

22. throw扔

23. drop掉 放弃 错过 24. fall 倒下无意掉下来 25. wave 招手 26. shake摇

“写” “拿/放” “抓” “打” “扔” “送” “摸/抱” “找/查” “修复”


27. send寄送 28. deliver递送 29. give给

30. offer主动给予 31. see off给某人送行 “摸/抱”

32. touch摸 33. fold折叠 34. embrace拥抱 35. hug抱 36. hold 握

37. in one’s arms “找/查”

38. find找到

39. look for正在找过程 40. find out查明 41. discover发现/ 42. explore探索 43. hunt for 44. search for 45. seek

46. seek for 47. in search of寻找 48. search sb 搜身 49. search sp. for sth 为某物而搜寻某地

50. check检查,核实

51. examine 考察发现问题/体检 52. test检测,检验 53. inspect视察 “修复” 54. repair 55. rebuild 56. restore 57. fix 58. mend

59. recover oneself


65. listen to 66. hear

启航教育~~~ 带着梦想 启航的地方

“踢/碰” 60. kick踢 61. knock敲 62. tip 轻敲 “行” 63. walk 64. run 65. climb 66. jump

67. skip 单腿跳 68. slip溜 69. come/go 70. enter进入 71. move搬迁 72. drive开车 73. ride 骑

74. fly crawl 匍匐前进 “坐”

“踢/碰” “行” “坐” “到达”

75. sit down 76. be seated 77. seat oneself

78. take a seat/ stand站,耸立 79. lean斜靠 “到达”

80. arrive at 81. reach 82. return to 83. get to 84. stay in sp 85. visit 86. leave 87. leave for

88. on one’s way to 89. upon one’s arrival 90. on doing sth

七、整个身体的动作: “睡/休息” “穿” (20个)

101. sleep “睡/休息” “穿” 91. lie on one’s back 仰卧 102. put on 动作 92. on one side 在一旁(边),斜着 103. wear穿戴 93. on one’s stomach 104. have on试穿 94. stay in bed 卧床休息 105. be dressed in 穿的状态 95. have a rest 106. make-up化装 96. take a nap打盹 107. get changed换衣服 97. be asleep 108. be in red 98. bend 109. take off 脱 99. turn over翻身 110. remove 去除 100. rest


“笑” “喜/恶”(18个)

“笑” 119. adore 111. smile 微笑(不出声) 120. be into 112. laugh burst into laughter 121. prefer 113. burst out laughing 122. enjoy “喜/恶” 123. in favor of 114. like 124. dislike 115. love 125. hate 116. be fond of 126. be awful/disgusting 117. be keen on 127. ignore 118. be crazy about 128. turn off

九、大脑的功能: (12个)

129. think 135. consider 130. remind 136. wonder 131. remember 137. doubt 132. believe 138. conclude 133. believe 139. infer 134. trust 140. reflect


“受伤” 148. get burnt 141. hurt 149. suffer from 142. injured 150. suffer a loss 143. wound “损坏” 144. cut 151. damage 145. kill 152. destroy 146. drown 153. ruin 147. bleed 154. break down

启航教育~~~ 带着梦想 启航的地方

155. be broken 156. crash

“支持/反对” 158. agree 159. disagree 160. accept 161. receive 162. refuse 163. reject

164. turn down 165. be against 166. elect

167. vote for/against “敬佩” 168. admire 169. respect

157. smash


170. show respect for/to 171. adore 172. envy

173. be jealousy 174. in honor of “赞美/批评” 175. praise

176. think highly of 177. blame sb for sth 178. sb is to be blamed

179. criticize /scold sb. for sth. 180. have a low opinion of sb 181. speak ill of


“得” “失” “有” “无” “增/减” “买/卖” “存在/消失” “变化” “做饭” “得” 219. bargain 182. get 220. bill 183. obtain 221. cheque 184. attain 222. cash 185. acquire获得知识和技能 223. credit card 186. gain 224. notes 187. possess 225. coins “失” 226. discounts 188. lose 丢 “存在/消失” 189. be lost 227. come into being 190. be missing人错过失踪,不见 228. exist 191. gone不见(物) 229. appear 192. great loss die 230. survive 193. die off相继死去 231. live 194. die away 逐渐消失 232. show “有” 233. turn up 195. have有 234. disappear 196. own是自己的 235. die 197. conquer征服 236. die out 198. occupy占有 237. pass away 199. possess 238. be out of sight “无” “变化” 200. nothing left 239. develop 201. the remaining thing 240. improve 202. disappear 241. become 203. be missing /gone 242. grow “增/减” 243. go+ bad /wrong/ sour /without( negative 204. rise 244. adj.) 205. raise 245. turn + color 206. go up 246. change 207. drop 247. change into 208. bring down 248. reform 209. increase “认识的过程” 210. decrease 249. feel “买/卖” 250. sense 211. buy 251. guess 212. purchase 252. suppose 213. afford 253. wonder 214. pay 254. doubt 215. pay off 255. know 216. pay for 256. learn 217. sell 257. realize 218. on sale 258. understand

启航教育~~~ 带着梦想 启航的地方

259. remember

260. be familiar with 261. recall 262. recite 263. apply to “成功/失败” 264. make it 265. succeed

266. make progress 267. come true

268. realize one’s dream 269. win 270. lose 271. fail to do 272. failure 273. defeat 274. suffer 275. loss 276. beat

277. turn sth. into reality “努力” 278. try

279. manage 280. make efforts 281. attempt 282. do ones best

283. do as much as one can to do “贺”

284. congratulations on sb 285. celebrate 286. observe 庆祝 287. get together 聚会 “做饭” 288. cook 289. wash 290. cut 291. chop 292. boil 293. fry 294. steam 295. make 296. mix 297. clean 298. brush 299. cover 300. uncover 301. cooker “建议” 302. advise 303. suggest 304. recommend 305. urge 306. propose 307. demand

308. persuade说服 “花费”

309. sth/doing 310. sth+cost

311. sb+spend+ in doing sth 312. Sb+afford +n/to do sth

313. It +take some time/ money/energy +to do


314. sb+ pay+$ for sth.

315. at one’s expense “省/存钱” 316. save 317. save up 318. set aside 319. put away

320. spare no effort/ time “参加”

321. take part in= join in 322. join

323. engaged in 324. participate 325. attend

326. compete in/ for/against “控告”

327. accuse sb. of 328. charge sb. with “救治” 329. help 330. help out 331. save

332. rescue sb from sth. 333. treat过程

334. cure 结果sb. of sth

335. aid sb in doing sth / to do sth 336. help sb with sth 337. assist sb in doing sth “逃避” 338. ran away 339. escape from 340. flee 341. hide “阻止/禁止”

342. prevent/keep/stop sb. from doing sth 343. forbid doing sth. 344. ban 345. prohibit “对付/处理” 346. handle 347. do with 348. deal with 349. tackle

350. overcome sth 351. solve 352. resolve 353. settle “效仿” 354. copy 355. imitate 356. learn from 357. learn “爆发/发生” 358. come about 359. happen to 360. take place 361. break out 362. burst out 363. go off 364. explosion “安装/装备” 365. fasten 366. fix 367. set

启航教育~~~ 带着梦想 启航的地方

368. equip

369. be armed with 用什么武装 370. be equipped with装备有 “追求” 371. pursuit 372. ran after 373. seek after 374. chase

375. catch up with赶上 376. keep up with跟上 “想/考虑”

377. think of 考虑/+as把什么看成 378. think about想起 379. consider

380. think over仔细考虑 381. be concerned 担心

382. be considerate towards sb. “打算” 383. plan


401. vacation 402. holiday

403. spring break 404. ask for leave 405. be on holiday 406. have two days off 旅游 407. trip 408. journey 409. tour 410. voyage 411. travel 412. tourist 413. passenger

414. go camping/picnicking/hiking 职务人员 415. clerk 416. secretary 417. passer-by 418. friend 419. minister 420. manager 421. waitress 422. guest 423. host 424. hostess 425. assistant 426. customer 427. adult 428. neighbor 429. relative 430. patient 431. vet 432. staff 433. crew 434. nurse 435. teacher 436. guard 437. conductor 438. tailor

384. intend

385. design to do 386. be going to do 387. be about to do 388. will do 389. be to do 390. mean to do “似乎/好象” 391. seem 392. appear 393. look like 394. as if/though “开办/关闭” 395. open 396. start 397. set up

398. close/close up 399. end

400. close down


439. sailor 440. inventor 441. gardener 餐馆/定餐/就餐 442. inn

443. restaurant 444. kitchen 445. menu 446. bill 447. order 448. tip 449. napkin

450. fork and knife 451. reserve 452. book table 453. taste 454. delicious 455. salad 456. dash

457. vegetables 458. fruit 459. tray

诊所/看病/服药 460. clinic 461. hospital

462. take one’s temperature 463. take medicine/pills

464. have a fever/flu/headache 465. doctor 466. physician 467. surgeon 468. specialist 469. patient 车站/机场 470. airport 471. on board

472. miss the train/bus 473. catch a train 474. meet sb. 身体部位 475. arm

启航教育~~~ 带着梦想 启航的地方

476. head 477. hair 478. brain 479. waist 480. back 481. shoulder 482. pulse 483. wrist 意志 484. will 485. courage 486. patience

487. determination 488. faith 489. effort

490. confidence 491. ambition 492. energy 才能/品质 493. talent 494. gift 495. ability 496. potential 497. intelligent 498. promising 499. smart 500. stupid 501. careful 502. proud 503. strict 504. honest 505. cold 506. serious 507. easy-going 508. learned

509. knowledgeable 优缺点

510. advantage 511. disadvantage 512. drawback 513. shortcoming 514. strength 515. weakness 目标 516. aim 517. goal 518. object 519. intention 520. purpose 521. belief 522. faith 方式

523. means 524. method 525. way 526. manner 527. approach 身体素质 528. strong 529. weak 530. pale 531. sick 532. ill

533. be well 534. keep slim 535. fit

536. cut weight 537. put on weight 538. healthy 539. poor 图表

540. photo 541. picture 542. graph 543. drawing 544. table line/bar 545. graph 546. pie 547. chart

548. draw a sketch 划草图 文章

549. reading 550. translation 551. essay 552. poem 553. paper 554. novel 555. fiction 556. article 557. magazine 558. newspaper 559. journal 日志 560. diary 561. files 562. form

563. make a list of 课堂 564. class 565. course566. lecture 567. example 568. reason 569. message 570. notes 571. words 572. phrase 573. scholarship 574. degree 575. subject 576. question 577. trouble 578. difficulty 579. grade 580. read 581. comment 582. marks 学校活动 583. match 584. game 585. activity

586. hold a meeting 587. debate 588. speech 589. ceremony 建议/观点 590. advice

启航教育~~~ 带着梦想 启航的地方

591. suggestion 592. idea 593. proposal 594. opinion 595. point 596. view

597. recommendation 气候/天气 598. climate 599. weather 600. storm 601. windy 602. cloudy 603. rainy 604. snow 605. hot 606. cold 607. freezing 608. heat 609. warmth 交通

610. by train/bus /boat/bike 611. on the trainbus /a bike 612. drive a car 613. ride a bike 614. give sb. a lift/ride 习惯 615. habit 616. custom

617. get used to

618. regular有规律的(形容词) 619. practice惯例(名词) 感觉 620. sight 621. hearing 622. touch 623. smell 624. sense 情感 625. feeling 626. emotion 627. anger 628. delight

形容词类 人的各种感受 乐

665. happy 666. delighted

667. to one’s joy/pleased 668. amused 悲 669. sad

670. unhappy 671. painful/bitter 平静 672. calm 673. quiet 674. silent 675. still 676. peaceful 烦

677. bother 678. bore

629. sadness 630. sorrow 财富

631. money 632. possessions 633. wealth 634. belongings 635. fortunes 636. treasure 637. diamond 638. be rich 639. well-off 运动比赛

640. on the playground 641. on the track and filed 642. pitch 643. event 644. game 645. match 646. sports 647. player 648. coach 649. Judge 650. Jogging

651. Weightlifting

652. play volleyball/soccer 衣服 653. Clothes 654. cloth 655. clothing

656. clothes统指各种衣服,谓语动词永远是

657. cloth指布,为不可数名词 clothing 服


658. 指一件衣服用a piece of, an article of 事件

659. Accident 660. case 661. event 662. affair

663. incident指小事件, 664. accident指不幸的事故

679. be fed up with 震惊

680. surprised 681. astonished 682. shocked 683. amazed 怕

684. in fear

685. be frightened 686. scared 687. afraid 失望

688. desperate 689. disappointed 690. hopeless 691. be depressed 满意

692. be satisfied ith

启航教育~~~ 带着梦想 启航的地方

693. be content to do 生气

694. annoyed

表程度的副词类 698. narrowly 699. nearly 700. almost 701. hardly 702. hard 703. extremely 704. very 705. quite

706. accidently 707. once in a while 708. occasionally 709. once

695. angry 696. disgusting

697. burst into rage 710. far 711. by far 712. farther 713. further 714. better 715. worse 716. be well 717. good 718. however 719. therefore 720. so thus

