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初一英语(上) Unit 2

阅读短文,回答问题Look! This is my family photo.There are two people in it. The beautiful woman is my mother. My mother is a teacher. She’s thirty-six years old and she’s tall and thin. She likes to go shopping with me. The man on the left is my father. My father is a worker.He’s forty-six years old but he looks like very young. He always goes to park with me. He likes to smoke. But I think smoke is bad for himself. He likes English songs. I love my parents.一、判断对错T(正确) or F(错误)

(F ) 1.There are three people in the ( F photo. ) 2.My father is a teacher. (T ) 3My father is 46. (F ) 4.My mother likes English songs.



语法解析: 代词1.这是他的双肩包。

This is his backpack.2.那是她的尺子。

That is her ruler. 代词: 指代物体或人称的词。 代词分类: 人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、 反身代词、 相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词、连接代词和不 定代词。

指示代词: thi that s

这个(离说话人近的人或物) 那个(离说话人远的人或物)

This is his backpack. That is her ruler. 放在一起的两样 东西,先说this,再说that This is Helen.Helen,this is Jim. 向别人介绍某人时常说 This is…

疑问句:1.This is his backpack. Is this his backpack? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t. 2.That is her ruler. Is that her ruler? Yes,it is. No,it isn’t.

变一般很简单,见了be就提前 this,that问,it来回答

否定句: 1.This is his backpack. This isn’t his backpack. 2.That is her That isn’t her ruler. ruler.


划线部分提问: 2.That is her ____________ 1.This is his backpack. __________________ ruler. What’s that? What’s this?

what:“什么”,对物体 提问 2.That is her 1.This is ____his backpack. ____ Whose ruler is that? Whose backpack is this? ruler. whose:“…的”

PracticeC 1.--____ backpack is this?-- ____ mine. A.What,This B.Who,It's C.Whose,It's B 2.--____ that?-- ____ a football.

A.What's,This C.Whose,It's


变成复数意义: 1.This is his backpack. These are his backpacks. 2.That is her Those are her ruler. rulers.近处单数复数




1.This is his This backpack is backpack. his.形容词性物 主代词

2.That is her ruler. That is ruler is hers.your yours his his her its thei r its their s

my mine


名词性物主 代词



形容词性物主代词后加名词 名词性物主代词不加名词

练一练his her is ____ 1.This is ____ (he) computer.That one s (she). your 2.--Is this ____ (you) new compter?--No,it ’t. thei 3.Missisn Wang isn’ t ____ (they) English r ours teacher.She is ____(we). 4.The . lovely dog mine is ____ Its (I). ____ (It) name is Wangwang.

课文重难点详解1.Excuse me,Sonia. Excuse me.:”对不起,请原谅”主要用于:1.


Excuse me.Are you Mr2.征求别人的许可


Excuse me.May I ask you a queation?3.打断别人的话或正在做的事情

Excuse me.I want to wash my hands.


Excuse me.Sorry. Pardon?

麻烦或打扰别人心中难过或做错事情 没听清楚对方的话,希望再说一遍

sorr 1.I’m ______ to hear the bad y me news. Excuse 2.__________. Can you tell me the way to the library? Sorry . I’m 3._______ late. 4.---Her name is Allen.Pardon ---________?

2.What’s this in English? It’s a/an … ’s this in English? ---What ---It’s an eraser.

in:表示”用…,以…”in English 用英语 in Chinese 用汉语 in Japanese 用日语 in + 语言:” 用…”

a/an…一个…an orange[ ]

a knife[k]

其后紧跟单词的首字母是元音时,用an 用a/an填空

a UFO ______ a flag ______

an old man ______an hour ______

3.How do you spell = Spell it?it,please. How:”怎么样”①对身体状况提问

How is your mother? ②对年龄提问 How old are you? ③对方式提问 How do you go to school every day?

4.Is that your computer in the lost and found case? in the lost and found 在失物招领处里 case: lost: 丢失的,遗失的

The boy is crying because he be lost. lost:迷路 isFound:招领启事


Lost:寻物启 事

n.戒指,环状物 5. 耳环 ear ring a key ring 钥匙环 rings



He often rings me.

ring = call

