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话题:人际关系 难度星级:☆☆ A Gift on a Small Slip of Paper

Over the holidays last year,my team at work did a“Secret Santa” gift exchange.We all 1 a name out of a jar,and prepared our assigned person small fun 2 in two weeks.Then,we all met after work one day for a final “reveal” where we 3 our real gifts.

Usually,these kinds of gift exchanges feel a bit more 4 material things than I like to be, 5 I wanted to be a team 6 ,so I went along with it.It 7 up being fun to make secret 8 for some meaningful gifts to give my colleague.On the evening of our final gift-giving exchange,the person who had picked my name out of the jar totally blew me away with her 9 .She gave me a beautiful framed photo and a postcard that she’d been holding 10 since she was 5 years old.

Then,for the heart of her gift,she introduced,“I’ve 11 you’re not really that big into material things.And you also like to make people 12 .”

She proceeded to 13 everyone a small slip of paper that 14 ,“I made someone smile today.”

“So,I think we can all do a 15 act that makes someone smile.And 16 this activity can pass down and we can tell people around the story of it.”

I was so 17 !It was truly the 18 gift,and I didn’t 19 know this colleague that well,but with her perceptive(有感知的) kindness,she really 20 my heart,and expanded it many times over.

语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位同事在“秘密的圣诞老人”礼物交换活动中,送给了“我”一份贴心的礼物,触动了“我”的心的故事。 15.A.covered C.wrote 答案 B

解析 根据第二段中的“the person who had picked my name out of the jar”可知,此处指“我

B.picked D.expressed


2.A.gifts C.flowers 答案 A

解析 根据上文中的“my team at work did a ‘Secret Santa’ gift exchange”可知,“我们”要与其他人互相交换礼物(gifts)。故选A。 3.A.distributed C.exchanged 答案 C

解析 根据上文中的“my team at work did a ‘Secret Santa’ gift exchange”及后文提到的同事给“我”准备的装在相框里的相片和明信片等提示可知,“我们”最后要交换(exchanged)真正的礼物。故选C。 4.A.tired with C.faced with 答案 D

解析 根据语境并结合生活常识可知,此处指“通常人们在这个活动中交换的礼物更注重物质上的东西”。(be) tired with对……感到疲惫;(be) crazy about对……着迷;(be) faced with面对,面临;(be) focused on关注,对……予以注意。故选D。 5.A.and C.but 答案 C

解析 根据空前的“material things than I like to be”以及空后的“I wanted to be a team ,so I went along with it”可知,此处表示转折关系,所以应用表示转折的连词,指“人们在这个活动中交换的礼物通常更注重于物质上的东西,而我并不是那么注重物质的人,但是我想成为一个具有团队精神的人,所以我参与了这个活动”。故选C。

B.because D.unless B.crazy about D.focused on B.produced D.expected B.pictures D.notes

6.A.leader C.player 答案 C

B.owner D.learner

解析 根据空后的“so I went along with it”可知,“我”想成为一个具有团队精神的人。team player具有团队精神的人,合作意识强的人。故选C。 7.A.ended C.took 答案 A

解析 根据语境并结合上下文内容可知,此处指“给同事秘密准备一些有意义的礼物是以欢乐结束的”。end up以……结束;bring up抚养,呕吐,提出;take up占据;pick up拾起,接收(信号)。故选A。 8.A.promise C.comment 答案 D

解析 根据第一段中的“and prepared our assigned person small fun in two weeks”可知,此处指“秘密准备一些有意义的礼物”。promise承诺;decision决定;comment评论;preparation准备。故选D。 9.A.confidence C.optimism 答案 D

解析 根据上下文内容尤其是“She gave me a beautiful framed photo and a postcard that she’d been holding since she was 5 years old.”可知,在注意到“我”并不是那么注重物质的人之后,从罐子里取出“我”名字的人送给“我”她从5岁就一直保存着的装在相框里的美丽相片和明信片。由此可知,她很体贴,为“我”准备礼物时一定深思熟虑过。故选D。 10.A.up C.down

B.onto D.with B.honesty D.thoughtfulness B.decision D.preparation B.brought D.picked

答案 B

解析 根据空后的“since she was 5 years old”可知,同事给“我”的装在相框里的美丽相片和明信片是她从5岁时就一直保存着的。hold up支撑住,承受住;hold onto (长时间地)保存某物;hold down压住,限制;hold with同意,赞成。故选B。 11.A.praised C.accepted 答案 D

解析 根据上文的“a bit more material things than I like to be”并结合语境可知,此处指“我注意到你并不是那么注重物质的人”。praise表扬;point指出;accept接受;notice注意到,留意到。故选D。 12.A.sick C.agree 答案 B

解析 根据第四段中的“I made someone smile today.”可知,此处是原词复现,指的是“你也想让人们微笑”。故选B。 13.A.hand C.put 答案 A

解析 根据空后的“a small slip of paper...”可推知,此处指“她接着给每人递上了一张小纸条”。hand递上;pose摆姿势;put放;spread展开,伸开。故选A。 14.A.spoke C.read 答案 C

解析 根据语境及空后的“I made someone smile today.”可知,此处指“纸条上写着”。read表示“(指示牌、信上等)写着”,符合此处语境。故选C。 15.A.big

B.small B.wrote D.told B.pose D.spread B.smile D.surprised B.pointed D.noticed

C.troublesome 答案 B


解析 根据上文提到她给每个人都发了一张纸,上面写着“今天我让某人微笑了”可知,这位同事是在建议大家从小事做起,让别人感到快乐。故选B。 16.A.nevertheless C.afterwards 答案 C

解析 根据空前的“we can all do a act that makes someone smile”并结合语境可知,此处指“在这之后(afterwards),这个活动还可以传承下去,我们还可以告诉周围的人它的故事”。故选C。 17.A.bored C.relaxed 答案 D

解析 根据下文中的“and I didn’t know this colleague that well”可知,“我”对于同事的做法感到惊讶。故选D。 18.A.cleanest C.heaviest 答案 B

解析 根据上文并结合语境可知,注意到“我”不是那么注重物质上的东西之后,同事精心为“我”准备了她珍藏多年的相片和明信片。由此可知,她的这份礼物是最令人愉快的。故选B。 19.A.even C.also 答案 A

解析 根据设空处所在句“I didn’t know this colleague that well,but with her perceptive(有感知的) kindness,she really my heart”可知,该句想要表达“我”甚

B.still D.yet B.sweetest D.strangest B.interested D.surprised B.besides D.therefore

至(even)不是很了解这个同事,但是她这种有感知力的善良触动了“我”的心。故选A。 20.A.touched C.cared 答案 A

解析 根据上文“I was so !It was truly the gift...but with her perceptive(有感知的) kindness”可知,此处指同事的礼物触动了“我”的心。故选A。 2.完形填空

话题:人际关系 难度星级:☆☆ When Heather McHugh,a poet,won a 500,000 “genius grant” from the MacArthur Foundation,she didn’t buy a luxurious car or fly to Paris. 1 ,she put the money in the bank and 2 writing poems.

In 2011,she finally 3 what to do with it.That year,Heather’s godson and his wife 4 their first child,a beautiful baby girl but severely disabled.“I saw how people’s 5 can change overnight.I started thinking about people in a 6 situation,” says Heather.

She 7 there were millions of caregivers taking care of the chronically(慢性地) ill or disabled.So in 2012,Heather 8 a non-profit organization offering a seven-day vacation,with all 9 paid,to people who have been caregivers for at least ten years.

Tricia was one of the first caregivers to go on vacation.When Tricia got a call saying she was offered a 10 vacation,she couldn’t 11 it;disbelief even 12 her concern about leaving her two kids.

Tricia went with excitement,but her favorite part of the trip was being able to enjoy the 13 things.“I got to eat hot food hot and cold food cold.I could go to bed when I wanted to and wake up whenever I chose to,”says Tricia.She was afraid the 14 would return when the 15 was over,but to her surprise,it hasn’t been back since.

Heather says Tricia’s 16 resembles those she helps every year.“Before the vacation they are so 17 ,and the 18 is so amazing.They reflect and relax.It feels 19 like another world and gives them a chance to see their lives from another 20 ,” she adds.

B.laughed D.left

语篇解读 诗人希瑟·麦克休在自己的教子夫妇生下一位有残疾的孩子后,受到很大触动。她感到照顾患有慢性病或有残疾的人会很艰辛。因此,她用作品获奖所得的奖金设立了一个非营利性组织,为那些看护慢性病患者的护理者提供放松的机会,让他们有机会好好地享受一下生活。 1.A.However C.Instead 答案 C

解析 设空处前提到,当希瑟·麦克休获得大奖后,她没有把钱用于购买豪车或去旅游。设空处后提到她把钱存在了银行。前后形成对比,instead意为“相反,而”,符合语境。 2.A.continued C.practiced 答案 A

解析 参见上题解析。此处是指她继续写诗。continue意为“继续”,符合语境。quit停止;practice练习,训练;start开始。 3.A.thought over C.talked about 答案 D

解析 根据下文可知,希瑟·麦克休建立了一个组织去帮助一些护理者。故此处应指在2011年,她终于决定用这笔钱做些事情。decide意为“决定”,符合语境。think over仔细考虑;wonder想知道;talk about谈论,讨论。 4.A.held C.lost 答案 B

解析 根据设空处后的“their first child”可知,此处指他们迎来第一个孩子。welcome意为“欢迎,迎接”,符合语境。

B.welcomed D.saved B.wondered D.decided B.quitted D.started B.Therefore D.Besides

5.A.feelings C.lives 答案 C

B.future D.routine

解析 根据设空处前的“a beautiful baby girl but severely disabled”可知,希瑟的教子夫妇迎来了他们的第一个孩子,她很漂亮但是有严重残疾,再根据设空处后的“can change overnight”可知,此处指希瑟体会到那些有残疾人的家庭可能一夜之间生活就发生很大的改变。life意为“生活”,符合语境。 6.A.different C.worse 答案 B

解析 根据上文可知,希瑟看到自己的教子家庭因新出生的孩子有残疾而面临很大的困难,故而想到其他家庭可能会有类似的情况。similar意为“相似的”,符合语境。 7.A.discovered C.admitted 答案 A

解析 设空处后的“there were millions of caregivers taking care of the chronically(慢性地) ill or disabled”可知,有几百万护理者在看护患有慢性病或身患残疾的人,这是她发现的事实。discover意为“发现”,符合语境。 8.A.donated C.visited 答案 D

解析 根据设空处后的“a non-profit organization”可知,她成立了一个非营利性组织。form意为“组成,建立”,符合语境。 9.A.taxes C.expenses 答案 C

B.salaries D.rents B.found D.formed B.claimed D.felt B.similar D.better

解析 根据设空处前的seven-day vacation及下段内容可知,度假的费用都由该组织支付。expense意为“费用”,符合语境。tax税,税额;salary工资;rent租金,房租。 10.A.free C.short 答案 A

解析 由上文可知,这是一次免费旅行。free意为“免费的”,符合语境。caring关心他人的,体贴人的;short短的;long长的,长时间的。 11.A.believe C.refuse 答案 A

解析 根据设空处后的“disbelief even her concern about leaving her two kids”可知,特里西娅接到电话时并不相信这个免费旅行的事情。believe意为“相信”,符合语境。 12.A.woke C.showed 答案 B

解析 根据语境可知,此处指这种令人难以置信的感觉甚至战胜了她对离开两个孩子的担心。defeat意为“击败,战胜”,符合语境。wake醒来,唤醒;show表明,证明,展示;move移动。

13.A.wonderful C.peaceful 答案 D

解析 根据设空处后的“I got to eat hot food hot and cold food cold.I could go to bed when I wanted to and wake up whenever I chose to”可知,特里西娅在旅行中最喜欢的部分就是做一些很普通的日常事情,simple意为“简单的,普通的”,符合语境。wonderful精彩的,令人赞叹的;delicious美味的;peaceful和平的,安宁的。 14.A.heaviness

B.pain B.delicious D.simple B.defeated D.moved B.take D.enjoy B.caring D.long

C.sadness 答案 A


解析 根据设空处后的“but to her surprise,it hasn’t been back since”可知,此处将假期的简单生活与平时的繁重工作进行对比,即她害怕当假期结束时,又要回归到那种繁重的工作中去。heaviness意为“沉重,繁重”,符合语境。pain疼痛,苦恼,烦恼;sadness悲伤,悲痛;disbelief不信,怀疑。 15.A.entertainment C.vacation 答案 C

解析 根据上文提到的特里西娅在度假和设空处后的was over可知,此处指假期结束。vacation意为“假期”,符合语境。 16.A.comment C.surprise 答案 B

解析 此处指上文讲到的特里西娅的故事(story),故选B项。 17. A.worried C.unexpected 答案 D

解析 根据上文可知,在度假放松之前人们是有压力的,故选D项。 18.A.award C.scenery 答案 B

解析 根据设空处后的“They reflect and relax.”可知,度假前人们感到有压力,但是度假结束时,压力负担没有回来,反而很放松。因此,此处指度假前后发生了变化。change意为“变化”,符合语境。award奖,奖金;scenery风景;accomodation住处。 19.A.slightly

B.interestingly B.change D.accomodation B.confused D.stressed B.story D.fortune B.dream D.freedom

C.magically 答案 C


解析 这种变化令人吃惊,就像另外一个世界。magically意为“如魔法般地”,符合语境。slightly略微,稍微;interestingly有趣地;mostly主要地,通常。 20.A.place C.height 答案 D

解析 根据上文提到的“like another world”可知,此处指这个假期给了他们一个从另一角度看生活的机会。angle意为“角度”,符合语境。place位置;situation情况,状况,形势;height高度。 3.完形填空

话题:周围的人 难度星级:☆☆ (2018·黑龙江哈师大附中四模)

Miss Bessie was only five feet tall,but she was the only woman strict enough to make me read Beowulf.I shall never forget the day she 1 me and persuaded me to read it.

“But Miss Bessie,” I complained,“I ain’t much 2 it.”

“Boy,” she said,“how dare you say ‘ain’t’ to me! I’ve taught you better than that.”

“Miss Bessie,” I responded,“I’m trying to be the 3 of the football team,and if I go around saying ‘it isn’t’ and ‘they aren’t’,my friends are going to laugh at me.”

“Boy,” she said,“you want to be the leader 4 you have courage.But do you know what 5 takes courage? It’s 6 to lower your standards to those of the crowd.”

Then,I 7 saying “it isn’t” and “they aren’t”,and I 8 became the leader,without losing my friends’ 9 . Born in 1895 in poverty,Miss Bessie grew up in Athens,Alabama.She never attended university because she could not 10 it.In the local high school,she 11 a lot about

B.situation D.angle

Shakespeare and the great importance of 12 .“What you put in your head,” she once said,“can never be 13 by anybody.”

During her 14 44-year career (职业生涯),Miss Bessie taught hundreds of youngsters.I remember her now with 15 and affection.Miss Bessie noticed things that had nothing to do with schoolwork,but were important to a youngster’s 16 .Once a few classmates 17 my worn-out overcoat,and as I was leaving school,Miss Bessie 18 me,“Carl,never worry about what you don’t have.Just make the most of what you do have—a brain.”

When Miss Bessie died in 1980,hundreds of her former 19 mourned.Many of them, 20 by Miss Bessie’s example,became excellent teachers.

语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是作者永远不会忘记的一位老师Miss Bessie。 1.A.praised C.understood 答案 B

解析 我永远不会忘记她责备我并说服我去读它的那一天。praise称赞;scold责备;understand理解;cheat欺骗。故选B项。 2.A.worried about C.satisfied with 答案 D

解析 我对它不感兴趣。be worried about担忧;be tired of厌烦;be satisfied with感到满意;be interested in对……感兴趣。故选D项。 3.A.member C.leader 答案 C

解析 根据下文的“you want to be the leader...”可知,我想成为足球队的队长。故选C项。 4.A.because C.or

B.so D.when B.friend D.coach B.tired of D.interested in B.scolded D.cheated

答案 A

解析 你想成为领袖,因为你有勇气。此处是because引导的原因状语从句。故选A项。 5.A.naturally C.really 答案 C

解析 但你知道真正需要勇气的是什么吗?naturally自然地;unexpectedly出乎意料地;really真正地;directly直接地。故选C项。 6.A.pretending C.wishing 答案 B

解析 它就是拒绝将你的标准降低到和人群的标准一样。故选B项。pretend假装;refuse拒绝;wish希望;remember记得。 7.A.started C.suggested 答案 A

解析 然后,我开始说“it isn’t”和“they aren’t”。start开始;prefer更喜欢;suggest建议;mind介意。故选A项。 8.A.also C.never 答案 B

解析 我仍然变成了队长,没有失去我朋友对我的尊重。also也;still仍然;never从来没有;even甚至。故选B项。 9.A.control C.trust 答案 D

B.help D.respect B.still D.even B.preferred D.minded B.refusing D.remembering B.unexpectedly D.directly

解析 参考上题解析。control控制;help帮助;trust信任;respect尊重。故选D项。 10.A.afford C.manage 答案 A

解析 她从未上过大学,因为她负担不起。afford负担得起,买得起;finish完成;manage管理,控制;change改变。故选A项。 11.A.wrote C.thought 答案 B

解析 在当地的高中,她学到了很多关于莎士比亚的知识也认识到知识的重要性。write写;learn学习;think想,认为;talk谈论。故选B项。 12.A.knowledge C.wealth 答案 A

解析 参考上题解析。knowledge知识;courage勇气;wealth财富;confidence自信。故选A项。 13A.used up C.broken down 答案 D

解析 她曾经说过:“你装在脑子里的东西永远不会被任何人拿走。” use up用完,耗尽;give away赠送,泄密;break down出故障,坏了;take away拿走。故选D项。 14.A.boring C.great 答案 C

解析 在她伟大的44年的职业生涯中,Miss Bessie教了成百上千的年轻人。boring令人厌

B.difficult D.independent B.given away D.taken away B.courage D.confidence B.learned D.talked B.finish D.change

烦的;difficult困难的;great伟大的;independent独立的。故选C项。 15.A.power C.excitement 答案 D

解析 我现在带着感激和爱的心情记住她。power力量,能力;patience耐心;excitement兴奋;gratefulness感激。故选D项。 16.A.intelligence C.health 答案 D

解析 Miss Bessie注意到一些与学业无关的事情,但这些事情对孩子的成长很重要。intelligence智力;experience经验;health健康;development发展。故选D项。 17.A.checked C.paid attention to 答案 B

解析 有一次,几个同学取笑我的破大衣,当我正要离开学校时,Miss Bessie鼓励我。check核对;make fun of取笑;pay attention to重视;mend修补。故选B项。 18.A.challenged C.encouraged 答案 C

解析 参考上题解析。challenge挑战;promise许诺;encourage鼓励;warn警告。故选C项。

19.A.students C.families 答案 A

解析 当Miss Bessie在1980年去世时,她的数百名以前的学生都在哀悼。故选A项。

B.colleagues D.relatives B.promised D.warned B.made fun of D.mended B.experience D.development B.patience D.gratefulness

20.A.supported C.guided 答案 C

B.followed D.replaced

解析 他们中的许多人,在Miss Bessie的榜样指导下,成为了优秀的教师。support支持;follow跟随;guide指导;replace替代。故选C。 4.完形填空

话题:学校生活 难度星级:☆☆ (2018·安徽六安一中适应性考试)

All of us in Monte Vista Christian School know we’ll one day have graduation photos for the yearbook taken.As the time 1 ,the girls start to have a 2 about what they’ll wear and where to take the photos,while the boys, 3 ,hardly talk about it.As for me,I 4 for my photos to be taken by the sea.

When I arrived there,I met my photographer,Annie.She asked me to make some poses and I 5 her advice.After that,I asked if she could make me look 6 by taking photos in a different way, 7 I’m less than 1.6 meters tall.To my 8 she responded,“I will make no 9 to make you look like someone you’re not.You look good in your own way.” She 10 that she wouldn’t try to edit the photos either.

I was shocked by what she said.Girls always 11 to look perfect by using different visual angles.When you go to a photo studio,photographers always try to hide your 12 by telling you to stand in a certain way.And picture editors can easily 13 your look by making you appear any you want to. 14 that’s not the case here.Seeing I was 15 ,Annie explained:“Everyone has his uniqueness.You need to 16 your own beauty.You cannot live in a world of 17 photos.”

It was the first time that I had met a photographer who doesn’t 18 photos at all.After the shoot,I saw the photos—they are 19 special and natural.But what’s even more special are Annie’s 20 ,which will always stay in my heart.

语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者在拍毕业照时所得到的感悟:每个人都有他的独特之处。你需要欣赏自己的美丽,而不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里。

1.A.flows C.shrinks 答案 B

解析 flow流动;approach靠近;shrink收缩;develop发展。随着拍毕业照时间的临近,女孩们开始讨论她们将穿什么、在哪里拍照,而相比之下男孩们几乎不谈论这个。故选B。 2.A.discussion C.reason 答案 A

解析 参考上题解析。discussion讨论;request请求;reason理由;complaint抱怨。故选A。 3.A.by accident C.by comparison 答案 C

解析 by accident意外地;in addition另外,此外;by comparison比较起来;in advance提前。故选C。 4.A.accounted C.searched 答案 D

解析 account解释,导致;apply应用;search 搜寻;arrange安排。至于“我”,“我”把“我”的照片安排在海边拍。故选D。 5.A.considered C.followed 答案 C

解析 consider考虑;decline下降,拒绝;follow跟随;consult咨询。摄影师让“我”做一些姿势,我听从了她的建议。follow one’s advice按着某人的建议,故选C。

B.declined D.consulted B.applied D.arranged B.in addition D.in advance B.request D.complaint B.approaches D.develops

6.A.taller C.thinner 答案 A

B.prettier D.stronger

解析 taller更高;prettier更美丽;thinner更瘦;stronger更强壮。在那之后,“我”问她是否可以用不同的方式拍摄以使“我”看起来更高,因为“我”的身高还不到1.6米。根据下文“less than 1.6 meters tall”可知,作者想让摄影师把自己拍得高一点,故选A。 7.A.unless C.since 答案 C

解析 参考上题解析。unless除非;though尽管;since因为;while当……时候。此处是since引导原因状语从句。 8.A.delight C.relief 答案 B

解析 delight高兴;astonishment惊讶;relief安慰;satisfaction满足。令“我”惊讶的是,她回答说:“我不会尝试让你看起来像一个不是你的人。你这个样子看起来很好。to one’s astonishment使某人惊讶的是……,故答案为B项。 9.A.decision C.promise 答案 D

解析 参考上题解析。decision决定;choice选择;promise许诺;attempt企图。故D项切题。 10.A.added C.explained 答案 A

解析 add增加;swear宣誓;explain解释;admit承认。她补充说,她也不会尝试编辑这些

B.swore D.admitted B.choice D.attempt B.astonishment D.satisfaction B.though D.while

照片。故选A。 11.A.pretend C.desire 答案 C

解析 pretend假装;manage 管理;desire渴望;pay付款。女孩们总是希望通过不同的角度来表现完美。故选C。 12.A.preferences C.personalities 答案 D

解析 preference偏爱;shortcoming缺点;personality个性;imperfection不完美。当你去照相馆的时候,摄影师总是让你以某种方式站着,试图隐藏你的不完美。故选D。 13.A.expose C.change 答案 C

解析 expose揭露;recover恢复;change改变;recognize认出。修图师可以轻易地把你变成你想要的样子。故选C。 14.A.However C.Otherwise 答案 A

解析 however然而;therefore因此;otherwise否则;anyway无论如何。然而,现在却不是这个情况。故选A。 15.A.annoyed C.discouraged 答案 B

解析 annoyed烦恼的;confused困惑的;discouraged灰心的;embarrassed尴尬的。看到“我”

B.confused D.embarrassed B.Therefore D.Anyway B.recover D.recognize B.shortcomings D.imperfections B.manage D.pay

很困惑,安妮解释说:“每个人都有他的独特之处。你需要欣赏自己的美丽。你不能生活在一个人造照片的世界里。”故选B。 16.A.foster C.describe 答案 B

解析 参考上题解析。foster培养;admire钦佩,欣赏;describe描述;advocate提倡。故选B。 17.A.vivid C.artificial 答案 C

解析 参考上题解析。vivid生动的;colorful富有色彩的;artificial人造的;popular受欢迎的。故选C。 18.A.polish C.cut 答案 A

解析 polish磨光,修改;organize组织;cut切割;exhibit展览。这是“我”第一次见到一位不喜欢修照片的摄影师。故选A。 19.A.causally C.partially 答案 D

解析 causally随便地;roughly粗略地;partially部分地;truly真实地。拍摄结束后,“我”看到了这些照片——它们真的很特别,很自然。故选D。 20.A.attitudes C.actions 答案 B

B.words D.skills B.roughly D.truly B.organize D.exhibit B.colorful D.popular B.admire D.advocate

解析 attitude态度;word某人说的话;action行动;skill技能。但更特别的是安妮的话语,它们将永远留在我的心里。故选B。 5.完形填空

话题:周围的人 难度星级:☆☆ My co-worker Jan lives in an electric wheelchair.A few years back,she 1 her leg above the knee in a traffic accident and her life changed 2 .As long as I have worked with her,I have had a hard time 3 how she keeps such a good 4 given what has happened to her and how 5 her life is now.

But life goes on.One particularly 6 day we were working together in Customer Service.She is very good at customer service and details.People 7 to work with her.But the customers this day could hardly be 8 .Finally when there was a pause in the complaints,Jan said she would be 9 for a few minutes.

“Is it finally time for a break?” I 10 ,knowing it was hours past the break time. “No,” said Jan.“It is time for the reset button.”

She 11 in her electric wheelchair.I didn’t recall seeing any reset button on her chair.It wasn’t very long and Jan was back with a 12 on her face.Noticing my 13 look,she asked what I was thinking.

“Well,you said you were going to 14 the reset button.You came back with a smile on your face,like things have 15 .”

Jan had a 16 like a fairy.“The reset button is my way of saying that I need to 17 to reassess things and realize I have a lot of good people to be 18 for in life.I need to adjust my attitude to 19 ,not just a few hours this morning that were miserable.It makes 20 go much better.”

语篇解读 本文主要讲述了作者的同事简积极面对生活的故事。简虽然在事故中失去了一条腿,但她仍然积极地面对工作和生活,用一颗感恩的心对待工作和周围的人,让生活更加美好。 1.A.bowed


C.moved 答案 D


解析 根据空前的“lives in an electric wheelchair”及空后的“in a traffic accident”可知,此处应表示简在车祸中失去了一条腿。bow鞠躬;kick踢;move移动,搬;lose失去。故选D项。 2.A.greatly C.gradually 答案 A

解析 前文提到,简在车祸中失去了一条腿;根据常识可知,此处应表示她的生活在很大程度上(greatly)发生了改变。slightly稍微;gradually逐渐地;constantly持续不断地。 3.A.expecting C.seeing 答案 B

解析 根据下文可知,简虽然身体残疾了,但是她依然很乐观积极地工作和生活。所以,此处应表示“考虑到发生在她身上的事,我很难理解(understand)她是如何保持如此好的心态的”。expect期望;see看见;describe描述。 4.A.job C.attitude 答案 C

解析 根据下文可知,简虽然遭遇车祸,但是她依然乐观,这是一种对生活和工作的态度(attitude)。且根据最后一段简所说的话中“to adjust my attitude to...”可知,简对生活的态度乐观。job工作;reputation声誉;sense感觉。 5.A.inconvenient C.elegant 答案 A

解析 根据上文语境及常识可知,简在车祸后成了一位残疾人,因此与之前相比,现在她的

B.hopeless D.amazing B.reputation D.sense B.understanding D.describing B.slightly D.constantly

生活应有许多不便。inconvenient不方便的,符合语境。hopeless (感到)绝望的;elegant高雅的,优美的;amazing惊人的。 6.A.exciting C.stressful 答案 C

解析 根据下文内容可知,作者和简一起为顾客提供服务,简很擅长为顾客服务并注意细节,但是那天工作不是很顺利,顾客不满意,所以这一天应是特别有压力的一天。stressful充满压力的,符合语境。exciting令人兴奋的;boring无聊的;peaceful平静的,和平的。 7.A.refuse C.intend 答案 D

解析 根据上文中的“She is very good at customer service and details.”可知,简很擅长为顾客提供服务并注意细节。故推知,此处应表示“大家喜欢(love)和她一起工作”。refuse拒绝;hesitate犹豫;intend计划,打算。 8.A.attracted C.respected 答案 D

解析 上文提到简擅长为顾客提供服务,大家都很喜欢她;根据空格前的But可知,此处应表示内容的转折,再由空前的hardly可知此处表示“但是,今天(我们)很难让顾客们感到满意”。attract吸引;charge使承担,指责;respect尊敬;satisfy使满意,使满足。故选D项。 9.A.educated C.assisted 答案 B

解析 根据下文内容可知,简不久后坐轮椅回来,故此处应表示简要出去一会儿。educate教育;go走,出去;assist帮助;operate使用,操作。 10.A.teased

B.blamed B.gone D.operated B.charged D.satisfied B.hesitate D.love B.boring D.peaceful

C.added 答案 A


解析 根据下文中的“knowing it was hours past the break time”可知,此处应选tease,意为“逗弄,戏弄”。句意为:我逗了她一下,心里清楚休息时间已过了几个小时了。blame责备;add补充说;praise赞扬。 11.A.traveled C.passed by 答案 D

解析 根据上下文内容可知,简离开了几分钟,故此处应表示离开之意。zoom off快速离开,符合语境。travel旅行;crash碰撞,坠毁;pass by经过。 12.A.tear C.line 答案 B

解析 根据语境可知,简返回时应是心情愉快的,且根据后文的“You came back with a smile...”也可得知答案。故选B。 13.A.cheerful C.puzzled 答案 C

解析 根据设空后的“she asked what I was thinking”可知,此处应表示,简看到作者一脸困惑的(puzzled)表情,询问作者在想什么。cheerful高兴的,兴高采烈的;angry生气的;funny有趣的。 14.A.repair C.delete 答案 B

解析 上文“It is time for the reset button.” 可知,此处应表示“你说你将去用一下(use)重置按钮”。repair修复;delete删除;mark标记。

B.use D.mark B.angry D.funny B.smile D.scar B.crashed D.zoomed off

15.A.begun C.changed 答案 C

B.flooded D.happened

解析 根据设空前的“You came back with a smile”可知,此处应表示“你脸上带着微笑回来了,仿佛事情有了转变(change)”。begin开始;flood (被)淹没;happen发生。 16.A.laugh C.quarrel 答案 A

解析 根据上文的“You came back with a smile”及后文简说的话,并结合选项可知,此处应表示简笑了。句意为:简像仙女一样笑(laugh)了起来。shout喊叫,呼喊;quarrel争吵;cry哭。 17.A.return C.quit 答案 D

解析 上文提到,简坐轮椅出去了一会儿,而作者误会了简所说的“It is time for the reset button.”的意思,故此处应是简向作者解释她想说的话,即重置键的意思是让自己停下来对事情重新做一下评估。stop to do sth. 停下来去做另外一件某事,符合语境。return返回;escape逃离;quit离开,停止做。 18.A.anxious C.responsible 答案 B

解析 前文讲到,简笑着回来了;后文提到,简说她需要调整自己的态度,故此处应表示,她意识到生活中她有很多需要感谢的人。be grateful for对……感激,符合语境。anxious焦虑的;responsible负有责任的;guilty内疚的。 19.A.service C.reality

B.detail D.accident B.grateful D.guilty B.escape D.stop B.shout D.cry

答案 C

解析 根据设空后的“not just a few hours this morning that were miserable”,并结合选项可知,此处应表示“我需要调整对现实的态度,不仅仅为早晨那几个小时的不快乐时光”。service服务;detail细节;reality现实;accident事故,意外事件。故选C项。 20.A.life C.business 答案 A

解析 根据上文内容可知,简虽然身体残疾,但是她依然保持乐观豁达的人生态度,对自己的工作认真负责,对顾客有责任心。而这种乐观的心态也得益于自己的处事方法和态度。此处应是对文章主题的升华,故推知,此处表示“它让生活(life)变得更加美好”。time时间;business商业;customer顾客。

B.time D.customers

答案 C

解析 根据设空后的“not just a few hours this morning that were miserable”,并结合选项可知,此处应表示“我需要调整对现实的态度,不仅仅为早晨那几个小时的不快乐时光”。service服务;detail细节;reality现实;accident事故,意外事件。故选C项。 20.A.life C.business 答案 A

解析 根据上文内容可知,简虽然身体残疾,但是她依然保持乐观豁达的人生态度,对自己的工作认真负责,对顾客有责任心。而这种乐观的心态也得益于自己的处事方法和态度。此处应是对文章主题的升华,故推知,此处表示“它让生活(life)变得更加美好”。time时间;business商业;customer顾客。

B.time D.customers

