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第一模块 How Tall Are You ?



A+be动词+形容词的比较级(如:taller,stronger,older)+than+B A比B更…… 例如:

You are taller than your brother . I am fatter than Xiaojun .


A + be动词+数字+单位(如:cm,kg)+形容词比较级+ than+ B 例如:

You are 4 cm taller than me . I am 10 kg heavier than Tom . John is 2 years younger than her .


主语 +be动词 + 数字+ 长度单位(如:cm、m)+ tall . 例如:

I’m 160 cm tall .

My mother is 1.62 m tall .

(四)询问对方身高、体重、年龄、大小、长度的句型: 问句:How+形容词(如:tall/heavy/old/big/long)+be动词+主语?


答句:主语 +be动词 + 数字+ 单位(如:cm/kg/years)+ 形容词 . 例如:

How tall are you ? I’m 160 cm tall .

(五)形容词比较级的变化规则 规则变化 构成方法 一般在词尾加er 原级 tall high short strong young 以字母e结尾的词,加r。 fine late 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,fat 应先双写这个辅音字母,再加er。 big thin 以y结尾,并且y前面是辅音字母的词,easy 先把y变为i,再加er。 funny heavy 不规则变


比较级 taller higher shorter stronger younger finer later fatter bigger thinner easier funnier heavier better worse good bad/ill many/much more little less 化 (六)如何用“how”问体貌 How tall are you ? How old are you ?

How heavy is your brother ? How long is its tail ? How big are your hands ?



Which monkey do you like ? I like the yellow one .

(八)“up to…”的含义

“up to…”表示“达到……”,后面常接数字。例如: each up to 20 cm long

Up to ten people can sleep in this room . 二、常用短语

from shorter to taller from……to…… I wear size 17 . up to…… dive into…… jump out of…… good swimmer have a try



dinosaur house schoolbag tall long short strong old young heavy thin big small funny its tail brown think only about hair head hand eye arm leg foot tooth meter ton each squid lobster shark seal deep swimmer little cm(centimeter) than kg(kilogram) even


第二模块 What’s The Matter ?


(一)关心他人的“What’s the matter ?” “What’s the matter ?”表示“怎么了?” 例如:

What’s the matter , John ? I have a toothache .

如果询问具体某个人怎么了时,要用句型“What’s with + 某人?”,例如:

What’s the matter with them/him/her/you ? 类似的句型还有“What’s wrong ?” What’s wrong , Tom ?

I can’t find my schoolbag .

(二)关心他人的“How are you ?” “How are you ?”表示“你好吗?” 例如:

How are you , John ? Fine , thank you .

(三)询问对方的感觉时,可以用以下句型: How do you feel ?

I feel + 表示感觉的形容词(happy/sad/tired/sick)。 例如:


the matter

How do you feel ? I feel sick .

(四)询问第三方的感觉时,可以用以下句型: How does he/she/it/John feel ?

He/She/It is + 表示感觉的形容词(happy/sad/tired/sick)。 例如:

How does Amy feel ? She’s tired .

(五)如何描述对方看起来的状态---“You look +形容词” “You look +表示状态的形容词(happy/sad/tired)”句型,表示“你看起来…”。“look”在这里是“看起来”的意思,例如:

You look so happy .

(六)听到坏消息应该怎样表示难过---“I’m sorry to hear that” “I’m sorry to hear that”表示“听到那件事我很难过” 例如:

--- What’s the matter , John ? You look sad today . --- I failed the math test . --- I’m sorry to hear that .


I am going on a big trip .(我将要进行一次长途旅行) 用现在进行时表示将来要发生的事情或动作,常用的动词有:



He is coming to see you this afternoon .

Miss White is taking her students to the zoo tomorrow .


“fail”表示“不及格;失败”,例如: I failed the math test .

Did you fail the Chinese test ?

(九)讨人喜欢的“pass” “pass”表示“通过”,例如: Amy passed the English test .

“pass”还表示“传递”,“把某物传给某人”可以用“pass sth. to sb.”例如:

John passed the ball to Tom .



There is a football match between Class 1 and Class 2. Tom is sitting between John and Amy .


1、“another”表示“又一个”、“另一个”,例如: Another goal !


Have another cup of tea .


I have two friends . One is Mike , the other is Peter . Tom is here , but the other boys are at school .

(十二)“laugh”与“laugh at”的区别 1、“laugh”表示“笑,大笑”。例如:

The children are laughing and playing games . 2、“laugh at”表示“嘲笑”。例如: Don’t laugh at the little boy .

(十三)“be going to”表示一般将来时

“be going to +动词原形”结构表示“打算或将要做某事”,是“一般将来时”的一种表达方式。例如:

I am going to fly kites next Sunday .

(十四)“have”的用法 1、表示“得……病”,例如: have a cold have a fever 2、表示“吃,喝”,例如:

They often have bread and milk for breakfast . 3、表示“有”,例如: I have a new pen .




headache toothache earache stomachache backache

(十六)时间状语从句简介 引导词 when(当……时) 时间状语从句 till/until(直到) 例句 How do you know when you have the flu ? The game was over before you came . We went to the park after the rain stopped . The little girl stopped crying till her mother came . I will write to you as soon as I get to Jinan . before(在……之前) after(在……之后) as soon as(一…就…) 注意:时间状语从句如果放在主句前,一般要用逗号分开;时间状语从句如果放在主句后,一般不用逗号。例如:

The game was over before you came . Before you came , the game was over .



条件状语从句 引导词 if(如果,假如) 例句 If you have a fever , you might have the flu . He is sure to come unless he is ill . You will go to college as long as you study hard . unless(除非) as long as(只要) 注意:条件状语从句如果放在主句前,一般要用逗号分开;条件状语从句如果放在主句后,一般不用逗号。例如:

If you have a fever , you might have the flu . You might have the flu if you have a fever .



Some people feel sick in the winter . 2、“people”表示“民族”时,有复数形式。例如: There are 56 peoples in China .

(十九)“a few”与“few”的区别

“a few”与“few”后面都跟可数名词复数,但意思不同。 1、“a few”表示肯定,意思是“几个”。例如:




I hurt my leg . My leg hurts .


have a headache have/get the flu have a toothache have a cold have a fever have a sore throat My nose hurts . My throat is sore . take it easy hurt one’s leg Don’t worry . in the winter see the doctor take some medicine drink hot drinks Stay in bed for a few feel better soon go on a big trip fail the math test a little angry bounce off…… fly into…… win the game laugh at…… buy me a new skirt = buy a new skirt for me I feel bored . a ghost story I feel scared . It’s midnight . go skating



days . fever hurt toothache headache sore throat matter feel sick nose people flu know might worry medicine drink stay better soon tired excited angry happy bored sad trip fail test hear match between pass kick goal bounce off another guess win won game laugh robot straw weather fun funny ghost scared midnight parent


第三模块 Last Weekend

一、常用句型 (一)一般过去时:


表示过去时间的状语包括:yesterday , just now , the day

before yesterday , last week/month/year/night , an hour ago


1、一般过去时的构成: 含be动词I was… 的一般过He/She/It/John was… 去时 We/You/They were… 肯定式 I wasn’t… He/She/It/John wasn’t… We/You/They weren’t… 否定式 含实义动I/You/ He/She/It/John/We/They I/You/ He/She/It/John/We/They 词的一般+动词过去式… 过去时



一般过去时形式:am/is------was are-------were 3、do的过去式是did


+ didn’t + 动词原形… 4、一般过去时的疑问句和简略答语:

第一人称(I/we) 第二人称(You) 第三人称(He/She/It/John/They) 含be动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句和简略答语 Was I …? Yes,you were. No,you weren’t. Were we…? Yes,we/you were . No, we/you weren’t. Were you…? Yes,I was . No,I wasn’t . Were you…? Yes,we were . Was he/she/it…? Yes, he/she/it was . No, he/she/it wasn’t . Were they…? Yes,they were . No, we weren’t. No, they weren’t. Did you +动词Did he +动词原形…? 原形…? Yes,I did . No,I didn’t . Yes,he did . No,he didn’t . 含实义动词的一般过去时的一般疑问句和简略答语 Did I +动词原形…? Yes,you did . No,you didn’t . Did we +动词原Did you +动词Did they +动词原形…? Yes, we/you did . No, we/you didn’t .

原形…? Yes,we did . No,we didn’t . 形…? Yes,they did . No,they didn’t . Was I fat last year ? Were you tired yesterday ? Yes,you were . No,we weren’t.

Was she angry just now ? No,she wasn’t .


5、人称代词和物主代词 人称 人称代词 主格 宾格 物主代词 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 第一人称 第二人称 I we you he me us you him her it them my our your his her its their mine ours yours his hers its theirs 第三人称 she it they (1)人称代词



on Monday with me help him read books


This is a park .

The rain becomes vapour .


You look sad . It sounds good . It smells bad . (2)物主代词


形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,后面跟名词。例如: This is my book .

Their bags are on the desk .


This is your book , and that is mine . Our school is beautiful , and yours is clean . (二)动词过去式的构成规则

构成规则 一般在动词原形后加ed 动词原形 watch wash live 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加d love use dance 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节动词,先双


过去式 watched washed lived loved used danced stopped stop 写这个辅音字母,再加ed 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加ed 以“元音字母+y”结尾的动词,直接加ed (三)常用的不规则变化动词过去式

has/have---had am/is---was are---were win---won go---went read---read swim---swam sing---sang eat---ate buy---bought see---saw leave---left come---came say---said feel---felt draw---drew drink---drank run---ran

(四)一般过去时的典型句型 1、一般疑问句

Did you play football with Zhang Peng ? Yes , I did .

Did you help them clean their room ? No , I didn’t .


What did you do last weekend ? I played football with Zhang Peng .


plan planned study studied carry carried play played stay stayed do/does---did fly---flew take---took get---got know---knew write---wrote


help + 某人 + 动词原形… (帮助某人做某事) 例如:help them clean their room (六)return的用法

return sth. to sb. (把某物还给某人) 例如:return the kite to me return the pencil to John (六)grateful的用法

be grateful to sb. (感谢某人) 例如:I am grateful to Tom . (七)询问某人过得怎么样的句型 How was your weekend ? It was a busy one .

How is your father ? Fine .


do homework wash the clothes visit grandparents clean the room

go to a park go swimming/fishing/hiking watch TV play football with… play the piano at night / in the evening see the full moon in June


last weekend/night listen to music play sports cook noodles Saturday morning Sunday afternoon tongue twister fly kites

fly into the lake five minutes later jump into the lake swim to the kite read books climb a mountain How about you ? be(am/is/are) busy

It was his grandma’s birthday . Today was a fun day . It was a windy day . walk to Mike’s home

read funny tongue twisters together


yesterday weekend clothes visit grandparents piano full busy cook fun funny sunny windy walk tongue twister together kite suddenly jump minute hour day month year return graterful climb mountain partner another


第四模块 My Holiday



问句: What did you do + 过去时间 ? 答句: I + 动词过去式 + 其它 例如:

What did you do on your holiday ? I sang and danced with my new friends .

(二)询问对方过去去了哪里的句型及答语 问句: Where did you go + 过去时间 答句: I went to + 地点 例如:

Where did you go last weekend ? I went to Xinjiang .

(三)询问对方在过去怎样去某地的句型及答语 问句: How did you go + 其它 ? 答句: I went by + 交通工具。 例如:

How did you go there ? I went by train .


(四)玩得开心用“have fun”

“have fun”表示“玩得开心,过得愉快”,和“have a good time”意思一样。例如:

Every day I had fun with my cousins . Do you have a good time on your holiday ?


1、作动词,“想念”的意思,例如: Miss you and dad .

2、作动词,“错过”的意思,例如: I missed the last bus .


Miss Li missed the last train and she missed her family very much .



on Monday on Saturday morning on February 1st

(七)到做某事的时间了-----It’s time to…

It’s time to +动词原形+其它. (到该做……的时间了) 例如:


It’s time to go to school .


情态动词表示说话人的语气或情态。情态动词后面要跟动词原形。常用的情态动词包括:can, must, may,might,will,shall,would,should等。例如:

I can play the piano . You must studay hard . May I borrow your book ?


buy presents (for…) eat good food see elephants climb a mountain go skiing on your holiday on the first/last day work/studay hard every day go by airplane have a good time go to a restaurant last year


take pictures sing and dance learn English row a boat go ice-skating on February 1st do my homework learn a lot a lot of… make a snowman have fun play ping-pong get back to Beijing

prepare to do sth be back home = go home Tomorrow I will not be late . That’s fun . It was scary .


usually trip present parent learn study lot late fun prepare

eat picture sing dance elephant scary airplane last first relax 23

Recycle 1 Let’s take a trip !


(一)“be going to”句型

“be going to + 动词原形”表示“打算、将要做某事”,是一般将来时的一种表达方式。例如:

I’m going to buy a present for you . Are you going to watch TV ? He is going to read books .


例如:I’m going to the cinema .这个句子中虽然也有“be going to”,但to后面不是跟动词原形,而是跟名词the cinema,因此这个句子是一个现在进行时态的句子,但是表示的是将来的含义。


“be going to”结构虽然可以和go或come或leave连用,例如,打算去上学,可以翻译成“be going to go to school”,但是在英语中尽量避免“be going to”结构和go或come连用,而是用go或come或leave的现在进行时表示将来的意思,而是应翻译成“be going to school”。



What are you going to do this evening ? I’m going to the cinema tonight. We are leaving now .

(三)询问天气的句型----“What is the weather like……?” “What is the weather like + 时间或地点?”表示“……的天气怎么样?”。例如:

What is the weather like in Kunming ? It’s usually sunny and warm .

询问天气的句型还有“How is the weather……?”。这两个句型的区别是:如果用what,后面就要用like;如果用how,后面不用like。例如:

How is the weather in Kunming ? It’s usually sunny and warm .

(四)询问某人长什么样的句型---“What is sb. like ?” “What is sb. like ?”表示“某人长什么样?”。 例如:

What’s your dad like ? He is tall and strong .


warm---温暖的 sunny---晴朗的 windy---有风的 cloudy---多云的 rainy---多雨的 cool凉爽的---cold冷的 hot热的 rain雨 shower阵雨 snow雪


fog雾 breeze微风 storm暴风雨

(六)“be known as……”表示“以……著称”。例如: Kunming is known as “Spring City”. Jinan is known as “Spring City”.


“主语 + can’t wait (to do sth.).”表示“……等不及或迫不及待”。例如:

I can’t wait .

He can’t wait to open the box .

(八)帮助某人做某事的句型 句型一:“help sb. with sth.”

with是个介词,后面要跟名词或代词宾格。例如: Yucheng often help his mom with the housework . 句型二:“help sb. (to) do sth.” to后面接动词原形,也可以省略to。例如:

Yucheng often help his mom (to) do housework .

(九)“there be”句型---“在某地有某人或某物” 句型结构:There be + 某人或某事 + 某地




There is a boy and two girls in the house . There are two girls and a boy in the house .

(十)“there be”与“have/has”的区别

“there be”与“have/has”都表示“有”的意思,但它们是有区别的:

1、“there be”表示“在某地有某人或某物”,是一种客观存在关系。例如:

There is a book on the table .


I have two story books .



1、当主语是人称代词时,主语在前,谓语在后,例如: Here you are . (给你) Here he comes . (他来了)

2、当主语是名词时,谓语在前,主语在后,即所谓的倒装句。例如: Here is the bad news . (这是个坏消息) Here comes the bus . (公共汽车来了)







“what”在这里引导感叹句,意思为“多么”,用来修饰名词。句型为: What + a / an + 形容词 +可数名词单数(+主语+谓语)! 或:

What + 形容词 +不可数名词/名词复数(+主语+谓语)! 例如:What a big nature park ! What an old woman she is ! What delicious food ! 六、单词

fly walk jump run swim kangaroo sleep climb fight swing

trunk duck elephant tiger monkey climber nature

第六模块 A Field Trip

一、现在进行时的一般疑问句: (一)主语是第三人称单数


Is + he/she/it(第三人称单数)+ 现在分词+其它? Yes, he/she/it + is. No, he/she/it + isnt. 例如:

Is Tom reading a book ? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.


Are + you/we/they(第二人称或复数名词)+ 现在分词+其它? Yes, I am .或者:Yes,we/they are. No, I am not .或者:No,we/they arent. 例如:

Are you eating lunch ? Yes ,I am ./Yes,we are. No, I am not ./No,we arent.

Are the elephants walking ? Yes ,they are. /No,they arent.

二、常用短语 take pictures watch insects count insects watch classmates







pick up leaves collect leaves do an experiment catch butterflies write a report write an e-mail play chess have a picnic have a look at …… Let,

s go on a field trip . eat lunch Where are they ?

What do ants like to eat ? in the woods That’s interesting . eat vegetable It’s time to go . It’s time to…… Tell him we’re leaving . She’s running to us . over there 三、单词

leaf leave butterfly experiment 30

insect woods honey

ant interesting thing


