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姓名__________________ 班级_________________ 学号_______________

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 考试时间:90分钟 总分:100分 第一部分 听力(20分) 一、选择你所听到的内容,并把相应的序号填入题前括号内:10% ( )1. A. O B. R C. A D. L ( )2. A. pg B. pq C. op D. po ( )3. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night ( )4. A. name B. Sammi C. tall D. small ( )5. A. 电视 B.智商 C.厕所 D. 美国 二、根据所听到的问句选择正确的答句,并把相应的序号填入题前括号内:5% ( )1. A. Fine B. How are you C. And you ( )2. A. He is a teacher B. He is fine C. He is 20. ( )3. A. Millie B. I’m very strong C. I’m a doctor ( )4. A. Yes, she is B. No, she is C. Yes, she isn’t ( )5. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Goodbye 三、请听Millie的一段话,根据所听内容,选择正确答案:5% ( )1. Mr Wang is Millie’s _________. ( )2. Ann is Mr Wang’s __________. ( )3. Dennis is Mrs Wang’s _________. ( )4. Mr Wang’s father is Millie’s _________. ( )5. Mr Wang’s mother is Millie’s _________. 第二部分 笔试(80分) 四、下列字母要参加“小写化妆”舞会,可是它们找不到自己的小写服装,请你帮帮它们吧:5% M_______ R_________ E_________ G_________ L_________ A________ N________ Q_______ D_________ I _________ 五、写出下列缩写的中文意思(5%) TV __________ PRC ___________ USA _________ a.m _________ NBA _________ KFC___________ HK __________ CD ___________ VIP __________ IQ ___________ 六、下列单词家庭中的一些成员在字母城走失了。你能帮它们找回走失的成员吗?(10%)

1. __ftern__ __n 2. y___u___ 3.g__ __ db__ __ 4. f___ ___end

5. h__ll__ 6. ph___t __ 7. t__ __cher 8. st__ __ng

9. b__ __ther 10. he__ __ful


1. How old _________your mother?


3. _________ I right?

4. We ________ good friends.

5. What ___________ Jim and Bob?

6. How old ____________Li Lei?

7. __________ he happy? Yes.

8. What __________ they? They __________ Jim and Sammi.

9. Who _________ I? Do you know?


( )1. ---_________ is Hanmei? ---She is a good student.

A. How B. How old C. Who D. What

( )2. ---Hi, Sammi. How are you today? ---_________, thank you.

A. How are you? B. How do you do C. Fine D. Good

( )3. ---Am I happy? ---____________

A. Yes, I’m B. Yes, I am C. No, you are D. No, you aren’t

( )4. Li Lei is my ________brother.

A. twins B. twin’s C. twin D. twins’

( )5. Mr Li is my Chinese teacher. _______is a good teacher.

A. She B. He C. You D. It



( )1. Hello. You are Nick, right? A. I’m fine, thank you.

( )2. How old are you? B. It’s a photo of my family

( )3. What is this? C. Eleven

( )4. How are you today? D. He is my twin brother.

( )5. Who is that boy? E. No, I’m Peter.

( )6. Is she from America? F. Goodbye

( )7. What’s your name? G. No, she is English

( )8. What’s your uncle? H. Bob.

( )9. Is he your uncle? I. Yes, he is.

( )10. Goodbye. J. He’s a policeman.


Li: Hello, Miss Green!

Green: ________. ________ are you ________?

Li: I’m OK, thank you. __________ you?

Green: I’m fine, too. Li Lei, ______ ________ are you?

Li: I’m twelve. _______you my English teacher?

Green: Yes.

Li: You’re __________, right?

Green: No, I’m ________ America. I’m American.

Li: Welcome to our school.

Green: _________ you.

十一、 完成句子。(10%)




This is a _______ _________ my ________.


We’re good _________.


_______ ________ are you? I’m twelve.


He’s __________ and _________.

十二、 批改小林的作业。找出错误并改正:(10%)

1. Jim and Kate are classmate.


2. Are you an America girl?


3. Who is your aunt? She is a nurse.


4. Cousin Kate is a doctor. He is 32.


5. Is you friend a girl? No, he isn’t.



