2012高二英语 语法中时态的趣味练习题第8级

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1. Nearly all the streets are in straight lines, ______ from east to west. Those ____ run from north to south are called avenues .

A. running;that B. run;who C. running;who D. run;that

2. The school was so badly damaged that it had to ______.

A. pull down B. be pulled down

C. pulled down D. be pulling down

3. Joe stopped eating chocolate,and he went back ______ again .

A. to smoking B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoke

4. A Brazilian mask(面具)maker has finished two models of masks of lraqi ex-president Saddam Hussein , one of him in power and one of him when _____by U.S.A. soldiers.

A. caught B. catching C. to be caught D. to catch

5. The driver turned his car sharply to the left to give the way to the running bull only_____ a tree by the road .

A. to knock into B. knocking down C. to knock at D. knocked over

6. — What happened to you on your way back to the hotel last night?

— I lost my way in complete darkness and,______ things worse, it began to pour.

A. making B. to make C. having made D. made

7. It has rained nonstop for ten days,completely ______ our holiday.

A. to ruin B. ruined C. having ruined D. ruining

8. — Did you forget to mention my name or fear something when you applied for an instructor?

— I meant ______,but they _____favorites of the people in power .

A. to have mentioned;were B. to have;are

C. mentioning;have been D. to have been mentioned;had been

9. ______ with such great difficulty,Jack felt at a loss_____.

A. Facing;what to say B. Faced;what to say

C. Having faced;how to tell D. Being faced;how to speak

10. _______ , we were taken to see the library .

A. We had been shown the classrooms

B. Being shown the classrooms

C. Having been shown the classrooms

D. Having shown the classrooms

11. ________late in the morning,Bob turned off the alarm.

A. To sleep B. Sleeping C. Sleep D. Having slept

12. Television has so many advantages. It keeps us ____about the _____news,and also provides entertainment in the home .

A. informed;latest B. to know;later

C. learning;later D. to think; latest

13. _____ his age,he did it quite well , so don’t _____ him any more.

A. Given;blame B. Considered;say

C. To regard;scold D. Considering;speak


14. With online course Crazy English has over 20 million students all over China ______the class through Internet .

A. attend B. attended C. attending D. to be attending

15. Tom looked at Jenny, tears _____his eyes, and shouted out the words _______in his heart for years .

A. filling;having been hidden B. filled;hidden

C. filling;hidden D. filled;hiding

16. The two scientists have discovered 65 of the more than 100 planets______ orbiting other stars .

A. have been found B. have found C. to be found D. found

17. The bird flu ______through Asia has jumped from birds to humans at least 20 times so far , ______ 16 .

A. sweeps;killed B. swept;killing C. sweeping;to kill D. sweeping;killing

18. Zhang Hong is said _____by heart 2000 words up to now .

A. that she has learned B. to have learned

C. to learn D. having learned

19. The speech which he made _____the football match bored a lot of fans to death .

A. being concerned B. be concerned

C. concerned D. concerning

20. Having no money but ______to know,he simply said he would go without dinner .

A. no to want anyone B. wanted no one

C. not wanting anyone D. to want no one

时态的趣味练习题8级答题卡 你的成绩

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



1. A 首先判断those后面的定语从句引导词应用that;再在A、D选项中进行选择。因为前句的谓语动词are已经存在,所以应用“-ing”分词来表示伴随状态。所以A项正确。

2. B have to后跟动词原形,又根据句意“它需要被拉倒”须用被动结构,所以B项正确。

3. A go back to sth. /doing sth. 重做某事;重操旧业。

4. A 根据句意“被美军抓走”应选A,补全后为:... when he was caught by U.S. soldiers .

5. A 首先only to do sth. 表示意想不到的结果;在A、C两个选项之间,根据意思应选A。

6. B to make things worse使事情更糟的是。不定式表示动作发生在后,也可以理解为固定结构作插入成分,所以B正确。

7. D -ing形式表示伴随结果,结果与原因之间有必然的联系,所以D项正确。


8. B 由mean to do sth.和全句时态共同判断B正确。

9. B be faced with 是—个固定短语,表示主句主语与face是被动关系,故此处需填人一个过去分词作状语,D项中being faced为分词的被动形式,显然不对。

10. C 句意:我们先被领着看了教室,又被带去看图书室。首先,句子主语与show之间构成被动关系,因此可排除D项;A项为句子,需要加连词连接两个分句;B项相当于While we were being shown the classrooms,显然与后面的时间上有冲突,故只有C项正确。

11. A 不定式表示目的,所以A正确。

12. A 由the latest news首先排除B、C;根据句意“电视能使我们厂解最新消息”,所以A正确。

13. A 由“别再责备他”排除B、D;再由“考虑”和“年龄’’的被动关系判断A正确。

14. C 由句意知Crazy English拥有2千万的学生参加学习,可知应用-ing形式表伴随结果,所以C正确。

15. C 根据句意“汤姆眼含着泪,喊出了藏在心里多年的话”可知C正确。

16. D 过去分词作宾语补足语表示被动和完成,根据句意D正确。----作pleasant 的定语

17. D 句子的谓语动词是has jumped,已经存在,所以前面用-ing形式表示动作正在进行;后面用-ing形式表示伴随结果,所以D正确。

18. B 根据句意“据说张红到目前为止已经学会了2000个生词”应选不定式的完成时态,所以B项正确。

19. D 句子的谓语动词bored已经存在,所以“关于足球比赛的演讲”应用-ing分词来作定语。

20. C but前后应用相同的-ing分词短语结构,所以C正确。

