外研版五年级英语上册Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school教案

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外研版五年级英语上册Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school教案,欢迎分享!

Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school.

Teaching goals:

知识与技能:学生能听懂,会读单词:bell、 rang;能听懂、读、会说句型yesterday

I went to Sam and Amy’s school. I skipped with girls. The bell rang at nine

o’clock. We went into the classroom。



Importance and difficulties:


2、学生能正确发音rang 这个单词

Teaching courses:

Step1. Warming up

1. Greetings

T: Hello ,boys and girls. I’m Ms Wang.

Ss: Hello, Ms Wang.

T: Today Group 1 and Group 2 are going to have a match. Let me see which group

will be the winner this class. Please come on , OK?

Ss: OK


T: boys and girls , after three classes , you maybe very tired , so let’s

have a rest and sing a song – I get up in the morning.

Step2 review


T: a good job, boys and girls. Yesterday we learnt M8U 1 what time does

school start. let’s check what did you learn , please say the words as

quickly as you can. OK?

Ss: OK .

2、I can review

T : very good .now let’s look at some pictures. Can you talk about the three


T:From the three pictures , we know lingling went to Amy’s school , and

very happy. So today we will learn M8u2 I went to Sam and Amy’ school.

Step3 New teaching

listen ,chant and fill

T: we know Amy walks to school , and play in the playground, now let’s listen

a chant about Amy, then fill . ready ?

Ss: yes

listen,repeat and answer.

T: we know lingling is in England, she is very miss Daming, so she write a

外研版五年级英语上册Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school教案,欢迎分享!

letter to Daming . now let’s look at the letter together. Then answer a

questions. Ok?

Ss: yes.

3、 listen,repeat and choose.

T: Lingling went to Amy’s school , but Amy’s school is different from

Chinese school. In our school , we start school at nine o’clock, we do morning

exercise every day. What about Amy’s school?

Let’s listen ,repeat and choose . ok ?

I’m clever.(根据描述判断是中国的学校还是英国的学校?对第2段进行巩固)

T: are you clever? Let’s guess, China or UK?

listen ,repeat and judge Tor F

T: in the morning , we go to school at eight. But in the UK is different from

us. So let’s listen and judge true or false.

4、read in groups.

Step4 Consolidation

1、I’m the best!

T : boys and girls , let’s look at the letter again . let’s look at who is

the best! Who can retell the letter.(让生根据图片分段复述)

2、can you choose ?

Step5 writing

Write a letter to me.

T:Today lingling write a letter to Daming. Now let’s write a letter to

lingling , then show us.

Step 6 summary

Step7 homework


Yesterday I went to Sam and Amy’s school.

In China In the UK

We start school at eight They don’t start school at eight We do morning exercises They don’t do morning exercises.

They play in the playground


