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内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 新课程有效教学案例之**

教 学 案 例

授课年级 课型 学 生 分 析 设 计 理 念 教 学 目 标 学校名称: 乌丹五中 课程名称:Unit4Topic3

内容主题. The workers used live models ,didn’t they? 教材版本: 仁爱 教师姓名:张静 教 龄: 7

学 英语 主 The workers used 任课 张静 八年级 科 题 live 教师 models ,didn’t they? 预习课、生成课时 六 授课日期 课 1 学生的实际生活以及课本的知识比较贴 近学生的实际,所以学生比较容易理解。 2 相类似的短语和单词以及句子比较难于理解。 3 对于基础较差的学生应该采取不同的教学方法。 4 使用正确的评价策略。 1 尊重学生的生活实际,从生活中提炼知识。 2 利用卡片教学等直接的教学因素,从直观的角度学习知识。 3 营造符合生活实际以及对话情景的氛围,让学生从中提炼知 1. Learn some useful words and expressions: remain, pull, pull down, be worn out, government, modern 2. Talking about cultural relics and learn some history of China: (1)But there were many before the 1950s. (2)People pulled lots of them down in the 1960s. (3)People thought them useless. (4)They made the traffic heavier and the streets more crowded. (5)There used to be lots of old city walls in Beijing. (6)There are many old city walls in Beijing, aren’t there? 3. Learn the usage of Tag Questions: There are many old city walls in Beijing, aren’t there? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. 校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 1

内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 重点难点 Talking about cultural relics and learn some history of China: (1)But there were many before the 1950s. (2)People pulled lots of them down in the 1960s. (3)People thought them useless. (4)They made the traffic heavier and the streets more crowded. (5)There used to be lots of old city walls in Beijing. (6)There are many old city walls in Beijing, aren’t there? Learn some useful words and expressions: remain, pull, pull down, be worn out, government, modern 关键 问题 教学 把握要准确 方法 探究活动,小组合作。 教 把握要准确,包括物质的、纸制的,凡是教学所用的都要,注明顺序 学 准 生词卡片,录音机。 备 教 学 过 程 设 计 The first review 1Checkthe homework what student can period 10分 and review the word do or can't do. step1 and sentence. Review Step2 presentation step3 Consolidation 15分 5分 听磁带,回答下列问题。) 将关键词写在黑板上, 为下一步学生表演对话打下基础 ,, 学生听两遍录音, (学生就1a内容向教师提问自己的难点,. 放录音1a,示范, Listen and follow the 学生跟读,试着标出重tape, draw “up and 读与语调。 down” with your pencil. 校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 2

内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 Step4 Practice Step5 Project 10分 5分 Make sentences 学生独立完成1b的任according to the pictures. 出示课本,2a的图片,务 让学生看图,并利用图 下所提供的词造句 让学生去做一个关于是推倒还是保护古代城墙调查 鼓励学生说实话,正视自己所犯错误,做诚实的孩子,培养学生正确的人生观和价值观。 根据所做的调查,在小组内进行讨论并整理,挑选一个同学发言 The second period Step1 Review Step2 presentation step3 Consolidation 10 小组进行讨论 小组进行讨论 每个小组抽一位学生轮流说出一个国家的名字,后面学生不能重复前面说过的国名 5分 listen to the tape and listen to the tape and 听录音,回答问题 answer the questions. answer the questions. 10分 放录音1a,示范让学生跟放录音1a,示范让学生. 读,让学生用铅笔标出语跟读,让学生用铅笔标学生跟读,让学生用铅 音、语调。) 出语音、语调。) 笔标出语音、语调 T:Listen to the tape T:Listen to the tape 学生两人一组表演 10分 and repeat. Draw “up and down” with your pencil at the same time. and repeat. Draw “up and down” with your pencil at the same time. Step4 Practice 相互间谈论秦始皇兵马俑。 听2的录音,完成练习题。 (教师检查答案,并帮助纠错。) 给予鼓励 检查答案,并帮助纠错。 学生表演 校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 3

内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 Step5 project 10 展示西安古城墙的图) 师生问答,对话练习。 How long is it? How wide is it? How high is it? 学生回答: The Xi’an City Wall is 13.7 kilometers long, 12 meters high and 15-18 meters wide. The third 1Checkthe homework . what student can period and review the word 巡视教室,鼓励学生发do or can't do. 言,如果学生理解上有 Step1 10分 and sentence 困难可用中文进行简单 review 提示 让学生分组阅读。 Step2 . presentati ,把中国和埃及的图片Group A read the Great on Pyramid. Group B 进行对比,从金字塔与 10分 read the Great Wall. 长城的比较入手, Fast reading. Each group Work in pairs, one 快速阅读 Step3 asks and the other consolidat10分 Fast reading. Each group read your own passage read your own passage and and then fill in the charts answers. ion then fill in the charts belo belo Step4 practice 5分 将学生们分成四组,分别介绍北京古城墙、埃及金字塔、中国长城、西安秦始皇兵马 Step5 project Work in pairs, 10分 Suppose you are a 每个小组派一个代表,guide. Please say 到讲台前进行表演。 something about these places that the visitor will see compare who is the best. 将解说词整理好,并相互交流朗读,看谁讲解得最好 校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 4

内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 The forth period 10 Step1 review 教师呈现图片 引导学生做Free 鼓励学生,给学生以信心,培养学生的学习兴趣talk。 Free talk。 Step2 15 presentation Step3 consolidat10 ion 分发调查表,学生在两分钟内完成。 介绍一下埃及的金字塔。 make a dialog according to the results you surveyed 学生到讲台前演排,其他同学任选一题. Listen to a piece of 就划线部分提问 (1)Mr. Bell is nearly two music. meters tall. (2)The river near here is half a meter deep. Step4 practice 10分 按要求完成下列各小题。) (1)There used to be a temple on the hill, ? (反意疑问句) (2)I think you are right, ? (反意疑问句) (3)Everything begins to grow in spring, ? (反意疑问句) (4)Nobody can answer it, ? (反意疑问句) 教师巡视教室,给有困难的学生以帮助。 认真研究讨论问题 Step5 project 5分 开展竞赛, Let’s have a 每组各推荐一名选手,competition. Each 由选手代表本组演讲。 group has a chance. 校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 5

内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 课外 拓展 给你的朋友写一封信,谈论一下你所参观的名胜古迹。 For example: You can begin like this: Dear Mike, I saw … last week. They are one of the greatest wonders in the world … Yours, Jim 板书 设计 some useful words and expressions. ancient, be made up of, stone, weigh, ton, regard, regard … as… ① Until the 19th century, it was the tallest building on the earth. ② It took about 100 000 people over 20 years to build it. ③ From then on, people regarded the Great Wall as a symbol of the Chinese nation. ④ The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world. 反思 。 专家 评价




3、课程教材研究所编著:《教师教学用书》,人民教育出版社,2006年版。 4、刘铁铮主编:《新课程有效教学疑难问题操作性解读》,教育科学出版社,2007


校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 6

内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 《Unit 4 topic3 Section A》 问题训练---评价单 姓名: 组名: 设计者:张静 审核人: 复核人:

回归复习评价 学 习 日 期 初学日期 3天复习日期 7天复习日期 15天复习日期 同伴签字 一、根据汉语和首字母提示补全单词 5’

1.Most old houses are (拆毁)and only a few now. 2.My pants are (穿破),so I want to buy a new pair. 3.Today people are becoming richer and richer.We must thank our g . 4.Lu Xun is a f writer.He wrote many books. 5.We must try our best to p our government. 二、单项选择

( )1.The words of his now. A. keep B. seem C. be D.remain

( )2.---Most old city walls were pulled down in the 1960s. --- .

A. Oh, dear. B.It’s dangerous. C.It’s a pity. D.I don’t care. ( )3.We know west lake is in Hangzhou. A. a place of interests B.a place of interest

C. a place of interesting D. a place of interested

( )4.The government must kids all the violence(暴力). A.look; after B.protect; of

C.protect; for D.protect; from

( )5.---There used to be a mountain here, didn’t there? --- .

A.Yes, there did. B.Yes, there usedn’t.

C.No, there usedn’t. D.Yes, there was.

( )6.The lady couldn’t say a word when she saw the snake, ? A.could the lady B.couldn’t the lady

C.could she D.couldn’t she

校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 7

内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 《Unit 4 topic3 Section B》 问题训练---评价单 姓名: 组名: 设计者:张静 审核人: 复核人:

回归复习评价 学 习 日 期 初学日期 3天复习日期 7天复习日期 15天复习日期 同伴签字 一、根据短文内容及首字母填空

Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Warriors are one of the greatest w of the world. Qin Shihuang o his men to make them. The builders used l models.There are lots of t in Qin Shihuang’s Underground P .So Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Warriors are great. 二、语法专练

1.You have to see a doctor, ? 2.I don’t think you are right, ? 3.My father doesn’t like fish, ? 4.She used to like meat, ? 5.He thought you were right, ? 6.I didn’t finish my homework, ? 7.Everyone likes to live a happy life, ? 8.He found nothing in the room, ? 9.You never got up so late before, ? 10.You can play the piano, ? 11.Let’s go shopping, ? 12.Don’t smoke here, ? 三、选择填空

( )1.The builders used live models, they? A.don’t B.won’t C.aren’t D.didn’t ( )2.---Where is Peking University? ---It stands in

A.Tokyo B.Pairs C.Beijing D.Washongton

校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 8

内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 《Unit 4 topic3 Section C》 问题训练---评价单 姓名: 组名: 设计者:张静 审核人: 复核人:

回归复习评价 学 习 日 期 初学日期 3天复习日期 7天复习日期 15天复习日期 同伴签字 一、选择适当的单词填空

Take, with, meet, during, idea, be, so, enjoy, season, chance A:Hello,Kate!Have you ever been to the Great Wall? B:No,never. I haven’t got a 1 to go there. A:Tomorrow is Sunday. Shall we go there?

B:That’s a good 2 .There must 3 many interesting sights in fall.

A:I think 4 . Fall is the best 5 of the year in beijing. It’s usually sunny and cool. I like ie best. I believe we’ll 6 ourselves there.

B:Yes, I think it’ll be a regret(遗憾)not to go to the Great Wall 7 our stay in China.The Great Wall is the only building that can be seen from the moon. I’m excited that I’ll have a chance to go there. A:So am I. Tomorrow we’ll take our csmeras 8 us and 9 some beautiful pictures. Our families will be very glad to see those nice photos.

B:Great! What time shall we start? A:At six o’clock.OK?

B:Sure. Where shall we 10 then? A:At the gate of our school. B:All right,see you tomorrow. A:See you.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 9

内蒙古乌丹五中新课程有效教学—教学设计 《Unit 4 topic3 Section D》 问题训练---评价单 姓名: 组名: 设计者:张静 审核人: 复核人:

回归复习评价 学 习 日 期 初学日期 3天复习日期 7天复习日期 15天复习日期 同伴签字 一、根据汉语提示完成句子 1、汤姆有多重?

is Tom? 2、过去这儿有座山,是吗?

There used to be a mountain here, ? 3、这条河有10米宽。

The river 10 meters . 4、哪个国家只有二百万人口。

There are only people in that country. 5、将这两个部分连接起来。 the two parts . 二、单项选择

1.It me only one hour do my homework yesterday. A.took; on B.took; to C.take; to D.takes; on

2. , there nothing in this area. But now there are many new building.

A.Ago long; was B.Long ago; was C.Before long; were D.Before long; was 3.Few people know the news, ?

A.do they B.don’t they C.aren’t they D.didn’t they 4.Every year many people find great pleasure the Great Wall. A.to visit B.visited C.are visiting D.in visiting

5.You saw Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Warriors last week, ? A.didn’t you B.aren’t you C.don’t you D.do you

校长寄语:有效教学是我们的价值追求,学会有效备课、学会有效上课,提高教学效益,追求职业幸福 10

