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Unit 1 Lesson 1

Lesson 1 第一课

A Look, Listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。

restaurant 餐馆 post office 邮局 bank 银行

grocery 食品杂货店 across from 对面 next to 紧邻 between 在……之间

Yaoyao's aunt comes to vist her family. 瑶瑶的阿姨来她家做客。

Yaoyao is showing her around the neighbourhood. 瑶瑶带着她参观街坊。

\“看,这有一间邮局。我们学校在它旁边。” \哦,我看到啦。那是什么?”

\“那是一家餐厅。我们可以在那吃北京烤鸭。\We often have a grocery in the neibourhood. 我们小区还有一间杂货店。 It's across from the park. 就在公园对面。

Mum often buys fruit and vegetables there.\妈妈总在那买水果和蔬菜。”

\“我想买一些礼物。这有超市吗?” \“当然。就在银行和公园中间。”

B Look and say. 看和说。 Where is the bank?银行在哪里

It's between the supermarket and Sunday Park.在超市和周日公园中间。 Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。 turn left 向左转 go straight 直行 turn right 向右转

Man: Excuse me. Is there a post office in the neighbourhood? 不好意思。这附近有邮局吗? Lily: Yes, there is. 是的,有。

Man: How can I get there? 怎样能到那里呢?

Lily: Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads. 直走在第一个十字路口左转。 It's between the bookshop and the grocery. 在书店和杂货店之间。 Man: Thank you. 谢谢。 Lily: You're welcome. 不客气。

B Let's play. 一起玩吧。

Excuse me. How can I get to the post office? 不好一起。我怎么走能到邮局呢? Go straight and turn right at the first crossroads. 直走在第一个十字路口右转。 It's on your right. 在你右手边。 Thank you. 谢谢。 You're welcome. 不客气。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。 ai train火车 rain雨 mail邮件 ay day天 say说 May五月

B Read aloud. Then listen and check. 大声读。然后听并检查。 rain雨 jail监狱 raid突袭 fail失败 day天 ray光线 bay海湾 hay饲料

C Listen and write. 听并写。 It is a day in May. 这是五月的一天。

There is a mail on the train. 火车上有一封邮件。

They say it will rain. 他们说将会下雨。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。 Rain, rain, go away. 雨、雨、停吧。

Today, today is a holiday. 今天,今天是假日。 Rain, rain, go away. 雨、雨、停吧。

It's time for fun. It's time to play. 是时候开心了。是时候玩耍了。 Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and fill in the blanks. 听并填空。

Excuse me. How can I get to the grocery? 不好意思。怎么去杂货店?

Go straight. Then turn right at the first crossroads. 直走,然后在第一个十字路口右转。 It's across from the supermarket. 在超市对面。 Excuse me. Where is the bank? 不好意思。银行在哪里? It's next to Happy Shop. 在开心超市对面。

Excuse me. How can I get to the restaurant? 不好意思。怎么去餐厅?

Go straight. Turn left at the second crossroads. 直走。在第二个十字路口左转。 It's on your right. 在你右边。

It's between the park and the school. 在超市和学校中间。 Excuse me. Where is the post office? 不好意思。邮局在哪里? It's next to Joy's home. 在乔伊家旁边。

Unit 2 Lesson 1

Lesson 1 第一课

A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听和重复。 city 城市

sports centre 体育中心 hotel 宾馆 street 街道 square 广场

Excuse me. Where is the sports centre? 不好意思。体育中心在哪? It's on Apple Street. It's quite far. 在苹果街。有些远。 Is there a square in the city? 城市里有广场吗?

Yes, there is. It's just across from the hotel. 有。就在酒店对面。

A lot of people sing and dance there every evening. 每晚好多人在那里唱歌跳舞。 You can have a walk there in the evening. 你可以晚上去那里散步。 Thank you very much. 谢谢。 You're welcome. 不客气。

B Ask and answer. 问和答。

Excuse me. Where is the square? 不好意思。广场在哪? It's across from the hotel. 在酒店对面。 Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。

feet脚 beep嘟嘟响 deed行动 cheek检查 eat吃 beat打败 leak泄漏 neat整洁的

C Listen and write. 听并写。

The girl wants to feed the green fish. 女孩想给绿鱼喂食。 A monkey likes to eat peach. 一只猴子想吃桃子。

The shark sees two feet in the sea. 鲨鱼在海里看到两只脚。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

I see the shark in the sea. 我在海里看到鲨鱼。 He likes to eat, eat, eat. 他喜欢吃、吃、吃。 The shark in the sea sees me. 鲨鱼在海里看到了我。 He wants some meat, meat, meat. 他想吃一些肉、肉。肉。 Let's Check 一起检查吧

A listen and choose. 听并选择。 Hello, Mike. 你好,迈克。

Where do you want to go this summer vacation? 你这个暑假想去哪?

I want to go to West Lake with my mum. 我想和妈妈一起去西湖。 What do you want to do there? 我想去那做什么? I want to row a boat. 我想划船。

Do you want to go a holiday to the Mogao Caves, Amy? 艾米,你想去莫高窟度假吗? No, I don't. I want to go to Sanya with my father. 不,不想。我想和爸爸一起去三亚。 We want to eat sea food there. 我们想去那吃海鲜。 That sounds fun. 听起来不错。

Bob, I want to travel this holiday. 鲍勃,我这次假期想去旅游。 Realy? Where do you want to go, Sue? 真的吗?苏,你想去哪? Can you guess? Uh... I want to ski there. 你猜猜?嗯……我想去那滑冰。 Do you want to go to Harbin? 你想去哈尔滨吗? Yes! 是的!

Revision 1 Let's Review

Revsion 1 复习一

Let's Review 一起复习吧 A Listen and match. 听和匹配。 Today is Friday. 今天是周五。

We have many plans for this weekend. 这周末我们有很多计划。

Andy is going to the post office and the toy shop. 安迪要去邮局和玩具店。 He wants to buy some post cards and a toy. 他想买一些明信片和玩具。 Yaoyao is going to Moon Park with her sister. 瑶瑶要和姐姐去月亮公园。 They want to go boating and take photos. 他们想坐船和照相。

Bill is going to the sports centre. 比尔要去体育中心。 He wants to play basketball there. 他想去那打篮球。 Lily is going to Guangming Square. 丽丽要去光明广场。 She wants to fly a kite there. 她想去那放风筝。

Binbin is going to a restaurant with his parents. 彬彬要和父母去餐厅。 They want to eat some sea food there. 他想吃一些海鲜。 Joy is going to the grocery.乔伊想去杂货店。 She wants to buy some fruit. 她想去买些水果。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Look, listen and number. 看、听和标数。

It's rain on my grandma's birthday. 外婆生日那天下雨了。

I go to my grandma's home by subway after school. 我放学后坐地铁去外婆家。 I look up the window. 我抬头看窗户。

There is a snowman standing at the crossroads. 十字路口站着一个雪人。 There are three trees by the sea. 海边有三棵树。

B Listen and write. 听和写。 day天 pain痛 soap肥皂 leaf树叶 bowl碗 cheek面颊

Unit 4 Lesson 1

Lesson 1 第一课

A Look, Listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。 reading 读书

skateboarding 玩滑板 singing 唱歌 dancing 跳舞

doing jigsaw puzzles 拼拼图 making models 制作模型 collecting erasers 收集橡皮

I'm Lily. 我是丽丽。

This is our hobby show. 这是我们的爱好表演。

My friends and I have many hobbies. 我的朋友们和我有很多爱好。 I like reading. 我喜欢读书。

Bill like doing jigsaw puzzles. 比尔喜欢拼拼图。 He thinks it's interesting. 他觉得很有趣。 Joy like singing and dancing. 乔伊喜欢唱歌跳舞。 She can sing and dance well. 她唱跳都很好。 Binbin like skateboarding. 彬彬喜欢滑雪。 Andy like making models. 安迪喜欢做模型。

He is good at making model plane. 他很擅长做飞机模型。

What about Mike? 迈克呢?

He like collecting erasers. 他喜欢收集橡皮。 He has many kinds of erasers. 他有好多种橡皮。

B Let's play. 一起玩吧。

I like reading and dancing. 我喜欢读书和跳舞。

Yaoyao likes reading and dancing. 瑶瑶喜欢读书和跳舞。 I like skateboarding. 我喜欢滑雪。

Yaoyao likes reading and dancing. 瑶瑶喜欢读书和跳舞。 Binbin likes skateboarding. 彬彬喜欢滑雪。 I like collecting erasers. 我喜欢收集橡皮。 Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。

Girl: Good afternoon. I'm with School News. Can I ask you a question? 下午好。我有个好消息。我能问你个问题吗? Bill: Sure. 当然。

Sirl: What are your hobbies? 你们的爱好是什么? Bill: I like doing jigsaw puzzles. 我喜欢拼拼图。 Girl: What about you? 你呢?

Mike: I like collecting erasers. I have many beautiful erasers. 我喜欢收集橡皮。我有好多美丽的橡皮。

B Do a survey and report. 做调查并报告。 What are your hobbies? 你的爱好是什么?

I like singing and dancing. 我喜欢唱歌跳舞。 What about you? 你呢?

I like doing jigsaw puzlles. 我喜欢拼拼图。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。 ng

listening听 runing跑 king国王 sing唱歌 ring戒指 songs歌 long长的 ping-pong兵乓球

B Read aloud. Then listen and check. 大声读。然后听并检查。 king国王 wing翅膀 going去 strong强壮的 wrong错的

C Listen and write. 听并写。

I like singing songs. 我喜欢唱歌。

The bird has long wings. 鸟有长长的翅膀。 Sing is easier than doing. 唱比做容易。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

My mother likes singing, Singing happy songs. 我妈妈喜欢唱歌。唱高兴的歌。 My father likes reading, Reading books all day long. 我爸爸喜欢读书。读一天。 But I like running And playing ping-pong! 但是我喜欢跑步和打乒乓球。 Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and match. 听并匹配。

Hello, my name is John. 你好,我名叫乔恩。

My friends and I have different hobbies. 我的朋友们和我有着不同的爱好。 I like doing jigsaw puzzles. 我喜欢拼拼图。 I think it's interesting. 我觉得很有趣。 Jack likes drawing. 杰克喜欢画画。

He's good at drawing tigers. 他擅长画老虎。 Beibei likes dancing. 贝贝喜欢跳舞。 She can dance very well. 她跳的非常好。 Mary like reading books. 玛丽喜欢读书。 She often reads children stories. 她经常看童书。 Mark likes making models. 马克喜欢做模型。 He has many model planes. 他有很多飞机模型。

Unit 5 Lesson 1

Lesson 1 第一课

A Look, Listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。 go for a picnic 去野餐 play the violin 拉小提琴 go skating 去滑冰 go camping 去野营 do the housework 做家务

What do you do in your free time? 你自由时间做什么? I often read books and go skating.我经常读书和化学。 I often play the violin before dinner. 我经常在饭前拉小提琴。 I often do the housework after dinner. 我经常饭后做家务。 I make models. 我做模型。

I sometimes go camping with my parents. 我有时和父母一起野营。 That sounds fun. 听起来很有趣。

Do you like to go for a picnic? 你喜欢野餐吗? Yes. 是的。

B Ask and answer. 问和答。

What do you do in your free time, Lily? 丽丽,你自由时间做什么? I often go skating. 我经常去滑雪。

What do you do in your free time, Andy? 安迪,你自由时间做些什么? Lesson 2 第二课

A Look, listen and repeat. 看,听并重复。

Mike: Lily, what are you going to do tomorrow? 丽丽,你明天要做什么? Lily: I'm going skating. 我要去滑雪。

Mike: How often do you go skating? 你多久滑一次雪?

Lily: I go skating twice a week. What do you do in your free time? 我一周滑两次。你自由时间都做些什么? Mike: I often read books. 我经常读书。

B Do a survey. 做个调查。

How often do you play the violin? 你多久拉一次小提琴? I play the violin every day. 我每天都拉小提琴。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Listen, point and repeat. 听,指并重复。 oo zoo动物园 food食物 room房间 book书 cook烹饪 good好的

B Read aloud. Then listen and check. 大声读。然后听并检查。 zoo动物园 moon月球 loop环 pool游泳池 book书 foot脚步 hook挂钩 cookie饼干

C Listen and write. 听并写。

Look at the kangaroo in the zoo. 看动物园里的袋鼠。 It is cool in the pool. 泳池里很冷。

Don't play football in the classroom. 不要再教室里踢足球。

D Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

On this cool afternoon, 在这个凉爽的下午, Why not go to the zoo? 为什么不去动物园?

We can see the tiger eat its food, And look at the kangaroo. 我们能看到老虎吃东西,还能看袋鼠。 Let's Check 一起检查吧

A Listen and match. 听和匹配。

Do you like drawing pictures, Jack? 你喜欢画画吗,杰克? Yes, I am good at drawing. 是的,我很擅长画画。

My name is Lucas. I like skate boarding. 我叫卢卡斯。我喜欢滑雪。 I do it three times a week. 我每周滑三次。 My name is Kevin. 我叫凯文。 I like going for picnics. 我喜欢野餐。

I go with my family once a week. 我每周和家人去一次。

I am Irene. I like doing housework with my mum. 我叫艾瑞恩。我喜欢喝妈妈一起做家务。 I do it everyday. 我每天都做。 Let's Spell 一起拼读吧。

A Look, listen and number. 看、听和标数。

When the king is fishing, his ring falls into the water. 当国王钓鱼的时候,他的戒指掉进水里了。 The girl like to sing songs when she plays ping-pong. 女孩喜欢在打乒乓球的时候唱歌。

He is eating noodles with his schoolbag and ballon next to him. 他吃面条的时候,旁边放着书包和气球。 A cook is reading a book with a cookie in his hand. 一个厨师读书的时候手上拿着一个饼干。 Kate made a wish in July that she could fly in the sky. 凯特七月的时候许愿,希望能飞上天空。 There are some candy in my study. 我的书架上有一些糖。

B Listen and write. 听和写。 wing翅膀 jelly果冻 strong强大的 cry哭 moon月球 woods木头

