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如今,许多企业转向了直销,以求能够更有效地接近仔细挑选的目标顾客,并且与他们建立更牢固、更加个性化的一对一关系。 1、论直销对顾客和企业的好处以及推动其迅速发展的趋势





直销的主要形式包括面对面销售、电话营销、直接邮寄营直销、购物目录营销、电视营销、信息亭营销和网络营销。如今大多数企业还是主要依靠一支专业化的销售队伍进行面对面销售,或者雇用制造商的销售代表和代理商。 4、比较两种类型的网络营销渠道并解释互联网和电子商务的作用


5、说明网络营销对消费者和营销商的好处以及营销商实施网络营销的四种方法 对消费者而言,网络营销在许多方面都是有益的。互动的而且快捷,能够获取丰富的有关产品、企业和竞争者的比较性信息。营销商也受益于网络营销。营销商可以通过开办电子店面,在网上做广告,参与互联网论坛、新闻组或\网络社?quot;,或者使用电子邮件或网络广播来实施网上营销。 6、讨论直销商面临的公共政策和道德问题

直销商及其顾客一般来说能够形成互惠互利的关系。然而,还是有侵犯消费者的潜在倾向,包括从惹恼消费者到不正当行为再到诡计和欺诈。此外,人们对于侵犯隐私权越来越关注,这可能是目前摆在直销业面前最难处理的公共政策问题。 关键概念和原则


大多数企业仍然将直销作为补充渠道或者营销其产品的补充媒体。 但是,对现在很多企业来说,直销--尤其是最新形式,即网络营销和电子商务--为企业经营构造了一个完整的新模式。

许多战略家欢呼直销的到来,并且将其视为新千年的营销模式。 直销在很多方面给买方带来好处。它很方便。




尽管传统渠道的直销发展迅速,网上营销的增长更是爆炸性的。 在消费者市场,直销的非凡发展是对科技迅速发展和营销新现状所做出的回应。




直销的主要形式包括面对面销售、电话营销、直接邮寄、购物目录营销、电视直销、信息亭营销和网上营销。 电话营销已经成为主要的直销沟通工具。

直接邮寄这种方式非常适合直接的、一对一的沟通和传播。 直接邮寄行业不断地寻找新的方法和途径。

现在三种新型的邮件传送形式流行起来:传真、电子邮件、语音邮件。 过去25年间,购物目录营销发展很快。



互动式电视和互联网连结的技术,将有朝一日使电视购物成为直销的主要形式。 根据预测,这种信息亭的使用将在今后三年增加五倍。 有两种网络营销渠道:商业网上服务和互联网。 互联网的应用和网络营销正在飞速发展。

互联网使营销者有越来越多的机会接近种类广泛的人口统计群体。 互联网使用者来自各个年龄群体。



营销人员可以采取四种途径实施网络营销:在网上展示自己;在网上做广告;参与互联网论坛、新闻组或\网络社区\;使用电子邮件或网络广播。 一个企业可以用两种方法通过电子方式展示自己:可以在一个商业网络服务器上购买空间或者开通自己的网站。










可以使用更精细的整合直销,营销者努力寻求通过增加媒体和时段来提高回复率和利润,而这些新增的媒体和时段带来的销售额要高于其带来的成本。 直销中的公共政策和道德问题:过度的直销有时会苦恼甚至侵犯消费者;一些人制作邮寄广告,目的就是要误导购买者;侵犯隐私可能是摆在直销行业面前最棘手的公共政策问题,借助精密的计算机技术,直销商可以利用这些数据库在细分的微市场上进行营销活动;直销业正在着手处理道德和公共政策问题。


Today, there is a trend of moving away from targeting broadly with standardized messages and marketing efforts. More and more companies are adopting direct marketing as a primary approach. The desire to build one-to-one relationships is very strong. The new direct marketing model is indeed an important one for all marketers to consider. With the dramatic growth of the Internet and e-commerce, many companies are now using the new direct marketing model exclusively to reach their customers. The purpose of this chapter is to examine the nature, role, and growing applications of direct marketing and its newest form, online marketing. Direct marketing consists of direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate response. Interactivity is essential to this process. The marketing manager must remember that direct marketing is not new. Catalog companies, direct mailers, and telemarketers have been using the approach for years. However, improved database technologies and new media have changed the direction and nature of direct marketing. Most direct marketers see direct marketing as playing an even broader role than simply selling products and services.

Database marketing is most frequently used by business-to-business marketers and service retailers. Companies use their databases to identify prospects, to make decisions on which consumers will receive a particular offer, to deepen customer loyalty, and to reactivate customer purchases.

The chapter discusses the major forms of direct marketing communication--face-to-face selling, direct-mail marketing, catalog marketing, telemarketing, direct-response television marketing, kiosk marketing, and online marketing. Each method is explored in detail. Special attention is given to online marketing and electronic commerce (e-commerce). Although still in its infancy with respect to potential, Internet usage and online marketing are growing explosively. Marketers have realized that the typical Internet user is no longer a pasty-faced computer nerd (cyberhead). Instead, the Net users are an elite group with intelligence and income to spend. It is also one of the primary ways to reach the youth of the marketplace. The promise and challenges of the online community are numerous and are worthy of study.

The chapter concludes with a discussion of how integrated direct marketing, public policy, and ethical issues will shape the advancement of direct marketing. The industry must not only establish standards but

must learn to police itself . Keywords and principle

Today, there is a trend toward more narrowly targeted or one-to-one marketing (called direct marketing). This approach is being accepted as both a primary and supplemental approach.

Direct marketing consists of direct communication with carefully targeted individual consumers to both obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships.

Today, advances in database technologies and new marketing media-especially the Internet and other electronic channels--direct marketing has undergone a dramatic transformation.

For many companies today, direct marketing is more than just a supplemental channel or medium.

The new model will change customers expectations about convenience, speed, comparability, price, and service.

Future business strategies will be affected.

Direct marketing is brings many benefits to both buyers and sellers. Direct marketing benefits buyers in many ways: It is convenient. Buying is easy and private. Greater product access and selection. Provides a

wealth of comparative information. Online buying is interactive and immediate.

Sellers benefit by: Direct marketing is a powerful tool for customer relationship building. Direct marketing can also be timed to reach prospects at just the right moment. Because of its one-to-one, interactive nature, the Internet is an especially

potent marketing tool. Continuous relationships can be developed. Reduces costs and increases speed and efficiency. Online marketing offers greater flexibility. The Internet is a truly global medium.

Sales through traditional direct marketing channels have been growing rapidly. Trends that seem to moving our society toward even more direct marketing include:

Demassification--focus is toward minimarkets. Lack of time and congestion. Higher costs of driving.

Growth of delivery services (such as Fed Ex) and the support infrastructure.

Growth of computer power and databases.

Growth has also occurred in the business-to-business sector.

There are differences between mass marketing and so-called one-to-one marketing.

A customer database is an organized collection of comprehensive data about individual customers or prospects, including geographic, demographic, psycho-graphic, and behavioral data. The database can be used to: Locate potential customers. Tailor products and services to the special needs of targeted customers. Maintain long-term customer relationships.

Database marketing is the process of building, maintaining, and using customer databases and other databases for the purposes of contacting and transacting with customers.

Database marketing is most frequently used by business-to-business marketers and service retailers.

Companies use their databases in four ways: Identifying prospects. Deciding which customers should receive a particular offer. Deepening customer loyalty. Reactivating customer purchases. There are seven major forms of direct marketing.

Face-to-Face Selling. Today, many companies still use salespersons or representatives to reach their prospects, develop them into customers, build lasting relationships, and grow the business.

Telemarketing. Two general types include: Outbound , Inbound.

Most telemarketers support some form of legislation.

Direct-Mail Marketing. Advantages include: High target-market selectivity. Personalized. Flexible. Allows easy measurement of results. New forms of direct mail include: Fax mail. E-mail. Voice mail.

Catalog Marketing. A catalog is a printed, bound piece of at least eight pages, selling multiple products, and offering a direct ordering mechanism.

Direct-Response Television Marketing. Direct-response television marketing takes one of two major forms: Direct-response advertising, Home shopping channels.

In the near future, two-way interactive television and linkages with Internet technology will make television shopping much different from what it is today and it will become one of the major forms of direct marketing.

Kiosk Marketing. Some companies place information and ordering machines (called kiosks) in stores, airports, and other locations (in contrast to machines which dispense products--vending machines).

Online marketing is conducted through interactive online computer systems, which link consumers with sellers electronically. There are two types of online channels: Commercial online services, The commercial online services .

Although still in their infancy, Internet usage and online marketing are growing explosively. Electronic commerce is the general term for a buying and selling process that is supported by electronic means. This would include electronic marketplaces .

As a whole, Internet users are an elite group. They tend to be younger, more affluent, better educated, and more male than the general population. However, female usage almost equals males.

Net users come from all age groups, they differ psychographically from the general population, and they differ in their approaches to buying and in their responses to marketing.

Internet \engines,\such as Yahoo give consumers access to varied information sources, making them better informed and more discerning shoppers.

Marketers can conduct online marketing in four ways:

creating an electronic online presence. Web sites vary in purpose and

content. Creating a Web site is one thing; getting people to visit the site is another. High involvement products (such as new cars, computers, or financial services) have greater success than do lower involvement products.

place advertisements online. Companies can place online advertisements in several ways: buy online ads, Content sponsorships .

participate in Forums, Newsgroups, and Web Communities. Forums are discussion groups located on commercial online services. Newsgroups are the Internet version of forums. A Bulletin board system (BBSs) are specialized online services that center on a specific topic or group. Web communities are sites that provide a place where members can congregate online and exchange views on issues of common interest.

use E-mail and Webcasting. The normal method used is to encourage prospects and customers to send questions, suggestions, and even complaints to the company via e-mail.

Webcasting services automatically download customized information to recipients'PCs.

Online marketing offers great promise for the future but is still years away from reaching its potential.

Challenges that online marketers face include: Limited consumer exposure and buying. Skewed user demographics and psychographics. Chaos and clutter. Security. Ethical concerns.

A more powerful approach is integrated direct marketing, which involves using multiple-vehicle, multiple-stage campaigns.

Irritation, unfairness, deception, and fraud are common complaints. Many consumers perceive that an innocent desire to become \to the customer really is an invasion of privacy.

In reality, direct marketing is just too expensive to waste on consumers who don't want it.

