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Module 8


8.1 Training12 3Reading: Training courses

Listening: Assessing training needsSpeaking: Giving reasons for and against


Grammar: -ing form and infinitive Speaking: Discussing training needs

Warming up1. What part-time jobs have you done?

Did you get any training? 2. If yes, what do you think of these training? Necessary / unnecessary, effective or ineffective?

3. What do you think makes an effective training? The teacher (the trainer) the students (the trainees)

The facilities The approach/methods How much it responds to your needs

The extras (lunch, comfort, etc.)

2. Imagine you are a training manager and you receive information on the two courses below. Read these statements from people at your company and decide which course would suit them.THE EFFECTIVE LEADERTEAM BUILDING

training coursesTHE EFFECTIVE LEADER This online course will make you a more effective leader – whether you re responsible for leading a project, a team, a unit, a department or even a company! Whatever your role, we re assuming you must lead people in order to achieve results. This course focuses on ACTION you can take to ensure people follow you so you get results. Duration: Approx. 2 hours. This is an online product and for a single user. Course price: £50.00 + £8.75(VAT)= £58.75 TEAM BUILDING Organisations have always relied on teams in some form. But now there is more emphasis on groups of people working in teams, taking joint responsibility for achieving standards and meeting objectives. This course explores the key factors that make teams effective and the skills required to build, strengthen and maintain the team. Duration: Approx. 2 hours. This is an online product and for a single user.BUY NOW BUY NOW

Course price: £50.00 + £8.75(VAT)= £58.75

I m responsible for then people but I find it hard to get the best from them.

‘I’m really prefer working on my own. I get so much more done.’

‘The problem with our company is that departments never seem to know what the other is doing.’

‘Why don’t my staff do what I ask them?’

Listening: Assessing training needs1. Listen to a conversation between a training manager and Sergio. 1) Which course does Sergio want to take? Why? Sergio wants to take both of the courses because they will help him with his new role. 2) What do Sergio and the training manager disagree on? They disagree on whether online training is as effective as face-to-face training.

2. Listen again. Work in pairs. Student A: Listen and list the training manager s arguments for online training on the left of the table. Student B: Listen and list Sergio s arguments for face-to-face training on the right of the table. Online training- you don’t need to go away - you arrange things around your work - you can communicate with other people on the course - you can do it from home - it’s cheaper

Face-to-face training- you get new ideas from other peo

ple on the course - networking - you can ask the tutor questions

Can you think of any more arguments for and against online training?Online training Relaxed and more comfortable; More flexible, may do it any time and anywhere Face-to-face training More personal and interactive; More direct, closer, hearing the voice of the other person in real time; More natural, feel better

Speaking: Giving reasons for and against1. Useful expressions:Giving reasons for It s great because… One advantage is that… Another good reason is… You re right, but I also think… The other thing (reason) is that… Giving reasons against The problem is that… One big disadvantage with that is… One argument against that idea is… I don t think…

2. Work in pairs. Role play these discussions. Take turns to give reasons for and give reasons against.1) Your manager wants everyone in the department to spend an unpaid weekend in the country on a team-building course. Giving reasons for Exciting because it feels like an excursion. A good opportunity to do a course while enjoying the country view. Good to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city and get close to nature. Giving reasons against Want to spend the weekend with family. Weekend is the time for relaxation after a week s work, not a time for work.

2) Some employees have asked for flexitime and the opportunity to work from home.Giving reasons for Achieve a better balance between work and life. Can have more time for further education and learning new skills. Help those with families spend more time together. Can reduce child care costs and have more time with families. Giving reasons against Need to be self-disciplined and self-motivated. Sometimes it is hard to differentiate between work time and private time. Can be hard to stay motivated without the support of colleagues.

3) The company wants to replace your English teacher withlessons on a computer. Giving reasons for Jobs today require a working knowledge of certain computer skills. Computer skills are important to help raise efficiency. Computer skills are something you need to survive and prosper in today s fast-changing workplace. Giving reasons against Compared with computer skill, English is more important for a company in international trade; English is important for Internet marketing since it is the universal language on the Internet. English is useful in doing business with foreign clients since it is a commonly used language . If a company wants to go global, its staff should be good at English.

2. Read this conversation. Underline the correct word.Manager: Hi, Sergio. Take a seat. (1) Would / Do you like to have a coffee?

Sergio: That would be nice. Two sugars, please.Manager: Oh I m sorry. I didn t remember (2) to ask / asking for any this week. I only have milk, I m afraid.

Sergio: No problem. I ll have it black, please.Manager: Really? I (3) can’t stand / hate to drink it without milk. Anyway, a

bout your course. We ve (4) arranged / recommended sending you away for a few days rather than doing it online. Is that OK with you? Sergio: Sure. I always (5) prefer / enjoy to work with a group of people rather than on my own.

语法小结要点解释:1) 在动词+介词后使用-ing形式: eg. She’s working on fixing the problem. Have you thought of moving into sales? I’m interested in seeing your plan for this. 2) 在一些固定动词后使用-ing形式,这些动词包括consider, delay, dislike, enjoy, mind, postpone, practise, recommend, suggest等。

eg. Have you considered changing the color?Would you mind waiting? Let’s postpone training everyone until next month. 3) 一些动词只跟不定时,这些动词包括afford, arrange, decide, manage, want等。 eg. We can’t afford to do this. Shall we arrange to meet again in an hour? Do you want to take this course?

4) 一些动词既可跟-ing也可跟不定式,这些动词包括advise, propose, begin, continue, like, prefer等。 eg. We advise you to take two weeks off. / We advise taking two weeks off. 5) 一些动词跟-ing和跟不定式意思会有很大不同。 eg. I stopped working there years ago. I stopped to work on this new project.

另外一些动词则没有什么区别。eg. We prefer to stay at home during the week. / We prefer staying at home during the week.

Speaking: Discussing training needsWork in pairs and role-play this situation. Student A: You are a training manager. You sent the memo below to all staff. Meet with an employee to discuss which course will be useful for him or her to attend. Use some of these phrases: Which courses would you like…? Would you prefer…? Do you want…? Are you interested in…? How good are you at…? How much of your job involves…?

Student B: Read this memo from your training manager and discuss which courses might be suitable. Try to use some of these phrase: I’d like… / I wouldn’t like… I’m (not) interested in… I’m quite good at… I can’t afford … My job involves…

