C++ - Primer - Plus(第五版)习题解答
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
Chapter 2
// pe2-2.cpp
int main(void) {
using namespace std;
cout << \ double furlongs; cin >> furlongs; double feet;
feet = 220 * furlongs;
cout << furlongs << \ << feet << \
return 0; }
// pe2-3.cpp
void mice(); void run(); int main() {
mice(); mice(); run(); run();
return 0; }
void mice() {
cout << \}
void run() {
cout << \}
// pe2-4.cpp
double C_to_F(double); int main() {
using namespace std;
cout << \ double C; cin >> C; double F;
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
F = C_to_F(C);
cout << C << \ << F << \
return 0; }
double C_to_F(double temp) {
return 1.8 * temp + 32.0; }
Chapter 3
// pe3-1.cpp
const int Inch_Per_Foot = 12;
int main(void) {
using namespace std;
// Note: some environments don't support the backspace character cout << \ int ht_inch; cin >> ht_inch;
int ht_feet = ht_inch / Inch_Per_Foot; int rm_inch = ht_inch % Inch_Per_Foot;
cout << \ cout << rm_inch << \ return 0; }
// pe3-3.cpp
const double MINS_PER_DEG = 60.0; const double SECS_PER_MIN = 60.0; int main() {
using namespace std;
int degrees; int minutes; int seconds;
double latitude;
cout << \ cout << \ cin >> degrees;
cout << \ cin >> minutes;
cout << \ cin >> seconds;
latitude = degrees + (minutes + seconds / SECS_PER_MIN)/MINS_PER_DEG; cout << degrees << \ << seconds << \ return 0; }
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
// pe3-5.cpp
int main(void) {
using namespace std;
cout << \ float miles; cin >> miles;
cout << \ float gallons; cin >> gallons;
cout << \ cout << \ return 0; }
// pe3-6.cpp
const double KM100_TO_MILES = 62.14; const double LITERS_PER_GALLON = 3.875;
int main ( void ) {
using namespace std; double euro_rating; double us_rating;
cout << \ cin >> euro_rating;
// divide by LITER_PER_GALLON to get gallons per 100-km // divide by KM100_TO_MILES to get gallons per mile // invert result to get miles per gallon
us_rating = (LITERS_PER_GALLON * KM100_TO_MILES) / euro_rating; cout << euro_rating << \ cout << us_rating << \
return 0; }
Chapter 4
// pe4-2.cpp -- storing strings in string objects #include
using namespace std; string name; string dessert;
cout << \
getline(cin, name); // reads through newline cout << \ getline(cin, dessert);
cout << \ cout << \ return 0; }
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
// pe4-3.cpp -- storing strings in char arrays #include
using namespace std; char firstName[SIZE]; char lastName[SIZE];
char fullName[2*SIZE + 1];
cout << \ cin >> firstName;
cout << \ cin >> lastName;
strncpy(fullName,lastName,SIZE); strcat(fullName, \
strncat(fullName, firstName, SIZE); fullName[SIZE - 1] = '\\0';
cout << \ << fullName << endl; return 0; }
// pe4-5.cpp
// a candybar structure struct CandyBar { char brand[40]; double weight; int calories; };
int main() {
using namespace std; //introduces namespace std CandyBar snack = { \
cout << \ cout << \
cout << \
return 0; }
// pe4-7.ccp
const int Slen = 70;
struct pizza {
char name[Slen]; float diameter; float weight; };
int main(void)
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
using namespace std; pizza pie;
cout << \ cin.getline(pie.name, Slen);
cout << \ cin >> pie.diameter;
cout << \ cin >> pie.weight;
cout << \
cout << \ cout << \ return 0; }
Chapter 5
// pe5-2.cpp
int main(void) {
using namespace std; double sum = 0.0; double in;
cout << \ cin >> in;
while (in != 0) { sum += in;
cout << \
cout << \ cin >> in; }
cout << \ return 0; }
// pe5-4.cpp // book sales
const int MONTHS = 12;
const char * months[MONTHS] = {\ \ \int main() {
using namespace std; //introduces namespace std int sales[MONTHS]; int month;
cout << \ for (month = 0; month < MONTHS; month++) {
cout << \ cin >> sales[month]; }
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double total = 0.0;
for (month = 0; month < MONTHS; month++) total += sales[month];
cout << \ return 0; }
// pe5-6.cpp
struct car { char name[20]; int year;};
int main(void) {
using namespace std; int n;
cout << \
cin >> n;
while(cin.get() != '\\n') // get rid of rest of line ;
car * pc = new car [n];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << \ cout << \ cin.getline(pc[i].name,20);
cout << \ cin >> pc[i].year;
while(cin.get() != '\\n') // get rid of rest of line ; }
cout << \ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout << pc[i].year << \
delete [] pc; return 0; }
// pe5-7.cpp -- count words using C-style string
using namespace std; char word[STR_LIM]; int count = 0;
cout << \
while (cin >> word && strcmp(\
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cout << \ return 0; }
// pe5-9.cpp //nested loops
int main() {
using namespace std; //introduces namespace std int rows; int row; int col;
int periods;
cout << \ cin >> rows;
for (row = 1; row <= rows; row++) {
periods = rows - row;
for (col = 1; col <= periods; col++) cout << '.';
// col already has correct value for next loop for ( ; col <= rows; col++) cout << '*'; cout << endl; }
return 0; }
Chapter 6
// pe6-1.cpp
using namespace std; //introduces namespace std char ch;
while(ch != '@') {
if (!isdigit(ch)) {
if (isupper(ch))
ch = tolower(ch); else if (islower(ch)) ch = toupper(ch); cout << ch; }
cin.get(ch); }
return 0;
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
// pe6-3.cpp
int main(void) {
using namespace std;
cout << \ cout << \ << \ char ch; cin >> ch;
while (ch != 'c' && ch != 'p' && ch != 't' && ch != 'g') {
cout << \ cin >> ch; }
switch (ch) {
case 'c' : cout << \ break;
case 'p' : cout << \ break;
case 't' : cout << \ break;
case 'g' : cout << \ break;
default : cout << \ }
return 0; }
// pe6-5.cpp
// Neutronia taxation #include
const double LEV1 = 5000; const double LEV2 = 15000; const double LEV3 = 35000; const double RATE1 = 0.10; const double RATE2 = 0.15; const double RATE3 = 0.20; int main( ) {
using namespace std; double income; double tax;
cout << \ cin >> income;
if (income <= LEV1) tax = 0;
else if (income <= LEV2)
tax = (income - LEV1) * RATE1; else if (income <= LEV3)
tax = RATE1 * (LEV2 - LEV1) + RATE2 * (income - LEV2); else
tax = RATE1 * (LEV2 - LEV1) + RATE2 * (LEV3 - LEV2) + RATE3 * (income - LEV3);
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
cout << \
return 0; }
// pe6-7.cpp
using namespace std; string word; char ch;
int vowel = 0;
int consonant = 0; int other = 0;
cout << \ cin >> word;
while ( word != \ {
ch = tolower(word[0]); if (isalpha(ch)) {
if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'o' || ch == 'u') vowel++; else
consonant++; } else
other++; cin >> word; }
cout << vowel <<\
cout << consonant << \ cout << other << \
return 0; }
// pe6-8.cpp -- counting characters #include
using namespace std; char filename[SIZE]; char ch;
ifstream inFile; // object for handling file input
cout << \ cin.getline(filename, SIZE);
inFile.open(filename); // associate inFile with a file if (!inFile.is_open()) // failed to open file {
cout << \ cout << \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); }
int count = 0; // number of items read
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
inFile >> ch; // get first value
while (inFile.good()) // while input good and not at EOF {
count++; // one more item read inFile >> ch; // get next value }
cout << count << \
inFile.close(); // finished with the file return 0; }
Chapter 7
//pe7-1.cpp -- harmonic mean
double h_mean(double x, double y);
int main(void) {
using namespace std; double x,y;
cout << \ while (cin >> x >> y && x * y != 0)
cout << \ << y << \/* or do the reading and testing in two parts: while (cin >> x && x != 0) {
cin >> y; if (y == 0) break; ... */
cout << \ return 0; }
double h_mean(double x, double y) {
return 2.0 * x * y / (x + y); }
// pe7-3.cpp
struct box {
char maker[40]; float height; float width; float length; float volume; };
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
void showbox(box b); void setbox(box * pb);
int main(void) {
box carton = {\ setbox(&carton); showbox(carton); return 0; }
void showbox(box b) {
using namespace std;
cout << \ << \ << \ << \
<< \}
void setbox(box * pb) {
pb->volume = pb->height * pb->width * pb->length; }
// pe7-4.cpp -- probability of winning #include
long double probability(unsigned numbers, unsigned picks);
int main() {
using namespace std; double total, choices; double mtotal;
double probability1, probability2;
cout << \ \ while ((cin >> total >> choices) && choices <= total) {
cout << \ \ if (!(cin >> mtotal)) break;
cout << \\
<< (probability1 = probability(total, choices) ) << \ cout << \ << (probability2 = probability(mtotal, 1) ) << \ cout << \
cout << probability1 * probability2; // compute the probability cout << \
cout << \ }
cout << \ return 0; }
// the following function calculates the probability of picking picks // numbers correctly from numbers choices
long double probability(unsigned numbers, unsigned picks) {
long double result = 1.0; // here come some local variables
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
long double n; unsigned p;
for (n = numbers, p = picks; p > 0; n--, p--) result = result * n / p ; return result; }
// pe7-6.cpp
int Fill_array(double ar[], int size);
void Show_array(const double ar[], int size); void Reverse_array(double ar[], int size); const int LIMIT = 10;
int main( ) {
using namespace std; double values[LIMIT];
int entries = Fill_array(values, LIMIT); cout << \ Show_array(values, entries); cout << \ Reverse_array(values, entries); Show_array(values, entries);
cout << \ Reverse_array(values + 1, entries - 2); Show_array(values, entries);
return 0; }
int Fill_array(double ar[], int size) {
using namespace std; int n;
cout << \ for (n = 0; n < size; n++) {
cin >> ar[n]; if (!cin) break; }
return n; }
void Show_array(const double ar[], int size) {
using namespace std; int n;
for (n = 0; n < size; n++) {
cout << ar[n]; if (n % 8 == 7) cout << endl; else
cout << ' '; }
if (n % 8 != 0) cout << endl; }
void Reverse_array(double ar[], int size) {
int i, j;
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double temp;
for (i = 0, j = size - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
temp = ar[i]; ar[i] = ar[j]; ar[j] = temp; } }
double calculate(double x, double y, double (*pf)(double, double)); double add(double x, double y); double sub(double x, double y); double mean(double x, double y);
int main(void) {
using namespace std;
double (*pf[3])(double,double) = {add, sub, mean}; char * op[3] = {\ double a, b;
cout << \ int i;
while (cin >> a >> b) {
// using function names
cout << calculate(a, b, add) << \ cout << calculate(a, b, mean) << \ // using pointers
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
cout << calculate(a, b, pf[i]) << \ << op[i] << \ }
cout << \ return 0; }
double calculate(double x, double y, double (*pf)(double, double)) {
return (*pf)(x, y); }
double add(double x, double y) {
return x + y; }
double sub(double x, double y) {
return x - y; }
double mean(double x, double y) {
return (x + y) / 2.0; }
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
Chapter 8
// pe8-1.cpp
void silly(const char * s, int n = 0); int main(void) {
using namespace std;
char * p1 = \
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
cout << i << \ silly(p1, i); }
cout << \ return 0; }
void silly(const char * s, int n) {
using namespace std; static int uses = 0;
int lim = ++uses; if (n == 0) lim = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < lim; i++) cout << s; }
// pe8-4.cpp
struct stringy {
char * str; // points to a string
int ct; // length of string (not counting '\\0') };
void show(const char *str, int cnt = 1); void show(const stringy & bny, int cnt = 1); void set(stringy & bny, const char * str);
int main(void) {
stringy beany;
char testing[] = \
set(beany, testing); // first argument is a reference, // allocates space to hold copy of testing, // sets str member of beany to point to the // new block, copies testing to new block, // and sets ct member of beany
show(beany); // prints member string once show(beany, 2); // prints member string twice testing[0] = 'D'; testing[1] = 'u';
show(testing); // prints testing string once
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
show(testing, 3); // prints testing string thrice show(\ return 0; }
void show(const char *str, int cnt) {
while(cnt-- > 0) {
cout << str << endl; } }
void show(const stringy & bny, int cnt) {
while(cnt-- > 0) {
cout << bny.str << endl; } }
void set(stringy & bny, const char * str) {
bny.ct = strlen(str);
bny.str = new char[bny.ct+1]; strcpy(bny.str, str); }
// pe8-5.cpp
int n;
T max = ar[0];
for (n = 1; n < 5; n++) if (ar[n] > max) max = ar[n]; return max; }
const int LIMIT = 5; int main( ) {
using namespace std;
double ard[LIMIT] = { -3.4, 8.1, -76.4, 34.4, 2.4}; int ari[LIMIT] = {2, 3, 8, 1, 9}; double md; int mi;
md = max5(ard); mi = max5(ari);
cout << \ cout << \
return 0; }
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Solutions for Programming Exercises in C++ Primer Plus, 5th Edition
Chapter 9
PE 9-1
// pe9-golf.h - for pe9-1.cpp const int Len = 40; struct golf {
char fullname[Len]; int handicap; };
// non-interactive version
// function sets golf structure to provided name, handicap // using values passed as arguments to the function void setgolf(golf & g, const char * name, int hc);
// interactive version
// function solicits name and handicap from user // and sets the members of g to the values entered
// returns 1 if name is entered, 0 if name is empty string int setgolf(golf & g);
// function resets handicap to new value void handicap(golf & g, int hc);
// function displays contents of golf structure void showgolf(const golf & g);
// pe9-golf.cpp - for pe9-1.cpp #include
// function solicits name and handicap from user
// returns 1 if name is entered, 0 if name is empty string int setgolf(golf & g) {
std::cout << \ std::cin.getline(g.fullname, Len); if (g.fullname[0] == '\\0')
return 0; // premature termination
std::cout << \ while (!(std::cin >> g.handicap)) {
std::cout << \ }
while (std::cin.get() != '\\n') continue; return 1; }
// function sets golf structure to provided name, handicap void setgolf(golf & g, const char * name, int hc) {
std::strcpy(g.fullname, name); g.handicap = hc; }
// function resets handicap to new value
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void handicap(golf & g, int hc) {
g.handicap = hc; }
// function displays contents of golf structure void showgolf(const golf & g) {
std::cout << \ std::cout << \}
// pe9-1.cpp
// link with pe9-golf.cpp const int Mems = 5; int main(void) {
using namespace std; golf team[Mems];
cout << \ int i;
for (i = 0; i < Mems; i++)
if (setgolf(team[i]) == 0) break;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) showgolf(team[j]);
setgolf(team[0], \ showgolf(team[0]); handicap(team[0], 3); showgolf(team[0]);
return 0; }
PE 9-3
//pe9-3.cpp -- using placement new #include
char dross[20]; int slag; };
// char buffer[500]; // option 1 int main() {
using std::cout; using std::endl; chaff *p1; int i;
char * buffer = new char [500]; // option 2
p1 = new (buffer) chaff[2]; // place structures in buffer std::strcpy(p1[0].dross, \ p1[0].slag = 13;
std::strcpy(p1[1].dross, \ p1[1].slag = -39;
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for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
cout << p1[i].dross << \ delete [] buffer; // option 2
return 0; }
Chapter 10
PE 10-1
// pe10-1.cpp
// class declaration class BankAccount {
char name[40]; char acctnum[25]; double balance; public:
BankAccount(char * client = \ double bal = 0.0); void show(void) const; void deposit(double cash); void withdraw(double cash); };
// method definitions
BankAccount::BankAccount(char * client, char * num, double bal) {
std::strncpy(name, client, 39); name[39] = '\\0';
std::strncpy(acctnum, num, 24); acctnum[24] = '\\0'; balance = bal; }
void BankAccount::show(void) const {
using std::cout; using std:: endl;
cout << \
cout << \ cout << \}
void BankAccount::deposit(double cash) {
if (cash >= 0)
balance += cash; else
std::cout << \}
void BankAccount::withdraw(double cash) {
if (cash < 0)
std::cout << \ else if (cash <= balance) balance -=cash;
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std::cout << \}
// sample use
int main() {
BankAccount bird;
BankAccount frog(\
bird.show(); frog.show();
bird = BankAccount(\ bird.show();
frog.deposit(20); frog.show();
frog.withdraw(4000); frog.show();
frog.withdraw(50); frog.show(); }
// pe10-4.h
#ifndef SALES__ #define SALES__
namespace SALES {
const int QUARTERS = 4; class Sales {
double sales[QUARTERS]; double average; double max; double min; public:
// default constructor Sales();
// copies the lesser of 4 or n items from the array ar // to the sales member and computes and stores the
// average, maximum, and minimum values of the entered items; // remaining elements of sales, if any, set to 0 Sales(const double ar[], int n);
// gathers sales for 4 quarters interactively, stores them // in the sales member of object and computes and stores the // average, maximum, and minumum values void setSales();
// display all information in object void showSales(); }; }
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// pe10-4a.cpp
int main() {
using SALES::Sales;
double vals[3] = {2000, 3000, 5000}; Sales forFiji(vals, 3); forFiji.showSales();
Sales red;
red.showSales(); red.setSales(); red.showSales();
return 0; }
// pe10-4b.cpp
namespace SALES {
using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl;
Sales::Sales(const double ar[], int n) {
if (n < 0) n = 0;
int limit = n < QUARTERS ? n : QUARTERS; double total = 0; min = 0; max = 0;
average = 0; if (limit > 0)
min = max = ar[0]; int i;
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
sales[i] = ar[i]; total += ar[i]; if (ar[i] > max) max = ar[i];
else if (ar[i] < min) min = ar[i]; }
for (i = limit; i < QUARTERS; i++) sales[i] = 0; if (limit > 0)
average = total / limit; }
Sales::Sales() {
min = 0; max = 0;
average = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < QUARTERS; i++)
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sales[i] =0; }
void Sales::setSales() {
double sa[QUARTERS]; int i;
for (i = 0; i < QUARTERS; i++) {
cout << \ cin >> sa[i]; }
// create temporary object, copy to invoking object *this = Sales(sa, QUARTERS); }
void Sales::showSales() {
cout << \
for (int i = 0; i < QUARTERS; i++)
cout << \ << sales[i] << endl;
cout << \ cout << \ cout << \ } }
PE 10-5
// pe10stack.h -- class definition for the stack ADT // for use with pe10-5.cpp #ifndef _STACK_H_ #define _STACK_H_
struct customer {
char fullname[35]; double payment; };
typedef customer Item;
class Stack {
enum {MAX = 10}; // constant specific to class Item items[MAX]; // holds stack items int top; // index for top stack item public:
bool isempty() const; bool isfull() const;
// push() returns false if stack already is full, true otherwise bool push(const Item & item); // add item to stack
// pop() returns false if stack already is empty, true otherwise bool pop(Item & item); // pop top into item };
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// pe10stack.cpp -- Stack member functions // for use with pe10-5.cpp
// exactly the same as stack.cpp in the text
#include \
Stack::Stack() // create an empty stack {
top = 0; }
bool Stack::isempty() const {
return top == 0; }
bool Stack::isfull() const {
return top == MAX; }
bool Stack::push(const Item & item) {
if (top < MAX) {
items[top++] = item; return true; } else
return false; }
bool Stack::pop(Item & item) {
if (top > 0) {
item = items[--top]; return true; } else
return false; }
// pe10-5.cpp
#include \// link with pe10stack.cpp
void get_customer(customer & cu); int main(void) {
using namespace std;
Stack st; // create a stack of customer structures customer temp;
double payments = 0; char c;
cout << \
<< \ while (cin >> c && (c = toupper(c)) != 'Q') {
while (cin.get() != '\\n') continue;
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if (c != 'A' && c != 'P') {
cout << \ continue; }
switch (c) {
case 'A' : if (st.isfull())
cout << \ else {
get_customer(temp); st.push(temp); }
case 'P' : if (st.isempty())
cout << \ else {
payments += temp.payment;
cout << temp.fullname << \ cout << \ << payments << \ }
default : cout << \ }
cout << \
<< \ }
cout << \ return 0; }
void get_customer(customer & cu) {
using namespace std;
cout << \ cin.getline(cu.fullname,35);
cout << \ cin >> cu.payment;
while (cin.get() != '\\n') continue; }
PE 10-8
// pe10-8arr.h -- header file for a simple list class
#ifndef SIMPLEST_ #define SIMPLEST_
// program-specific declarations
const int TSIZE = 45; // size of array to hold title struct film {
char title[TSIZE]; int rating; };
// general type definitions typedef struct film Item;
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const int MAXLIST = 10; class simplist {
Item items[MAXLIST]; int count; public:
simplist(void); bool isempty(void); bool isfull(void); int itemcount();
bool additem(Item item);
void transverse( void (*pfun)(Item item)); };
// pe10-8arr.cpp -- functions supporting simple list operations #include \
simplist::simplist(void) {
count = 0; }
bool simplist::isempty(void) {
return count == 0; }
bool simplist::isfull(void) {
return count == MAXLIST; }
int simplist::itemcount() {
return count; }
bool simplist::additem(Item item) {
if (count == MAXLIST) return false; else
items[count++] = item; return true; }
void simplist::transverse( void (*pfun)(Item item)) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) (*pfun)(items[i]); }
// pe10-8.cpp -- using a class definition
#include \ // array version
void showmovies(Item item); // to be used by transverse()
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int main(void) {
using namespace std;
simplist movies; // creates an empty list Item temp;
if (movies.isfull()) // invokes isfull() member function {
cout << \ exit(1); }
cout << \
while (cin.getline(temp.title,TSIZE) && temp.title[0] != '\\0') {
cout << \ cin >> temp.rating;
while(cin.get() != '\\n') continue;
if (movies.additem(temp) == false) {
cout << \ break; }
if (movies.isfull()) {
cout << \ break; }
cout << \ }
if (movies.isempty())
cout << \ else {
cout << \ movies.transverse(showmovies); }
cout << \ return 0; }
void showmovies(Item item) {
std::cout << \ << item.rating << std::endl; }
Chapter 11
PE 11-2
// pe11-2.h -- Vector class with <<, mode state // modified implementation #ifndef MODVECTOR_H_ #define MODVECTOR_H_ #include
using std::ostream; class Vector {
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double x; // horizontal value double y; // vertical value
char mode; // 'r' = rectangular, 'p' = polar // private methods for setting values void set_mag(); void set_ang();
void set_x(double, double); void set_y(double, double); public:
Vector(double n1, double n2, char form = 'r'); void set(double n1, double n2, char form = 'r'); ~Vector();
double xval() const {return x;} // report x value double yval() const {return y;} // report y value double magval() const; // report magnitude double angval() const; // report angle
void polar_mode(); // set mode to 'p' void rect_mode(); // set mode to 'r' // operator overloading
Vector operator+(const Vector & b) const; Vector operator-(const Vector & b) const; Vector operator-() const;
Vector operator*(double n) const; // friends
friend Vector operator*(double n, const Vector & a);
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Vector & v); };
} // end namespace VECTOR #endif
// pe11-2.cpp -- modified methods for Vector class #include
#include %using std::sqrt; using std::sin; using std::cos; using std::atan2; using std::cout;
namespace VECTOR {
const double Rad_to_deg = 57.2957795130823;
// private methods
// calculates magnitude from x and y
// set x from polar coordinate
void Vector::set_x(double mag, double ang) {
x = mag * cos(ang); }
// set y from polar coordinate
void Vector::set_y(double mag, double ang) {
y = mag * sin(ang); }
// public methods
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Vector::Vector() // default constructor {
x = y = 0.0; mode = 'r'; }
// construct vector from rectangular coordinates if form is r // (the default) or else from polar coordinates if form is p Vector::Vector(double n1, double n2, char form) {
mode = form;
if (form == 'r') {
x = n1; y = n2; }
else if (form == 'p') {
set_x(n1, n2 / Rad_to_deg); set_y(n1, n2 / Rad_to_deg); } else {
cout << \ cout << \ x = y = 0.0; mode = 'r'; } }
// set vector from rectangular coordinates if form is r (the // default) or else from polar coordinates if form is p void Vector:: set(double n1, double n2, char form) {
mode = form;
if (form == 'r') {
x = n1; y = n2; }
else if (form == 'p') {
set_x(n1, n2 / Rad_to_deg); set_y(n1, n2 / Rad_to_deg); } else {
cout << \ cout << \ x = y = 0.0; mode = 'r'; } }
Vector::~Vector() // destructor { }
double Vector::magval() const // report magnitude {
return sqrt(x*x +y*y); }
double Vector::angval() const // report angle
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if (x == 0.0 && y == 0.0) return 0; else
return atan2(y, x); }
void Vector::polar_mode() // set to polar mode {
mode = 'p'; }
void Vector::rect_mode() // set to rectangular mode {
mode = 'r'; }
// operator overloading // add two Vectors
Vector Vector::operator+(const Vector & b) const {
return Vector(x + b.x, y + b.y); }
// subtract Vector b from a
Vector Vector::operator-(const Vector & b) const {
return Vector(x - b.x, y - b.y); }
// reverse sign of Vector
Vector Vector::operator-() const {
return Vector(-x, -y); }
// multiple vector by n
Vector Vector::operator*(double n) const {
return Vector(n * x, n * y); }
// friend methods
// multiply n by Vector a
Vector operator*(double n, const Vector & a) {
return a * n; }
// display rectangular coordinates if mode is r, // else display polar coordinates if mode is p
ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const Vector & v) {
if (v.mode == 'r')
os << \ else if (v.mode == 'p') {
os << \ << v.angval() * Rad_to_deg << \ } else
os << \ return os; }
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} // end namespace VECTOR
// pe11-2walk.cpp -- use the modified Vector class // compile with the vect.cpp file #include
int main() {
using namespace std; using VECTOR::Vector;
srand(time(0)); // seed random-number generator double direction; Vector step;
Vector result(0.0, 0.0); unsigned long steps = 0; double target; double dstep;
cout << \ while (cin >> target) {
cout << \ if (!(cin >> dstep)) break;
while (result.magval() < target) {
direction = rand() % 360;
step.set(dstep, direction, 'p'); result = result + step; steps++; }
cout << \ \ cout << result << endl; result.polar_mode();
cout << \
cout << \ << result.magval()/steps << endl; steps = 0;
result.set(0.0, 0.0);
cout << \ }
cout << \
return 0; }
PE 11-5
// pe11ston.h -- definition for Stonewt class (for pe 11-5) #ifndef PE11STONEWT_H_ #define PE11STONEWT_H_ #include
enum {Lbs_per_stn = 14}; // pounds per stone int stone; // whole stones
double pds_left; // fractional pounds
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double pounds; // entire weight in pounds char mode; // display mode for weight
// 's' = stone, 'f' = float, 'w' = whole pounds public:
Stonewt(double lbs); // constructor for double pounds
Stonewt(int stn, double lbs); // constructor for stone, lbs Stonewt(); // default constructor ~Stonewt();
void set_mode(char m) {mode = m; }
Stonewt operator+(const Stonewt & sw) const; Stonewt operator-(const Stonewt & sw) const; Stonewt operator*(double m) const;
friend Stonewt operator*(double m, const Stonewt & sw) { return sw * m; }
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Stonewt & sw); };
// pe11ston.h -- definition for Stonewt class (for pe 11-5) #ifndef PE11STONEWT_H_ #define PE11STONEWT_H_ #include
enum {Lbs_per_stn = 14}; // pounds per stone int stone; // whole stones
double pds_left; // fractional pounds
double pounds; // entire weight in pounds char mode; // display mode for weight
// 's' = stone, 'f' = float, 'w' = whole pounds public:
Stonewt(double lbs); // constructor for double pounds
Stonewt(int stn, double lbs); // constructor for stone, lbs Stonewt(); // default constructor ~Stonewt();
void set_mode(char m) {mode = m; }
Stonewt operator+(const Stonewt & sw) const; Stonewt operator-(const Stonewt & sw) const; Stonewt operator*(double m) const;
friend Stonewt operator*(double m, const Stonewt & sw) { return sw * m; }
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Stonewt & sw); };
// pe11-5.cpp
// link with pe11ston.cpp int main(void) {
using std::cout;
Stonewt fullback(245.5);
Stonewt cornerback(13, 5.2); cout << fullback; cout << cornerback;
cornerback.set_mode('w'); cout << cornerback; Stonewt lump;
lump = fullback + cornerback; cout << lump;
fullback = fullback * 1.1; cout << fullback;
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lump = lump - fullback; cout << lump;
lump = 1.3 * lump; lump.set_mode('s'); cout << lump;
return 0; }
PE 11-7
// pe11-7.cpp
#include \int main() {
using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cin;
complex a(3.0, 4.0); // initialize to (3,4i) complex c;
cout << \ while (cin >> c) {
cout << \
cout << \ cout << \
cout << \ cout << \ cout << \ cout << \
cout << \ }
cout << \ return 0; }
// complex0.h
#ifndef COMPLEX0_H_ #define COMPLEX0_H_ #include
class complex {
double r; double i; public:
complex(double real);
complex(double real, double imag); double magnitude();
complex operator+(const complex & z) const; complex operator-(const complex & z) const; complex operator~() const;
friend complex square(const complex & z);
friend complex operator*(const complex & z, const complex & w);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const complex & z); friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & is, complex & z); };
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// complex0.cpp
#include \
complex::complex() {
r = i = 0.0; }
complex::complex(double real) {
r = real; i = 0.0; }
complex::complex(double real, double imag) {
r = real; i = imag; }
double complex::magnitude() {
return std::sqrt(r*r + i*i); }
complex complex::operator+(const complex & z) const {
complex sum;
sum.r = r + z.r; sum.i = i + z.i; return sum; }
complex complex::operator-(const complex & z) const {
complex sum;
sum.r = r + z.r; sum.i = i + z.i; return sum; }
complex complex::operator~() const {
complex conjugate; conjugate.r = r; conjugate.i = -i; return conjugate; }
complex square (const complex & z) {
complex sq;
sq.r = z.r * z.r - z.i * z.i; sq.i = 2.0 * z.r * z.i; return sq; }
complex operator*(const complex & z, const complex & w) {
complex sq;
sq.r = w.r * z.r - w.i * z.i; sq.i = w.r * z.i + w.i * z.r; return sq; }
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std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const complex & z) {
os << '(' << z.r << ',' << z.i << \ return os; }
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & is, complex & z) {
std::cout << \ if (is >> z.r) {
std::cout << \ is >> z.i; }
return is; }
Chapter 12
PE 12-2
// pe12-2.cpp
#include \int main() {
using std::cout; using std::cin;
String s1(\ String s2 = \ String s3;
cout << s2; // overloaded << operator cin >> s3; // overloaded >> operator s2 = \ cout << s2 << \ s2 = s2 + s1;
s2.stringup(); // converts string to uppercase cout << \ << \ s1 = \
// then String & operator=(const String&)
String rgb[3] = { String(s1), String(\ cout << \ String ans;
bool success = false; while (cin >> ans) {
ans.stringlow(); // converts string to lowercase for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (ans == rgb[i]) // overloaded == operator {
cout << \ success = true; break; } }
if (success)
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break; else
cout << \ }
cout << \ return 0; }
// pe12strg.h
#ifndef PE12STRG_H_ #define PE12STRG_H_ #include
class String { private:
char * str; // pointer to a string int chars; // number of characters static int strings; // total number of strings public:
String(const char * ps); // converts C++ string to String String(const String & s); ~String();
int numstrings(); int len();
void stringup(); void stringlow(); int has(char ch);
String & operator=(const String & s);
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const String & s); friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & os, String & s); friend String operator+(const String & s1, const String & s2); friend int operator==(const String & s1, const String & s2); friend int operator<(const String & s1, const String & s2); friend int operator>(const String & s1, const String & s2); };
// pe12strg.cpp
//#include \
#include \int String::strings = 0;
String::String() {
str = NULL; chars = 0; strings++; }
String::String(const char * ps) {
chars = std::strlen(ps); str = new char [chars + 1]; std::strcpy(str, ps); strings++; }
String::String(const String & s) {
chars = s.chars;
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str = new char [chars + 1]; std::strcpy(str, s.str); strings++; }
String::~String() {
delete [] str; }
int String::numstrings() {
return strings; }
int String::len() {
return chars; }
void String::stringup() {
for (int i = 0; i < chars; i++) str[i] = std::toupper(str[i]); }
void String::stringlow() {
for (int i = 0; i < chars; i++) str[i] = std::tolower(str[i]); }
String & String::operator=(const String & s) // allows chaining {
if (this == &s) // assignment to self return * this;
delete [] str; // free old contents, if any chars = s.chars;
str = new char [chars + 1]; std::strcpy(str, s.str); return * this; }
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const String & s) {
os << s.str; return os; }
std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & is, String & s) {
char temp[80];
is.getline(temp,80); s = temp; return is; }
String operator+(const String & s1, const String & s2) {
int len = s1.chars + s2.chars; char * ps = new char [len + 1]; std::strcpy(ps, s1.str); std::strcat(ps, s2.str);
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String temp(ps); return temp; }
int String::has(char ch) {
int ct = 0;
char * ps = str; while (*ps) {
if (*ps++ == ch) ++ct; }
return ct; }
int operator==(const String & s1, const String & s2) {
if (s1.chars != s2.chars) return 0;
else if (std::strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) == 0) return 1; else
return 0; }
int operator<(const String & s1, const String & s2) {
if (std::strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) < 0) return 1; else
return 0; }
int operator>(const String & s1, const String & s2) {
if (std::strcmp(s1.str, s2.str) > 0) return 1; else
return 0; }
PE 12-4
// pe12stak.h -- class definition for the stack ADT #ifndef PE12STAK_H_ #define PE12STAK_H_
typedef unsigned long Item;
class Stack {
enum {MAX = 10}; // constant specific to class Item * pitems; // holds stack items
int size; // max number of elements in stack int top; // index for top stack item
Stack(const Stack & st) { } // no copying of stacks
Stack & operator=(const Stack & st) { return *this; } // no assignment public:
Stack(int n = MAX); ~Stack();
bool isempty() const; bool isfull() const;
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// push() returns false if stack already is full, true otherwise bool push(const Item & item); // add item to stack
// pop() returns false if stack already is empty, true otherwise bool pop(Item & item); // pop top into item };
// pe12stak.cpp -- Stack member functions #include \
Stack::Stack(int n) // create an empty stack {
size = n;
pitems = new Item [size]; top = 0; }
Stack::~Stack() { delete [] pitems; }
bool Stack::isempty() const {
return top == 0 ? true: false; }
bool Stack::isfull() const {
return top == size ? true: false; }
bool Stack::push(const Item & item) {
if (top < size) {
pitems[top++] = item; return true; } else
return false; }
bool Stack::pop(Item & item) {
if (top > 0) {
item = pitems[--top]; return true; } else
return false; }
// pe12-4.cpp
#include \// link with pe12stak.cpp int main(void) {
using namespace std;
Stack st(3); // create a stack of po numbers unsigned long temp; char c;
cout << \
<< \
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while (cin >> c && (c = toupper(c)) != 'Q') {
while (cin.get() != '\\n') continue;
if (c != 'A' && c != 'P') {
cout << \ continue; }
switch (c) {
case 'A': if (st.isfull())
cout << \ else {
cout << \ cin >> temp; st.push(temp); }
case 'P': if (st.isempty())
cout << \ else {
cout << \ }
default: cout << \ }
cout << \ << \ }
cout << \ return 0; }
PE 12-6
// pe12que.h -- interface for a queue #ifndef _QUEUE_H_ #define _QUEUE_H_
// This queue will contain Customer items class Customer {
long arrive; // arrival time for customer int processtime; // processing time for customer public:
Customer() { arrive = processtime = 0; } void set(long when);
long when() const { return arrive; }
int ptime() const { return processtime; } };
typedef Customer Item;
class Queue {
// class scope definitions
// Node is a nested structure definition local to this class struct Node { Item item; struct Node * next;}; enum {Q_SIZE = 10};
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// private class members
Node * front; // pointer to front of Queue Node * rear; // pointer to rear of Queue
int items; // current number of items in Queue const int qsize; // maximum number of items in Queue // preemptive definitions to prevent public copying Queue(const Queue & q) : qsize(0) { }
Queue & operator=(const Queue & q) { return *this;} public:
Queue(int qs = Q_SIZE); // create queue with a qs limit ~Queue();
bool isempty() const; bool isfull() const; int queuecount() const;
bool enqueue(const Item &item); // add item to end
bool dequeue(Item &item); // remove item from front };
// pe12que.cpp -- Queue and Customer methods #include \
// Queue methods
Queue::Queue(int qs) : qsize(qs) {
front = rear = NULL; items = 0; }
Queue::~Queue() {
Node * temp;
while (front != NULL) // while queue is not yet empty {
temp = front; // save address of front item front = front->next;// reset pointer to next item delete temp; // delete former front } }
bool Queue::isempty() const {
return items == 0; }
bool Queue::isfull() const {
return items == qsize; }
int Queue::queuecount() const {
return items; }
// Add item to queue
bool Queue::enqueue(const Item & item) {
if (isfull())
return false;
Node * add = new Node; // create node if (add == NULL)
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return false; // quit if none available add->item = item; // set node pointers add->next = NULL; items++;
if (front == NULL) // if queue is empty, front = add; // place item at front else
rear->next = add; // else place at rear
rear = add; // have rear point to new node return true; }
// Place front item into item variable and remove from queue bool Queue::dequeue(Item & item) {
if (front == NULL) return false;
item = front->item; // set item to first item in queue items--;
Node * temp = front; // save location of first item front = front->next; // reset front to next item delete temp; // delete former first item if (items == 0) rear = NULL; return true; }
// customer method
// when is the time at which the customer arrives
// the arrival time is set to when and the processing // time set to a random value in the range 1 - 3 void Customer::set(long when) {
processtime = std::rand() % 3 + 1; arrive = when; }
// pe12-6.cpp -- use the Queue interface // link to pe12que.cpp
// modify Listing 12.10 by adding a second queue #include
const long MIN_PER_HR = 60L;
bool newcustomer(double x); // is there a new customer?
int main(void) {
using std::cin; using std::cout; using std::endl;
using std::ios_base;
// setting things up
std::srand(std::time(0)); // random initializing of rand()
cout << \ cout << \ int qs; cin >> qs;
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