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Unit1 Working Life:

The Future of human resources(人力资源) Explanation:

1). a term used to describe the individuals who comprise the workforce of an organization;

2). the name of the function within an organization charged with the overall responsibility for implementing strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals.

Covering letter(申请函/求职信): a letter of introduction attached to the document such as CV when applying for a job vacancy.

Personal summary: a short paragraph in a CV which summarizes the positive characteristics and skills of the applicant.

CL Sample:(申请函/求职信写作)

Your address Date


Company’s name Company’s address

Dear XXX,

Para 1:State how you got the information of the job vacancy in the company or briefly states the specific position desired.

Para 2: Express your individual and specific interest and skills or experience related with the post you are applying for. Give proposals that what you are going to perform or what value you may bring if you get the post.

Your prompt response will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, XXX

Job interview(面试)

1.Etiquette: (礼节、礼仪)

Go alone for an interview, be dressed neat and formal, be positive, serious and careful…… 2.Information prepared:(准备工作)

your individual reasons for the post, the right skills and experience for the post, your proposal, background of the company, the comprehensive knowledge about the field that you are going to work with……

Unit2 Organizational Culture(企业文化) 1. Explanation: Organizational culture is formed gradually in the production and management practices. It is a set of shared missions, attitudes, goals and business philosophy with their demonstration in business practices, managing system and performance style of staff, etc, which characterizes across organizations. 1)Mission statement

2)Organizational hierarchy(等级制度)

Three types of company structure: Hierarchical organization, Flat management organization, Flexible organization with project-based teams 3)Company Buildings

4)Dress code

2.Types of Organizational Culture: Work-hard, play-hard culture Tough-guy macho culture Process culture

Bet-the-company culture

Unit3 Communication at Work(工作交流) 1. Communication is a process whereby information is enclosed in a package and is channeled and imparted by a sender to a receiver via some medium. The receiver then decodes the message and gives the sender a feedback. All forms of communication require a sender, a message, and an intended recipient, however the receiver need not be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication. 2.Communication means:

Auditory means: such as speech, song, and tone of voice……

Nonverbal means: such as body language, sign language, paralanguage, touch, eye contact…… Through media: such as pictures, graphics and sound, writing, email, new technology…… Unit4 The Art of Selling(销售的艺术) 1. Importance of Selling

2.Sales Techniques (Listening):Relationship selling: Hard Selling: 3. Promotion Medium

4.Graph Writing(图表写作) 素材:上升:rise, increase, improve, climb, soar, shoot up, go up, be up, an upward trend, there is a 2%/big increase

达到顶峰:peak at, reach the peak/summit 下降:decrease, fall, reduce, decline, drop, go down, plunge, collapse, there is a 2%/big decrease, the year of 2010 saw a decrease/fall of 2% 表示趋势平稳:remain/stay stable 下降后平稳:bottom out上升后平稳:level off 恢复:recover, pick up 趋势波动:fluctuate, vary

表示程度的副词:sharply, dramatically, considerably, substantially, slightly, gradually, smoothly A sample:(第45页)The graph compares the amount of palm oil held in world stocks over the years 1985 to 2006 with the demand.

Over the period, the demand for palm oil rose steadily from 7000 tons in 1985 to 33,000 tons in 2006. During the same period, stocks of palm oil also rose, but fluctuated greatly. At all times, ending stocks exceeded demand, but not by the same margin. From 1985 to 1997 ending stocks were between 1,300 and 1,700 tons, even though demand doubled during the same period. After 1997 the margin increased significantly, reaching a peak in 2000 of almost 3,000 tons compared to the demand of 20,000. For the next five years ending stocks fell back relative to demand.

In the last three years the industry seems to have reached a consistent level of ending stocks compared to the demand.

A Sample of Complaint Letter(投诉信写作)(第61页)

Dear Ms. Delaple,

I’m writing in answer to your letter of 23 Jan. in which you stated that you would not

be able to replace the battery on my SL550 MP3 player because it was now out of warranty. I purchased the MP3 14 months ago and had no trouble with it for the first ten months. Although my use of the player was normal and I recharged the battery according to the instructions, it failed after only 11 months. I tried to recharge it again after two weeks, but failed. At that point I contacted your technical support department who advertised me to send in the player for repair. It seems that it arrived with you too late to be within warranty. In your manual it clearly states that ‘the battery should last most normal users the life of the product’. For this reason, and the fact that it failed after 11 months rather than 12, I can not accept that I am not entitled to a free replacement battery.

It is not in your company’s interest to have dissatisfied customers and if you are unable to offer the replacement, I will certainly warn others through internet forums about this problem. Your kind consideration / prompt reply will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Xxx

Unit7 Managing people Idioms about management problems:(第68页)

1. Can’t see the wood for the trees too involved with detail to be able to see the wider picture 2. Doesn’t’t want to lose face doesn’t’t want to be publicly embarrassed by being shown to be wrong

3. Have tunnel vision only focused on one thing, and ignores other considerations

4. Bite off more than you can chew take on a task that they don’t have the time or capacity to do alone

5. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians too many managers and people giving orders but not enough people to carry out the work

6. Cut corners to take an easy route to a solution that may compromise quality, safety or legality 7. Throw many at the problem to think you can solve a problem by spending money when it actually needs more careful planning and thought

8. Open a can of worms begin a task or start a discussion which may lead to endless problems and difficulties

9. Be a yes-man do everything that you are asked to do without questioning it

Report Writing(报告写作) Introduction

This report aims to / sets out to… The aim of this report is to … Study, analysis and findings

The scope of our study was… We studied/examined…

The reasons for this situation seem to be… This can be attributed to the fact that…

The advantages/drawbacks of this approach would be… It was found that / It clearly shows that… Our main findings were as follows:… Conclusions

It was decided / agreed / felt that… It is clear that… Recommendations

It’s suggested that… We recommend that… A sample: The aim of this report is to provide an update on progress with regard to the documentary started last May, and an estimate of the schedule for completion. We close Greenland as our subject for the following reasons: --no one else is making a documentary in this area at the moment.

--it is a good place to observe the effects of global warming (currently a topical subject). On the positive side, we have collected five hours of material including some impressive footage of wildlife (particularly polar bears) and some very interesting interviews with local people.

With regard to the schedule, however, the filming is several days behind. This is partly owing to unpredictable weather conditions which have sometimes prevented us from filming. In addition to this, it has not been easy to get permission.

Our estimate is that we have only another four weeks filming to complete and once that is finished we will return to the editing room to distil the footage down to one hour.

We would recommend, on the basis of what we have already filmed, that the subject of the documentary should be the effect of global warming on wildlife and the local people. However, we recognize that this is your decision and would welcome your views on this before we begin the editing process. John Watson

Belbin Associates November, 2010

Unit9 Innovation(革新)

1.Definition:innovation can be seen as a change in the thought process for doing something, or the useful application of new inventions or discoveries. It is related to acceptance in society, profitability and market performance expectation. In economics, it includes the following conceptions:

The introduction of a new good — that is one with which consumers are not yet familiar — or of a new quality of a good.

The introduction of a new method of production, which need by no means be founded upon a discovery scientifically new, and can also exist in a new way of handling a commodity commercially.

The opening of a new market, that is a market into which the particular branch of manufacture of the country in question has not previously entered.

The conquest of a new source of supply of raw materials or half-manufactured goods.

The carrying out of the new organization of any industry, like the creation of a monopoly position or the breaking up of a monopoly position 2..Measures of a good innovation 3.Product presentation

Unit10 Travel and Entertainment 1.Teamwork

A. Definition: Teamwork is work performed by a team.

B.Factors in creating a good team:(具体随便说点,发挥编写功力主要是各项的重要性) ? Good leadership

? Clear communication ? Establishing roles ? Conflict Resolution 2.Team building

A. Definition: refers to a wide range of activities, presented to businesses, schools, sports teams, or other organizations designed for improving team performance. B.Goals to be achieved by team building: Improving communication

Making the workplace more enjoyable Motivating a team

Getting to know each other better

Getting everyone \ Teaching the team self-regulation strategies

Helping participants to learn more about themselves Identifying and utilizing the strengths of team members Improving team productivity

Practicing effective collaboration with team members 3.Event management

A. Importance of a good event: B.How to organize an event well a.To find out the aim of the event

b.To organize the event in a right way:

to get audience participation (advantages and disadvantages) ;to treat audience with a show or sport event and a meal afterwards (advantages) Unit11 The Economy Philanthropy(慈善):

1. Definition: Philanthropy is the effort or inclination to increase the well-being of humankind. 2. Reasons why philanthropy prevails in 21st century. Large fortune gained by business tycoons in free market Dwindling power of government, national and international Declining reputation of the agents of international government Waste and inefficiency of welfare state and public sector

3. Different views regarding the economic system of free market Positive Negative

Unit12 Crossing Cultures 1.Cultural diversity

A. Culture: a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. In this sense, culture is cultivated behavior; that is the totality of a person's learned, accumulated experience which is socially transmitted, or more

briefly, behavior through social learning. B. Cultural diversity

a. Culture varies across countries and areas. b.Two basic types of culture:

Collectivist culture: group logic, interpersonal harmony, other face concern Individualist culture: market logic, self-face concern 2.Cross cultural communication

Three factors for better cross-cultural communication: A. Knowledge: language(s), culture

B.Skills to express oneself in a second language appropriate to the context concerned C.Attitudes:

Examine and understand your own culture. Appreciate others’ culture Avoid stereotypes.

Don’t extend your own culture to others.

Report Writing(报告写作) Introduction

This report aims to / sets out to… The aim of this report is to … Study, analysis and findings

The scope of our study was… We studied/examined…The reasons for this situation seem to be…This can be attributed to the fact that…The advantages/drawbacks of this approach would be…It was found that / It clearly shows that…Our main findings were as follows:… Conclusions

It was decided / agreed / felt that… It is clear that… Recommendations

It’s suggested that…

We recommend that…Report on China Visit(第121页)

This report gives a summary of my meetings with various representatives of the Chinese tea industry and aims also to give an impression of what it is like to do business in China. The aims of my visit to China were to:

-- meet tea experts and find out more about the product. -- discuss the logistics of exporting tea from China

I made two interesting contacts: Li Sung, a tea master and Qiu Li, an export agent. Li Sung really knows his subject and will be able to recommend to us the best teas to buy and what the sources for these are. Qiu Li has worked with other western firms before and will be able to deal with necessary authorities for exporting the teas. Both of them seem both happy to work with us. Li Sung will want a fee for his consultancy and Qiu Li will work for us on a commission basis. My advice for the person who follows up this visit is:

-- to spend more time getting to know these two partners. Li Sung in particular is not a man to be hurried and his interest appears to be more in the tea itself than the business.

-- to make a firm proposal to Qiu Li that she can study and get back to us.

