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题目 1 of 50

I shall speak in simple words that there may be no ( ).

A.misunderstanding B.mistake



答案关键: A

题目 2 of 50

He never tells a lie. He is a/an ( ) boy.

A.honest B.kind



答案关键: A

题目 3 of 50

It's the third time your brother ( ) late this week.

A.had arrived B.arrives

C.have arrived

D.has arrived

答案关键: D

题目 4 of 50

I haven't got anything to do, so I ( ) go with you.


B.may as well C.have to


答案关键: B

题目 5 of 50

What does this word ( )?


B.express C.show


答案关键: A

题目 6 of 50

When the reading was over, she ( ) the class on the content of the text.


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C.questioned D.inquired

答案关键: C

题目 7 of 50

They often lends a hand ( ) and repairing our farm tools.



C.researching D.checking

答案关键: D

题目 8 of 50

Hand in your exercise books when you ( ) your composition.

A.will finish

B.are finishing

C.will have finished D.have finished

答案关键: D

题目 9 of 50

Mary ( ) at home, for she never goes out this time at night.

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A.can't be

B.can be

C.must be

D.may be

答案关键: C

题目 10 of 50

Two of the boys ( ) while playing football.


B.were hurting C.got hurt

D.had been hurt

答案关键: C

题目 11 of 50

Come and see me ( ) two or three ( ).

A.for; days

B.after; days

C.in; days' time

D.during; day time

答案关键: C



题目 12 of 50

Can you help me to ( ) three from these books, please?

A.choose B.find



答案关键: A

题目 13 of 50

Though he has changed a lot, I ( ) him at once.



C.recognized D.nodded

答案关键: C

题目 14 of 50

Please ( ) your speech to ten minutes.


B.control C.limit


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答案关键: C

题目 15 of 50

I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ( ).





答案关键: D

题目 16 of 50

You'd rather watch TV this evening, ( ) ?

A.isn't it

B.hadn't you

C.wouldn't you D.won't you

答案关键: C

题目 17 of 50

Can you tell me ( ) ?

A.who is that gentleman

B.that gentleman is who

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C.who that gentleman is

D.whom is that gentleman

答案关键: C

题目 18 of 50

Who was the first person ( ) today?

A.whom you spoke B.that you spoke

C.who you spoke D.you spoke to

答案关键: D

题目 19 of 50

I’ll try to make it ( ) to you.





答案关键: D

题目 20 of 50

Recently, Japanese TV plays are ( ) in China.

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答案关键: C

大项 2 of 6 - Part II Use of English

题目 21 of 50

- May I have three tickets, please? - ______________

A.It may have begun already. B.Please come tomorrow.

C.I'm sorry we've sold out.

D.You are too early.

答案关键: C

题目 22 of 50

- What do you think of this novel? - _________

A.I've read it.

B.It's well-written.

C.It was written by my uncle.

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D.I bought it yesterday.

答案关键: B

题目 23 of 50

- How do you do? - _________

A.Very well.

B.How do you do?

C.I'm a doctor.

D.Nice to have known you.

答案关键: B

题目 24 of 50

- How about going for a drive? - _________

A.It's too fast.

B.Yes, we shall.

C.Yes, let's go by bike. D.A good idea.

答案关键: D

题目 25 of 50

- How did Tom learn Arabic? - _________

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A.In the morning.

B.Very well.

C.In the library.

D.By taking a course.

答案关键: D

题目 26 of 50

- Thanks for inviting me, John, but I've already made other plans. - _________. Maybe another time.

A.I hope you enjoy it

B.That's good

C.Oh! I'm sorry to hear that

D.Great! I really had a good time

答案关键: C

题目 27 of 50

-You speak very good English. -______________________.

A.It's very kind of you to say so B.No, I can't

C.You are right

D.That's all right

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答案关键: A

题目 28 of 50

-You've been busy, haven't you? - ______________________

A.I was busy last week.

B.Yes, I've been working hard on my paper. C.I will get busy with my English studies.

D.I'd like to get busy like our teachers.

答案关键: B

题目 29 of 50

- Have a good day! - _______________

A.You, too.

B.I hope so.

C.Me, too.

D.It's a wonderful day, isn't it?

答案关键: A

题目 30 of 50

- Hello, I'd like to speak to Mark, please. - _____________________

A.Yes, I'm Mark.

B.This is Mark speaking.

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C.It's me here.

D.This is me.

答案关键: B

大项 3 of 6 - Part III Reading Comprehension (1) 5.0 得分

An English traveler spent a few weeks in Sweden. When he was about to return home he found that he had only enough money left to get a ticket to England. Thinking the matter over, he decided that as it was only a two days’ voyage he could get home without eating anything. So he bought a ticket with that little money he had and went on board the ship.

He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell, and when dinner time came, he refused to go down to the place where people had their dinner, saying that he did not feel well.

The following day he did not get up until breakfast was over, pretending that he had overslept himself. At lunch time, too. He kept out of the way. By the time of dinner, however, he became so hungry that he could even have eaten paper.

“I can’t stand this any longer.” He said to himself. “I must have something to eat.” At the dinner-table he ate everything put in front of him. When he was quite satisfied, he felt stronger and at once went to see the waiter.

“Bring me the bill,” he said to the waiter. “The bill?” said the waiter in surprise. “Yes,” answered the traveler.

“There isn’t any bill here.” said the waiter. “the meals are already included in the ticket.”

题目 31 of 50

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When the English traveler was about to leave Sweden, he found that he ( ) a ticket back to England.

A.only had enough money for

B.could buy many things as well as

C.did not have the money for

D.had more than enough money to buy

答案关键: A

题目 32 of 50

The traveler thought that he ( )

A.would find no food served on board

B.could not get home without having meals on board C.could do without any food before he got home

D.would not be allowed to eat on board

答案关键: C

题目 33 of 50

The first day he did not have his lunch because he did not ( ).

A.feel well

B.know the time for lunch C.hear the lunch bell

D.have the money

答案关键: D

题目 34 of 50

The following day he got up ( ) .

A.much later than breakfast time

B.as soon as he heard the breakfast bell C.early for his breakfast

D.in time to have his breakfast

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答案关键: A

题目 35 of 50

He became so hungry that he ( ).

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A.went to sleep

B.ate paper

C.went to the dinner table D.kept out of the way

答案关键: C

大项 4 of 6 - Reading Comprehension (2) 5.0 得分

Some students at the open university left school 20 years ago. Others are younger but all must be at least 21 years old. This is one example of how the open university is different from all other universities. Its students must either work full-time or be at home all day, for instance, mothers of families. They don’t have to pass any examinations before they are accepted as students. This is why the university is called “open”. The university was started in order to help a known group—people who missed having a university education when they were young.

The first name for the open university was “The University of the Air”. The idea was to teach “on the air”, in other words on radio and television, most of the teaching is done like this. Radio and television have brought the classroom into people’s homes. But this, on its own, is not enough for a university education. The open university student also receives advice at one of 283 study centres in the country. 36 weeks of the year he has to send written work to a “tutor”, the person who guides his studies. He must also spend 3 weeks every summer as a full-time student. Tutors and students meet and study together, as in other universities. At the end of the open university’s first year, the results were good. 3 out of every 4 students passed their examinations. If they do this every year, they will finish their studies in 4 or 5 years.

题目 36 of 50

All the students at the open university must be ( ).

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A.less than 21 years old

B.less than 20 years old

C.no less than 21 years old D.full-time workers

答案关键: C

题目 37 of 50

The university is called“open” because its students ( ).

A.can be very young or very old

B.are not given examinations before they start studying C.are people who just left school

D.must study full-time

答案关键: B

题目 38 of 50

The known group was ( ).

A.the people who started the open university

B.the young people who wanted to go to university

C.the people who were at school 20 years ago

D.the people who did not go to university when they were young

答案关键: D

题目 39 of 50

Most of the teaching is done ( ).

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A.on radio and television

B.at one of 283 study centers in the country C.in the classrooms at the open university D.in summer

答案关键: A

题目 40 of 50

The open university student can study full-time.

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A.every weekend

B.36 weeks a year

C.at the end of the first year

D.when the students of other universities spend their summer holidays

答案关键: D

大项 5 of 6 - Reading Comprehension (3) 5.0 得分

Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. Now people live longer than they used to. But all living things still show the effect of aging.

Aging is not a disease, but as a person passes maturity, the cells of the body and the organs they form do not work as well as they did when young. The body provides less protection against disease.

A number of causes may add to aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not replaced when they die. As a person ages, the number of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. Other body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person, the new cells may not be able to grow as well as those of a young person.

Another factor in aging may be changed with the cells themselves. Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known to change with age and become less elastic. This is why the skin of old people wrinkles and hangs loose. This is also the reason why old people shrink in height.

题目 41 of 50

According to the passage, which of the following is not true?

A.Now people are still aging.

B.All living things will die.

C.Now people live as long as those in the past.

D.Now people live longer than those in the past.

答案关键: C

题目 42 of 50

Which of the following is not true?

A.Aging is a disease.

B.Aging happens to everyone.

C.When people grow old their organs do not work as well as they did. D.Old people have less protection against disease.

答案关键: A

题目 43 of 50

Why old people shrink in height?

A.Because their skin wrinkles.

B.Because their skin hangs loose.

C.Because some of the protein chemicals in cells become less elastic. D.Because the cells are not elastic.

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答案关键: C

题目 44 of 50

Which of the following may not add to aging?

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A.When some of the body cells die, they are not replaced. B.The number of brain cells decreases.

C.The number of muscle cells decreases.

D.Old people shrink in height.

答案关键: D

题目 45 of 50

What is mainly discussed in this passage?

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A.The effect of aging. B.The causes of aging. C.The result of aging. D.All of the above.

答案关键: D

大项 6 of 6 - Reading Comprehension (4) 5.0 得分

Ask three people to look out the same window at a busy street corner and tell you what they see. The chances are you will receive three different answers. Each person sees the same scene, but each perceives something different about it.

Perceiving goes on in our minds. Of the three people who look out the window, one may say that he sees a policeman giving a motorist a ticket. Another may say that he sees a rush-hour traffic jam at the crossing. The third may tell you that he sees a woman trying to cross the street with four children. Thus it can be seen that perception is the mind’s explanation of what the senses—in this case our eyes—tell us.

Many psychologists today are working to try to decide just how a person experiences or perceives the world around him. Using a scientific method, these psychologists set up experiments in which they can control all of the factors. By measuring and charting the results of many experiments, they are trying to find out what makes different people perceive totally different things about the same scene.

题目 46 of 50

Seeing and perceiving are ( ).

A.the same action

B.two separate actions

C.two actions carried on entirely by the eyes

D.several actions that take place at different time

答案关键: B

题目 47 of 50

Perceiving is an action that takes place ( ).

A.in our eyes

B.only when we think very hard about something C.only under the direction of psychologist

D.in every person’s mind

答案关键: D

题目 48 of 50

People perceive different things about the same scene because ( ).

A.they come from different countries

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B.they can’t agree about things

C.some have better eyesight

D.none of these

答案关键: D

题目 49 of 50

Psychologists study perception by ( ).

A.setting up many experiments

B.asking each other what they see C.looking out of window

D.studying people’s eyes

答案关键: A

题目 50 of 50

The best title for this passage is ( ).

A.How We See

B.Learning about Our Minds Through Science

C.What Psychologists Perceive

D.How to Become an Experimental Psychologist

答案关键: B

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