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作者:黄瑶珠 高旭华 陈明周 江新晓 林志强 艾海波 来源:《现代农业科技》2018年第01期

摘要 为了解决广东省冬种马铃薯地膜覆盖存在的白色污染,促进全生物降解地膜在马铃薯的推广应用,本文从技术适用范围、选地、选种、种薯处理、播种、田间管理及适时收获等方面总结广东省冬种马铃薯全生物降解地膜覆盖高产栽培技术规程,以期达到节约培土、除草、揭膜劳动力,操作简便,技术可靠、绿化环保等显著效果。 关键词 冬种马铃薯;地膜;生物降解;技术规程;广东省

中图分类号 S532 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1007-5739(2018)01-0067-02

High Yield Technical Regulation of Winter Potato Covered by Truly Biodegradable Herbicidal Mulch Film

in Guangdong Province

HUANG Yao-zhu 1 GAO Xu-hua 1 CHEN Ming-zhou 1 JIANG Xin-xiao 2 LIN Zhi-qiang 2 AI Hai-bo 3

(1 Guangdong Provincial Bioengineering Institute/Guangzhou Sugarcane Industry Research Institute,Guangzhou Guangdong 510316;

2 Huizhou Agricultural Sciences Institute; 3 Guangdong Provincial Dazhi Agricultural Sciences and Technology Co.,LTD)

Abstract In order to solve the white pollution caused by plastic mulch film in winter potato in Guangdong Province,and promote the application of biodegradable mulch film in potato,this article summarized the technical regulation of this film in terms of technical scope,land selection,seed selection,seed treatment,sowing,field management and timely harvest,etc.This technical regulation achieves the remarkable effect in saving the labor for hilling,weeding and film removing,easy operation and green environmental protection.

Key words winter potato;mulch film;biodegradation;technical regulations;Guangdong Province

