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Some scientists win the Nobel Prize for their work. Other scientists win the “Ig Nobel” Prize, which honors real science that is so strange. “We want to make people laugh and then think,” says Ig Nobel founder Marc Abrahams. He and his colleagues pick 10 of the world’s strangest scientific studies on subjects like Physics Biology, Medicine, and so on, to honor each year. Here are two of the strangest Ig Nobel winners since the prize was founded 26 years ago:

No-blink photos, almost guaranteed.

Why is someone always blinking(眨眼)in your photo?Science says: because you don’t take enough pictures.

Winner, 2006 Mathematics Ig Nobel:

An Australian photographer wondered how many group shots she should take to be pretty sure no one was blinking. She found ou you need to pide the number of people by 2 to figure it out. Twelve people?Take at least six photos. But with groups over 50, someone will always be caught blinking no matter how many photos you take.

The five-second rule is true—sometimes.

Have you ever dropped food on the floor, said, “Five-second rule!” then picked it up and eaten it? The idea is that bacteria won’t stick if you pick it up quickly.

Winner, 2005 Public Health Ig Nobel:

Jillian Clark was still in high school when she did her winning research on the five-second rule. She dropped foods on the floor and then studied the bacteria they picked up in five seconds. Her discovery? If the floor is clean, the food is safe to eat. But how clean is your floor? You need a powerful electron microscope to know for sure.

1.Why was the “Ig Nobel” Prize founded?

A.To promote laughter and thought.

B.To honor strange scientists.

C.To help people win the Nobel Prize.

D.To make people fight for honors.

2.How many shots should you take to ensure a no-blink photo for a group of32 people? A.2.




3.Which subject was Jillian Clark’s research about?


B.Public Health.



This is a big week for Maya Van Wagenen. Her very first book Popular, her 8th grade diary, hit shelves across the country. She’s in New York to appear on The Today Show, and does a million interviews that accompany the book’s publication while she says she is worried about keeping up with the lessons she is missing back at her high school in Georgia.

As a middle schooler in a Texas town, Maya once considered herself as an outsider. “I always struggled with making friends and finding confidence,” she says. “I felt bulled(欺

负)and alone and it was really hard for me.” She said it was Betty Cornell’s Teen-Age Popularity Guide, a 1950s how-to book bought by her dad that greatly inspired her. She decided to follow the advice—devoting each month of her 8th grade year to different chapters like “Neat-looking” and “Be a Hostess”—and see if she could, in fact, become popular. Everyday, she’d taken notes on how people responded to her secret effort(nobody knew she was conducting this social experiment) and then she’d wr ite detailed stories about her experience over the weekend.

After she finished the project, she sent the diary to her family. Her aunt passed it to a writer friend who in turn forwarded it to his agent. The agent wanted to sign Maya immediately. It was just the beginning: Penguin was the first publisher to bite and shortly after, Dreamworks got the movie right.

And while she’s riding the high of Popular for the time being, she has something else on her mind: her next book. Besides all that homework she has to do when she gets home, she is also writing a novel, for she has a two-book deal from Penguin.

“People always ask me, ’Why don’t you just home-school so you have time to work?’” she

says. “But it’s fun in school, and I want to be a young adult writer! Th is is my chance to experience high school, so it’s the most important.”

4.Before she read Betty Cornell’s book, Maya felt that her school life was . A.amazing




5.What is the book Teen-4ge Popularity Guide mainly about?

A.Advice for teenagers to be well-received.

B.Advice for teenagers to take notes.

C.Ways for teenagers to conduct experiments.

D.Ways for teenagers to write stories.

6.Which of the following first published Maya’s book Popular?

A.The Today Show.


C.Her aunt.


7.What can we infer from Maya’s words in the last paragraph?

A.Her study at high school is necessary and important.

B.More chances are available to home-schooled writers.

C.Many adult writers will come to visit her school.

D.Young writers should have teaching experience.

For as long as I can remember, seniors have attracted too little attention from society as a whole. For example, people may shrink physically as they get older and have a higher incidence of falls, but how many people have thought about buying a more comfortable and stable chair for their elderly parents?

We spend generously on our children, such as hiring a nanny to take care of them. When we look for a nanny for our baby, we believe that someone who charges 8,000 yuan must be better than a person who charges 5,000 yuan because they have a better grasp of how to interact with babies. But when we look for someone to take care of our elderly parents, we usually keep our budget as low as possible. We just want to ensure that caregivers will prepare three meals a

day for our seniors, but we don’t take their psychological needs into consideration.

The differences in attitudes are obvious. However, we are not yet old, so perhaps it’s hard for us to understand the bitterness of the elderly: regression (衰退) in health, a handful of pills every day, not being able to catch up with developments in the digital age, and the disappearance of the old streets and favorite restaurants from the good old days. Those are the kinds of lives they live and we may even live through something similar in the decades to come.

If we think about how we want to be treated when we grow old, we should start the changes today. Because the elderly were once the backbone of society and made huge contribution they should enjoy the fruits of the county’s development as well.

8.What situation might old people face according to the text?

A.A high and stable income.

B.Physical inconvenience.

C.Much concern from the public.

D.Lack of favorite food and fruits.

9.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “nanny”in paragraph 2? A.tutor




10.Why is it difficult for us to understand the bitterness of old people?

A.Because we fail to catch up with their development.

B.Because we are sharing a similar lifestyle with them.

C.Because we are too young to experience their condition.

D.Because we have spent much money looking after them.

11.What does the writer think of the elderly?

A.They can make greater contribution.

B.They deserve the attention from society.

C.They should start to change themselves.

D.They need a handful of pills every day.

An oval-shaped (椭圆形) structure, which is believed to be 121meters across, is shown in a picture of Antarctica.

Some say the structure is evidence that human civilization once lived in the South Pole, while others say it may be a natural phenomenon.

“What if, in the distant past, an ancient civilization developed in Antarctica, creating splendid structures and temp les there?” Peter Turney says in a post on Ancient Code.

The post says scientists first thought the discovery could be a sastrugi (雪面波纹)一a natural phenomenon formed by years of battering (磨损) by strong, freezing winds and heavy snowfalls. But sastrugi are not known to form in oval shapes.

This is not the first time people have suggested there was a lost civilization in Antarctica.

Ever since last year, some people have been claiming (声称) that a strange pyramid in the Antarctic has appeared.

A video posted on YouTube by Third Phase of the Moon, a YouTube channel, showed a picture of a pyramid-like structure in the snow. Responses to the picture were varied, with some users backing-up the claims, such as James Jason, who commented: “Excellent report by Third Phase!I also believe things are about to get very dramatic (戏剧性的),and that is for everyone on our planet.”

Ashoka Tripathi from the University of Calcutta said the pictures showed clear evidence of an ancient human settlement beneath the ice sheet. “These are clearly characteristics of some sort of human-made structure, like some sort of pyramidal structure,” he said. “The patterns clearly show nothing we should expect from nature. We clearly have evidence of human engineering here,” John Emerson, his coll eague, added.

But others were against it, such as Gordon Anderson, who said, “I have spent a lot of time on snow covered mountains—skiing down, and this looks natural to me—not man made anyway!”12.What makes Peter Tumney believe in human civilization in Antarctica?

A.The ice sheet.

B.A heavy snowfall.

C.A big sastrugi.

D.An oval-shaped structure.

13.What is Third Phase of the Moon?

A.A picture.

B.A person.

C.A channel.

D.A video.

14.Who thinks the pyramidal structure is natural?

A.James Jason.

B.Ashoka Tripathi.

C.John Emerson.

D.Gordon Anderson.

15.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A.Antarctica, a possible land of civilization

B.South Pole, a splendid place to live in

C.Evidence of a newly-found planet

D.An excel lent post on Ancient Code


Brush, ink, inkstone and paper are known as the Four Treasures of the Scholar’s Studio. 16.

The brush pen was used as early as the seventh or sixth century BC.The holder is usually made of bamboo. Different from the pen we use today, the tip of the brush pen is soft and big. 17.The animal hair used is extremely important to the quality of the brush, but the material for the holder is relatively less important.

The brush was used with ink, basically made from pine soot (松烟) or lampblack and glue with many other kinds of additives. 18.A writer then rubs the dry ink stick against an inkstone, a polished and often decorative piece of stone with a shallow bowl carved into one end. Water is added to the shallow bowl, while the writer moves the ink stick in a circular motion (运动) to form dark, liquid ink. 19.

Archaeological (考古学的) evidence shows paper was invented around the first century BC.People used materials such as raw hemp (生麻) and tree bark to produce paper. 20.By the third century, paper was already widely used instead of traditional writing materials such as bamboo slips and silks.

A.It is usually made of wolf, rabbit, or goat hair.

B.Brush pens were used to write and paint as well.

C.Ink is kept as a solid, dry stick until ready for use.

D.In the past, the scholar-official class used these treasures as tools of writing.

E.Since these materials were readily available, paper was inexpensive to produce.

F.So some inkstones with fine decorations can fetch really high prices on the market.

G.When a desired blackness of ink is reached, the writer then uses the brush to lift the ink directly from the inkstone.


For most people, retirement is the time during which they will spend the rest of their lives at home, bored to death. But being an active inpidual, I 21 to sit at home and live a dull life.

That is why I came to China soon after I retired in 2010 and taught 22 at a high school in Xingtai, Hebei province. As Mother’s Day approached that year, I decided to hold a party for the students and their 23 .

With the help of the Chinese teachers, I 24 to hold a competition for the most

25 and original gift that a student can create for his or her mom. To be honest, I was 26 of persuading my students to inform their parents about the party. However, I was pleasantly 27 that most of the parents took time off their busy schedule to come.

My plan included 28 each student to stand up in front of the class and 29 express his or her feeling toward his or her mother. Some of my students were 30 enough to make their speeches in both English and Chinese. My shy students 31 their timidity(胆怯) to stand elegantly and expressed their 32 for their mothers! The mothers could not 33 their tears from being overjoyed by the tender(温柔的)words of their children.

I felt extremely proud of my students. I was again surprised 34 I asked the students to present their handmade 35 to their mothers. I was deeply moved by their 36 . At the end of the 37 most parents expressed their gratitude(感激)to all of us.

That night strengthened my attitude toward life and 38 . I realized that I don’t have to 39 . I can share my knowledge of English with my students through 40 at schools and make a positive difference in their lives. Age is not a limit.

21.A.decide B.want C.hate D.fail 22.A.history B.English C.art D.Chinese 23.A.parents B.teachers C.friends D.schoolmates 24.A.continued B.refused C.planned D.hesitated 25.A.thoughtful B.expensive C.common D.shabby 26.A.proud B.fond C.guilty D.skeptical 27.A.disappointed B.confident C.surprised D.anxious 28.A.forcing B.begging C.forbidding D.permitting 29.A.silently B.freely C.quickly D.merely 30.A.considerate B.selfless C.honest D.mild 31.A.took part in B.caught up with C.gave way to D.got rid of 32.A.forgiveness B.support C.regret D.love 33.A.hold back B.give up C.note down D.put out 34.A.if B.although C.when D.because 35.A.tools B.foods C.gifts D.clothes 36.A.generosity B.creativity C.determination D.contribution 37.A.class B.party C.conference D.feast 38.A.entertainment B.childhood C.money D.retirement 39.A.hang out B.stay home C.go abroad D.hold on 40.A.teaching B.wandering C.touring D.studying



It's common to see food delivery workers riding electric bikes in a hurry through big cities in China. Some of them even risk 41.(run) red lights to deliver their meals in time. However, such careless behavior often causes serious problems.

The reason for the rise of such a careless behavior is that there is 42.large demand for food delivery workers, and many companies offer high salaries 43.(attract) new workers.

In fact, food delivery workers are often under high 44.(press) from their employers. They face company fines for delivering food late. Moreover, the more orders they take, the more money they can earn, 45.leads to some workers checking 46.(they) mobile phones for new orders while they are riding their bikes

While most companies require delivery workers to follow traffic rules, it remains a problem whether these requirements and rules are 47.(strict) obeyed

To solve the problem, some cities 48.(take) action since last year. Shanghai required the delivery workers should49.(train) on traffic rules and safety. Now in Shenzhen, if a delivery worker gets caught breaking traffic rules more than twice, he or she will be banned 50.driving food delivery vehicles for a whole year.


51.假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文,文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/\),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:

2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Through my process of grow up, senior high school life is most interesting.

The teachers give excellent lessons on a special way. All of them have rich knowledge. They not only explain the contents of textbooks and also provide extra information from many other aspect. Every word they say it in class makes me feel exiting. I have a strong desire to learn as much as I can. There is many kinds of after-school activities that are organized by us. We often shared a lot of things together.

I am absolute fond of my senior school life.


52.假如你是李华,你校外教Mr. Johnson打算在中国过春节。请你用英文给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:







Dear Mr. Johnson,

___________________________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________________________ _________________

___________________________________________________________________________ _________________



Li Hua







推理判断题。根据第一段的第二句“Other scientists win the "Ig Nobel" Prize, which honors real science that is so strange. We want to make people laugh and then think”可知,这个搞笑的诺贝尔奖的目的就是让你笑和思考。分析选项可知A项符合题意。


推理判断题。根据第5段中的“She found out you need to pide the number of people by 2 to figure it out. Twelve people? Take at least six photos,”可知,必须把拍照的一组人数除以2就可以得出拍照的次数。因此,组32人的至少要拍16次。分析选项可知D项正确。


推理判断题。根据第二个奖“Winner 2005 Public Health Ig Nobel”奖的获得者是Jillian Clar 可知,她的研究是关于公众健康的(Public Health)故选B项。








推理判断题。根据第二段的“I felt bullied (欺负)and alone and it was really hard for me. "She said it was Betty Cornell’s teen-age Popularity Guide, a 1950s how-to book bought by her dad that greatly inspired her.”分析可知,她读Betty Cornell’s book之前,在学校感觉是被欺负的和孤

单的,而且感觉生活很难(really hard),really hard与difficult是同义词,故选C项。5.A

推理判断题。根据第二段中的“…She decided to follow the advice -devoting each month of her 8th grade year to different chapters like" neat-looking and" Be a Hostess" and see if she could, in fact. become popular.”可知Maya读完书后,决定按照作者的建议(the advice)如何让自己有一个整洁的外表等,可知,这是给青少年自己得到让大家认可的建议。分析选项可知A 正确。


推理判断题。根据第三中的“It was just the beginning: Penguin was the first publisher to bite and shortly after, Dreamworks got the movie rights”及第四段的第一句“.And while she's riding the high of Popular for the time being,”可知,是企鹅出版社出版了她的第一本书,当时她正受欢迎。分析句意可知,答案是B项。


【解题剖析】此题属于推理判断题中的(4)根据事实细节,推断合理信息。答案需要从文章的This is my chance to experience high school, so it's the most important.进行推断。

【答案定位】根据最后一段中的“This is my chance to experience high school, so it's the most important.”可知,她认为高中的经历对她来说是非常重要的。

【推理关系】题干What can we infer from Maya's words in the last paragraph? ?文章内容This is my chance to experience high school, so it's the most important.

bring along the appropriate clothing.?A选项Her study at high school is necessary and important.?关键词the most important.和necessary and important.


根据事实细节,推断合理信息。推理题要求在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,作出一定判断和推论,从而得到文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理题所涉及的内容可能是文中某一句话,也可是某几句话,但做题的指导思想都是以文字信息为依据,既不能做出在原文中找不到文字根据的推理,也不能根据表面文字信息做多步推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据, 推论有理, 忠实原文。切忌用自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论








推理判断题。根据第一段“people may shrink physically as they get older and have a higher incidence of falls, but how many people have thought about buying a more comfortable and stable chair for their elderly parents?”可知,当人们老了,身体会体萎缩,跌倒的可能性增加。但是,很少有人想过为年迈的父母买一把更舒适、更稳定的椅子。分析句子的“身体的萎缩”及“买一把更舒适、更稳定的椅子”可知,老年人面临的是身体上的不方便。故选B项。9.D

【解题剖析】此题属于猜测词义中的(4):依据逻辑推理猜测词义。答案需要推断take care of them和babysitter同义关系。

【答案定位】根据第二段第一句“We spend generously on our children, such as hiring a nanny to take care of them When we look for a nanny for our baby,”可知是找一个人去照顾孩子。由此可知照顾孩子的是保姆。可推知:此处take care of them和babysitter同义关系。

【推理关系】题干Which of the following can replace the underlined word" nanny" in paragraph 2? ?文章内容T We spend generously on our children, such as hiring a nanny to take care of them When we look for a nanny for our baby,

take care of them和babysitter同义关系。?D选项babysitter




推理判断题。根据第三段中的第二句“However, we are not yet old, so perhaps it's hard for us to

understand the bitterness of the elderly:”可知,因为我们还没有老,所以也许我们很难理解老年人的痛苦。由此可推断出我们无法理解老人的痛苦是因为年轻,故C项正确。


推理判断题。根据最后一段中的最后一句“Because the elderly were once the backbone of society and made huge contributions, they should enjoy the fruits of the country's development as well” 因为老年人曾经是社会的中坚力量,做出了巨大的贡献,他们也应该享受国家发展的成果。可知,作者认为老年人值得社会关注。分析选项可知B项正确。








推理判断题。根据第一、二、三段可知,在南极洲的照片上出现了一个椭圆形的结构。有人说,这种结构是人类文明曾经存在于南极的证据,而另一些人则认为这可能是一种自然现象。但Peter Turney认为南极洲有人类文明。分析以上三段内容可知,Peter Turney认为南极洲的存在人类文明的就是这个椭圆形的结构。故选D项。


猜测词义题。根据第七段中的第一句“Third Phase of the Moon, a You Tube channel, showed a picture of a pyramid-like structure in the snow.”可知,Third Phase of the Moon与a You Tube channel是同位语的关系,即Third Phase of the Moon,就是a You Tube channel,分析选项可知C项符合题意。


推理判断题。根据最后一段内容“But others were against it, such as Gordon Anderson, who said, "I have spent a lot of time on snow covered mountains - skiing down, and this looks natural to

me-not man made anyway.!”可知一些人认为金字塔是人造的,但Gordon Anderson却认为










本文考查的历史知识。笔、墨、纸、砚被称为中国的“文房四宝" ,是古代写作的工具。本文简单介绍了文房四宝是如何制作而成的。




考查对上下文的理解及推理判断能力。根据上句“Different from the pen we use today, the tip of the brush pen is soft and big.”及下句“The animal hair used is extremely important to the quality of the brush,”可知毛笔要用动物的毛作的,分析选项可知本段The animal hair与A 项中的wolf, rabbit, or goat hair有词的复现,且A项(它通常由狼、兔子或山羊毛制成)句意符合题意,故选A项。












(3)看选项,找出与空前空后句中心词同义,近义或相关性的词语。实现关键词的对接,先易后难,各个突破。如第2小题,分析选项可知本段The animal hair与A项中的wolf, rabbit, or goat hair有词的复现,且A项句意符合题意,故选A项。

(4)解题的关键是能娴熟地利用各种衔接手段。尤其要注意代词,连词等。如表示转折关系的but,though,however 等。


























考查名词辨析。. 根据最后一段中的“.I can share my knowledge of English with my stud ents”可知,我在学校教的是英语(English ),故选B项。


考查名词辨析。根据上句“As Mothers Day approached that year, …”可知,随着母亲节的临近,我决定为学生和他们的父母(parents)举办一个晚会。故选A项。




考查形容词辨析。根据文章可知,在母亲节的到来表达对父母的爱的,因此学生动手做的礼物应该是体贴的,而不是expensive昂贵的,更不是shabby低劣的;根据“original” 独创的,可知不会是common 常见的,共同的。故选A项。


考查形容词辨析。proud自豪的;fond喜欢的;guilty内疚的;skeptical怀疑性的,好怀疑的。根据文章中的“However. I was pleasantly ___7___ that most of the parents took time off their busy schedule to come”然而,大部分家长来了,由“However”可推断出我对学生们能否说服家长来持怀疑态度。故选D项。


考查形容词辨析。根据后一句“most of the parents took time off their busy schedule to come” 可知,大部分家长抽时间来了,让我很惊讶(surprised),而其他三项(disappointed失望的;confident自信的;anxious焦急的)不符合语境,故选C项。




考查副词辨析。silently寂静地,沉默地;freely自由地,随意地;quickly快速地;merely 简单地。根据第8题的句意可知选B项。


考查形容词辨析。considerate体贴的,考虑周到的;selfless无私的,忘我的;honest诚实的;mild温柔的,温和的,温暖的。句意:我的一些学生很体贴,能用中英文发表他们的演讲。根据下一句“speeches in both English and Chinese”可知,担心父母听不懂英语,所以用两种语言,很体贴。故选A项。


考查短语辨析。take part in参加;catch up with赶上;give way to让位给…;get rid of摆脱。句意:我害羞的学生没有了胆怯,优雅地站在父母面前,表达他们对妈妈的爱。分析句意可知学生摆脱了胆怯,故选D项。


考查名词辨析。forgiveness 宽恕,原谅;support支持;regret后悔,遗憾;love爱。根据



考查动词辨析。hold back控制;give up放弃;note down 记下;put out出版,扑灭。母亲们无法控制(hold back)自己喜悦的眼泪。故选A 项。




考查名词。tool工具;food食物;gift礼物;clothes衣服。根据上文中的“for the most ___5_ original gift”可知,选礼物。故选C项。


考查名词辨析。generosity慷慨,大方;creativity创造性,创造力;determination决心,决定;contribution贡献,捐赠。根据第5小题的“___5_ original gift”中的“original”可知要用“创造性”,故选B项。


考查名词辨析。根据上文可知,举行的是(party),因此在晚会的最后,其余三项(class 班级;conference会议,讨论;feast盛会,宴会)均不符合题意,故选B项。


考查名词辨析。entertainment娱乐,消遣;childhood童年,儿童时代;money钱;retirement 娱乐。根据最后一句“I don t have to stay home.I can share my knowledge of English with my students… Age is not a limit”。作者在第一段提出自己不会像其他人退休在家无所事事,而那天晚上的晚会加强了我对生活和退休(retirement)的态度。即要尽力发挥自己的余热。故选D项。


考查动词短语辨析。句意:我意识到我不必呆在家里,根据下一句“.I can share my knowledge of English with my students”可知,不必呆在家里(stay home),我可以和我的学生分享我的英语知识。而其他三项(hang out伸出; go abroad出国;hold on坚持)不符合题意,故选B项。






43.to attract





48.have taken

49.be trained




41.考查动名词。句意:有些人为了及时送饭甚至冒着闯红灯的危险。risk doing sth为固定搭配,意为“冒险做某事”。故填running。


的。demand 为可数名称,且large首字母的发音为辅音音素,所以用a来表示泛指,a large demand for…意为“对......巨大的需求量”,故填a。

43.考查非谓语作目的状语。句意:许多公司为了吸引新工人而提供高薪。分析句意可知,动词不定式表目的,故填to attract。


45.考查定语从句。分析句子the more orders they take, the more money they can earn,__5__ leads to some workers checking their mobile phones可知,本句为非限制性定语从句,前面句子作定语从句的主语,所以要用which指代前面的内容。故填which。

46.考查人称代词。句意:他们接的订单越多,他们赚钱越多,这导致(为了节省时间)当他们骑车时会看手机。分析句意可知,是配送工人骑车时看他们的(their)的手机。故填their。47.考查副词作状语修饰动词。句意:虽然大多数公司要求送货工人遵守交通规则,但这些要求和规则是否严格遵守,仍然是个问题。分析句子rules are ___7___ (strict)obeyed可知,

形容词strict在句中修饰动词obey,修饰动词要用副词,故用其副词形式strictly。故填strictly。48.考查谓语动词的时态。根据句中的时态状语“since last year”可知,本句中要用现在完成时,主语是复数名词some cities,故填have taken。

49.考查虚拟语气。分析句子Shanghai required the delivery workers should___9___ (train) on traffic rules and safety可知,本句中require表示建议,所带的宾语从句要用虚拟语气should+动词原形,should可省略。本句中的工人是被培训,故要用(should) be trained,其中的should 可省略。故填be trained。

50.考查介词。ban sb.from doing sth,为固定搭配,意为“禁止某人做某事”。其被动形式为sb, be banned from doing sth.,故填from。



1.grow 改为growing

考查动词ing形式作介词宾语。grow up在句中作介词of的宾语,动词不能直接作宾语要用ing形式作宾语,故把.grow 改为growing。


