
更新时间:2023-03-31 23:41:01 阅读量: 英语作文 文档下载



关于汉字的作文(一) 汉字,是凝聚我们中华民族五千年的结晶。然而,在中国八万个汉字中,我最喜欢学这个字。“学”虽只寥寥数笔,但在我心中的地位是神圣的。 从古至今,有学问之士都好学。孔子曰:“学而不厌,诲人不倦”;乾文言曰:“君子学以聚之,问以辨之。”;昭公曰:“夫学,殖也,不学将落。”?? 我和“学”这个字还结下了不解之缘还得归功于《水浒传》这本书。 一天,妈妈买回一本《水浒传》,让我阅读。我信手翻阅,立即对这本图文并茂的书产生了浓厚的兴趣,津津有味地看了起来。 不到一个小时,这本书就被我看完了。我便把《水浒传》搁在一旁,看起其它书来了。妈妈见了,便问我:“你这本书看完了?”“看完了。”我随口回答。“那你知道你林冲的绰号是什么?黑旋风是谁?花荣的绰号又是什么?”。面对妈妈这一大串炮弹似的问号,我支吾了半天,答不上来。“你知道吗?《水浒传》里有一百零八将,他们的性格都被刻画的栩栩如生,所以它才能成为‘四大名着’之一。”这时,我才恍然大悟:《水浒传》里一百零八将,各不相同,各具特色。而我看书只注重故事的情节,却忽略了每个人物的特点。


关于汉字的作文:“诸”字闹笑话 山东临清市古楼小区4座西单元252600 李爱贞 “诸”字来到大街上,见到两个人长得很像,他对其中一个说:“我们做朋友吧!” “候”

大量了一下“诸”字说:“你找错人了吧?我是‘候’,他是‘侯’,你应该找他交朋友才对呀!” “噢,我看出来了,你们俩是双胞胎。” “你看清楚好不好?我们虽然是双胞胎,但我比他多一笔呢!再说他读hou,我读hou,读音也不一样呀!” “诸”不以为然,说:“不就是多了一竖吗?我不计较,就凑合凑合吧!” 这下“侯”来火了:“像你这样乱凑合,我就没有朋友了,因为能和我组合的汉字实在太少可,只有‘诸’‘爵’等少数几个字。” “候”接口说:“‘侯’弟,你别那么悲观好不好?你还可以当做人的姓氏用嘛!再说,你还可以作其他汉字的偏旁,如c咽喉,的‘喉’,‘猕猴’的‘猴’;我就不能做别的字的偏旁。” “诸”在一旁听得面红耳赤,他一直以为这些字的偏旁都是“候”呢,这下可长见识了。 “侯”听“候”这么一说,心情平静了许多,说:“我毕竟比你差,你有四个意思,可组的词更是多了。” “诸”急切地问:“他到底有哪四个意思呢?” “别急,‘候’的意思:①等待,如‘等候’;②看望,如‘问候’;③时节,如‘气候’;④事物在变化中的情况,如‘症候,等。” “诸”听到这里,惭愧极了,说:“原来两位的读音不同,写法不同,意思也不同,我真是错看你们了,太不应该了。我以后一定改掉这粗心大意的坏毛病。

篇三:Traditional Chinese character 关于汉字的专四作文

Opinions on whether the traditional Chinese character differs greatly. The supportive side maintains that with better-looking shape, traditional Chinese character is widely used in historical records. Politically, it acts as the role of reuniting Chinese around the world. The opponents, however, argue that for the sake of efficiency the simplified character is more suitable as the official writing system. Besides, it has actually been used in textbooks for half a century, for it follows the trend of continuous evolution. My opinion on this issue is the same with the supporters.

To begin with, the traditional Chinese character carries a naturally emotional sense, which makes it livelier and more tasteful. The character “love” is a wonderful instance. Bearing a heart inside, it conveys a profound insight of the affections among people, while the simplified version omitted it. Secondly, multiple graphological features of traditional Chinese character make the handwriting alone a form of art. In that case, deleting stokes or changing the structure would be tearing the ancient artery work apart. Last, applying the same writing system which has been used for thousands of years is a great help to unite our people together, as a whole country, and the same nation.

In all, the vividness of traditional Chinese character irreplaceable. What we need to do is to call for its prompt restoration.

