2016~2017高三上学期周练分类错题 1-5汇总+答案

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1. He advised farmers to choose the best seed-heads, ______that had the best color. A. those B. ones C. it D. one

2. A responsible teacher must see to ______ that every one of his students develops his full potential. A. all B. them C. / D. it

3. Raising _____retirement age step by step is in _____line with China’s labor market realities and should be prioritized. A. the; / B /; the C. /;/ D. the; the 4. Never shall I forget that poem and the inspiration _____provided for my first novel. A. which B. that C. it D. what 词汇辨析:

1. Many couples in China are reluctant to have a second child, because raising a child is really a__both mentally and economically. A. relief B. thrill C. burden D. virtue 2. Living in a dormitory can be a great experience and many students make lifelong friends there; however, disaster can ____when conflicts arise there, in the same place. A. shorten B. fade C. strike D. escape

3. The young woman is described as _______, because she is always the subject of intense public argument, disagreement or disapproval.

A. ambitious B. arbitrary C. controversial D. contradictory 4. Despite the fact that all three teams ____different approaches to the problem, they were all immediate successes. A. acquired B. adapted C. achieved D. adopted 5. Whether eating out will cause certain cancers has remained ______; experts are still finding evidence to prove the truth. A. contradictory B. convincing C. concrete D. controversial

6. Due to the ______ of this medical technology, some diseases can be treated at an early stage. A. appreciation B. application C. appointment D. approach 7. The employees consider their boss unfair and unreasonable because he is not ___is dealing with company affairs.

A. consistent B. controversial C. confident D. conventional 8. ----Anything special about this device?

----Well, it can_____between the cancerous and the normal cells under certain conditions. A. conclude B. exclude C. discriminate D. undergo

9. Emotional conflict may shake the ______ of even the strongest relationship, e.g.

between husband and wife, parents and children.

A. proportion B. foundation C. innovation D. interaction

10. According to the Ministry of Environmental Protection, many cities in China suffered ______ air pollution during the third quarter of this year. A. meaningful B. amusing C. significant D. fundamental 11. In today’s fast changing and competitive world, to be able to learn faster and

more effectively is not merely desirable; it is _____.

A. essential B. enterprising C. challenging D. sufficient

12. Bird-watching is a hobby that allows you to enjoy the wonders of nature without

an unnecessary ___ of time or money.

A. commitment B. appointment C. measurement D. assignment


13. The insurance company has sent us an email saying their policy has been

specially___to our needs. A. related B. attached C. tailored D. accustomed 14. ---Was the proposal passed at yesterday’s meeting?

---Yes, but some members of the committee expressed ______. A. association B. reservation C. authority D. corporation

15. —Why do you think the music is used? —To__the plot, not simply to keep the toes tapping. A. lose B. discover C. forward D. construct

16. Many young people are only ready to chat via the Internet, but somewhat ____ _ to communicate face to face. A. desperate B. reluctant C. voluntary D. anxious

17. Whatever the relationship, try to _____ to each person all your kindness and understanding. A. appeal B. cater C. extend D. attach

18. At the end of the historic area, Wilmington displayed its____ as a working port city: large ware-houses and a few other dated office buildings.

A. achievement B. reputation C. character D. standard 19.We work during the week, but weekends and evenings are usually____. A.vacant B. casual C. empty D. clear

20.He____whether to set aside the minor differences, then he did. A.debated B. predicted C. plotted D. calculated

21.People all think it strange that the boy should tell what’s written on the paper in another room without looking at it. It really ________ explanation. A. prevents B. challenges C. interrupts D. confuses

22.Despite a reduction in earning there are ______in moving to the north-east where the quality of life is excellent.

A.compensations B.accumulations C.suspensions D.conservations 23.The young man swore that he would never ______ from any difficulties, whether he could be successful or not. A.resign B.shrink C.recover D.squeeze 24.While some may debate the _____ nature of fashion and sustainability, more people believe that there is a fine line between the two.

A.controversial B.confidential C.conservative D.contradictory

25. While reading, try to develop a more ___attitude, instead of accepting everything at face value. A. realistic B. critical C. ambiguous D. casual

26. The article in The Times gives us a real ______ into the causes of the present economic crisis. A. enquiry B. admission C. insight D. division 27. A recent research shows smoking and drinking ________ with your body’s ability to process oxygen, thus greatly affecting your health. A. identify B. correspond C. combine D. interfere

28.When evening came, I stood at the beach admiring the silver ___ of moonlight on the ocean. A. light B. shadow C. color D. play

29.John deserves enormous _______for the way his team performed, not only yesterday but throughout his first year in charge.

A. comment B. consideration C. credit D. cooperation

30. As our awareness increase, our eagerness for health and well-being will be ________, moving us into a more positive and natural relationship with ourselves. A. achieved B. recognized C. promoted D. sponsored


31. Sometimes, we say, “I love you” to our parents or ________others when we hang up the phone, not because we mean it, but out of habit.

A. significant B. intelligent C. remarkable D. distinguished

32. You needn’t be too concerned about what to wear to the party—it’s all _____ anyway, because you haven’t even been invited yet.

A. academic B. painful C. physical D. economical 33. —What do you think about that new librarian?

—She is __ of a good clerk, for she even doesn’t know how to classify the books. A. somebody B. nothing C. something D. nobody

34. A great collection left in private hands was the subject of crazy bidding at Sotheby’s in Hong Kong on Wednesday, which ________HK $ 502m, well over twice the top estimate. A. fetched B. charged C. afforded D. valued 35. The failure was a big __ to him, but he wasn't discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever. A. blow B. issue C. excuse D. factor 36. Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was alive.

A. steadily B. instantly C. formerly D. permanently

37. The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and ______ review of the case. A. comprehensive B. complicated C. conscious D. crucial

38 .Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be____. A. accurate B. punctual C. efficient D. reasonable 39. Determined to work for his hometown, he abandoned all good ______ from several international companies.

A. contributions B. applications C. offers D. recommendations

40. The technology is ______ changing, so it isn’t an easy job to choose a cell-phone today. A. constantly B. automatically C. temporarily D. immediately 41. The price of electricity is on an upward trend, so ______ your electric car will somehow burn a big hole in your pocket. A. purchasing B. charging C. mending D. handling

42. The official statement of the Community Party offered people a glimpse into how

China’s leaders ______ the country’s urban development, including the role public policy would play in guiding the trend.

A. advocated B. assessed C. anticipated D. allocated

43. It is important for parents to remain _______ in educating their children as forbidding a thing one day and excusing it the next is not foundation for morality. A. conservative B. conventional C. contradictory D. consistent

44. Each working day, The Daily is updated on the website every hour, unless _____ indicated. A. otherwise B. therefore C. nevertheless D. moreover

45.The police have already investigated some witnesses and the ______ is that it was just an accident, even among the families.

A. conscience B. criterion C. consensus D. contract

46. China may as well keep its growth rate above 7 percent. _______, the rate may be set between 6 to 7 percent, for the sake of a healthy environment.

A. Differently B. Alternatively C. Accordingly D. Conversely


47. ----Sharon, many experts believe that the two pictures are roughly _______.

-----I don’t quite agree. The painting style may look very similar but their painters

were born in quite different dynasties.

A. contemporary B. contradictory C. conventional D. conservative 48. The ________ in Chinese exports in recent years has resulted in a flood of inexpensive goods for American consumers.

A. immigration B. introduction C. explosion D. investment

49. On the few extremely cold nights in January, lots of people ______early to bed at the least suspicion of a chill. A. retired B. stuck C. escaped D. remained 50. Western Europe has its of scenic driving routes on mountains and cliffs. A. shade B. share C. shape D. shadow

51. With the number of migrants rising sharply, Europe’s leaders have struggled to find solutions that can both domestic political pressures and their legal and moral duties to shelter those migrants. A. accommodate B. guarantee C. influence D. convince

52.Mobile telecommunications ______ is expected to double globally this year as a consequence of a contract lately signed between the two giants.

A. capability B. potential C. possession D. impact

53.He never arrives on time and my ______ is that he feels the meetings are useless. A. preference B. conference C. inference D. reference

54.These goods are______for export, though a few of them may be sold on the home market. A.essentially B.completely C.necessarily D.literally 55. You wouldn’t normally ___these two writers; their styles are completely different. A. distinguish B. associate C. adjust D. divorce 短语辨析:

1.In recent years, novels with plots and themes featuring tomb robbery have ________well in China, which have been among the best-sellers.

A. died out B. caught on C. hung on D. fallen down

2. Woman are often in a disadvantaged position _______men in the social competition. In order to survive, they have to be independent, strong and tough.

A. on behalf of B. for the sake of C. with regard to D. in comparison with 3. As to me, the need for upgrading my cell phone comes mainly from my friends. When they are ______ the latest devices, I worry about feeling left out.

A. submitting to B. appealing to C. switching to D. subscribing to 4. The end of school time means the beginning of a new period in life and graduation season is the time to ________ the past and look forward to the future.

A. count on B. decide on C. reflect on D. concentrate on 5. --- The car is small. Is it safe? --- Definitely. Tests suggest it is _______ safe than any other type of good car. A. no less B. not less C. no more D. not more 6. At first, the company _____many fine promises to Jack in order to get him to work for him. A. held up B. held back C. held off D. held out

7.There is something amazing in the Chinese that has stayed unchanged, something from Confucianism, _________the family and ancestors.

A. in demand of B. in respect of C. in line with D. in common with


8. Peter will his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month. A. take up B. put up C. add up D. break up

9. There is no doubt that this candidate’s advantage ____ his ability to communicate with foreigners in English. A. leaves out B. goes against C. lies in D. makes up 10. Effective management and sincere apology will help to ______ the customers’ negative impression on the travel agency.

A. bring about B. turn around C. account for D. set off

11. ______ the consistent efforts made by the people of Hangzhou, preparatory work for the G20 Summit has been a success. A. Thanks to B. In terms of C. With regard to D. In addition to 12. Nowadays, more and more students tend to _____online courses instead of taking courses at the training center. A. subscribe to B. appeal to C.adapt to D. stick to 13. China and UK would strengthen the strategic partnership ________ climate science and service so as to benefit people of the two countries.

A. in view of B. in face of C. in favor of D. in terms of 14. He really wanted a bigger pay raise but decided to ________ what they offered. A. stand for B. allow for C. answer for D. settle for

15. Many Chinese use WeChat for both one-on-one and group communication ________international phone calls when traveling overseas.

A. in preference to B. in process of C. in reference with D. in search of 16.While David sometimes has trouble getting along with his parents and even argues with them, their parents love him __________.

A. not so much B. not so little C. no more D. no less

17. The educational expert’s speech ________ a new round of consultation from parents about children’s domestic education.

A. put off B. left off C. let off D. kicked off

18. When we seek to discover the best in others, we somehow ________ the best in ourselves. A. bring out B. take out C. put on D. turn on

19. It’s unwise of you to consider his wild behavior as _________ a kid’s game. It may gradually develop into a bad habit.

A. no less than B. less than C. not more than D. no more than 20.__the severe traffic pressure, many city authorities have started to restrict the use of private vehicles. A. By means of B. In terms of C. With regard to D. In response to 时态和语态:

1. — Jerry, where did you guys go for the summer vacation?

— We ____busy with our work, or we would have gone to Brazil to watch the games. A. were B. have been C. had been D. would be 2. — Shall we make it at 7:30 tomorrow?

— Sorry. I ____the final between Zhang Jike and Ma Long in Rio de Janeiro at home. A. am about to watch B. will watch C. will be watching D. will have watched 3. Dear me! Just ________ at the time! I ________ no idea it was so late.

A. look; had B. look; have C. looking; had D. looking; have

4. All the passengers, according to the new regulation, ___before boarding the subway. A. will inspect B. are to be inspected

C. are going to inspect D. are about to be inspected


