
更新时间:2023-09-06 01:20:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载





Useful phrases and expressions

prefer … to … 喜欢……胜过于…… go to somebody for help 找某人帮忙 hold …up 抬起;举起 at once 立即;马上 the key to… ……的关键 make eye contact 与某人目光接触 as a matter of fact 事实上;其实 stare at somebody 盯着看;凝视(某人) be of … height and build 有……身高和体形 dance on points 用脚尖儿跳舞 be careful about 小心;谨慎 in a … way 以……样子或方式 remind somebody about something 提醒某人某事 push out one's chin 翘起下巴 beg for 讨要;乞讨 be similar to 与……相似 look somebody in the eye 直视某人;正视某人 sit up straight 坐直 in the direction of 朝……方向 Language● Verb + -ing

as subject

● Verb + -ing after a preposition Daily expressions What’s up, ...? 1R How can that be? I mean … 1R 1R That’s why … 1R Really? 1R That sounds reasonable. 1L Oh,bless my poor heart! 1S …, it’s your turn. 1S As they say… 1MP Make sure … 1MP Now you can …

● recognize and understand body language ● listen for descriptive words

● give stress and rhythm to words and sentences ● describe a friendly person ● write a reminder


1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1L 1L 1L 1W 1W 1MP 1MP 1MP 1MP 1MP 1MP


Uint 2


Useful phrases and expressions

2R on top of the world 欢天喜地;心满意足

2R depend on 取决于;由……决定

2R care for 照顾;护理

2R first of all 第一;首先

2R lack of (something) ……的缺乏

2R rob somebody of something 剥夺;夺去;夺走

2R prevent … from doing something 阻止;防止

2R worry about 担心;担忧;发愁

2R prepare for 为……做准备

have something done 让他人为你做(某事) 2L how often 多长时间做一次(某事) 2S

2S on average 平均

2W on one’s way to … 在某人去……的路上

2W make an appointment 预约;约定

2W do one’s hair 理发;美发

2MP make ... money 赚钱;获利

2MP be based on 基于;根据


● Adjective + for + pronoun + to + verb ● Adjective + enough + to + verb

● Adjective + of + pronoun + to + verb

Daily expressions …, be sure … 2R Is that so? 2S No! 2S I don’t believe it! 2S Would you mind …? 2S Just think of … 2MP

Now you can …

● understand more about hair care and hairdressing ● listen to appointments

● show interest and change the topic in a conversation ● write an e-mail to cancel an appointment

Unit 3


Useful phrases and expressions

lose someone’s appetite for 对……失去胃口 3R



balanced diet 均衡的饮食 be bad for


agree on something 对……意见一致 on the other hand 另一方面 decide on 决定;选定 scoop out 用勺挖出 cut up

切碎;剁碎 make the best use of 充分利用 make … profits 盈利;收益


● Object clause with a question word

● Object clause with that after an adjective

Daily expressions

You see, … Sure I am.

As you can see, …

Now you can …

● understand more about health and food ● listen to someone ordering food ● link words in speech

● talk about food and give health advice ● write a recipe Unit 4


Useful phrases and expressions

by accident 偶然;意外地 do good (对某人)有好处;有益 by mistake 错误地;无意地 work out 找到……的答案;解决 get into bad habits 染上恶习 point out 指出 in this way 以这种方式;这样 make an effort to do something 试图;努力 be to blame for 对(坏事)负有责任


in the case of 件中 put something right 改正;修正 look out for 当心;提防;防备


3R 3R 3R 3R 3R 3W 3W 3MP 3MP

3R 3R 3MP

4R 4R 4R 4L 4L 4L 4L 4L 4S 4MP 4MP 4MP



● The comparative and superlative of adverbs ● Question tag

Daily expressions

It’s not your fault! 4R I’m afraid … 4S … I can’t make it ..., but I can manage ... 4S I appreciate it. 4S Not at all. 4S I’m very grateful. 4S Don’t mention it. 4S Who is to blame for …? 4S It was none of your business. 4W I regret to say … 4MP I am confident … 4MP

Now you can …

● understand more about school counselling and teenage problems ● listen and recognize a speaker’s topic ● express thanks and regret ● write to ask for advice Unit 5


Useful phrases and expressions

5R at birth 出生时

5R fall in love with somebody 喜欢;爱上

5R pull off 拉下;扯下

5R feel sorry for somebody 怜悯;同情

in somebody’s time 在……时代;在……年代 5R

5S reach a decision 做出决定

5W keep something in mind 将……记在心中;考虑


catch somebody’s eyes 目

5MP treat…as 把…看作

5MP leave something behind 忘记带;丢下


● It + be + adjective + that-clause ● Adjective + preposition Daily expressions Anything else? 5L



Let’s see … 5L Anyway, don’t worry. 5L I’m sure I will. 5L I wish I’d been there. 5S What contest? 5S I know what you mean. 5MP

Now you can …

● understand more about the theatre and some famous plays ● listen and take notes about someone’s career ● understand more about stress in nouns and verbs ● talk about music ● write notices

Unit 6


Useful phrases and expressions know something by heart at the wheel pay no attention to something side by side from that day on instruct somebody in something be absorbed in something ring up have trouble doing something in a minute make up somebody's mind guest of honour too … to …


● Noun phrase + to-infinitive ● Question word + to-infinitive

Daily expressions

You don’t have to. Now we’re in trouble! This is unbelievable! I’m delighted for you! I’m glad for you! What a shame! Long time no see.

What’s new (with you)!

记住;背熟 坐在方向盘后;开车 不注意;不留意 并排;肩并肩 从那天起 教授某人…… 专心致志;全神贯注 打电话 做某事有困难 过一会儿 做出决定 贵宾 太……而不能…… 5

6R 6R 6R 6R 6R 6R 6L 6S 6MP 6MP 6MP 6MP 6MP

6R 6R 6L 6S 6S 6S 6S 6S



You can say that again. May I speak to …, please? Is that …? See you then.

Who was that on the phone, ...? I understand.

Wait a minute, please. Of course not.

Now you can …

● understand more about some great minds ● listen and identify people

● express congratulations and sympathy ● organize a story

Unit 7


Useful phrases and expressions

escape from 从…中逃脱 in reality 实际上;事实上 come true 实现;成为现实 in nature 在自然界 something be in the air 可以感觉到…… fit in with 与……合得来;适应 up to now 到目前为止 date back 追溯到;始于 develop something into … 使……发展成为 set foot on something 进入;去(某地)


● Relative clause

Daily expressions

… it is time to …

Now you can …

● understand more about plants

● use stress, pauses and intonation in speech ● talk about your dream garden ● write an account of an event


6S 6S 6S 6S 6S 6S 6MP 6MP 6MP

7R 7R 7R 7R 7L 7L 7S 7MP 7MP 7MP


