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1.2.2 Water in a Soil Mass

As regards water in the soil,we differ among gravitational water or ground water,capillary water,bound water and interlayer water of a mineral.

1.Gravitational water

The gravitational water is mainly concentrated at contact point between grains that is in steady motion under the influence of gravitational forces.There is a regular water table for the water. Below the water table there exists a water-saturated zone and hydrostatic water within it,The gravitational water has a negative influence on foundation soil.This form of water exists in both coarse-grained soils and finer soils,following Darcy's law.It will be discussed in details in chapter 4.

2.Capillary water

The capillary water,above the gravitational water table,is held by capillary force (surface tension force) that is governed by the surface tension of grains and the diameter of voids.The height, Hc, to which water will rise in a capillary tube (void space) , is, theoretically,directly proportional to the surface tension force T, divided by the diameter of the tube d:

Hc T


So the height of the capillary zone (the occupied area of capillary water) will also be affected by the cleanness of the water; it could be much less for pollutes water. According to Terzaghi and Pech (1967) ,the Hc can be giver as:

Hc c


Where Hc ——maximum height of capillary size, in mm, relates to minimum pore size; e ——void ratio;

d10 ——effective size, mm;

2 c ——constant,10~20 mm (for clean water) .

Capillary rising depends on grain size distribution. As always, the smaller the grain is, the higher the capillary rises, except for some of clay particles that is filled with bound water surrounding the grains. As a geotechnique engineer, you should be aware of a big difference between the capillary water and the gravitational water: the water-saturated zone filled with the gravitational water has hydrostatic pressure, while pore water pressure produced by the capillary water should be negative.

3.Bound water

In the fine-grained soils,the grain surface has an ionized layer around them, which is defined as bound water. More and more people have known that the cohesion force,which is against shearing stress, is to a large extent, resulted from the bound water. The plastic properties of clay soil such as swelling and shrinkage of clay, is mainly attached to the bound water. It is a very important factor considered in the design of a foundation. See Fig. 1-4.

4.Interlayer water

The interlayer water is hidden in a mineral. For example, the mineral,montmorillonitic has a layer structure, its interlayer space,is typically filled with water,originally filled, or filled later. Depending on the abundance or deficiency of water occupy this space, a montmorillonitic soil may exhibit its marked properties of swelling and shrinkage.The montmorillonitic soil, as a loaded

foundation, is very unstable when water is present.

1.2.3 Gas in a Soil Mass

As always, gas basically exists in a soil mass. We differ between opened gas and closed gas. The opened gas is interconnected, and directly flows to atmosphere, while the closed gas retains.The former always takes place in the coarse-grained soil,which has little influence on the engineering properties of the soil. But the latter is so difficult to escape that there is a high compressibility and a low permeability for the soils.Geotechnical engineers should know that the presence of gas in the soil void is of great importance in the design of a foundation.

1.2.4 The Structural Features of a Soil Mass

1.Different Layers of Soil

For the sedimentary formations, no matter whether they are wind-deposited,water-deposited or glacial-deposited, it is natural that there are different layers of soil,fine-grained soil or coarse-grained soil.Fine-grained layers are often embedded in coarse-grained layers and vice versa. We can also say,from the soil mechanics point of view, high bearing capacity (or Low compressive) layers are often embedding in low bearing capacity and vice versa. These different layers of soil will cause the problems as follows:

(1)Long-term settlement if there are weak layers (existed).

(2)Differential settlement of buildings (superstructure) due to the layers' thickness change in horizontal direction.

(3)Landslide along a thin and weak layer (such as clay or silt) when deep excavating for foundation.

It is emphasized that the weak layers of soil will be carefully studied in the building site for a successful foundation design.

2.Non-homogeneities (Homogeneousness)

Absolutely, soils are non-homogeneities materials that are different in deformation and strength in all directions. The non-homogeneities characteristics of soil are caused by not only the variation of deposit conditions, but also the effect of stress history. With a very large variations in size and shape, most of which are sharp-edged belonging to the former, while deep-going fissures and cracks are the latter. In engineering investigation of a soil mass, we should pay attention to the local non-homogeneities such as lenses of highly compressible soils embedded in the formations that are of particular danger and often cause detrimental and big differential settlement of buildings.

1.3 Soil Configuration

1.3.1 Single-grained Structure

The primary structure for a coarse-grained soil is typically single-grained one. The loose configuration shown in Fig. 1-5 (a) typically takes place in an active water environment such as beach sand or river gravel. But the dense soils as shown in Fig. 1-5 (b) are typically originated in a quiet water environment. The soil with single-grained structure may serve as a natural foundation soil.

1.3.2 Honeycomb Structure

For the very fine sand or silt soil, the grain arrangement looks like the honeycombs of a bee, in term of honeycomb configuration similar to that shown in Fig. 1-6. The soil with the honeycomb configuration has the properties of loose, low strength and high compressibility.

1.3.3 Fabric Structure

Clay soil has its special structure, fabric configuration shown in Fig. 1-7. This concept of soil structure is arrived at through the current microscopy technique. Some clay grains may exists in randomly arranged picket or pads, which individually are made up of highly oriented particles. For this configuration, you should be aware of high compressibility due to high voids in the design of a foundation.

Macro structure of a soil mass, such as beds,disappeared layers, lenses and deep-going fissures, are very dangerous because they are the cause of high compressibility, low strength and differential settlement.

1.4 The Important Parameters for Two-phase and Three-phase Soils

From the construction point of view,soils are also divided into in situ soils that are in place and undisturbed, and artificial soil by human beings such as embankment.Both in situ and disturbed soil usually have solid, water, and air, known as three-phase soils, which can be expressed in a schematic as shown in Fig. 1-8. All parameters are expressed in terms for a soil mass (three-phase soil).

1.4.1 Measurement of Voids

Voids in soil are either expressed in terms of porosity or in terms of void ratio. Porosity n is defined as the ratio of volume of voids,Vv, to total volume of soil V and expressed as a percentage, while void ratio e is defined as the ratio of volume of voids to volume of particle Vs, expressed as a decimal. They are differently expressed without any reason other than custom .

1.2.2 土中的水


1. 重力水


2. 毛细水


Hc Hc,在毛细管(孔隙空间)中水将会上升,从理论上来讲,与表面张力力T成正比,除以管的直径d: T




HcHc ced10——毛细管径的最大高度,单位mm,与最小孔径有关;

e ——空隙比;


2c ——常数,10~20mm(对于洁净水)。


3. 结合水


4. 层间水


1.2.3 土中的气


1.2.4 土体的结构特点

1. 土的不同层




(3)当为了基础而深度挖掘时,会沿着一个薄弱的底层(如黏土或淤泥)山崩。 这就强调了在一个建筑工地的成功的基础设计中要认真研究土的软弱夹层。

2. 不均匀性(均质性)



1.3 土的结构

1.3.1 单粒结构


1.3.2 蜂窝状结构


1.3.3 絮状结构



1.4 二相土和三相土的重要参数


1.4.1 孔隙率的测量


表示。他们是不同的表示没有任何理由以外的习俗。 VVVV与土的与固体颗粒体积VS,用小数

