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谋学网www.mouxue.com 4)留下一些英文书籍给图书馆,希望对学生有用。 Part III 写作 类别:网教 专业:大学英语2 2017年6月 要求:根据下列题目,按要求写一篇不低于100个单词的英语片段或作文。任意选作1题,分数30分,不要改变题号。 课程名称【编号】:大学英语2【0047】 A卷 1. Write the opening paragraph and ending paragraph on the topic of THERE IS NO END TO LEARNING. 大作业 满分:100 分 2. Write a composition entitled AN UNFORGETABLE TEST. Part I 英译汉 要求:将下列英语句子翻译成汉语,每题10分,任意选作5题,共50分,不要改变题号。 1.The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books. 2. Your imagination works along with the author’s or even goes beyond his. 3.It seems to be the mere rarity that attracts the average collector. 4.I don’t know whether to accept the offer or refuse it. 5.They also were less physically active. 6.Being able to hold a conversation does not necessarily mean having effective communication. 7.I, the oldest girl in the family, always had to care for the other children. 8.Being given once more time, I will finish the task! 9.I find the hotel staff particularly courteous. 10.His thorough knowledge and competence were recognized. Part II 应用文写作 要求:根据下列情景,按要求写一篇不少于60个单词左右的应用文。任意选作1题,分 数20 分,不要改变题号。 外籍教师Elizabeth 在中国任教期满准备回美国,学校准备派车送她去机场。她在临行前 一天写了张便条提醒办公室张老师: 1)请确认明天的车是否落实; 2)感谢在中国一年期间的关系和照顾; 3)在学校的生活非常愉快和难忘,希望有机会再来; 西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷 - 1 -

