
更新时间:2023-11-01 19:08:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



We still have benefited a lot from the SARS crisis. First, we are more concerned than ever before about health, the environment we live in and the vulnerable medical system. Additionally, we tried to better the coping mechanism for emergencies.

2. 我们很难给出幸福定义的最重要的原因是每个人对幸福不同的态度。例如,一个病人会将健康看做是幸福;一个孤独的人会将别人真诚的爱看做是幸福。

The most important reason for it being difficult for us to define happiness is the multitude of attitudes among average people. For example, a sick person is likely to deem health to be the thing that will most likely bring him or her happiness; a lonely heart tend to regard genuine love from other human beings as the greatest happiness.

3. 事实上,高等教育真正关注的问题不是学什么而是怎么去学习。根据来自于一本于2003年出版的名为(From a Nation with Heavy Population to A Nation with Profound Human Resources)的数据,70%的中国大学生跟换了专业,因为他们所学专业与他们将要从事的职业没有任何联系。因此,在高等教育阶段,他们学会的是怎样学习新知识和技能的系统的学习方式。

In fact, what really concerns in higher education is how to learn rather than what to learn. According to the statistics from a book called《 From a Nation with Heavy Population to A Nation with Profound Human Resources》 published in 2003, 70% of college students in China had shifted to other fields than their specialties because they had learned nothing to do with their future job. However, what they benefit from higher education is that they were informed of a systematic way of how to learn new knowledge and skills.

4. 学生有很多方式了解外部世界。第一点,媒体随时更新学生对政治、文化、体育赛事以及科技发展的信息。第二点,社会志愿者服务以及参观工厂等给学生提供了很多机会去了解平常人怎样生活。

There are many ways by which a student can get to know about the outside world. First, the mass media can update information about political, cultural and sporting events, as well as the latest development in science and technology. Secondly, voluntary social service and visiting factories offer the student wide opportunities to get to know how ordinary people live.

5. 大学生为什么很难找到工作?第一个原因是每年毕业生的数目一直在增加,这是中国许多大学扩招不可避免的结果。另一个原因是毕业生对就业的不同态度。他们中许多人都想找稳定的工作,这样的话就让他们失去了很多机会。同时,他们对工作性质和住宿条件太过于挑剔。

Why it is so difficult for college graduates to find a job today? One reason, is that there are an increasing number of graduates each year. This is an unavoidable outcome of enlargement and development of most universities in China. Another reason for this trend

is the graduates’ attitudes towards employment. Many students still prefer “stable and secure” jobs, which denies them a lot of opportunities. Besides, they are too particular about what to work and live.

6. 随着城市人口的增长,许多大城市也面临自己的问题。第一个问题就是日益增长的人口增长对城市包括交通、住房、供水等基础设施的压力。第二个问题则是居住的环境。最严重的问题则是大范围的犯罪行为。

With the rise in urban population, many big cities have confronted problems of their own. One such problem is the ever-increasing pressure on urban facilities, including transport, housing and water supply. A second problem is the living environment. The most serious problem is the widespread crime.

7. 如果提高油价,私家车的用量就会减少,这一说法毋庸置疑。但是,这个政策同时也给社会带来 一些问题。一个可能我们将要面对的的后果是社会大众的愤怒情绪。例如,为了支付他们的开支,出租车司机可能需要工作更长时间。如果他们顶着很大的压力工作就有可能引发更多严重的交通事故。

There is no denying that if the price of fuel increases, the use of the cars will be restricted. However, this policy will also bring chaos/problems in our society. One possible consequence we will probably face is the anger among the public. For example, taxi drivers will work more time to support their cost. And if they often work under huge pressure, they will cause more serious traffic accidents.

8. 尽管我们作出了很多努力来减少贫富差距,但是情况还是不容乐观。以我国发展不平衡为例。一方面,许多在发达地区的人们尽情享受现代文明所能提供的一切——奢侈的车子,昂贵的房子以及其他提供舒适生活的设施。另一方面,许多生活在及其贫困地区的人们则依旧过着贫穷的生活。他们买不起生活必需品,更不用说可以负担孩子的教育费用。

Although a lot of efforts have been put into bridging the gap, the situation is far from optimistic. Taking the uneven/imbalanced development of our country for example, on one hand, some people in the developed areas are enjoying almost everything that modern civilization can offer----luxury cars, expensive houses and other devices for comfortable life. On the other hand, in some underdeveloped areas, a lot of people are still living in poverty. They even cannot afford the neccessity of life, not to mention the money for the education of their children.

