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Passage One L:

take vote vi.投票 territory n.领土;领域

Northern Territory 北部领土,澳北省(澳大利亚的一个省级行政单位) incurably ad.不可治愈 patient n.病人

measure n.法案;措施

convincing a.有说服力的 convince v. word n.消息

executive a./n.主管,执行,行政 director n.主管,主任,经理,导演 society n.协会,联合会;社会 via = through prep.通过 post vt.粘贴

bulletin n.布告板,公告板

import = importance n.重要性,重要 import v./n.进口 sink in 被理解

leave vt.使;离开;留下

implication n.结果,影响;含义 sigh n./v.叹气

relief n.缓解,减轻 relieve v.

breathe sighs of relief 长舒一口气,如释重负 haste n.匆忙

passage n.通过;通道 pass v.被通过;通过 aging a.老龄化的 euthanasia n.安乐死

the dominoes 多米诺骨牌;连锁反应 request v./n.请求;要求

injection n.注射;注入 inject v. pill n.药片

put an end to sth 使sth结束

diagnose v.诊断 diagnosis n.

terminally ill = incurably ill 晚期的,病入膏肓的 sign v.签名,签署 certificate n.证书

Darwin n.(地名,Northern Territory的首府);人名 get on with A 继续做;与A友好相处 haunt v.萦绕心头;常出没于 haunting fear 挥之不去的恐惧 terrifying = terrible a.可怕的

conviction n. terrify vt.使害怕

from a spiritual point of view 从精神的角度 fight v.挣扎;打斗;战斗;斗争 oxygen n.氧气 claw v.抓 n.爪子 mask n.面罩

surgical mask 口罩 objection n.反对

the objection to A 对A的反对 object to A 反对A

share v.都具有,都拥有;分享;分担 chiefly = mainly ad.主要 hasty a.匆忙的

take a wait-and-see attitude towards A 对A采取观望态度 bill n.法案;纸币;账单 effect-taking a.生效的 take effect vi.生效

come to a stop = stop vi.停止 calm a./n.平静

intense a.剧烈的;激烈的;猛烈的;强烈的 undergo = experience vt.经历

opposition n.反对 oppose vt.

suspicion n.怀疑 suspicious a. suspect v. approval n.赞同;批准 approve v. W:

But the tide is unlikely to turn back. 但是潮流不可能逆转。

It takes time to do... 做...需要时间。

It takes time to have a good command of English. 学好英语需要时间。

Passage Two L:

courteous a.有礼貌的 courtesy n. to be fair 公平的说

observation n.评论;观察;遵守;庆祝 observe v. make observations of A 做一些关于A的评论 small-minded a.小心眼的

official n.官员 a.官方的;正式的 comment n./v.评论 one another 相互 diversion n.娱乐

the harsh reality 残酷的现实

hospitality n.好客 hospitable a.

injure v.受伤 injury n.

turn to A = resort to A 诉诸A,求助于A cabin n.木屋;船舱,机舱

settlement n.定居点;定居,安定;解决

charitable a.慈善的,仁慈的 charity n. impulse n.冲动

on the part of = of prep. ...的

reflect v.反映 reflection/reflexion n.

harshness n.严酷,残酷;刺耳 harsh a. take care of sb = look after sb 照顾,照料sb someday ad.有一天

specialize in sth 专门从事sth;擅长sth weary a.疲惫的

wear v./n.穿,戴;使用;磨损 tourist trail 旅游路线 superficial a.肤浅的

artificial a.虚假的,虚伪的;人造的,人为的,人工的 as is true of A 就像A一样 signal n./v.信号

assumption n.假设,假定 assume v.

convention n.惯例,习俗,传统;公约;大会 conventional a. underlie v.位于...之下;是...的基础;是...的原因,引起 brief a.短暂的;简洁的 value vt.看重,重视

be ready to do 乐意做;准备做

exert/exercise an influence over A 对A施加影响,对A有影响 interrelate v.相互关联

a set of 一套,一组,一系列 used to do 过去常常做

entertain vt.招待,款待;娱乐 in view of = given prep.考虑到 out of 出于,因为 flavor n.风味

add some flavor to one’s own daily life 让某人的日常生活更加丰富多彩 S:

For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence.


As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships.



For example, when an American uses the word “friend”, the cultural implications of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitor’s language and culture.


It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest.

要区分礼貌的(社会)惯例和个人的兴趣,需要的不仅仅是公车上的一次短暂邂逅。 W:

And someday, remember, you might be in the same situation. 记住,某一天,你可能会遇到同样的情形。

Passage Three L:

technically ad.从理论上讲,从技术的角度看;技术地 other than 除了;不同于 mistakenly ad.错误地

addict n.成瘾者,瘾君子 vt.成瘾,上瘾 addiction n. drug addicts = drug takers 吸毒者 alcohol n.酒精 alcoholic a. tobacco n.烟草

neutral a.中性的;中立的 physician n.医生,内科医生 psychologist n.心理学家

psychology n.心理学 psychological a. abuse n./v.滥用;辱骂;虐待 misuse vt./n.滥用;错用 medicinal a.药用的

pervasive a.普遍的; pervade v. nerve n.神经

apparently ad.表面地,明显地 apparent a. constructive a.建设性的;建造的 in excess 过量

negative a.负面的,消极的;负极的;阴性的 poison v./n.中毒;毒药 poisonous a.有毒的

perceptual a.感觉的,感知的 perception n. perceive v. mark v.标志着

withdrawal n.抽回;收回;提取 withdraw v. symptom n.症状

withdrawal symptom 断药症状

discontinue = stop v.停止,不继续

the central nervous system 中枢神经系统 mood n.情绪

group = categorize v.分组,分类 grouping = category n.类别,一类 group n.组;集团

be used in groups 按组/按类使用

initially ad.最初地,开始 initial a. initiate v. speed up v.加速

activate vt.激活,使活跃 whereas conj.而,然而 slow down v.使慢下来

a variety of 各种各样的,许多 radically ad.大大,非常

consciousness n.意识;清醒 conscious a. in that 在于,因为

fatal a.致命的;严重的 fatality n. piercing a.穿透的;尖锐的;敏锐的

physical a.生理的;身体的;物理的;物体的,物质的 consumption n.消费,消耗;使用 consume v. exclusive a.排他的,排斥性的;专用的,豪华的 in oneself 就其本身 W:

A is preferable to B. A比B更可取。

When it comes to physical exercises, swimming is preferable to jogging. 当谈到体育锻炼,游泳比慢跑更可取。

Passage Four L:

contribute to sth 有助于;导致 decline n./v.衰退,衰落;下降

accomplish vt.完成,做到,实现 accomplishment n. career n.事业;职业 senator n.参议员

Time Warner 时代华纳(美国的一个传媒企业) corrupt v./a.腐蚀;腐败 as well = too ad.也 simply ad.仅仅,只 latest a.最新的,最近的

manifestation n.表现,表明 manifest v. corporate a.公司的;共同的 core n.核心;核

late a.(只位于人名前)已故的

