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Module 3 Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend?



1. 知识目标:掌握本单元重要单词和短语;

2. 能力目标:能用Be going to表达自己的计划、安排,并能询问对方的安排; 3. 情感目标:养成良好的有计划的生活和学习习惯,保持乐观的态度。 重点难点

1. 重点:本节课出现的单词短语,和对话内容 2. 难点:名词性物主代词的用法 自主学习Self-study

任务一:New words study

1. 请朗读以下音标,并在M3U1 单词表里找出相应的单词和中文意思, 试着朗读并记忆这些单词。

(1)名词:[‘piknik] ________ _______[‘hausw?:k] ________ ___________

(2)代词:[‘n?θi?] _______ __________ [‘n?ub?di] _________ __________ (3)形容词:[‘sili] _________ ________[f?n‘t?stik] _________ _________ (4)副词: [els] __________ _________

(5)短语:[ɡ?u ‘?uv?] __________ _________

任务二:阅读课本第14页课文,找出下列习语的英文表达 1 查电子邮件_______________ 2 在周末_______________

3举行野餐________________ 4上钢琴课_________________ 5听音乐______________ 6复习_________________ 7在周日上午________________ 8看电影_________________ 9帮忙做家务______________ 10独自呆在家里________________ 任务三:完成下列题目,展示预习成果


1. 星期天早上,他打算查看他的电子邮件,做作业。

On Sunday morning, he ___________________check email and do his homework. 2. 还有谁打算去那里?

Who else___________________________________________? 3. 这个周末我们打算去野餐和骑单车。

We_________________________________________ and ride a bike at this weekend. 任务四 language points

1. What are you going to doat the weekend? 你周末打算做什么?

英国英语中用at weekends/at the weekend; 美国英语中用on weekends/ on the weekend. 2. on Saturday morning在具体的某一天的上、下、晚时用介词on

on 表示在星期几、在节日那天或具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上;表示对某一天或某一天的上午、下午或晚上进行详细的描述。on Monday; on Children’s Day; on a cold winter morning at 表示在某一具体时刻时用介词at;在节假日前也常用at,表示在这个节假日期间。 at nine, at night, at Christmas, at this moment, at noon, at this time of the year in 泛指一天的上午、下午或晚上;“in+时间段”表示将来的时间,可译“在?之后”。in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in a month, in a year, in century

3. check my email查看邮件 examine“检查,侦查” examination=exam考试, 4. do one’s homework做?某人作业

5. help (sb.) with sth.帮助(某人)做某事;housework不可数名词 6. watch/see a movie = go to the cinema看电影 7. Who else is going to be there?还有谁去? else形容词,意为“别的,其他的”,用于疑问词或不定代词后。 eg. What else do you want? Nothing else happens. 8. come with sb.和某人一起?

9. have a picnic, have a look, have breakfast/lunch/supper, have classes/lessons, have a good time, have a meeting, have a rest

10. Would you like to do sth?? 肯定回答:“Yes, I’d like to.” 否定回答:“Sorry. I’d like to, but I?”

Would you like some tea?答语:Yes, please./ No, thanks. 11. plan (v.&n.) planned—planned—planning;

词组:make a plan做计划;plan to do sth.计划做某事 12. alone和lonely区别

alone adj.& adv.1)alone. adv. 单独;独自She went home alone. She lives alone.

2) adv. 仅仅;只有= only He alone can do it. He alone was in the room. 3) adj. 单独的 apart from others He is alone.

lonely adj. 1. 孤独的,寂寞的 2. 荒凉的,人迹稀少的 (lonelier, loneliest) I was alone, but I didn’t feel lonely. They went to a lonely place in the mountains. 课堂合作与探究

be going to : 表达的是计划做某事,打算做某事,或者有意做某事。

e.g: I am going to check my email this evening. 根据be 的句法要求,请尝试推断出be going to do sth. 的否定形式和疑问形式。


一般疑问句:_____________________________________________________________________ 特殊疑问句:___________________________________________________________________ 达标检测

1.We are going to ____ (see) a movie.

2.What are your ____ _____the weekend?(周末你计划做什么)

3.—I’m going to listen to a concert tonight, would you like to come with me, Peter? —__________________.

A. That’s all right. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. Thank you. D. Not at all.

4.Tom usually goes fishing ____ Sunday morning.(2013 中考) A. at B. on C. in 5.What are you going to _____this evening?(2013年中考) A. do B. does C. doing 6.Look at the clouds, it ______ rain. (2014年中考)

A.is B. is going to C. is going to be D. will have

7.His grandparents live____ in a small house, but they don’t feel _____ . A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone

8.We are glad to hear that the Greens _____ to a new flat next week.(2014年中考) A. move B. moves C. are going to move D. is going to move 9.They are going to see a film in the cinema tonight.(就划线部分提问) _____________________________________________________ 10.She is going to meet us in the park this evening.

(变为否定句)_______________________________________________________________ (变成一般疑问句且作肯否定回答)___________________________________________ (对划线部分提问)_________________________________________________________ 能力提升


1.—Why is she going to England?

— she wants to see Big Ben herself. A.Because B.But C.Then D.So 2.Look!The people in the park are enjoying very much. A.they B.them C.their D.themselves 3. He’s going to watch a movie . A.every week B.last week C.next week D.that week

4.I don’t have to tell you. A.something new B.anything new C.new something D.new anything 5. I’m going to travel the world.

A. at B. for C. on D. around 6. My uncle enjoys TV after supper. A. watching B. watches C. watched D. to watch 7. The old man is very kind-hearted and everyone would like to him. A. make a friend with B. make a friend C. make friends with D. make friends 8.—What’s she going to do at home? —She is going to . A.lie on the beach B.go over her lessons C.go shopping D.do some sightseeing 9. Betty can the first place in the singing competition. A.check B.cheer C.win D.enjoy 10.Here is your raincoat. Please . A. wear it B. put on it C. put it on D. get dressed it


1. They are going to meet at the school gate.(就画线部分提问) they meet? 2. There is a party in Jim’s home now.(用next Sunday代替now改写句子)

There a party in Jim’s home next Sunday. 3. It’s time for breakfast. (改为同义句)

It’s time breakfast. 4. What other things would you like? (改为同义句) would you like? 5. I am going to have a good time in the zoo. (改为同义句) I am going to in the zoo. 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空

The weekend is coming. Daming (1) ________________ (check) his email and do his homework on Saturday morning. Then he (2) ________________ (help) with the housework. Betty

(3)_______________(see) a movie. Lingling (4) ________________ (have) a piano lesson. Then on Sunday afternoon, Betty and Lingling (5) ______________(have) a picnic. Daming would like to join them. They (6) ________________ (meet) in the park. Tony (7)________________ (stay) at home alone for the weekend. He has nothing else to do. Betty would like him to go with them for a fantastic weekend.

