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- 吴江2009年高考徐菲菲推荐度:
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1. 从区乐分为第一堰(选廉题)和第二』(非选择見〉,満分120分。才试时何120分钟。
2. ?片将第一总的苔案乩涂点答題卡上,察二舊请止技在冬題卡上規定的地方柞各,
3. &題倉?考生务必薪自己的学技、妊左、考试号羊相关传息写点答题卡上规定豹旳方。
4. 才试结束后.请粹各题卡文监丰老师。
听下面5段对话。毎段对话后有一个小册?从魁中所伶的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选坝, 并标铠试卷的相应位2E。听完毎段对话?后,你都有W秒钟的时何来回答有关尔题和風读下一小题门毎殿对话僅读一迫?
1. What b the man doing?
A. He is buying a mobile phonr.
B? He is scQing a mobile phone.
C? He is enquiring about mobile phones.
2. What have you learnt from the ronversatwn?
A. They both enjoy watching TV.
B? Neither of them are music lovers.
C. They have different view^ about watching TV.
3? Where does the boy $(udent nieei new people?
A. At school.
B? On the Internet.
C. In the Imemei caf包
4. Why does L B C min not lik? classics?
A? Because th plot doesn1! sound exciting.
B? Because be found them uninteresting.
匕 Because ihw books make him fall asiwp.
5? Whnt have you Iramt hnm the conversation?
A. The woman dislikes American films.
B. The woman likes Indian films bcucr.
C. The man prefers lo watch French lilins?
6- Why did the Mudeni make this call?
A. To ask for a fonn.
B. To arrange a visit*
C?丁。沁 a doctor.
7. Huw many students can arrive at the same time at most?
A. Ten.
B. Twelve?
C. Twenty.
8. Where can the student get the form?
A. From the public relations office.
B? From the public relations officer?
C? From the Internet ?
听第7段材料,回答策9至第11 So
9? How did Mr. Ztung get the idea for his paintings?
A. From a photo exhibition of Guilin.
B? From a trip w Guilin-
C? From a friend in Guilin.
10* What did Mr. Zhang do afterwards?
A? Ht went to Guilin and lived ihere (or a year.
H. He visited Guilin and drew a lot of paimings?
C. He visited Guilin and took a lot of photos.
11. Whai is Guilin Heights?
A. 1L\ A collcctip口of paintings?
B. It's A collection of photos.
C? hl 8 unique painting?
听第8段材料,同各第12至第15 S.
12, Why was the writer of lhe passage very interested in the London Underground?
A, Btcaujic it is the oldest and complex?
B? Because it is very modem and convenieni.
C? Because il thv oldest 知id iKtr-fnendiy ?
13? When did ih? London Underground first open to public?
A. In 1863.
B. In 1920.
G. In 1977.
14. Whai. was【he writer* s impression of A. Horrible? B- Noisy. (J? Great. 15 What was the London Underground used fpr during World War ll? A. A place io provide prelection from car bombs. B. A place to keep people ?fe from bombs dropped l)y phne?, C. A place for the homeless co live. 第二部分单项填空(共15小题;毎小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅谕下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C.D四个选项中,选岀堆佳选项,并在咨题卡上将该项涂黑。 16? -- Dadi I think I hav? tried hard enough, bin I still can\ solve it. D&nl givt up.sure you*re _____________ working it QVC if you work hardei. A. uble to B? capable of C. unable to D. incapable of 17, PicturtA danced before my eyes, ftnd at first I could not _ _________ whai I seeing- A. give out B. try out C. make out D? turn out 18/ ----- I think I hr Internet ix a pcJsitive loo! that helps make our lives better. — Yes. ___________ we uw it in an inwUigeau manner. A. unless B. if C. though D? sincx? 诵二英讣?3n 19. ------ W hen will the underground system in Suzhou be open? ----- T he fint line is in 2011 and the second line is in 2012. A. being built B. to be built C. built D? building 20. being Telaxed t we both felt so uncomfortable we hardly spoke. A. Free from R? Far fmm C. Thanks to 【)? Because of 21. ------ C ould you water the flowrrs for me? ------ after 1 finish mv homework? A, WhBt if B. What for C. How rome D. How about 22. We bid n wonderful time ,1 think you would hive erjoyed Shanghai Expo A. If you come with us B. Could you come vith □3 C? H@(l you come with us D. Only when you come with us 23. It was only when she couched aware of her presence. A. that he became B. that he becomes C- did he become D. doe? he become 24. I think you d better ask her for some advice. _______ ? Last time when I turned to her for help, she turned me down. A. I don\ think so B. You'd better not C? I'd rather not 【)? 1 hope so 25 ?____ popuki ________ t hat miny people queued for more than five hours before they \wn> let im A? So; was the Saudi Pavilion B? So; the Saudi Pavilion was C? Such; was the Saudi Pavilion D. Such; the Saudi Pavilion was 26 ?____ when driving and you are likely to meet with a traffic accident? A. Trying to meet a deadline B. Try to meet a deadline C. Trying meeung a deadline D? Try meeting a deadline 27 ?-- A number of roads have been blocked by _________ ? — In that C8se> we '11 stay for another night. A. fallen trees B? falling trees C? fallen leaves D. (filing leaver ■ 28. Tom is so addicted to computer games (hat he will ________ if you don11 allow him to use the computer. A. fall asleep B. keep quite C. go mad D. feel excited 29. Don't be so _________ ! The bus will be here soon. A. irresponsible B? impatknt C- incontct D. illegal 离二英语贡(共“贯) 30?—Your house is __________ ? ----- I II have it repnired next week? A. beyond repair B under repair C? in repair D. in need of repair 第三部分完形填空(共20小題,毎題1分,満分20分) 请认真阅渎下面短文?从短文后务题所!ft的AJB.C.D四个选项中?选出廉隹选厦,并在答題卡上将谈项渝幕 Nothing changes. Nothing mactcrs. You can f t teach an old l an action guy. I*ve got to do something■" Dan says. Dnn spent a careeT 35 Arm in vpst?te New York. He chose the work 36 he warned io do something?a Thr fire department looked like it would be pretty 37 ? Whenever I saw a fire truck t a 38 by with those guys hanging off lhe back. I said> *That kx)ks like somethinR that would hold my 39 ,1R he recalls, When Dan 4。his mid-fifties, he had already surpassed the typical retirement age in his deparunenu So he retired, R( least in 41 , Before his papers; weie even complete, though, Dan 42 work with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. " 43 from the fire department hasn11 made me 44 down. ” h says. u It* s An opportunity to 45 up.rt The Federal Emergency Management Agency K AM 46 him 3 Puerto Rico, Louisiana. Kentucky, New Jersey f New York City< and Iowa in the wake of flejods, tornadoes, and other 47 f and Dan helps people put their lives buck together. an exciting job t you get to see parts of this 48 you don' i normally see, and you dorf【do it as a 49 . You go to where something's happening. You help people. For a moment? you became 50 of the community.w And. a few wcehi laicr? “you do it again someplace else. “ 31. A. guest B. company C. partner D. enemy 32? A, need B? want C. have 【)?share 33. A. Defend B. Do C. Take D. Make 3d. A. could B? should C? mi&hl D. wo uld 35. A. fighting B? catching C. ligkling D?drstroying 市二英it 36. A. whil电 B. though C?so D. because 37, A. disappeinting amusing C. amazing D- exciting 38. A. race B, come C. stop D. close 39. A. balance B. position C* Breath D? attention 40. A. redcbcd B- tum?d C. expected D. touched 41. A. control B. reality C? theory D. practice 42. A. found B? searched C. quitted D. re5rarchcd 43. A. Promotion B. RMjuirement C- Praise D. Retiremem 44. A. step B. slow C. slide D. Sdttle 45. A. go B? look C? gpwd D? set 46. A. delivered B. canied C. sent D. pushed 47. A. i&sua B? di?st?rj C, evcins D. earthquakes 48, A. cky B. state C. country D. county 49. A. stranger B? guard C- guide D. tourist 50. A. centre B. part C. leader D? hero 第四部分阅读理解(共12小題'毎题2分,满分24分) A Good students are readers. Why? First, they have a large store of biclgroimd knowledge? Second, tlwy have large vocabularies. Third t they can read quickly with exccUcnt compiehcruion. Reading is a habit that can be acquired, like any other habit. The lucky people acquire th habit of reading when they are little children. They* re rhe ones who must be forced io pul down their books to come to the dinner table; who stay up past their bedtime, reading by flashlight under their blankets; who sit in the backseai of the car with their nose in a book; and who long for summer, when they will have lime to do nothing else but read. e If you are one of these people, skip the rest of the passage snd go on(o other good habits that you may not have acquired ? If you are not a habitual reader, begin now. Establish a fixed time of day f and read every day— 365 days a year-at that lime? Por most of us t this will be either when 応弋first wake up or j ust before we go to sleep at night. At firsip set your timer for 15 minutes? Eliminuce(排除)all pcmsible interruptions, and read con tinuously for the full 15 minutes* every day. Stick to (his routine until ii becomes automatic r until it 育二養薔(#UM) slops being n chon;(琐寧)and becomes a pleasure insiead. Then increase ihc time to 20 minutes? When 20 minutes beoom-es a pleasure add five minuics, and continue this svay until you are reading SO minutes every day of the year. Don11 make ihe mistake of trying io read longer tlian 15 minutes before >w really rnjoy it. Even if you read slowly, stick to the 15-minute time limit. If your reeding is quite slow, then you are trying to read materia) that is too difficult for you right now. You'd better choose maieTial thnt is at your level, or just a little higher, and intere&ung loyou. That way, you'll make maximum progr Array Whai should ycxt rt%d? Everything. Rad 晒widf a variety of books, magazines? and newspapers *s possible ? Newspapers and acws ftitgiuuio will iwvb yuu IK M vuly alwul vurrenl even is 9 bui also about history, geography, politics, society, and culture. Read stories? poems, novels, plays:history (biographies art a wonderful introdtictioui to liiitory);geography; natural science; legends and myths from many cultures; And later on. pobtics and philosophy. EveryihinR connects with everything dw, and the mort you read, the nwre you will see those connections. If you keep it up, you will cventua!!y have the right io call yourself an educated perron. 51 ? According to the passage, sununer is the time of the year when ______________________ A ? stud^nuj can travel and read B. students can talic up their hobbits C? students should make up for lhe lessons they are poor at D stadenu should rcad> read and read 52. Which of the following does the writer NOT encourage you to do? A. Read before you get up or go to sleep. R? Read wherever you can and whenever possible? C. Read longer than a quarter from (be very beginning. D. Read what is appropriate lu you. 53. The writer hints in the passaite that ________ ? A. students* leading habil should be developed in their teens B? ill be?( 10 develop students* reading habit during llkeir childhood C. student should rcid as widely as they ean t regardless of copies anc level D? the more ydu read, the cleverer you will be 54. Wh?t is the best title of the passage? A. R M H A M Much As Pn^wihle B. R或Every Day C. Read Cleverly D< Read Carefully 高二蕙祜帑7 4(关14瓦) w Every time you wink the stars move ? —Emcwon Edward Lorenz started it all four decades ago. As a research meieorologisif 气象学家)at MIT he created a computer program designed to model the weather ? Ijorenz had reduced weather into a series of formulas that 仪h*w(xl in rggnizaMe weather patterihi. In his superb book Chaos f Janies Gleick recounts a winter day in 1961 when L QF?M wanted to shortcut a weather printout by starting midway through? To give the machine the initial conditions t he typed the numbers straight from the earlier printoui. Something unexpected happened? Wliat he noticed was his simulmed(模拟的)new weather paltem hxd 由讣躍叔dramatically from the previous printout. Al ftrs( he thought his oonipuier had malfunctioned<故障)? Then it suddenly hit him. There w础no computer malfunction? The answer was in the numbers he had put into the computer. In the original prog ramming he had used six decimal places: .506127. In ihe w(r>nd nm hr had rounded off the numbers to ?506. He axsumed that the difference — one part in a thouMnd 一would have no real impact, He was wrong. This slightest change has made A HUGE differciice. This tiny change in input had quickly created an overwhelmingly different printout! The formal namr for this phenomenon is u sensitive dependence on inital condiiions. ** lu informal and more popular fUirwc is the Butterfly Effect. Simply siaitti, it means (hat the liny changes brought about by a butterfly moving its wings in San Francisco have the powei to tnnsfomi the condition £in. Shanghai. W. Edwiirdji Deming came up with a very similar conclusion. IJpming is ihe American statistician who established (he total Quality Movement, first in Japan, then the re^t of the world, Deming's contribution historiwlly so imporUnt that U.S. News E World Report ealkd hirn one of the*nine hidden turning points ui history* (along with the birth control pill and the Apostle Paul). After over 50 years of staiirticil $tudy t Deining pointed out that n every process there is a beginning and an end. When you focus on die first 15% of that process 卸d get it wrrwt (its initial conditions), you ensure at least 85% of your dwirwl ouicoms By focjsing on the first 15% of anything, the remaining 85% will effortlessly follow. 55. The uiideilined word M perged^ in ih A? Uen differmt B. ROUE wrong C. remained (he same D? been dunged 甫二芙评囊8页(#14 70 56. As far as the Butterfly Effect is concerned t _________ . A. 8 good beginning will definitely ensure a good ending B? ihe more careful wc arc in the beginning, the better results we will get C. the long term effect is predict able now as long as we are right in ihe beginning I), it is hard io predict what will exactly hftppcn in the future however hard we try 57. Which of ihe bibwing is FALSE? A? Edward Loreru. a research meceorologisi at MlT t was ktwwn (or Tbt Butterfly Effect. B- James GLeick, a famous writer? told us in his book bow Txlw^rd【Qrenz came up with "sensi livf dependence on inilial conditions^. C- W? Edwards Deming, American statistician, was regarded as one of die ^nine hidden mrnin^ pdnw in history w for The Butterfly Effect. D Emerson t a fmous writer t happened to tell what The Butterfly Effect was like before it was popular. 58. One of the lessons we may learn frotn the passage is that _ _ ? A. small is beautiful B. snwll things might be of great significance C. the sooner begun? the sooner done D? first tilings fiat c One stormy night many years ago. an elderly man and hi? wife entered the lobby of a small hoiel in Philadelphia. Trying co gm oui H Could you possibly give u* H room h^re?" the husband asked. Tkc clerk, a friendly man with a winning smile> looked st the couple and explained there were three convpntions(会议)ui town. “AH of our rooms art taken v M the clerk said 44But 1 can S send a nice couple like you out into the rain at one o'clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing to sleep in my room? It's not exactly n sui"(套房),but it will 2 goext enough to make you folks cwmfoitable for the night.h When ihe couple declined ? the young man pressed on?"D OT/I worry about me;丨'll make out just fine/ the clerk told them So the couple agreed? As he paid his bill the next moming t the elderly num said io lhe ckrk t "You are the kind of manager who should be the boss of the best hotd in the United States. M&ybe someday I'll build one for you ? The clerk looked at them nnd smiled. The three of them bad a good kugh? As they drove away. the elderly couple agreed that the helpful clerk wa? indeed exceptional,羽firxlinR people who are both friendly and helpful isn't easy. T KQ y“rs The cleik had almost (orgotien lhe incident when he received a Iciier from the old man. It recalled Lh占I xlormy night and enclos?d a round-trip ticket to New York, asking the youn^ man to pay them a visit. The old man met him in Mew York, and led him to the comer of Fifth Avenue and 34th Strwt. He ihen poinred to a great new building fhere w a palace of reddish stone, with turrets and waichimvers thrust in & up to the aky. "That/ said the old man. u is the hotel I have just built for you to manage.w "You mu?t be joking t" the young man said ? u 1 CAI\ assure you 1 ajn not J* said the older itwn f B sly smile playing e.round kiw mouth. The old ni3n\ name was Williani Waldorf Astor, and the niaRiiificenl structure was the original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel The young clerk >vho became its first ni&nager was George (:? Soldi. The y^xing clerk never fore&w the lum of events that would lead him(o become the manager o! one uf the world I most glaniorous hoick, 59 - How did the old mun 码k ihr clerk for a room on a stormy night? A. Urgenily. C. SympatheticAlly. D. Politely. 6(). How did liw clerk manage w persuade the old couple io stay in his own room for rhe night? A?[n a straight way. C. In a patient way B- In a determined way. IX In a unique 61. We can see from ihe passage thai George C. lioldi _________ ? A. was aware thm one day he would become the manager of Waldorf-.\storia Hotel B, ihoughi ii tiaiural for him to become the manager of one of the world's ntfBL ^amorous hotels C? finally accepted〔he offer to become the manager of Waldorf-A5torij 1 iotel H. at first dwLncd to become the nianag 62 ? Which of the following best fits i he pazge? A. One Good Turn Deserves Another B. What a Lucky Young Man C. I^uck is Always on Young Man\ $id駅 D. Virtue is its Own Reward 裔二英语城10贡(#14农) 第二卷(非选择题,共46分) 第五部分词汇检测(共5小题,毎題1分,满分5分) 根据所给中文、首字母或通过上下文写出下列各句空格中的耶词,注电保持语义和形式的一致。 63. The government says it will not 4 (谈判)with terrorises. 64? ----- J ohn owes a I QI of money io the bank, docsn^ he? ------ N ot now ? He has paid off the loan and i$ no long in d ▲? 65. ? He has m&d? a fortune in the past few years, but now he is suffering from ill health. ------ W hat a pky! Plttasc keep in mind that health is more imponan: than w ▲?66. ------ If you1 re ____ ▲ more than three times, you fail the course. ------ O K.【promise I will al lend all the lectures and seminars ? 67? ----- I'd li^e io sw Mr, Bn>wn in ih^ personnel depaiimem. ------ D o you have gn ▲? 第六部分同义转换(共6小题,毎题1分,满分6分) 认真阅读各题所给的两句句了,在空格处填上一个单词使两句涪义上保持一致。 68? I have arranged to meet Mark thi$ weekend t but he called it off a utnute ago. I have mad乞An _ ▲ ____ to meet Mark this weekends but he CA IIM it off a minute ago. 69. The mayor*s speech was liked by a lot of ordinary people. The rnayoT*$ speech was well ▲_______ by a lot of ordinary people. 70 ? The map tells us exactly where the crash took place? The map shows the precise ▲ol the crash. 71. fl! never forgive him for failing to keep his promise lo me Pl! never forgive him for ▲ his promise to me. 72. They claimed that a vegetarian diet was better than a meat diei. They claimed that A vcgEiarian diet was ▲ io a meat diet. 73. Sieve arrived half an hour late as u$uaU which was annoying, Steve ▲ _______ up half an hour late as usual, which was annoying. 靑二其昔 第七部分任务型阅读(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分) 请认真闻读下列短文,并根18所谕内容在文章后表格中的空格里填人一个凤恰当的单诃。& 意:毎个空格只填1个单诃。请務答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。 Student: h must g really exdtihg to make films. Could you please itill me a little about the film-making process? Director: There ore different stages in the film making process? The first stage is called the develop-ment stage, The producer finds an idea for a film and writes a script. The script is then lumed into n srrwnplay, which foeuws on providing clear stage directions and making the slory interesting. If a director is interested in the screenplay t he or she will appach a film company to get the funds needed to nudec the film. Student: Where does the producer find an idea for the film? Director: h might be an original idea or one taken from A book or an existing film. 5tudent: What happens next? Director: The pre-productiun staRe. In ibis stage t a filming schedule is planned< a crew is selected, and iht? hard work of deigning costumes and sets begins. Student: Whail the next stage? Director: The pr-oduction stage. This is where the fun really begins* 1 can show off my great directing skills and work with excellent actors?A film is pided into shots or "take/■ which are short elections of th film. I chwk each before we move an. Siudeni: Do you use digiial technology io save the dfly's "uikef ? Director: Yes- We downlond rhe day?s M takes r to a computer? Student: Wh?l is yexar favpunie part of the production iiage? Director: The wrap party, which is a parry to celebrate the end of filming. At thr wr叩party, I can relax aitfr all my hard work. Student: Is this the end of the production cycle? Dirtctor: Not quite. Next is the post or ^ftcr production Stage. The "lakcT arc combined and the sound is added. including music I he film is then shown to a target audience to find out their reaction to h ? Student: Whax happens if they hate the film? 年二典讶$12贯(兆14貝) Director: IF the audience hates the film F we can make 5ome changes. Th< final stage is lhe distriljutjon 8l8贋,which includes promotion? This is when the film is sold(o ihenircs. Then? are also interviews with (he press to discuss the film. 術二X 13 3 (#14^) 術二X 13 3 (#14^) 第八部分弔面表达(共1題,满分25分) 上星期六下午,为了給父亲买生日礼物,休独自一人前往很行的自动取款机上取款.在发出取就300元指令后,自动取款机却给了你3000元? II讲述一下,你梅如何处理这件事 '井说明顶因;事情处理兄后你有何感受。 注臥 1. 參苇所给图片认耳审渎写作要求■不要遗漏任何写作E点,可以有适当的发库; 2. 词数150左右,开头已经写好,不计人总词数; 3. 文中不得出现本人和学校的真实信息。 卷考词汇:ATM自动取款机;withdraw money取就 Last Saturday afternoon, I _______________________________________________ 2009-2010学年高二期末测试 英语参考答案 一■昕力理解 1. 5 C C B B A 6 10 B B C A C 1145 C AACB 二、单琐填空 16-20 BCBAB 21-25 D C A C A 26-30 B ACBD 三、完形览空 31-35 D ACBA 36-40 DDADA 41-45 CADBC 46-50 C BCDB 囚、阅读理解 5L-54 DCBB 55-58 A D C B 59-62 DBC A 五、词汇检测 63. ncRociaie 64. debt 65 weakh 66. absent 67. appoinimem 穴、同文转换 &8? arTangcnient 69. received 7Q.. location 7i? breaking 72, s uperior 73. Urcied/slwwed 七.任务型阅读 74? wl)a(75. interests 76. dcsignctl 77. wiled ?8? checked 79. Post/After 80. think 81. like 82. promoted R3? go/aiiracred 八、书面表达 L?st Swurdny aftemtwn, I went to a bank alone io withdraw some money so that I could use k to buy a birthday gib for ray father. 1 wanted to withdraw 300 yuan, but to my surprise, the ATM gave me 3QC0 ynan instrs!? 1 wondered if there was somcih-ng wrong with rhe n^arhine. "Whin should 1 do?" I asked mysdf. u Should I keep the money or should I return it to the lank?R On second thought . 1 decided io call the bank and mum the money. When ihc benk manager cumc after half 朋hoi!r? 1 tokl hitn wliai had happtmd and then banded him 2700 yuan? He accepted ihi mijney and thanked me. When 1 OHM out of rhe bflnk, 1 felt very p!ensed with what 1 had 离二我if * 14X(M1
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