Unit 3 Celebration

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Unit 3 Celebration


1. On National Day people sing and dance to _______ the birth of their country. A. congratulate B. celebrate C. greet D. salute 2. A party was held to ________ their silver wedding.

A. celebrate B. memorize C. congratulate D. welcome

3. It is often________that human beings are naturally equipped to speak. A. said B. to say C. saying D. being said

4. Leonardo da Vinci(1452~1519)______birds kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.

A. is said to be buying B. is said to have bought C. had said to buy D. has said to have bought 5. —You don’t go to that supermarket quite often,do you?

—No,I only go there_______because it’s too far away from my house. A. eventually B. constantly C. occasionally D. frequently 6. The house _______ six rooms altogether,________the study.

A. contains;containing B. contains;including C. includes;including D. includes;containing 7. Many audiences listened to his speech very attentively from the very beginning to the end,my parents ________.

A. included B. containing C. including D. besides

8. The Spring Festival falls ________ the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year. A. in B. at C. on D. for

9. In our class,when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book,it was a________for everyone to stand up. A. signal B. chance C. mark D. measure

10. In April,2009,President Hu inspected the warships in Qingdao________ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy.

A. marking B. marked C. having marked D. being marked 11.—You are always full of_______,Can you tell me the secret? —Taking plenty of exercise every day.

A. power B. strength C. force D. energy

12.To make members of a team perform better,the trainer first of all has to know their _______ and weaknesses. A. energy B. power C. strengths D. force 13. Two of the world’s tallest buildings were completely_______ in a crash. A. harmed B. damaged C. destroyed D. injured 14. This room is _______ with a bed and a cupboard.

A.provided B. decorated C. beautified D. furnished 15.Some students ________ physical labor during the summer holidays. A.attend B. take part in C. join D. join to

Ⅱ. 1.B 句意:在国庆节人们载歌载舞来庆祝他们国家的生日。celebrate庆祝。

2.A celebrate庆祝(节日等);memorize记住;congratulate表“祝贺”且常用于congratulate sb. on sth.结构。 3.A “ It is十过去分词+that...”句型中,it作形式主语,that从句为真正的主语。It is said that…意为“据说……”。 4.B 不定式to buy的动作先于谓语动词is said发生,故用不定式的完成时。

5.C 考查副词词义辨析。从答语后半句“因为离我家太远了”可知我只能“偶尔”去那里,故选C。 eventually最终;constantly经常地;occasionally偶尔;frequently流利地。

6.B 句意:这个房子包括书房在内,共有六个房间。contain强调一个或一种成分包含在另一个中。including为介词,意为“包括”,常放在名词(短语)/代词前。

7.A 句意:包括我父母在内的很多听众从头到尾仔细地倾听了他的演讲。一方面,my parents是被包括在很多听众

整体中的,因此用included或者including。而所填词在my parents后,因此选included。 8.C fall on/upon正是……的日子。

9.A 考查名词。根据句意可知铃响及老师合上书本,这是下课的暗示,故四个选项中只能选择signal。chance“机会”;


10.A 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词作状语,其后有宾语,故与逻辑主语是主动关系,且表示的动作与谓语动词的


11.D 句意:“你总是精力充沛,能告诉我秘诀是什么吗?”“每天进行大量的锻炼。”full of energy意为“精力充沛”,

故选D。 strength和power表示物体或人的内在特征,strength指身体的力气;power指用人体、机械或风时产生的可应用的能量;force指爆炸等产生的能量。energy指精力。

12.C 句意:为了让队员做得更好,教练应该首先知道他们的优点和缺点。strengths在此意为“优点,长处”;energy


13.C 句意:世界上最高的两座大楼在一起碰撞事故中完全被毁坏了。destroy指彻底毁坏;harm伤害;damage(部


14.D 句意:房间里布置了一张床和一个壁橱。furnish(在房间内等)布置家具。

15.B 句意:在暑假中,有些学生参加体力劳动。attend参加(会议)等;take part in参加(活动);join加入(组

织);join to连接到……。



1.After_______the university,he was sent to work in a factory in his hometown.

A. graduate from B. graduating 12.Please accept my congratulations_ ______your graduation.

A. to B. for C. on D. in

13.Because prices of food and clothing and C. graduating from D. graduate 2.Many houses________ recently over there. A. are built B. built

C. have built D. have been built 3.He graduated_______law.

A.from B.at C.in D.for

4. I wonder why Jenny_______to us recently. We should have heard from her by now. A. hasn’t written B. doesn’t write C. won’t write D. hadn’t write 5.There is a sentence on the postcard,reading “I send you my best wishes on this happy ________.”

A. opportunity B. chance C. choice D. occasion

6.We should have a team spirit but there are a few occasions ________ our members are uncertain of their roles.

A. when B. whose C. why D. which

7. In_______Chinese culture,marriage decisions were often made by parents. A. traditional B. historic C. remote D. initial

8. Isn’t it the time you got down to________the papers?

A. mark B. be marked C. being marked D. marking 9. His horse has a white_______on its head. A. signal B. mark C. position D. gesture

10.On National Day people sing and dance to_______ the birth of our country. A. congratulate B. celebrate C. greet D. salute

11.The three sisters decided to hold a family party to ________their parents’ silver wedding.

A. celebrate B. memorize C. congratulate D. welcome

almost everything else in that country have steadily gone up,the purchasing____of the dollar has gone down.

A. energy B. force C. power D. strength 14.I’m sorry it’s________ my power to make a final decision on the project.

A. over B. above C. off D. beyond 15. We regard the sun as the source of most forms of ________.

A. energy B. resource C. power D. material 16. Smoking can ________ your health,so give it up,please.

A. destroy B. damage C. ruin D. hurt 17.She threatened to _______ the house ________.

A. burning;down B. burn;down C. burns;down D. burn;out

18.All the streets were________with flags to welcome the Chinese delegation.

A. furnished B. decorated C. supplied D. declined

19.During the National Day,the streets were ________with coloured flags. A. decorated B. filled C. covered D. involved

20. This hotel doesn’t ________breakfast and so you have to have meals outside. A. give B. have C. serve D. cook 21. He has ________ the army for five years. A. joined B. joined in C. served D. served in

22.The famous old man _______ the students’ movements when he was young.

A. joined B. took part in C. attended D. joined in

23.Will you _______ us ________ her fiftieth birthday? A. join;in celebrating B. join in;celebrating C. take part in;celebrating D. join;to celebrate

24.—Would you like to _______ my birthday

party this Saturday?

—Sorry,I have an important meeting to________.

A. attend; join B. take part in; join C. join;take part in D. attend;attend 25.The ancient church was almost _______ before the firefighters managed to control A. is taken B. will be taken C. takes D. has taken 2. They_______to work in Tibet for two years. A. are going to be sent B. are going to send C.will send D. sent

3.I have to go to work by taxi because my car_______at he garage.

the big fire.

A. burned down B. turned down C. pulled down D. put down

26I only go to that market_______because it’s too far away from my house.[来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K] A. eventually B. constantly C. occasionally D. frequently

27._______we will hold another meeting to discuss this matter.

A. It’s said B. As is said that C. what is said D. It’s said that 28.It is________for Chinese people to have a get-together dinner with their family and stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve. A. variousB. Holy C. orderly D. traditional 29.Make a________where you have any doubts or questions.

A. signal B. Mark C. sign D. symbol 30.As a manager,who often has to talk with other people,you should know the____of humor in dealing with difficult situations. A. power B. strength C. force D. energy

31.After the big earthquake,his house was completely ________,so he had to build a new one ________ the old house stood.

A. damaged;which B. destroyed;where C. ruined;when D. hurt;that

32.We shouid work hard to_______the people. A. serve for B. serve as

C.serve D. serve in

33.Some animals____and killed at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

A. hunted B. are hunted C. are being hunted D. had been hunted


1.He will stop showing off,if no notice_______of him.

A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired 4.—I _______ to a party,but I’ve got nothing to wear.

—Why don’t you have a dress made for the party?

A. would ask B. will ask

C. have asked D. have been asked 5.The vegetables didn’t taste very good. They________too long.

A. had been cooked B. were cooked C. had cooked D. cooked

6. Be careful when you cross this very busy street. If not,you may________run over by a car.

A. have B. become C. get D. turn 7.—Your job_______open for your return. —Thanks.

A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept 8.The moment the 28th Olympic Games_______open,the whole world cheered.

A. declared B. have been declared C. have declared D. was declared 9.The cloth ________ soft.

A. is felt B. is being felt C. feels D. is feeling

10.As a result of the serious flood,two-thirds of the buildings in the area ________.

A. need repairing B. needs to repair C. needs D. need to repair 11.With the world changing fast,we have something new____with all by ourselves every day.

A. deal B. dealt C. to deal D. dealing 12.I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good ________.

A. to be breathed B. to breathe

C. breathing D. being breathed 13.They told me that the museum was well worth ________.


A. to visit B. visiting C. of being visiting D. to be visited

Ⅱ.1.C 句意:他大学毕业后,被派到家乡的一家工厂工作。after为介词,后应跟动名词,可排除A、D两项;“从……学

校毕业”应用graduate from。

2.D 句意为“近来在那儿建起了许多幢房子”。recently常与现在完成时连用,表示对现在造成的影响或结果。 3. C 句意:他毕业于法律专业。graduate in“毕业于……专业”。graduate from“毕业于……学校”。

4. A 从前句中的recently和后句语气可知应用现在完成时。句意为:我想知道詹妮近来为什么不给我们写信,到现在我们本应该收到她的信了。

5.D 明信片上有一句话,上面写着“值此美好时节特向您祝贺”。 occasion“时节,恰当时机”,时机的获得往往比较适宜而方便。chance指人或自然界中不可预测的偶然机会;opportunity指符合某人爱好、志向、意向的好机会;choice“选择”。

6.A 考查定语从句。句意:我们应该具有团队精神,但有时我们的成员不明确他们的角色。先行词occasions在这里表示时间,且从句中不缺主语和宾语,故此处用when引导定语从句,when在从句中作状语。

7. A 句意:在传统的中国文化中,儿女的婚姻经常由父母决定。traditional “传统的”;historic“有历史意义的”;remote“遥远的,偏僻的”;initial“最初的,开始的”。根据句意选A项。 8. D 根据短语get down to doing sth.(开始认


9. B 句意:他那匹马的头上有个白色的记号。signal“信号”;mark“标志,符号,分数”;position“位置,方位”;gesture“姿势”。

10.B 句意:在国庆节人们载歌载舞来庆祝我们国家的诞生。celebrate“庆祝”;congratulate“祝贺”; greet“问候”;salute“敬礼”。

11. A 句意:三姐妹决定举行一次家庭聚会庆祝父母的银婚。celebrate“庆祝”;memorize“记住,熟记”;congratulate“祝贺”; welcome“欢迎”。

12. C accept one’s congratulations on sth.意为“接受某人对某事的祝贺”。

13. C power“能力,权力,职权”。energy“精力,体力;能量”;force“施加的力量,武力”;strength“力气,力量”。根据句意选C项。

14.D beyond one’s power意为“超出某人的能力范围”,符合题意。

15. A energy“能量”;resource“资源”;power“权力,能力”; material“材料”。根据句意选A项。 16. B 句意:吸烟损害你的健康,因此请戒烟吧。damage意为“损害,损坏”,符合句意。 17.B 句意:她威胁说要烧掉房子。burn down意为“烧毁”。burn out意为“燃料用尽而熄灭”。

18.B 句意:所有的街道都被点缀上了旗帜来欢迎中国代表团。decorate... with…“用……装饰……”。furnish“给(房间)配置(家具等)”; supply“提供,供应”;decline“下降,下跌”。

19.A 句意:国庆期间,大街上挂满了彩旗。decorate“装饰”,符合题意。fill“填满,充满”;cover“覆盖”;involve“卷入”。 20. C 句意:这家宾馆不提供早餐,所以你需要在外用餐。serve“提供,服务”符合题意。

21. D “参军”可以用join the army,但join是终止性动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语for five years连用;serve in the army表示 “在军队服兵役”,符合题意。

22.B 句意:这位著名的老人在年轻时参加过学生运动。join指加入组织、团体、党派等,并成为其中一员; take part in指参加会议或群众性的活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用;attend指参加会议、演讲、婚礼、葬礼等;join in为指参加小规模的活动。根据题意,应选B项。

23.A take part in后接活动;join in可替代take part in,表示参加某项活动,尤其是娱乐活动;join后常接某个团体、组织,表示“加入其中并成为一员”,其宾语常用party,(the) army,team,club,group等。 24.D 参加生日聚会、会议都用“attend”。

25. A 指“建筑物被烧毁”应用burn down, turn down“调低”;pull down“拆掉”;put down“记下”。

26. C 从答语后半句“因为离我家太远了”可知我只能“偶尔”去那个市场,eventually“最终”;constantly“不断地”;

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27. D It’s said that…据说……,其中It为形式主语,that引导的是一个主语从句。句意:据说我们会再召开一次会议商讨此事。

28. D 句意:按照传统,在除夕中国人通常与家人聚在一起吃年夜饭,并一起熬到半夜。various各种各样的;holy神圣的;orderly有次序的;traditional传统的。

29.B signal信号;mark标记,分数;sign迹象;symbol象征。句意:在有疑问的地方做一个记号。

30. A power意为“力量,能量”;strength意为“力气,体力,强度”;force意为“力,力量”;energy意为“精力,力量”。根据句意选A项。

31.B 第一个空考查动词的意义,表示“完全毁坏”可用destroy或ruin;第二个空考查连接词,从句意推断,应用where引导地点状语从句。句意:地震过后,他的房子完全被毁了,所以他不得不在旧房子处盖一座新的。 32.C serve sb.为某人服务,serve为及物动词。句意:我们应该努力工作为人民服务。

33.C 该题句意:一些动物正在以惊人的速度被捕杀,不久的将来它们将会从地球上消失。可知,此处应用现在进行时的被动语态。

Ⅲ.1.A 如果主句用将来时,时间和条件状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来。if从句的谓语是动词短语take notice of


2. A 根据句意可知,他们将被派到西藏工作两年,所以用被动语态。

3.C 由句意“我不得不乘出租车去上班,因为我的车正在修理厂(被)修理。”可知此处应用现在进行时的被动语态,故选C项。

4.D 由but分句中的现在时和答语所提建议的内容可知应选现在完成时的被动语态。

5.A cook发生在didn’t taste very good之前,且与主语之间有被动关系,故用过去完成时的被动语态。

6. C 根据语境,这里应该用被动结构,能构成被动结构的只有get。意为“穿过这条繁忙的街道时你一定要小心。否则有可能被车撞倒”。

7.A keep the job/the position open指使工作、职位等处于空缺状态。由句意“随时欢迎你回来工作。”“谢谢。”可知该用将来时的被动语态,故选A项。

8.D 句意:第28届奥运会被公布开幕的那一刻,全世界欢呼雀跃。因为“第28届奥运会被公布开幕”是过去的被动动作,因此用一般过去时的被动语态。the 28th Olympic Games在句中作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。

9.C feel在此处意为“摸起来”,为系动词,无被动语态,也不用于进行时,后接形容词作表语。句意为“这种布料质地柔软”。

10.A 句意为“由于严重的洪水灾害,这个地区三分之二的房屋需要修理”。分数在此处代指的是复数概念,所以谓语动词用复数形式;need后接动名词表被动意义,相当于need to be repaired。 11.C 不定式在这里作后置定语修饰something,表示将来。

12.B 在“主语+be+形容词+不定式”句型中,如果主语是不定式的逻辑宾语,动词不定式应用主动形式表示被动含义。常用于此结构的形容词有cheap, expensive, difficult,easy,hard等。句意为“夏天我喜欢早起床,因为早上空气清新”。

13.B be worth doing…表示“值得做……”,其中doing是主动形式表示被动含义。句意:他们告诉我那座博物馆非常值得参观。

Lesson 2 题组1


1. I wanted to pay the train_______,but my friend insisted. Finally I had to________. A. fee;give up B. fare;give in

C. money;give out D. cost;give away 2.These ideas are often difficult to ________ in practice.

A. show B. apply C. keep D. give

3. I have been out of work for half a year,so I want to_______a job in this company.

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A. prepare for B. apply for C. wait for D. care for

4.How much we can get______how hard we

work.A. carries on B. gets on

C. depends on D. switches on 5.—Will you go skating with us this winter

vacation? —It_______.

A. all depends B. all depend


Ⅱ.1.B 本题考查两点:第一,fee,fare与cost的区

别。fee为报酬,而fare指票价。cost指代价。第二,give与副词的搭配。give in让步;give up放弃;give out用完;give away分发;泄露;赠送。句意:我想付火车票钱,而朋友坚持付,最后我只能让步。

2.B 句意:这些主意很难应用到实践中去。apply应用。

3.B 句意:我已经失业半年了,所以想在这家公司申请一份工作。与out of work相联系,此处只能用

C. is all depended D. is all depending

6.—How long are you staying? —I don’t know,______. A. everything is OK B. never mind C. it depends D. it doesn’t matter 7.We offered him our congratulations_______his passing the college entrance exam.

A. at B. of C. for D. on

apply for意为“申请”。 4.C depend on取决于。

5.A It all depends.看情况而定。 6.C it depends视情况而定。

7.D 考查表示祝贺的用语。句意:我们祝贺他通过了高考。congratulations常与on连用。

题组2 Ⅱ.选词填空 (pay, income, fare)

1 .Children travel at half ________. 2.Tourism is a major source of____for the area.

3.The workers strongly asked for a________increase.

A. applied B. devoted C. poured D. squeezed

4.Jackson has been out of work for a long time. So he wants to_______a job in this factory. A. prepare for B. wait for C. care for D. apply for 5.After the short holiday,Tom went back to school and_______himself once more to his studies.

A. arranged B. applied C. accomplished D. attracted 6.Whether an operation should be performed in this case_______very much on the patient’s conditions. A. relies B. bases C. focuses D. depends 7.—How long will you be staying? —I don’t know._______.

A. That’s OK B. Never mind


1.Some people________live a busy life because their children depend on them to babysit. A. retiring B. retired C. tiring D. tired

2.She was________ahead of time because of her poor health,but she could still get an old age pension(养老金). A. retired B. fired C. dismissed D. left

3.You are really careless to cut your finger. The medicine should be____to the cut three times a day.

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C. That depends D. It doesn’t matter 8.The head manager asked the young man to _______himself more neatly.

A. wear B. put on C. have on D. dress

9.When the boy caught sight of the young woman_________in white he started crying immediately.

A. dressed B. wearing

C. worn D. putting on 10. While he was in his college days he used to ________long hair,which made his parents angry.

A. dress B. wear C. put on D. grow 11.His mind wanders _______. A. in time B. at one time C. at times D. on time

12. Cars are getting better________. A. in no time B. in all C. all the time D. above all 13.Anne felt nervous________she gave a speech in front of so many students. A. for the first time B. the first time

C. at the first time D. the first time that

14.—Guess what!I came across an old friend at the party last night. —________!I’m sure you had a wonderful time.

A. Sounds good B. Very well C. How nice D. All right 15.—I’ve passed my English test finally. —Really?________!

A. It’s an obvious fact B. Congratulations

C. I suppose you are right D. No way

16.—How about seeing the new movie at the

theatre tonight?

—_______,but I have to go over my notes

for tomorrow’s exams.

A. All right B. Sounds great

C. I can’t D. No,I am terribly sorry 17.—Go for a picnic this weekend,OK? —_______.I love getting close to nature. A. I couldn’t agree more B. I’m afraid not C. I believe not D. I don’t think so 18.Lynd and hundreds of young people like him_______the post of the government office worker.

A. looked for B. applied for C. looked after D. applied to 19. —My son has won the English contest! —Congratulations! —________. A. No, no,he is nothing B. You are right C. Sometimes he is intelligent D. Oh,thank you

20. I’m planning to hold a party in the open air,but I can make no guarantees(保证)because it________the weather.

A. links with B. depends on C. connects to D. decides on

21.My mother is a________teacher;she often travels now.

A. retire B. retired C. retiring D. retirement 22.Many young people would like to_______T-shirts and jeans.

A. put on B. dress C. dress up D. wear


Ⅲ.1.B 句意:许多退了休的人过着一种忙碌的生活,因为

他们的子女要依靠他们给自己照看孩子。Some people retired= Some people who are retired,即形容词retired作后置定语。

2.A 句意:虽然由于健康不佳她提前退休了,但是她仍能领取养老金。retired“退休的”,符合题意。fire/dismiss“开除,解雇”;leave“离开”。

3.A apply“应用,涂,敷”; devote“奉献”;pour“倒”;squeeze“挤”。由cut your finger及the medicine可知应指敷药。

4.D 句意:杰克逊失业很长时间了,因此他想在这家工厂申请一份工作。apply for是“申请(职位)等”之意,符合句意。

5.B apply oneself to“致力于,专心于……”。

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6.D 表示“依靠”时,depend on和rely on可以互换,但在本句中depend on意为“取决于,视……情况而定”。base on表示“以……为根据”。句意:在这种情况下,是否实施手术在很大程度上要看病人的状况。

7.C That’s OK“没关系,不客气”;Never mind“不要紧;没关系”;That depends“视情况而定”;It doesn’t matter“没关系”,回答道歉时的用语。句意:“你要待多长时间?”“我不知道。视情况而定。”

8.D 句意:总经理让这个年轻人穿得更整洁些。四个选项均为表示“穿戴”的词语,但是能够接表示人的词语作为宾语的只有dress,故选项D符合题意。 9. A be dressed in white穿着白色的衣服,dressed in white在句中作定语,表状态。句意:那个男孩一看到穿着白色衣服的女人立即哭了起来。

10. B 句意:上大学时他经常留长发,这使得他的父母很生气。四个选项中,表示“留头发”只能用wear。 11.C 句意:他有时候心不在焉。at times表示“有时”。 12. C 句意:汽车的性能一直是越来越好。all the time“总是,一直”,符合题意。in no time“立刻,马上”;in all“总共”;above all“尤其,重要的是”。

13.B the first time相当于连词,引导时间状语从句,通常意为“第一次”。for the first time只作状语,不能用来引导状语从句。句意:第一次面对那么多学生发表演讲时,安妮感到紧张。

14.C 由上句“猜猜看!我昨晚在聚会上碰到了一位老朋友”可以知道,应选C项。how nice“真好啊”;sounds good“听起来不错”;very well“很好”;all right“好;对”。

15.B 句意:“我最终通过了英语考试。”“真的吗?祝贺你!”只有选项B用以表示祝贺。

16.B 句意:“今晚去剧院看新上映的龟影怎么样?”“听起来不错,可是我得为明天的考试作准备呢。”英语中用来表示提建议的结构有How/What about... ? /Shall we...?等,回答时用Why not? /Good idea! /Sounds good/great.等来表示赞同,用I’m sorry, but…等表示不同意。选项C和D都生硬地拒绝了对方,不符合交际习惯。

17.A 从I love getting close to nature的暗示可以知道,答者对建议持赞成态度。选项A的I couldn’t agree more表示“我十分赞同”。而其余三个选项都是含有not的否定回答,均不合题意。

18. B 句意为:林德和几百个像他这样的青年人谋求政府公务员的岗位。apply for“申请”,符合题意。look for“寻找”;look after“照料,照看”;apply to“适用于……”。

19.D 前两句句意为:我的儿子赢得了英语竞赛。祝贺你。根据前两句句意,应该向对方的祝贺表示道谢。 20.B 句意:我计划在户外举办一次宴会,但是我不能保证一定举办,因为这取决于天气情况。depend on表示“由……决定;取决于”。

21.B 句意:我的妈妈是一位退休教师,她现在经常去旅行。题中应填入定语成分,retired为形容词,意为“退了休的”。

22.D 句意:很多年轻人都喜欢穿T恤衫和牛仔裤。put on表动作“穿上”;dress后接表示人的词语作宾语;“dress up”表打扮。wear表示状态,符合题意。

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Lesson 3 题组1



1. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice,________ they knew it to be valuable.

A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that

2.Tom promises he’ll come to the party________ he isn’t invited.

A. as if B. even C. even though D. because 3.Eating too much fat can ________ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A. result from B. contribute to C. attend to D. devote to

4.The results of the scientific experiments are valuable to us and they will _______ the success of our research. A. contribute to B. stick to C. expose to D. guide to

5. Jane has _______ a clerk with little money for over ten years.

A. married B. been married to C. married with D. got married to 6. Mark and Mary_______50 years ago. A. have been marriedB. have married 参考答案

Ⅱ. 1.C 考查连词的用法。句意:他们中的许多人不听他的建议,尽管他们知道那很有价值。as if好像;now that既然;so that结果;even though尽管,符合句意。

2.C 本句意思为:即使不被邀请,汤姆也保证参加这次聚会。even though即使,as if为“好像”之意。 3.B 句意:吃太多的脂肪将会引起心脏病和高血压。result from由于;attend to照顾;devote to投身于;contribute to导致,引起;有助于。

4.A 句意:这些科学实验的结果对我们很有价值,它们有助于我们研究的成功。contribute to有助于。 5.B 句意为:简嫁给穷职员十多年了。for over ten years为一段时间,因此用be married。

6.D 句意为:Mark和Mary在50年前结婚了。50 years ago为时间点,故用非延续性的got married。 7.B 句意:无论何时我遇到她,她总是面带微笑和我

C. have been marrying D. got married

7.Whenever I met her,________was fairly often,she greeted me with a sweet smile. A. who B. which C. when D. that 8. The performance_______nearly three

hours,but few people left the theatre early. A. covered B.reached C. played D. lasted 9.The customer bargained(讨价还价)with the shopkeeper for a long time,and finally they agreed_______the price.

A. to B. with C. on D. at

10. —What do you think we can do for our

aged parents?

—You_______do anything except to be

with them and be yourself. A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t 11.—I’ve passed my English test finally. —Really?________.

A. It’s an obvious fact B. Congratulations C. I suppose you are right D. You have yourself to thank

打招呼,这是经常的事。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代Whenever I met her,she greeted me with a sweet smile.这句话。

8.D 句意:演出持续了将近三个小时,但是几乎没有人提前离开剧院。last持续,符合句意。

9.C 句意:顾客与商店老板讨价还价了好长时间,最后在价格上达成一致。agree to批准;agree with同意;agree on达成一致。

10.A 答语句意:除了与父母待在一起外,你不必做

任何事情。don’t have to不必。oughtn’t to不应该;mustn’t一定不要;can’t不能。

11.B 句意为:“我最后终于通过了英语考试。”“是吗?


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1.I still may not forgive you_______you apologize.

A. even though B. so that C. only if D. now that 2. He pressed on,________ it was dark. A. so that B. as if

B.in case D. even though 3. It’s nearly seven o’clock. Jack_______be here at any moment. A. shall B. had to C. ought to D. have to

4.I told your friend how to get to the hotel,but perhaps I________have driven her there. A. could B. must C. might D. should

5.Everyone is encouraged to_______food or clothing for those who suffered a great deal in the flood.

A. attribute B. distribute C. contribute D. prepare

6.Don’t eat too much fat .It can ________ heart trouble and cause high blood pressure. A. result from B. attend to C. contribute to D. devote to 7. The road _________ all the new towns. A. links with B. links C. is linked with D. is linked

8. White has always been a ________ of purity in Western cultures.

A. mark B. signC. symbol D. signal 9.Many seniors________evening schools,believing that it helps to keep the brain active and the body healthy.

A. participate in B. take part in C. attend D. join 10. —How long will the program _______? —About two hours.

A. continue B. last C. stay D. remain 11. I often see the light in that empty house. Do you think I ____report it to the police?

[来源:学科网] A. ought to B. may C. will D. can 12.She won’t leave the TV set,________ her husband is waiting for her to have supper. A. even though B. as if C. when D. if 13.—Must I arrive here on time?

—No,you____,because your home is

far away from here. A. mustn’t B. don’t

C. don’t have to D. had better not to

14.—Mary looks so sad. Did you tell her about

the accident?

— Yes. But I ________her later. A. should have told B. shouldn't C. must have told D. ought not to have told 15. —Was the train late today? —No,it’s ______.

A. in time B. on time C. on the time D. in the time 16.The results of the scientific experiments will____the success of our research. A. contribute to B. stick to C. expose to D. guide to

17.All my family are looking forward to meeting you. You _______come over and have dinner with us this weekend. A. will B. mustC. may D. shall

18.John,look at the time._______you stop playing the piano at such a late hour of the night?

A. Must B. Can't C. May D. Need


1.You________drive into a street with a “No Entry”sign.

A. don’t have to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t

2. In crowded places like airports and railway stations,you________ take care of your luggage.

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A. can B. may C. must D. will 3.—Could I have a word with you,Mum? —Oh,dear,if you ________.

A. ought to B. must C. may D. should 4.Cable television is very popular nowadays because it _______ provide more programmes.

A. can B. need C. must D. should

5.Peter ________ be really difficult at times even though he’s a nice person in general. A. shall B. should C. can D. must 6.You _______ be hungry already—you had lunch only two hours ago!

A. wouldn’t B. can’t


Ⅱ.1.A 句意:即使你道歉,也许我仍不会原惊你。even

though意为“即使,虽然”;so that“为了,以便”,引导目的或结果状语从句;only if“只有”,引导条件状语从句,主句通常倒装;now that“既然,由于”,引导原因状语从句。

2. D 句意:他不顾夜幕降临,继续工作。so that“以便”;in case“万一”;as if“好像”,均不合题意。

3. C 句意:现在已经7点钟了,杰克应该会随时出现的。ought to“应当”,表示推测和可能性。shall常用于主语是第一人称的句子中,如果主语是第二、三人称,则表示“责备;警告”等。have to“必须”,强调客观需要。

4.D 句意:我告诉你的朋友如何到达宾馆了,但也许我本应该开车送她去那里。should have done表示过去本应该做某事但事实上没有做。

5.C contribute food or clothing for sb.为某人捐献食物或衣物。句意:鼓励每个人把食物或衣服捐赠给那些在洪水中遭受巨大损失的人们。

6.C 句意:不要摄入太多的脂肪。那会导致心脏问题和高血压。result from起因于;attend to照料;contribute to促成,导致;devote to奉献。根据句意,选项C符合题意。

7. A 句意:这条路把所有的新城镇连接在一起。短语link... with…意为“把……和……连接起来”,link“连接”。

8. C 句意:在西方文化中,白色通常是纯洁的象征。四个选项中,symbol意为“象征”,符合题意。 9.C attend常用于以一般的身份出席会议,到课堂听讲或去听音乐会等。take part in和participate in表示

C. mustn’t D. needn’t

7.—Sorry to trouble you,but_______I ask a

personal question? — No problem.

A. must B. ought C. could D. should 8. He___have been more careful.

A. ought to B. was able to C. couldn’t D. oughtn’t to 9.You _______ at him yesterday. A. oughtn’t to have laughed B. needn’t laugh

C. don’t ought to laugh D. need to laugh

主语在有关活动中担任一定的角色;join则指参加一个组织,并成为其中一员。attend evening schools表示“在夜校上课”。 10. B last持续,此处表示“节目要持续多久”。

continue“继续”;stay“保持下去,持久,坚持”;remain表示仍留在原处或保持原来的状态。 11.A ought to表职责。句意为“你认为我应该把这件事


12.A 句意:尽管她丈夫在等着她去吃晚饭,她也不肯离开电视机。even though“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。 13.C 句意:“我必须准时到吗?”“不用,因为你家远,所以你不必准时。”C项意为“不必”,符合题意。A项意为“禁止,不许”;D项意为“最好不要……”。 14. A 句意:“玛丽看起来很伤心,你告诉她有关事故的情况了?”“是的。但是我本应该迟些时候告诉她的。”短语should have done意为“本应该做某事而实际上没有做”。

15.B 句意:“火车今天晚点了吗?”“没有,很准时。”on time准时。in time及时;C、 D两项搭配不存在。 16.A 句意:这些科学实验的结果将有助于我们研究的成功。contribute to“有助于”。

17.B 句意:全家人都期盼着见到你。本周末你必须过来同我们吃饭。must“必须”。

18.B 语境表示“这么晚了难道你不能停止弹钢琴吗?”

Ⅲ.1.C 句意:你切勿把车驶进有“不得进入”标示的街道。


2. C 句意:在飞机场以及火车站这类拥挤的地方,你必须照看好自己的行李。must“须”。

3.B must在此处表示“必须’,一定”,答句的意思是“假

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4.A 句意:如今有线电视很受欢迎,因为它能提供更多的节目。can可表示能力,意为“能够”,符合题意。need意为“需要”;must意为“必须;应该”;should可表示劝告或建议,也可以表示推测。

5.C 句意:尽管彼得总的来说是一个好人,但是有时也会很难缠。 can表示推测且用于肯定句时,意为“有时可能”,符合题意。shall“将,会”;should“应该”;must“必须”,均与题意不符。

6.B 句意:你不可能饿了,两个小时前你刚吃的午餐。can’t表示推测,意为“不可能”。wouldn’t表示意愿;mustn’t表示“禁止,不许”;needn’t表示“不必”,故选B项。

7.C 问句意为:很抱歉打扰你,我可以问一个私人问题吗? could在此表示委婉客气的说法,不是can的过去式。

8. A 句意:他本该更小心些。ought to have done表示过去本该做某事,但实际并没有做。

9.A 句意:昨天你本不该嘲笑他。C项结构不对,而B项意为“不需要”,D项意为“不必”,故A项正确。

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Lesson 4,Communication Workshop,Culture Corner,Bulletin Board & Project


1.This is a junior school. You should go to a senior school________ girls of your age. A. for B. about C. from D. to

2.Thank you_______visiting our school. We look forward_______seeing you again. A. to;to B. for;for C. for; to D. to;for 3. When we visited my old family home,memory came ________ back. A. flooding B. to flood C.flood D.flooded 4. A notice was _______ in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.

A. sent up B. given up C. set up D. put up

5.They have______signs in some places to remind(提醒)the visitors not to step on the grass. A. put on B. put up C. put down D. put out

6. BBC chairman has ________ a decision about placing advertisements on the BBC website until later in the spring this year.

A. given up B. taken off C. put off D. referred to 7.Emergency line operators must always ________ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.

A. grow B. appear C. become D. stay 8. —I wonder how much you charge for your services. —The first two are free _______ the third costs$30. A. while B. until C. when D. before

9._______the Internet is of great help,I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it. A. If B. While C. Because D. As

10. The meal over,the managers went back to the meeting room to _______ their discussion. A. put away B. take down C. look over D. carry on

11.After months’ practice,they decided to ________ in the face of a lot of difficulties till success. A. carry on B. carry out C. put away D. put out 12.School children must be taught how to deal with dangerous________. A. states B. conditions C. situations D. positions

13. The financial crisis(金融危机)has put the world economy in a difficult ________. A. fault B. Condition C. failure D. situation

14.The father as well as his three children________ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. A. is going B. go C. goes D. are going

15.The more I think about him,the more reasons I find for loving him________I did. A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as 16.—Have you finished your first paper?

—_______.Just half of it. How about you? A. Not at all B. Not likely C. Not a bit D. Not yet 17.You’re driving too fast. Can you drive_________?

A. more slowly a bit B. slowly a bit more C. a bit more slowly D. slowly more a bit 18.You’d better get your room________.It’s_______.

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A. tidy up;in mess B. tidying up;in a mess C. to tidy up;in mess D. tidied up;in a mess 19.Some famous companies are forced to _______ practical measures to reduce their pollution. A. adjust B. adopt C. adapt D. accept

20.French fashionable dress has been ________by people in many parts of the world. A. adapted B. adopted C. advised D. adjusted

21._________ restoration of ancient architecture,the Chinese government has invested a large sum of money on it.

A. In case of B. In favor of C. In terms of D. In honour of

22.The price of the house is low and I love the garden_______.We can grow flowers and vegetables


A. in general B. in particular C. in total D. in common 23.Try not to start every sentence with “the”and______the beginnings of your sentences. A. vary B. decorate C. form D. describe

24.There is _______ furniture in that old- fashioned house,which was built in the 17th century. A. a variety of B. a large number of C. a good many D. a lot of

25.Even though they were much younger,we_______them as equals. A. handled B. treated C. managed D. received 26.The message is very important,so it is supposed_______as soon as possible. A. to be sent B. to send C. being sent D. sending 27.—You should apologize to her,Barry. —______,but it’s not going to be easy. A. I suppose so B. I feel so C. I prefer to D. I like to 28.The new graduates will have an ________ for their jobs at the job market. A. appointment B. assignment C. interview D. inspection

29.Journalists from all over the country were sent to _______ the Asian Games held in Guangzhou. A. cover B. interview C. discover D. inspect 30.—I would like to buy a new computer. —Well,we have several models_______ . A.to choose B.for choosing C.to choose from D. for choice 31.—How long______in prison? —Since 1998.

A. was he B. has he been C. had he been D. will he be

32.The soldiers got into______prison and set free those who had been put into ______ prison. A./;the B. a;/ C. a;a D. the;/ 33. It_______me a whole week to go over all the subjects of this term.

A. cost B. spent C. took D. made

34.Although we invited him to the party,Mr. Munday decided to______another late night______the computer room.

A. spend;in B. take;for C.cost;on D. spend;/

35.She had just finished her homework ______ her mother asked her to practise playing the piano yesterday. A.when B.while C.after D.since 36.The thief was about to take away my bag ______ a policeman appeared.

A.while B.because C.when D.once


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37. ______ give his fans a deep impression (印象),the pop star was ______ in a well-designed suit. A.So as to;dressing B.In order to;dressed C.In order to;dressing D.So that;dressed

38.—I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’t see you until 4 o’clock. —Oh,_______I won’t wait. A. no doubt B. after C. in that case D. in this way

39. John may come to see me tonight. I can’t go to the movie with you______ he visits. A. in case B. in order that C. because D. as long as



1 .Hundreds of jobs______if the factory closes.

A. lose B. will be lost C. are lost D. will lose

2. The shirt______very easily. No wonder that all shirts of this type_______out so quickly. A. is washed;have been sold B. washes;have sold

C. has been washed;have been sold D. washes;have been sold

3. This rocket is so designed that once______,nothing can be done to retrieve(回收)it. A. fired B. they fired C. having fired D. firing 4.The good news quickly______through the whole village.

A. was spread B. were spreading C. spread D. had been spread 5.I have to go to work by taxi because my car______at the garage. A. will be repaired B. is being repaired C. is repaired D. has been repaired 6. I have to go to work ______ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A. was felt B. is felt C. felt D. feels 7. I insisted that a doctor _______ immediately. A. has been sent for B. sends for C. will be sent for D. be sent for 8.—Where’s Emma?

—I can’t say for sure where she is,but she ______ be out shopping. A. may B. should C. must D. can

9.You don’t have to know the name of the author. You______find the book by the title. A. can B. need C. must D. would 10.—Is it good to look up every new word when I come across it in reading?

—No. You______because you are likely to guess the meaning from the context. A. can’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. ought not to 11. There was a lot of fun at yesterday’s party. You ______but why didn’t you?

A. should come B. must have come C. may have come D. ought to have come

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Ⅲ.1.A 句意:这是一所初中,对于你们这样年龄的女孩应


2.C thank sb. for(doing) sth.因某事感谢某人;look forward to (doing) sth。盼望(做)某事。 3.A 考查非谓语动词。句意:当我们去拜访我老家时,4.D send up发射;give up放弃,传上去;set up建起;设笠;put up张贴。句意:一个通知被张贴出来,以便告知学生们演讲的新时间.

5.B 句意:他们在一些地方张贴标志来提醒旅游者勿踏草坪。

6.C 句意:BBC主席决定推迟在其网站上添加广告直至今年春天晚些时候。

7.D 考查系动词的基本意思辨析。stay calm保持镇静。 8.A 后句句意:前两项服务免费,然而第三项三十美元。while是并列连词,表转折,意为“然而,但是”,其他几项表示时间,不表转折。

9.B 句意:尽管因特网很有帮助,但我认为在网络上花费太多的时间不是个好主意。while引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管”。

10.D put away“把……收起来,放好”;take down“拆卸,记下,拿下;look over “快速地查看”;carry on“继续开展,进行下去”。由句意可知,应选D项“carry on”。

11.A 句意:经过数月的练习,他们决定在面临很多困难的情况下坚持到成功为止。carry on继续开展。 12.C 句意:必须教育学生学会如何处理危险的情况。state状态,情形;condition状况,条件;situation形势,处境,情况;position位置。

13.D fault错误;condition情况,状况;failure失败;situation形势,处境,情况。

14.C as well as + n. / pron.短语结构不影响句子的主谓关系,即句子的主语应是the father,又由every Sunday afternoon in winter可知应用一般现在时态,故选C。

15.A as much as尽可能多,与……一样多;as soon as一……就……;as long as只要;as far as远至。句意:我越想他,我越能找到更多的爱他的理由。分析句意知应选A。

16.D 考查交际用语。not at all一点也不,根本不;not likely不可能;not a bit一点也不,毫不;not yet还没有。根据答句中的“Just half of it.”可知此处选D。

17.C a bit修饰比较级,放在比较级之前。句意:你开得太快了,你能开得慢点吗?

18.D 表示脏乱用in a mess,mess多与不定冠词(a/an)连用。句意:你的房间太脏乱了,你最好收拾一下。 19.B 句意:一些著名公司被迫采取实际措 施来减接受。

20.B 句意:法国流行时装(样式)已经被 全世界很多地方的人所接受。adopt采纳,采用。 21.C 句意:在修复古建筑方面, 中国政府 已经投入了大量的资金。考查的是四个短语搭配:in case of“万一,如果”;in favor of“赞成,支持,有利于”;in terms of“就……而言,从……方面来说”;in honour of“为了向……表示敬意,为纪念,为庆祝”。 22.B 句意:这个房子的价格便宜,我尤其喜欢 它的花园……。in particular特别,尤其。

23.A 本题考查动词词义辨析。vary“变化, 改变”;decorate“装饰,装修”;form“形成,建立”;describe“描述,形容”。根据句意,选项A正确。 24.D furniture家具,为不可数名词,四个选 项中只有a lot of可以修饰不可数名词。

25.B 句意:尽管他们更年轻,我们还是平等地对待他们。handle处理;treat对待;manage操作;receive收到。

26.A be supposed to do sth.表示“理应做某事”,是习惯搭配,而且send与the message之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故须用被动语态。 27.A I suppose so我认为应该如此。

28.C 句意:这些新毕业生将要在求职市场上面试求职。appointment “约会,指定”;assignment“委派,任务”;interview“面试,会谈,采访”; inspection“检查,视察”。

29.A 句意:全国各地的记者已被派去报道在广州举办的亚运会。cover报道,后接某事;interview采访,后接某人。

30.C 句意:“我想买一台新电脑。”“噢,我们有好多款式可供选择。”choose from…从……中选择;此处不定式作后置定语,其逻辑宾语是所修饰的名词。 31.B 句意:“他在监狱里待了多长时间了?”“从1998年开始(就在里面了)。”由回答中的since可知应用现在完成时,故选B。

32.D 句意:士兵进入监狱,释放了那些被关进监狱的

许多记忆一下涌上心头。flooding作came的伴随状语。 少污染。 adjust 调整; adopt 采取; adapt 适应; accept

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人。注意此句be put into prison中prison前不可加任何冠词,意为“被关进监狱。”

33.C 考查It takes/took sb. +some time + to do sth.句型。句意:我花了一周的时间复习这一学期的所有课程。

34.A 句意:尽管我们邀请他参加晚会,Munday 先生还是决定在微机室里再度过一个晚上。注意此句中in 修饰the computer room。

35.A 考查连词when当“正在这时,突然……”之意时的


36.C be about to do sth. when…正要做……这时……。

37.B 句意:为了给他的歌迷留下深刻的印象,这个流行歌手穿着设计精美的衣服。in order to为了,常放在句首,be dressed in穿着。

38.C in that case既然那样的话;no doubt毫无疑问;in this way以这种方式。

39.A in case万一,以免;in order that为了;as long as




1.I have_______signs in the garden to remind

(提醒)the visitors not to step on the grass. A. put on B. put up C. put down D. put out 2.I can't________your rudeness anymore. A. put up with B. get along with C. live up to D. keep up with 3.The football match has been ________ until tomorrow because of bad weather. A. put forward B. put off

C. put down D. put over 4._______ time and labor,cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only a thumb and three fingers. A. To save B. Saved C. Saving D. Having saved 5.Emergency line operators must always _______ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. A. grow B. appear C. become D. stay

6.At the foot of the mountain _________. A. a village lie B. lies a village C. does a village lie D. lying a village 7.In the room________a pretty bookshelf and a great many books.

A. do find B. is found C. are found D. have found

8.I don’t think George is the right person to

_______the plan. A. carry out B. set out C. put out D. bring out

9.Why don’t you put the meat in the fridge?Then

it will _______fresh for several days. A.be stayed B.stay

C. be staying D. have stayed

10.Just in front of our house ________ with a history of 1,000 years. A. does a tall tree stand B. stands a tall tree

C. a tall tree is standing D. a tall tree stands

11.I can ________ some noise while I’m studying,but I can’t stand very loud noise. A. put up with B. get rid of

C. have effects on D. keep away from

12.________ some people come here for a short break,others have decided to stay forever.

A. Because B. If C. Once D. While

13.It is difficult for us to ________ a conversation with all this noise around us. A. carry on B. account for C. bring up D. get through 14.He wants to go outing and my brother wants to _______. A. either B. though C. as well D. as well as

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15.When we design a building,we should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the passage, ________ lifts and toilets.

A. but B. as well C. as well as D. except for 16._______working in the firm,she spends a lot of time studying law.

A. As well as B. Except C. Except for D. While

17. E-mail, as well as telephones, ________ an important part in daily communication. A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. play 18.The previous chairman left the company in a terrible _______. A. mess B. place C. case D. power

19.I have to get my room _______ .It’s _______.

A. tidy up;in mess

B. tidying up;in a mess C. to tidy up;in mess D. tidied up;in a mess

20.She is a teacher,and a writer____. A. either B. as well C. also D. as well as 21.You can cook dinner if you promise not to_______a mess in the kitchen. A.make B. have C. do D. get

22.Jay Chou is well known _______teenagers _________a pop singer.

A. for;to B. to;as C. to;for D. as;to

23.Professor White has written some short stories,but he is ________ known for his plays.

A. well B. best C. better D. good

24.—If you like, I can help you with your English.

—It’s very kind of you to make such a(n)______.

[来源:学科网ZXXK]A. service B. offer C. suggestion D. point

25.We must________practical measures to reduce pollution. A. adjust B. adopt C. adapt D. accept

26.The fashionable dress has been _______ by people in many parts of the country. A. adapted B. adopted C. advised D. adjusted

27.Is there anything _______ you’d like for dinner?

A. in particular B. in special

C. in especial D. in particular 28. She’s very___about what she wears. A. especial B. special

C. particular D. general 29.—What do you think of the concert? —Perfect!I enjoy the last song________. A. in particular B. in place C. in return D. in turn

30.It is the ________ in Britain for a bride to throw her brunch of flowers to the guests. A. habit B. normal C. custom D. law

31.My younger brother is too_______about food,which makes my parents very angry. A. careful B. special C. curious D. particular 32.The couple decided to________a boy because they had three girls. A. adapt B. adopt C. receive, D. keep

33.Bill got up early this morning____the meeting on time.

A. to attend B. attend C. take D. taking

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Ⅰ.1. seriously 2. envelope 3. swallowed

4. adults 5. stockings

Ⅱ.1.B 句意:我已在花园里张贴标志来提醒旅游者勿踏

草坪。put on穿;上演;put up建立;张贴;put down记下;镇压;put out扑灭。

2.A put up with“忍受”;get along with“与……相处,进展”;live up to“实践,做到,不辜负”;keep up with“跟上”。根据句意选A项。

3.B put off“推迟,延期”;put forward“提出(意见、建议)”; put down“写下,记”; put out“使熄灭;发表,出版”。句意:因为天气不好足球赛已被推迟到明天举行。

4.A to save time and labor作目的状语。根据句意选A项。

5.D 句意:急诊热线接线员们必须一直保持冷静,并确保得到他们所需要的信息,以便于派出救助。grow变得;appear出现,显露;become成为;stay保持。 6.B 句意:山脚下有一个村庄。地点状语at the foot of the mountain用在句首,后面引起倒装,动词要用一般现在时,而且是单数。

7.C 句意:房间里有一个漂亮的书架和大量的书。本句为倒装句式,起强调作用。其正常结构为:A pretty bookshelf and a great many books are found in the room.

8.A 句意:我认为乔治不是执行这项计划的合适的人选。carry out“执行,实行”;set out“开始,出发”;put out“熄灭”;bring out“生产,制造,使显露”。 9.B 句意:“为何不把肉放人冰箱呢?那样它会保持新鲜好几天。”stay既可作行为动词,又可作连系动词,由形容词fresh可知此处stay用作系动词,意为“保持(某种状态)”。注意此处不能错选A和C两项,因为连系动词不能用于进行时态和被动语态。 10. B 句意:在我们房子前面矗立着一棵有

1 000年历史的大树。当表示地点的介词短语放在句首,且谓语为be, lie,sit, stand,come,walk等不及物动词时,句子要全部倒装。

11. A put up with容忍;get rid of摆脱;去掉;have effects on对……有影响;keep away from远离。句意:在我学习的时候我可以忍受一些噪音,但我不能忍受非常大的噪音。

12. D while“然而”,表示两种情况的对比。句意:一些人来这儿只为短暂逗留,而另外一些人则已决定永


13. A carry on a conversation“进行会谈”。account for“说明,解释”;bring up“抚养,教育”;get through“结束,完成”。

14.C 句子要表达“我哥哥也想去”之意。as well用于肯定句中,表“也”的意义。否定中常用either,though作副词表“但是”之意;as well as作“也”讲,连接两个并列成分。

15.C 根据句意此处表示在提供wheelchairs的基础上还要提供lifts and toilets,故用as well as表示“也”。注意:as well后不可跟其他成分,否则用as well as。 16.A 句意:除了在公司上班外,她还花了大量时间学习法律。as well as在此处是介词,相当于besides 。 17. A as well as连接主语时,谓语动词的数应与as well as前面的名词或代词保持一致。句意:电子邮件以及电话在人们的日常交流方面起着重要作用。 18.A in a mess乱成一团;陷入困境。句意:先前的董事长把公司搞得一团糟。place“地方”;case“情况”;power“权力,能力”;均不合题意,故选A项。 19.D tidy up“收拾好,整理好”,与room构成被动关系,故使用过去分词形式。表示脏乱用in a mess,mess多与不定冠词(a/an)连用。句意:我的房间太脏乱了,我只得收拾一下。 20.B 句意:她是一位教师,也是一名作家。either只用于否定句;also不用于句末;as well as作副词时,意为“同……一样好”;as well通常用于句末,意为“也,还”。

21.A 句意为“只要你保证不把厨房搞乱,你就可以在这儿做晚餐”。make a mess“弄乱”。

22.B 句意:周杰伦作为一名流行歌手为青少年所熟知。短语be known to…为……所知;be known as…作为……而出名。

23. C 此题考查修饰known的副词。句意:怀特教授写了几篇短篇小说,但他更著名的还是戏剧。题中为短篇小说和戏剧的比较,应使用well的比较级better。

24.B 句意:“如果可以的话,我可以帮助你学习英语。”“你主动帮忙,真是太好了。” service服务;offer提议;suggestion建议;point要点。

25. B 句意:我们必须采取实际措施来减少污染。adjust“调整”;adopt;采取”;adapt“适应”;accept“接受”。

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26. B 句意:这种流行时装(样式)已经被全国许多地方的人所接受。adopt“采纳,采用”。

27. A 句意:晚饭你想吃点什么特别的吗? in particular( = especially; particularly)意为“特别地”,是习惯用语。

28. C 句意:她对自己的穿着很讲究。be particular about…表示“对……过分讲究”,符合题意。 29. A in particular“尤其,特别”;in place“在适当的位置”;in return“作为回报”;in turn“依次”。根据句意选A项。

30.C 句意:在英国,新娘把她拿的花束抛向客人是一种风俗习惯。habit表示个人小的习惯;normal“正常的”; custom“风俗习惯”,尤指社会风俗;law“法律”。

31. D 句意:我的小弟弟对食物太挑剔,这一点令我

的爸爸、妈妈很生气。考查短语be particular about...“对……挑剔的”。

32.B 句意:这对夫妇生了三个女孩,因此决定收养一个男孩。adapt“适应;改编”;adopt“采纳;收养”;receive“收到”;keep“保持,保留”。

33. A 句意:为了准时出席会议,比尔起了个大早。


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(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)



1. —Why is he feeling down today?

—Because the suggestion he_______has been turned down.

A. put away B. put up C. put down D. put forward

2. Lang Lang’s piano is so big that it _________ too much room.

A. takes in B. takes on C. takes off D. takes up 3. She fell in love with Bruce Lee,_________ she met the hero.

A. first time B. for the first time

C. the first time D. by the first time

4. Reno________ to be a lawyer,and his parents spent all their money sending him to a famous law school. A. was expected B. was expecting C. expecting D. is expected 5. Allow children the space to voice their opinions,_________they are different from your own.

A. until B. even if C. unless D. as though 6. The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors(因素),_________ are beyond our control. A. most of them B. most of which C. most of what D. most of that

7. The Lantern Festival________the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. A. is fallen on B. falls on

C. is in D. is known for 8. There will be a____in the village church on Saturday. A. reception

B. graduation ceremony C. wedding D. Halloween 9.—The test was very hard to pass;even so,

I passed it finally. —Did you?_______! A. With pleasure B. Good luck

C. Come on D. Congratulations

10. It is said that his health________by years of hard-working. A. is destroyed B. destroyed C. is affecting D. is destroying 11. Please eat foods which _________ a lot of vitamins and minerals,_________ brown rice. A. contain;including B. hold;containing

C. keep;containing D. include;including

12.—Would you like to stay for another two


—Sorry,I_______.One of my best friends is coming to see me. A. mustn't B. can’t C. needn't D. ought not to 13.—Do you know our town at all?

—No, this is the first time I ______ here. A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming 14. You_______use my bike on condition that you give it back to me before I leave here. A. should B. must C. ought to D. shall 15. Xiao Ming _______the club and_______ a lot of its activities in his spare time. A. took part in; joined B. joined in;took part in C. joined;took part inD. joined in;joined Ⅰ.1~5 DDCAB 6~10 BBCDA 11~15 ABBDC

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(时间:60分钟 满分:120分)


three years.

分) —No wonder he speaks English so well. 1.This book_______twenty maps,A. to have stayed B. to stay _______three of China. C. having stayed D. staying A. contains;includes 10.If you are interested in the job,you can B. is containing;including write to our company and___it. C. includes;contains A. look for B. apply to D. contains;including C. apply for D. search for 2. We decorated the Christmas tree ________ 11.—How often do you eat out? flowers and lights. —___,but usually once a week. A. to B. over A. Have no idea C. with D. of B. It depends 3. Many of them didn’t accept his advice,C. As usual ________ they knew it to be valuable. D. Generally speaking A. as if B. now that 12.An increase in the price of drugs C. even though D. so that has_______the rising cost of medical care. 4.When she left the university,her A. contributed to B. turned to classmates_______the research. C. got used to D. come to A. carried out B. carried on 13. The school___by fire and was expected C. carried off D. carried up to be rebuilt soon. 5.They gave him the chance A. destroys B. destroyed to________designing new items. C. is destroyed D. was A. attend B. join destroyed C. take part in D. come to 14. The machine kept _______. 6.I depend_______you to do it. A. running B. run A. at B. to C. of running D. to run C. in D. on 15. The price of the house is low and I love the 7. I’m sorry, sir. Your palm computer isn't garden_______.We can grow flowers and ready yet. It _______in the service center. vegetables there. A. is repaired A. in general B. in particular B. hasn't repaired C. in total D. in common C. has been repaired Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30D. is being repaired 分) 8.Don’t take anything too______.If one is Year after year my brothers,sister and I prepared,one will be safe;if not,one will would lie in bed awake on Christmas morning. suffer. We were just 16 to hear my father's voice A. seriously B. smartly saying it was all right to 17 .Usually I was C. peacefully D. fortunately the first one to jump out of bed. I can still 9.—He is said____in the United States for 18 ,my growing eagerness(渴望)for the 19

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every year.

Even now as I 20 the boxes of Christmas decorations(装饰品)I can see the same familiar ones: the presents with our birth years on them,our five stockings(长袜),four for the 21 ,one for the dog. It used to be easy for us to 22 when to put up the decorations. But now since we all have 23 and social lives,it is usually a hurried activity. As we get older,the season almost brings a 24 to a little place in our hearts. The worst was the year after my grandparents had 25 .We couldn’t go to their house to celebrate the holiday any more. 26 ,we just had a get-together in our house. Now when I 27 to it,I miss the special 28 my grandfather gave me for Christmas. I even miss him 29 me “Jessie”,even though I can’t 30 when people call me that. Things change,not always for the good, 31 not always for the bad either. And the things that don’t 32 have the most important meaning to us,and I'm sure they will be there for the 33 of our lives. After all,every time I hear my father’s 34 “All right you guys,come on down,nice and slow”and we go down the stairs,first my brother,then me,then my sister,then my older brother,I still 35 the true Christmas spirit.

16 .A. advising B. starting C. wishing D. forgetting 17.A. come up B. come down C. come on D. come out 18. A. discover B. understand C. receive D. remember 19. A. year B. season C. habit D. result 20. A. throw away B. set down C. look through D. give up 21 . A. kids B. girls C. boys D. babies 22.A. wonder B. get C. record D. decide [来源:学+科+网]23. A. toys B. balls C. jobs D. candies 24.A.surprise B. pain

C. joy D. disappointment 25. A. died B. failed C. succeeded D. married 26.A. Possibly B. Indeed C. Instead D. Luckily 27. A. move back B. turn back C. step back D. think back 28. A. gifts B. news C. replies D. tools 29. A. bringing B. calling

C. telling D. introducing 30. A. follow B. listen C. watch D. stand 31 . A. and B. so C. but D. or 32. A. change B. grow C. appear D.happen 33.A. beginning B. rest

C. truth D. happiness 34. A. letters B. dreams C. promises D. words 35. A. need B. hate C. feel D. doubt



Christmas is often a day spent with family,but it’s easy to get a bit impatient if you’re forced to spend the entire day at home. Unfortunately,there’s not much to do on Christmas Day when most businesses are closed. If you’re sick of going out for Chinese food or heading to the movies,here are a few other choices for you on Christmas Day. l. John Deere World Headquarters(总部)

If you find yourself in Moline,Illinois,and want to know -ibout antique(古老的)farm equipment on Christmas Day, come to the show room of the John Deere World Headquarters. It’s open until 5 p. m.,


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you can have a look at antiques as well as the company’s latest offerings.

2. The Bunny Museum

The self-describedI“happiest place in the world”is open on Christmas Day in Toronto,Canada.Candace Frazee and Steve Lubanski host the rabbit-themed(以兔子为主题的)museum in their home, and it's full of their real rabbit pets and tons of rabbit-themed things. If you decide to visit here,note their gift-receiving policy:“Candace &Steve do accept bunny gifts.(And flowers,vegetables,postage stamps!)PLEASE DO NOT BRING THEM A REAL BUNNY FOR A GIFT!”

3. Branson,Missouri

We don’t want to get anyone too excited,but according to the entertainment boomtown's website,“Most of Branson’s major attractions will be open during the Christmas season. \know what you’re thinking,and yes,that includes the Hollywood Wax Museum.

4. Prince Phillip Island

Do you like penguins? Then,Australia does have an attraction for you!The Phillip Island Nature Park is not only open on Christmas Day, but has a penguin parade every night at sunset.

36.The activity of John Deere World Headquarters is meant to ________. A. sell farm equipment to visitors B. collect old second-hand equipment C. show its modern farm equipment D. exhibit its valuable farm equipment 37. What gift can’t you give to the Bunny Museum?

A. Living rabbits. B. Flowers. C. Vegetables. D. Postage stamps.

38. In which of the following places can you see something about Hollywood? A. John Deere World Headquarters. B. Branson,Missouri. C. The Bunny Museum. D. Prince Phillip Island.

39.According to the passage,Prince Phillip Island Nature Park is in _______. A. Canada B. China C. Australia D. America


Festivals around the world Raksha Bandhan

This is a Hindu festival held in August. Sisters give their brothers a rakhi,a bracelet made of thread. In return,the brothers promise to care for their sisters.


This takes place each year in Melbourne,Australia.There are boat races in the Yarra River,parades and art shows. US Independence Day

This is held on 4th July. The US flag is flown from buildings and people hold parties to celebrate the birth of the nation. Bastille Day On 14th July,people in France celebrate this occasion with flags and fireworks. It marks the start of the French Revolution.

May Day

The 1st of May is the day when northern Europeans welcome spring. People wear green leaves and dance outdoors.

Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

This is a four-day festival when thousands of people in costume dance the samba through the streets.

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc,the French girl-soldier is honored on the 30th of May. It was the day she was burnt to death by the English in 1431. 40.Which of the following is NOT one of the activities in the Moomba festival? A. Boat races. B. Parades.

C. Art shows. D. Dancing the samba.

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41.Which festival marks the day when the nation was set up?

A. US Independence Day., B. May Day. C. Bastille Day.

D. Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

42. Which festival is held in memory of a famous person?

A. Moomba. B. Bastille Day. C. Raksha Bandhan. D. Joan of Arc.


In most Western restaurants and homes there are rules about how to talk,eat and sit.

Usually dinner is enjoyed with quiet voices,and people are not allowed to bring up anything unappetizing. For example,if someone wants to leave the table to use the toilet,he has to do it without mentioning what he is going to do.

Meals are always had quietly. No eating noises are allowed. Therefore,people have to eat with their mouths closed. While drinking soup,coffee or wine,“slurping”is also forbidden.

How to sit at the table is also prescribed(被规定的).Everyone should sit up straight with one hand(usually the left)on his lap holding a napkin and the other hand(usually the right) holding the fork or spoon. The only time people are allowed to have both hands on the table is when they are using a knife to cut something,but as soon as the cutting is done,the left hand goes back to the lap. Also,elbows(肘)are not allowed on the table. People should never reach for any food on the table. They should ask someone sitting near it to pass it to them.

As soon as you are seated,remove the napkin from your place setting,unfold it,and put it on your lap. At more formal occasions(场合)all dinners will wait to place their napkins on their laps until the host or hostess places his or her napkin on his or her lap. While at the table,it is never acceptable to take your napkin out of your lap. If your napkin falls on the floor during a very formal event,do not pick it up. You should be able to signal a waiter or waitress that you need a fresh one. 43.What does the underlined word“unappetizing”in Paragraph 2 mean? A. Unforgettable. B. Unpleasant. C. Uncertain. D. Unexciting. 44. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? A. How to drink at the table. B. How to talk at the table. C. How to sit at the table. D. How to eat at the table.

45.Mary is putting both hands on the table. She is probably using ______. A. a fork B. a spoon C. a knife and fork D. chopsticks

46.From the passage ,we can know how to _______. A.use a napkin B.use a toilet

C.serve others at the table

D.refuse a dinner party invitation


Sydney ,5May 2010(BBC News)—An Australian girl,called Jessica Watsn,is 16 years old.She is nearly home after sailing around the world.But she may not realize her dream to get the record as the youngest person to make the journey.

After more than six months at sea,Jessica Watson is in the final part of her long and difficult journey around the world. She is hoping to reach Sydney Harbor later this month—a couple of days before her seventeenth birthday.

But although there is no question that she has sailed non-stop without getting any help during the journey around the world,sailing experts say she has not gone far enough to reach the record of being the youngest person to sail by herself.

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The influential(有很大影响的)Sail World website has praised her heroic(英雄气概的)achievement. However,it believes that rules are very important and must be followed exactly. To have made the world record—the youngest person to make a journey around the world,it says,the girl should not simply cross the equator and then return south. Instead,she should have sailed much farther north into the Atlantic to a point in line with France.

“We don’t want to take away from what the kid has done,”said the editor(编辑)of the website. “But it is one thing to be a hero and it is another .thing to be a record holder. If she had sailed three thousand seven hundred kilometers further,she could have said that she had broken the record.”

47.When did Jessica Watson probably start her journey?

A. In October 2009. B. In December 2009. C. In January 2010. D. In May 2010.

48.Why did Jessica Watson make the journey around the world?

A. To be a world record holder. B. To know more about the world. C. To be praised by the world. D. To become famous worldwide.

49. During the journey,Jessica Watson___.

A. spent her seventeenth birthday B. reached as far as France

C. got help from the Sail World website D. did many things all by herself

50. The Sail World website thinks ________. A. what Jessica Watson has done is perfect B. Jessica Watson should have done better C. Jessica Watson has made the world record

D. Jessica Watson has sailed into the Atlantic

51 .What would be the best title for the passage? A. Failure Is the Mother of Success

B. An Australian Girl’s Coming Birthday C. A Hero But not a Record Holder D. Success Means Working Harder


Thanksgiving Day is a special holiday in the United States and Canada. Families and friends gather to eat and give thanks for their blessings.

Thanksgiving Day is really a harvest festival.This is why it is celebrated in late fall,after the crops are in.But one of the first thanksgivings in America had nothing to do with a good harvest.On December 4,1619,the Pilgrims from England landed near what is now Charles City,Virginia.They knelt down and thanked God for their safe journey across the Atlantic. The first New England Thanksgiving did celebrate a rich harvest.The Pilgrims landed at what is now Plymouth,Massachusetts ,in 1620.They had a difficult time and the first winter was cruel.Many of the Pilgrims died.But the next year,they had a good harvest.So Governor Bradford declared a three-day feast (盛宴) .The Pilgrims invited Indian friends to join them for their special feast. Everyone brought food.

In time,other colonies(殖民地)began to celebrate a day of thanksgiving. But it took years before there was a national Thanksgiving Day. During the Civil War,Sarah Josepha Hale persuaded Abraham Lincoln to do something about it. He proclaimed(宣布)the last Thursday of November 1863 as a day of thanksgiving. Today,Americans celebrate this happy harvest festival on the fourth Thursday in November. Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving Day in much the same way as their American neighbours. But the Canadian Thanksgiving Day falls on the second Monday in October. 52.When do people in the US and Canada celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

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A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In winter. D. In autumn. 53. The first to celebrate thanksgiving were______.

A. the American Indians B. some people from England C. Sarah Josepha Hale D. Governor Bradford

54.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Thanksgiving Day used to be a holiday to celebrate a good harvest.

B. Abraham Lincoln was not the first to decide on thanksgiving celebrations.

C. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated to express the American and Indian people’s thanks to God.

D.There’s little difference between the American way and the Canadian way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.

55. The passage mainly tells us______.

A. when Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the US

B. how Thanksgiving Day came into being and how people celebrate Thanksgiving Day in different ways

C. that people in the US and Canada gain their crops on Thanksgiving Day D. how the way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day changed with the time and places



你的英国朋友正在做一个课题:世界各地的生日庆祝方式。他请你介绍中国学生过生日的方式。请你根据以下要点写一篇短文。 一、通常方式 1.生日聚会 2.生日礼物 3.生日祝福

二、我认为更有意义的庆祝方式和理由 注意:词数100左右。


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1.D 句意:这本书共包括20幅地图,其中包括3 幅中国地图。 twenty maps是这本书中地图的总 数,应用contain,强调某物容纳比其小的物品在内;

three of China是其中的一部分应用include,侧重作为整体的一部分或其要素之一被包括




2.C 句意:我们用花和灯装饰这棵圣诞树。decorate sth. with sth.是固定搭配,使用介词with。

3.C 本题考查连接词的用法。句意:他们中的许多人不接受他的建议,尽管他们知道那很有价值。as if好像;now that既然;even though尽管;so that结果是。

4.B 句意为“当她离开这所大学后,她的同学继续这项研究”。carry on“继续进行下去”,关键要记住on是“继续”之意,如:go on, live on等。

5.C 他们给了他参加新产品的设计工作的机会。take part in指“参加某种工作、事业或活动,并在其中身体力行”,符合题意。join指加人某一组织或参加某项活动(此时习惯后跟in); attend仅作为观众或听众出席或参加;come to“参加”,相当于attend。 6. D 句意:这件事我就指望你了。depend on sb. to do sth.“依靠某人干某事”。

7. D 句意:对不起,先生。您的掌上电脑还没有修好,还在维修中心修着。“没修好”和“在修着”是同时进行的,前面用了一般现在时态,那么后面的句子就要用现在进行时的被动语态。 8. A 句意:对任何事情都别过于在乎。如果你有备则安全,无备则受罪。seriously“认真地,真诚地”,符合题意。smartly“潇洒地,漂亮地”;peacefully“和平地,平静地”;fortunately“幸运地”。

9. A be said后接动词不定式形式。由for three years可知,不定式表一段时间的动作,所以应用to have stayed。

10. C look for (=search for)意为“寻找”;apply for申请;apply sth. to sth.把某物应用到某事。

11. B 句意:“你多久到外面吃一次饭?”“那得看情况,但是常常一周一次。“have no idea“不知道”;as usual“像平常一样”;generally speaking“一般来说”。

12. A 句意:药品价格的上涨导致医疗费用日益增加。contribute to“导致”,相当于cause; turn to“翻到;求助于”;get used to“习惯于”;come to“达到某种状态”,都不合句意。 13. D destroy是及物动词,它同the school之间存在被动关系。由was expected可知,空白处应用一般过去时。

14. A 句意:机器一直运转。根据句意选A项。

15. B 句意为:这房子的价格便宜,我尤其喜欢它的花园。我们可以在里面种花和蔬菜。in particular“特别,尤其”,符合题意。


16. C 根据该句后的Usually I was the first one to jump out of bed及my growing eagerness可知,作者渴望听到父亲的声音。

17. B 联系文章最后一段中的come on down及we go down the stairs可知,父亲是叫他们下楼,故选come down。

18. D 从上文作者对自己在圣诞节早晨急切行为的生动描述中不难看出,作者对圣诞节的

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