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名词复习练习题: 选择题(30)

( ) 1. Billy has saved ______ money for his college expenses.

A. a huge amount of

B. a large number of

C. the huge amount of

A. some advice

D. the large number of

B. piece of advice

( ) 2. Would you please give us ______?

C. some advices

( ) 3. Please pass me ______.

A. two paper

B. two piece of paper

D. two pieces paper

C. two pieces of paper

A. food A. bag of rice C. bags of rice

A. one

D. an advice

( ) 4. There are many ______ in the fridge.

B. fruit C. eggs D. bread

B. bag of rices

D. bags of rices C. pair

D. shoe

( ) 5. How many ______ can you carry, Billy?

( ) 6. This pair of shoes is for you, and that ______ is for Mary.

B. shoes

( ) 7. I like to wear this kind of ______.

A. shirt A. a thing

B. a shirt B. things

C. the shirt C. thing

D. shirts D. something

( ) 8. He can do all kinds of ______. ( ) 9. There is ______ under the bed.

A. a pair of shoe

B. a pair of shoes

C. the pair of shoes

A. news A. enough room

D. a pair shoes

D. information

( ) 10. Every ______ is important to the lady.

B. advice C. story

( ) 11. Is there ______ in your house to put in this large bed?

B. enough rooms

D. a room enough

D. vegetable

C. a lot rooms

A. egg

( ) 12. Is there any more ______?

B. bread C. banana


( ) 13. We will stay in China for ______.

A. one and a half years

B. one and a half year

C. one and half years A. in his thirties

D. half and one year

D. in his thirty

( ) 14. That man doesn’t look his age, I think he’s somewhere______.

B. in his thirtieth C. in thieties

( ) 15. She was very happy. She______ in the maths test.

A. makes a few mistakes C. made few mistakes

A. many potato

B. made a few mistakes D. makes few mistake

B. many potatoes

( ) 16. We need some ______. Can you go and get some, please?

C. more potatoes

A. Knife/used C. Knife/using

A. tooth

D. much potatoes

B. Knives/used D. Knives/using

D. toothes

( ) 17. ______ are ______ for cutting things.

( ) 18. What big ______ the tiger has!

B. teeth

C. tooths

( ) 19. Please remember to give the horse some tree______.

A. leafs

B. leaves C. leaf D. leave

B. piece of tomatoes D. tomato

( ) 20. On the table there are five ______.

A. tomatos C. tomatoes

A. ideas

( ) 21. They got much ______ from those new books.

B. photos

C. information D. stories

D. a

D. glass

( ) 22. What ______ lovely weather it is!

A. /

B. the C. an

( ) 23. This table is made of ______.

A. many glass B. glasses A. women’s teacher C. woman teachers

A. are

C. some glasses

( ) 24 There are fifty-seven _____ in our school.

B. women teachers

D. women teacher

D. was

( ) 25 The Turners ______ sitting at the breakfast table.

B. is

C. were

( ) 26. Lily and her mother are both ______.

A. woman cook

B. woman cooks D. women cooks

C. women cook yet.


( ) 27. I’d like to be a volunteer of Shanghai Expo in 2010, but I haven’t made a final ______

A. mistake B. progress

C. decision D. programme

( ) 28. ______ fiction you’ve got! Can I have a look?

A. How wonderful

B. What wonderful

D. How the wonderful C. favour

D. charity D. any cities

C. What a wonderful

A. help

( ) 29. Do me a ______ to turn the radio down while I’m on the phone, will you?

B. hand

( ) 30 Shanghai is bigger than ______ in Africa.

A. any other cities B. any other city

C. any city


1. A: What can I do for you? B: Three ______ (loaf ) of bread, please. 2. Do English people shake hands as often as ______ (German )?

3. Many world-famous ______(sing) and ______ (dance) like to give their performances in the Shanghai Grand Theatre.

4. Who is the ______ (invent) of telephone? 5. Who is the ______ (win), Tom or Jack? 6. You are a very good ______ (cook ).

7. Lu Xun was one of the greatest ______ (write) in the world. 8. There are different kinds of ______ (fish) in the sea. 9. Last week I caught two ______ (thief) with a policeman.

10. Uncle Li used to be a cook, but now he is the ______ (manage) of a restaurant. 11. He met some ______ (China) in London. 12. There were several ______ (sheep) in the field.

13. “Who is the ______ (drive) of the car?” the policeman asked. 14. She picked up a wallet, but couldn’t find its ______ (own). 15. The city’s air is polluted by many ______ (factory). 16. I’m sure there are ______ (mouse) in that house. 17. The bright boy later became a famous ______ (science). 18. Many ______ (act) are held to celebrate National Day.

19. My son has decided to change another job. His ______ (decide) surprised us all. 20. The ______ (develop) of digital television is very fast in recent years. 代词


I. Choices

( ) 1. The days in summer are longer than ______ in winter. A. one

A. we fiction. A. the others

A. you, you A. yourself A. Nothing A. any

B. others

C. the other

D. other D. you, your

( ) 4. It’s going to rain. Take ______ umbrella with _______. B. your, your C. your, you B. myself B. None B. some B. theirs B. us

( ) 5. Enjoy ______, Kate and Betty. C. themselves D. yourselves

C. No

D. No one D. neither D. themselves D. ours

( ) 6. ---What’s in the fridge? --- ______. ( ) 7. They were all very tired, but ______ of them would stop to have a rest. C. none C. them

( ) 8. Kate and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of ______. A. their A. our

( ) 9. Our teacher says dancing makes ______ beautiful inside and out. C. ourselves

( ) 10. Diana is thinner than ______. A. the two

B. another two C. any two B. You, he and I B. where

D. the other two

D. I, he and you

( ) 11. ______ danced together at the English party. A. I, you and he A. there A. Whose A. yours A. Other

C. He, you and I

( ) 12. How far is ______ to the nearest metro station? C. that

D. it

( ) 13. ______ language do you prefer to learn , English or German? B. Which

C. What

D. How

( ) 14. There are fewer books in my bag than ______. B. in mine C. in yours D. you B. The other

C. Other

D. The rest

( ) 15. There are three cars in the factory. One is made in Japan. ______ are made in China. ( ) 16. Is there ______ in today’s newspaper?

A. important anything C. important something

B. those B. our

C. that C. us

D. these D. ours

( ) 2. Every winter Simon and______ get together to look at each other’s drawings.

( ) 3. Students are usually interested in movies. Some like cartoons, ______ like science

B. anything important D. something important


( ) 17. Children, don’t play with matches, or you’ll hurt ______. A. you

B. yourself

C. yourselves D. yourselfs

D. Another

D. are all

( ) 18. Some dinosaurs were as small as chickens; ______ were as big as ten elephants. A. the others B. Others A. are both A. others it

C. the other

( ) 19. She said her parents ______ taxi drivers. B. all were B. it others

C. were both

( ) 20. He showed me the model first and then showed ______.

C. it to others D. it for others C. another

D. Others

( ) 21. He has an apple in one hand and an orange in his ______.

A. other one

B. the other one

( ) 22. Last night Patty kept doing the maths exercises ______ after ______. A. one, the other C. some , others A few

B. one, another D. One, the other C. little

D. a little

( ) 23. I can’t answer this question. I know ______ about it. B. a few

( ) 24. The presents are for ______. A. you and I A. little

B. you and me C. me and you D. I and you B. a little

C. few

D. a few

( ) 25 He is new here, so he has ______ friends. ( ) 26. The boy received ______ education that he ______ hardly write his own name. A. such little…could C. so few…couldn’t A. me, his A. Both

B. so little…could

D. Such few…couldn’t

D. my, his D. Neither D. It, itself

( ) 27. The bicycle doesn’t belong to ______. Maybe it’s______. B. mime, him C. I, he B. All

( ) 28. ______ of the two girls likes dancing. C. Every

( ) 29. A: She speaks English very well, who taught ______? B: Nobody! She taught _____. A. him, himself B. her, herself C. hers, herself

( ) 30. My new computer is different from ______. A. you

B. your

C. yours

D. yourself

( ) 31. Jane can work out the problem ______ in three days. A. her

B. hers

C. she

D. herself

( ) 32. Let me introduce ______ to you A. me

B. myself C. I


D. my

________ Mary ________ Tom is an American. 6. Tom isn't as tall as Mary. (改为同义句) Mary is ________ ________ Tom.

7. If you don’t study hard, you will fail the exam. (改为同义句) Study hard, ________ you will fail the text.

8. He was ill, so he didn’t come to school today. (改为同义句) ________ he was ill, he didn’t come to school today. 9. Both Mary and Tom are students. (改为同义句) ________ ________ Tom ________ ________ is a student. 10. I don’t know when we will have lunch.(改为简单句) I don’t know _________ ________ have lunch. 11. Be quick, and you’ll catch the bus.(改为同义句) ________ ________ are quick, you will catch the bus. 12. Both of these books are mine. (改成相反意思) ________ ________ these books is mine.


1. Look, who ________ (sing) a pop song in the room. 2. The teacher said the earth ________ (go) around the sun. 3. I hope that you _________ (come) to Shanghai next spring.

4. Last night while I ________ (do) my maths exercises, my parents ________ (watch) TV. 5. By the end of last term, we ________ (learn) ten English songs. 6. The police ________ (catch) the thief yesterday.

7. I'll give the message to her as soon as she ________ (return). 8. He ________ (write) two letters since last month. ( ) 9. Susan's sister ______ the Walkman for two years.

A. has had

B. had C. has bought D. bought

D. was

( ) 10. If it ______ fine tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.

A. will be B. does be C. is

( ) 11. The Blacks ______ their family meeting from 7:30 to 9:00 yesterday evening.

A. are having B. were having C. was having D. had A. comes B. will

C. come

D. came

( ) 12. We will start as soon as our team leader ______.

( ) 13. He told us that he ______ English in this school since 1992.

A. have taught B. taught

C. had taught D. has taught


( ) 14. They ______ each other and been in love since they were little.


1 They write many business letters every day. Many business letters ________ ________ every day. 2. Most of the people in that country speak French.

French. ________ ________ by most of the people in that country. 3. Thousands of people visit the Great Wall every day. The Great Wall ________ ________ by thousand of people. 4. Mr Wang set up a private school in that village.

A private school ________ ________ up in that village by Mr. Wang. 5. They used a new kind of explosive to destroy the old bridge.

A new kind of explosive ________ ________ to destroy the old bridge by them. 6. We must finish our homework every day.

Our homework ________ ________ ________ every day. 7. My father will buy a new bicycle for me.

A new bicycle ________ ________ ________ for me by my father. 8. The school will award Billy a computer next week. Bill ________ ________ ________ a computer next week. 9. Nurses must take good care of the babies.

Babies ________ ________ ________ good care of by nurses. 10. We should praise the boy for his honesty.


A. had known A. finished A. showed

B. knew C. know D. have known. B. has finished C. had finished B. had showed C. are showing

D. finishes. D. were showing.

( ) 15. By the end of last month, he ______ half of this work.

( ) 16. Look! My friends ______ some foreigners around the ancient church now. ( ) 17. Unless it rains, we ______ a picnic.

A. are having B. would have C. will have A. called A. attends

B. will call

D. were having.

( ) 18. I ______ you as soon as I get to London.

C. would call D. calls

C. attend

D. have attended.

( ) 19. Bob and Jack ______ a lecture once a month.

B. attended

( ) 20. If you are ill, you ______ the meeting.

A. won't have B. wouldn't have C. don't have D. haven't had.

The boy ________ ________ ________ for honesty by us. 11. The window _______by the naughty boy yesterday.

A. breaks A. keep A. hold

B. broke

C. is broken

C. keeping

D. was broken.

D. kept D. takes place

12. The food and medicine must _______ at a low temperature.

B. be kept B. are held

13. The Olympic Games _______ every four years.

C. is taken place

14. The girls _______ to go out at night.

A. isn't allowed

B. mustn't allowed

C. aren't allowed A. are learnt A. will built A. is welcomed

D. wasn't allowed.

D. is learnt

D. are built

15. English _______ by many people as a second language.

B. were learnt C. learnt B. has built

16. A Children's Palace _______ by them in that city.

C. will be built

17. That restaurant _______at that time.

B. was welcomed D. welcomes

C. is made

D. have made

C. was being welcomed A. will be made

18. New laws _______ to fight pollution.

B. will make

19. The wet clothes _______ outside.

A. should hang up C. should be hung up A. is... held


( ) 1. I _______ much of the passage, but I don't find it interesting.

A. read


B. should hung up

D. should be hanged up C. was...held

D. has... been held.

20. Where _______ the World Expo 2010 _______?

B. will...be held

B. have been read

C. am reading

A. finishes C. finished

D. have already read

B. am finishing D. will finish

( ) 2. As soon as she _______ the work, she will set out for Nanjing.

( ) 3. Since then, we _______ a letter from the Blacks.

A. have never got C. will not get

B. did not get D. don't get

( ) 4. We are looking forward to _______ you both soon.

A. meeting A. is

B. meet

C. met

D. meets

( ) 5. The professor _______ in that chemistry lab at that time.

B. are

C. was

D. were

D. take

( ) 6. They _______ many photos with their foreigners last week.

A. taken A. had

B. was taken

C. took

( ) 7. We _______ supper at six yesterday evening.

B. are having D. were having C. is turning

D. turned

C. have

A. turn

( ) 8. The earth _______ round the sun.

B. turns

( ) 9. --- How soon _______ you _______? --- In two days.

A. do ....you arrive C. will ....arrive

A. had learned C. learned

A. holds

B. going to ....arrive

D. are ....arrive

( ) 10. By the end of last term, we _______1,500 English words.

B. have learned

D. were learned C. will be held

D. was held

( ) 11. We are glad that the 2008 Olympic Games _______ in Beijing.

B. will hold


( ) 12. When he heard the loud noise, he went out to see what _______.

A. will happen C. had happened

A. won't finish C. had finished

A. was built

B. was happening

D. is happening

( ) 13. Sorry Dad, I _______ my work yet. But I will try my best.

B. haven't finished

D. have finished

D. builds

( ) 14. Yangpu Bridge _______ ten years ago, but it still looks magnificent.

B. is built

C. built

( ) 15. If it _______ tomorrow, we _______ out for a picnic.

A. not rain....will go C. isn't rain....will go A. leaves A. had seen

B. doesn't rain...will go D. doesn't rain... go

( ) 16. My father _______ for Beijing in two days.

B. is leaving

B. has seen

C. is going to leave D. left

C. saw

D. will see

( ) 17. My teacher told us what she _______ in the Science Museum.

( ) 18. There _______ a football match on the playground this afternoon.

A. has been A. will pay A. started

B. is

C. will be C. paid B. will start D. didn't start C. laid

D. lied

D. had been

D. pay

( ) 19. He thought the insurance company _______ him $2,000,000 if it was stolen.

B. would pay

( ) 20. He _______ doing his homework until his mother came back.

C. won't start

A. lay

( ) 21. Mum, I've _______ the table. Can we begin our dinner?

B. lain

( ) 22. --- _______ I finish the homework now, Mum? --- No, you _______. You can do it after dinner.

A. Must ....needn't C. May....can't A. use to...goes

B. Must...mustn't D. May.....may B. is used to ....is going D. used to...goes

D. had caught

D. can

( ) 23. My father _______ walk to work, but now he _______ to work by bike.

C. used to ...is going A. caught A. should

( ) 24. The thieves _______ by the policemen yesterday afternoon.

B. are caught

B. may

C. were caught

( ) 25. We _______ keep the new traffic law and learn how to protect ourselves.

C. need

( ) 26. His parents _______ pay for his education.

A. doesn't need to C. needn't to A. will sleep C. sleeps A. says

B. don't need to

D. doesn't have B. is sleeping

( ) 27. Be quiet! The baby _______ in the next room.

D. are sleeping

C. speaks

D. talks

( ) 28. The weather report _______ it is going to rain tonight.

B. tells

( ) 29. _______ children _______ watching cartoons?

A. Does....like C. Do ...like

B. Are ...like

D. Does...likes

( ) 30. Mike _______ be here now because he has just gone to Washington. 动词不定式练习 I. 单项选择:

1. It's important ______ and helpful.


A. does she A. is

B. doesn’t she C. doesn’t Mary

C. does C. Where

D. don’t she D. doesn’t

6.She is a good student, ______ she?

B. isn’t

7. ______do you ride to school every day?

A. What time B. What A. How A. What A. Whom

D. How

8. ______have you been to Suzhou?

B. How long C. How many times D. How often B. How

C. Which

D. Where

9. ______ is the weather today? 10. ______swept the floor just now?

B. Whose

C. How

D. Who

D. When

11. ______is today? It’s Saturday.

A. Which date B. What date A. How often B. When A. Who A. What A. When A. When

A. needn’t

C. What day

12. ______may the heron dance? Once a day.

C. How

D. Where

13. ______did you write to yesterday?

B. What C. Where D. How B. Whose C. What D. Which

C. How C. Why

D. Which D. What

14. ______computer is this? It’s mine. 15. ______is the time by your watch?

B. What B. How

16. ______didn’t you come early this morning? 17. We ______any chocolates. Let’s buy some fruit.

B. needn’t to

C. don’t need D. need

D. Where

18. ______apples have you in your fridge?

A. How much B. How many C. Whose 19. A: Shall we play football here?

B: No, you ______. Look at the sign. It says “No ball games here!”

A. shan’t B: ______


B. can’t C. may not D. mustn’t

20. A: Do you prefer tea or coffee?

A. Coffee, please. C. Yes, I do.

B. I like tea best.

D. No, I don’t.

祈使句与感叹句 (吴泾中学供稿) I. Choose the best answer. 1) Mary, ______ the door!

A) minds A) meeting A) What

A) What an


C) minding

D) to mind

D) to meet D) What a D) How

2) Let’s ______ at the entrance.

B) meet B) How B) What a

C) met C) How a C) What

3) ______ great day July1, 1997 was!

4) ______ exciting event the 2006 World Cup is! (06)

5) “Tom, ______ afraid of speaking in public. You are no longer a small boy.” Said Mum.(04) A) not be B) not to be A) What

B) How

C) be not D) don’t be

C) How a

D) What a

6) ______ happy life we are living now!

7) ______ it is to surf the Internet in our computer lessons! A) What great fun

B) How great funny

C) What a great fun A) a

D) How a fun

C) /

D) the

8) What ______ great help he’s given us!

B) an

9) A: Jacky, look at that Japanese sumoist(相扑手) B: Wow, ______! A) How a fat man C) How fat man A) How careful


1) Be careful.(改为否定句)


B) What a fat man D) What fat man B) What careful

10) ______ they are listening to the teacher!

C) How carefully

D)What carefully

________ ________ careful.

2) Throw paper on the ground, please. (否定句) ________ ________ paper on the ground. 3) How beautiful the vases are! (改为同义句) ________ ________ vases they are! 4) She is an intelligent girl. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ intelligent girl(she is)! 5) You’ve given me important advice. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ advice you’ve given me!

6) Computers have played an important part in our daily life. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ important part computers have played in our daily life! 7) Mickey Mouse looks lovely. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ Mickey Mouse looks! 8) How clever the boy is! (改为同义句) ________ ________ clever boy he is! 9) How nice the weather is! (改为同义句) ________ ________ weather it is!

10) What beautiful flowers (they are)! (改为同义句) ________ ________ the flowers are!

11) What important information it is! (改为同义句) ________ ________ the information is!

12) You have drawn a beautiful picture, my boy. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ beautiful picture you have drawn, my boy! 13) The musical play is wonderful. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ the musical play is! 14) What beautiful music he is playing! (改为同义句) ________ ________ he is playing music! 15) David is a very careful worker. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ David does his work! 16) She played the piano wonderfully. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ she played the piano! 17) It’s a very easy maths problem. [改为感叹句]


________ ________ easy maths problem it is! 18) The boy is so honest. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ honest boy he is!

19) It is interesting to chat with you on the internet every day. [改为感叹句]. ________ ________ it is to chat with you on the internet every day! 20) What interesting news it is! (改为同义句) ________ ________ the news is! 21) Sit here. (改为否定句)

________ ________ here . . 22) Answer it in English. (改为否定句) ________ ________ it in English. 23) Copy the text again. (改为否定句) ________ ________ the text again. 24) Run fast. (改为否定句) ________ ________ fast. 25) Be brave. (改为否定句) ________ ________ brave. 26) Let John start early. (改为否定句) Let John _________ ________ early. 27) The dishes are very delicious. [改为感叹句] ________ ________ the dishes are!

28) You’ve cooked delicious food for us. [改为感叹句] ________ delicious food you’ve cooked for us! 29) Worry about your lesson. (改为否定句) ________ ________ about your lesson. 30) Tell her to call me tomorrow. (改为否定句) Tell her _________ ________ call me tomorrow.

简单句,并列句,宾语从句专项训练 (上虹中学供稿) I. Choose the best answers:

1. Her ambition is ______ a business woman.


A.) / B.) to be C.) have been D. has been C) take C) keep

D) taking

D) order

2. The teacher agreed to let us ______ the test papers home.

A) to take A) make

B) take B.) tell

3. Tom is only five . Don’t ______ him doing this or that all the time. 4. Jack as well as his classmates, ______TV every day. A) enjoy watching

B) enjoys watching

C) enjoy to watching

A) at

D) enjoys to watch

C) forward to D) out of C) lift

D) get

5. Many people look ______ coming to Shanghai for the EXPO in 2010.

B) after B) take

6. You’d better not ______ some unhealthy food to that campsite.

A) bring

7. I really have no idea where ______ the computer.

A. put B. to put C. can I put D. putting

8. In 2008, thousands of spectators will go to Beijing to ______ the Olympic Games. A. notice A. as well

B. see

C. watch C. and

D. look

D. but also

9. Reading can enlarge(扩大) not only your knowledge ______ your vocabulary.

B. as well as

10. What he does is not so ______ as what he says.

A) better A) so

A) eats A) cleaned

A) so

A) to join

B) good C) much better D) best

C) or

D) and

D) eaten

11. Tom has got a bad cold, ______ he still attends the important meeting.

B) but

12. If a person ___ too much of KFC's food with Sudan I , he may get cancer (癌症).

B) eating

C) ate

13. We will have an important meeting in the room. Please make the room ______.

B) cleans B) or

C) to clean

C) and

D) clean

D) but

D) joined D) how

14. To me, physics is difficult, ______ it’ s interesting and useful. I promise to learn it well. 15. Chinese New Year is coming. Why not ______ us for a short trip?

B) join B) what

C) joining C) who


16. Did our manager tell you ______ to do next? A) why

