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读书的状态大致分为三种:一是为别人而读,二是为有用而读,三是为兴趣而读。 处在第一种状态是最痛苦的,自己本不想读,但迫于外界压力却不得不读。好多中小学生就属于这种情形。在这样的状态下,读书真是苦不堪言。有不少学生曾咬牙切齿地发誓:毕业考试一结束,一定把××书杀掉。
第三种是为兴趣而读书。这是读书的自觉状态,而是一种境界。不为有用,只因喜欢。这些读者把读书当作生存的基本需要,读书已和吃饭睡觉一样必不可少。三日不读书,则自觉面目可憎,心里就空虚、失落、不踏实。 (李娇,《读书的三种状态》,原载《河南商报》2001年4月第10版)
Readers fall roughly into three groups. One group reads for others,
another for use, and still another for interest.
The first group of readers feels sad, because they are forced to read while they don’t like to. Many of the primary and secondary school students belong to this group. Their reading is really a suffering. A great number of students swear bitterly the burning of some kind of books after they pass the graduation examination. It is also true of those who read for diploma or titles. They are indeed doing a hard job.
The second group reads for use. These people know that they can benefit a lot from books and that they can benefit a lot from books and that they are well aware what they should read. They have clear purpose of improving their professional ability or widening their knowledge. For instance, computer people read computer books, literary people read novels, teachers read educational psychology, businessmen read
economics and administrators read politics and management. They read for obtaining some knowledge so that they can make a living and do something constructive.
The third group reads for interest. They are on their own initiative and in a realm of doing something not for use but for pleasure. These readers take reading as their basic requirements for living, which is as necessary as eating and sleeping. They cannot do without reading and if they do not read for some time they will feel shame, meaningless and uneasy.
(Three Groups of Readers, 马秉义译,载《上海科技翻译》2003(1),pp.63-64) 译文二:
Reading can be done for roughly three purposes: for others, for use and for pleasure.
Reading for others is the most painful. Readers with this purpose are compelled to read because they just hate reading. Many of the primary and secondary school students are in such a state of mind. To them, reading is utterly suffering. That is why quite a large number of students often swear bitterly that they will burn the damned books the moment they have had the graduation examinations. Those who read for diplomas or for titles of technical posts also feel the same. To them, reading means drudgery.
Reading for use is the most practical. Readers with this purpose know very well that reading enables them to gain success and fortunes, and that they are able to make their own choices according to their needs. To acquire more expertise or to enrich their knowledge, computer people read computer books, literary people read novels, teachers read educational psychology, businessmen read economics, and administrators read politics and management… Thus they read in order to acquire knowledge of a certain field so that they can obtain the basic skills to earn the family’s living and to survive in the society with their own their own genuine ability and learning.
Reading for pleasure is consciousness-driven. Or rather, it is the acme of the same of mind. Reading in this way is not for practical use but merely for enjoyment. Readers of this sort simply take reading as their basic needs for a living, and it is considered as indispensable as eating and sleeping in daily life. If they do not read for a single day, they would have a sense of shame, of loss, of emptiness and uneasiness.
( Three Purposes for Reading, 李明 译 )
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