
更新时间:2023-05-01 11:23:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Cabin Announcement

[1] 1.2.2 Flight Plan announcement

A.Flight Plan Announcement for First/Business Class

Ladies and Gentleman,

You are flying on China Southern Airlines’_____aircraft with a seating capacity of


We expect to arrive at ____airport at ____(Beijing time).(The local time in____will be____.)

Feel free to adjust your seat back to a more comfortable position.

[787] If you are seating by the window you can change the view by adjusting the button below the window.

During this flight,we will serve you with (dinner/night snack/refreshment/breakfast/lunch).

Duty-free goods will be available for sale after the meal service.Welcome to buy our duty-free goods.

For your safety,we kindly recommend you to keep belts fastened throughout the flight.

Thank you for flying with China Southern Airlines!

Thank you!

B.Economy Class/All class

Ladies and Gentlemen

You are flying on China Southern Airlines’A320 aircraft with seating capacity of 152 passengers.

We expect to arrive at Guangzhou international airport at 5 PM (Beijing time).

For you safety, we kindly recommend you to keep your seat belts fastened throughout the flight in case we experience unexpected rough air.

A1:The in-flight entertainment programs are available now.(Your headsets are in the seat pocket in front of you.)

B2:We will be pleased to offer you a selection of beverages and

(breakfast/lunch/dinner/refreshments/meal/night snack).


The second meal will be served 2 hours and 30 min before landing.

During the meal service, please adjust your seat back to its upright and locked position for the convenience of the passenger sitting behind you.

Duty-free goods will be available for sale after the meal service.

Thank you!

[2] 1.2.12 Estimated Arrival Information

Ladies and Gentleman,

We will start our final descent in____(time).According to the latest weather

report,____(destination) airport is____(sunny,overcast,cloudy),the ground temperature is

____degree Celsius or____degree 3151cf7e2d60ddccda38376baf1ffc4ffe47e20fvatories will be suspended in____minutes and the flight attendant will collect the headset.(Only in Economy:leave the in-flight blanket on board.)

Thank you!

[3] 1.2.13 Safety Check before Landing

Ladies and Gentleman,

We are beginning our final descent.

[not 787]Please fasten your seat belts,stow your tray table,(return your footrest to its initial position) and adjust your seat back to the upright position.Please help us by opening the sunshades.

[787]Please fasten your seat belts,stow your tray table,return your footrest to its initial position,and adjust your seat back to the upright position.For the flight safety we will adjust the dimmable window.

Please don’t the lavatory and turn off your laptop computers and other electronic devices.(We will be dimming the cabin lights for landing.)

Thank you!

[4] 1.2.14 Transit information

Ladies and Gentleman,

A:(We have Gate Information)


May I have your attention,please!We are please to announce transit information for passengers who have connecting flights.Upon arrival of this flight,passengers for China Southern Airlines Flight CZ____to____,please proceed to Boarding Gate number____.

Passengers for China Southern Airlines Flight CZ____to____,please go to Boarding Gate number____.

If your transit time is more than two hours,please to China Southern Airlines’ counter for further information or check in for your next flight.

B:(We don’t have Gate Information)

If you have a connecting flight at ____airport,please go to China Southern Airlines’ transit counter for further information or check in for your next flight.

Thank you!

[5] 1.2.15 Safety check before Landing

Ladies and Gentleman,

Our aircraft will be landing shortly.please make sure your seat belts are securely fastened.

Thank you!

Cabin crew,please prepare for landing!

[6] 1.3 After Landing

1.3.1 Landing at the Final Destination

Ladies and Gentleman,

Welcome to____.The outside temperature is____degree Celsius,or ____degree Fahrenheit.

(Upon landing of international flight:The local time is____(time)on____(date).

(We will park at Concourse No.____/area____.Your checked baggage may be claimed at the baggage claim area number____at the arrival hall/terminal.)

Our aircraft is still taxiing .Please keep your seat belts fastened and make sure your mobile phone is off until the “Fasten Seat Belt”sign has been turned off.

When the aircraft is securely parked,please be careful when opening the overhead bins as luggage may have shifted during the flight.

Upon landing of international flights:

A1(For passengers from an international flight to a domestic flight):

If you have a domestic connecting flight,according to the Regulations of the Customs of the


People’s Republic of China,you need to claim your checked baggage and proceed through the Customs for the clearance of both your carry-on baggage and checked baggage.If have any item to be declared please proceed to the Declaration Counter of the Customs.

A2(For passengers from an international flight to another international flight):

If you have an international connecting flight,please proceed to the international transit counter on the left side of the immigration hall.

If you have a domestic connecting flight,according to the Regulations of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China,you need to claim your checked baggage and proceed through the Customs for the clearance of both your carry-on baggage and checked baggage.If have any item to be declared please proceed to the Declaration Counter of the Customs.

If have any item to be declared please proceed to the Declaration Counter of the Customs.

Other flights:Your checked baggage may be claimed at the arrival baggage claim area.

(We sincerely apologize again for the delay of this flight.)

Thank you again for flying with China Southern Airlines,Sky Team member’s flight.

See you next time and have a nice day!

Thank you!

[7] 1.3.2 Domestic Stopover of an International Flight

Ladies and Gentleman,

We have just landed at____airport,a stopover of this flight.(The local time is

now____on____.)The outside temperature is ____degree Celsius,or ____degree Fahrenheit.

Our aircraft is still taxiing .Please keep your seat belts fastened until the “Fasten Seat Belt”sign has been turned off and make sure your mobile phone is off.


For passengers arriving at ____,please take all your belongings disembark.Your checked baggage may be claimed at the baggage claim area.

For passengers continuing onward to ____,may I have your attention,please!When you disembark,please take a transit card from our ground handling staff,and they will help you go through the exit and quarantine formalities here.

According to the Regulations of the Customs of People’s Republic of China,please take all of your carry-items with you go through the Customs.(Customers formalities for checked baggage will be completed At_____.)



For passengers arriving at ____,please take your passport and all your belongings when you disembark and complete the entry and quarantine formalities here.Your checked baggage may be claimed at the baggage claim area.

For passengers continuing onward to ____,may I have your attention,please!When you disembark,please take a transit card from our ground handling staff,and they will guide you to go through the entry and quarantine formalities here.

According to the Regulations of the Customs of People’s Republic of China,please take all of your carry-items with you go through the Customs.Any baggage left onboard will be handled by the Customs.(Customers formalities for checked baggage will be completed At_____.)

(Your crew will be change here.)

(We sincerely apologize again for the delay of this flight.)

Thank you again for flying with China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team member’s flight.

See you next time and have a nice day!

[8] 1.3.3 Domestic Stopover of a Domestic Flight

Ladies and Gentleman,

We have just landed at____airport,a stopover of this flight.(The local time is

now____on____.)The outside temperature is ____degree Celsius,or ____degree Fahrenheit.

Our aircraft is still taxiing .Please keep your seat belts fastened and make sure your mobile phone is off until the “Fasten Seat Belt”sign has been turned off.

For passengers arriving at this airport,please get your boarding pass ready for checking by our ground staff.When you disembark,please take all your belongings.Your checked baggage may be claimed at the baggage claim area.

(For passengers who will disembark):For passengers continuing onward to ____,we will inform you to disembark later.When you disembark,please take your boarding pass and follow our ground staff to the waiting hall.We will stay here for about minutes.The ground staff will clean up our cabin during this period,so please all your belongings from the seat pocket in front of you before you disembark.(Your carry-on baggage may be left on board but please take your valuables with you.

(For passengers who will not disembark):For passengers continuing onward to ____,please wait on board.We will be taking off in about ____minutes,For your safety,please do not smoke on



Thank you for flying with China Southern Airlines(Thank you again for your understanding patience during delay.)

Thank you again for flying with China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team member’s flight.

See you next time and have a nice day!

[9]1.3.4 Baggage Through Check-in Flight

Ladies and Gentleman,

Welcome to____.We will park at Concourse No./area____.Your checked baggage may be claimed at the baggage claim area( number____)at the arrival hall/terminal.

(The local time is____

The outside temperature is____degree Celsius,or ____degree Fahrenheit.

Our aircraft is still taxiing .Please keep your seat belts fastened and make sure your mobile phone is off until the “Fasten Seat Belt”sign has been turned off.When the aircraft is securely parked,please be careful when opening the overhead luggage bins.

According to the Regulations of the Customs of the People’s Republic of China,you need to proceed through the Customs for the clearance of both your carry-on baggage and checked luggage.

China Southern staff will be available to help you check through your baggage free of charge and help you with the Customs inspection procedures.After you disembark,please contact any of our ground handling staff.

If you have any items to declare,please proceed to the Customs Counter.

Thank you for your cooperation

(We sincerely apologize again for the delay of this flight.)

Thank you again for flying with China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team member’s flight.

See you next time and have a nice day!

[10]1.3.5 Landing at Seoul Incheon International Airport

Ladies and Gentleman,

Welcome to Seoul Incheon International Airport.The local time is____.The outside temperature


is____degree Celsius,or ____degree Fahrenheit.

Our aircraft is still taxiing .Please keep your seat belts fastened until the “Fasten Seat Belt”sign has been turned off.Please do not turn on your mobile phones.

Passengers carrying any plants including seeds,seedlings,fresh fruits,vegetables,flowers and bulbs are required to declare them with the Airport Quarantine Office.Passengers are not allowed to bring any drugs or meat products that are prohibited by the South Korean government.Those passengers who carry more than ten thousand U.S dollars or equivalent amount of foreign currencies are required to declare it with local Customs agents.

When you disembark,please take all your belongings.Your checked baggage may be claimed at the baggage claim area.(Passengers with connecting flights,please go to the transit counter at the terminal.)

(We sincerely apologize again for the delay of this flight.)

Thank you again for flying with China Southern Airlines,a Sky Team member’s flight.

See you next time and have a nice day!

[11] 1.3.6 Taxing after Landing(If need)

Ladies and Gentleman,

Our aircraft is still taxiing and we have not reached our parking area.For your safety,please remain seated with your seat belts securely fastened until the “Fasten Seat Belt”sign has been turned off.

Please do not open the overhead luggage bins.

Thank you!

[12] Product Introduction:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines flight CZ351, from Shenyang to Singapore (via Guangzhou) .The flight time will be 3 hours and 40 minutes. You are warmly welcome to join China Southern Airlines’ Sky Pearl Club-our award-winning Frequent Flyer Program. Please feel free to contact us. The in-flight upgrade service is available, if you want to upgrade, please let us know after taking-off. After the meal service, we will begin our in-flight duty free sales. Our Duty-free Goods Catalog, with product information, can be found in the seat pocket in front of you.. Thank you!

[13]Safety Check After Delay:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our aircraft is about to be pulled out for taxing .Flight attendants will be walking through the cabin to make one final safety check .


[not 787]Please fasten your seat belts, stow your tray table, (return your footrest to its initial position) and adjust your seat back to the upright position. Please help us by opening the sunshades.

[787]Please fasten your seat belts, stow your tray table, return your footrest to its initial position and adjust your seat back to the upright position. For the flight safety we will adjust the dimmable window.

Your cooperation will be appreciated.

[14]1.1.4 Greetings Safety Check for Take-off

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines, a member of skyTeam.Our flight CZ___ is

from___to____(via___).It will take____hours and ____minutes.

It is our great pleasure to greet our Sky Pearl Club frequent fliers again.

(Our flight is a code-share flight with___Airlines./our flight is a code-share flight.)

Captain___,(chief)Purser___and the entire cabin crew (including

___Japanese/Korean/French/Australian/Dutch flight attendants) are pleased to have you onboard with us.

A.We apologize for the delay due to the__(aircraft’s late arrival/waiting/ for cargo or passengers’baggage to be loaded/catering service/waiting for the flight documents),and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

[not 787]Please fasten your seat belts,stow your tray table,(return your footrest to its initial position) and adjust your seat back to the upright position.Please help us by opening the sunshades.

To ensure the flight safety, please make sure that your mobile phones,including those with flight mode,are powered off.

This is a non-smoking flight. Please do not smoke onboard.

We hope you will enjoy your flight.

Thank you!

[15]1.1.1 Boarding

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome aboard China Southern Airlines!


Please take your seat.your seat number is indicated on the edge of the overhead bin.

Please place your carry-on luggage in the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. For the convenience of others,please keep the aisle clear.

Thank you for your cooperation!


